The order was shocking and abrupt.
Jackie had prepared herself for that. Still, it was difficult to deal with especially when Ophelia was there, just behind her master, watching.
“Do it,” said Ophelia. “This is part of the process.”
Jackie realized she didn’t know the man’s name. This was the next step, she supposed. Before Ophelia all her lovers she had known well before she slept with them. Ophelia she had only known a few weeks before they had sex. With Jimmy she got a quick introduction and then nothing more.
Now with this man, she was going to fuck him without knowing his name or anything about him other than he was Ophelia’s master.
Jackie reached over her shoulder and unhooked the single button at the back of her dress. From there it was easy to pull over her head. Underneath she wore thigh high stockings, a pair of too-small panties red that barely covered her mons, and an equally tiny bra with demi cups that threatened to expose her nipples. Of course they were already partially visible through the thin material already.
The bra she pulled off without unhooking it. Her tits were small and it was expedient to do it that way. Ophelia’s master nodded in approval while examining her chest.
She hooked her thumbs into her panties and pulled them down, carefully stepping out of them and kicking them aside. She stood in front of the two for a moment, displaying herself and a confidence she didn’t fully feel.
“Her cunt hair isn’t what you promised me,” the man said to Ophelia.
The other woman’s lips twisted into an annoyed smile. “She’s done some trimming and shaving since I last saw her. Haven’t you, Jackie?”
Jackie nodded. “I wanted to be more like you.” She had shaved the sides of her pubic hair, forming it into a tight wedge. She had also trimmed the length but had been afraid to remove it all entirely. She had never done that. It seemed too bold a step but she knew it was going to happen.
“I like it. I like it when I fuck a cunt and I know it’s not yours,” he said to Ophelia, pulling her to him and giving her a kiss.
Jackie started to roll down her stockings, but he stopped her. “Leave them on. I like the look and feel of them. Take off the heels, though. I’ve been jabbed by too many pairs of fancy shoes in my life.”
It was easy to slip off her shoes. He walked up to her, put his hands on her shoulders, and for the briefest of seconds she thought he was going to kiss her. Instead he pressed down, indicating she should kneel.
As she did so, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He was soft and his manhood was pink and lovely. It was odd to see it pulled out like that, sticking out of his pants like he was going to urinate. A thrill of fear passed through Jackie as she realized that he might want to do that to her. He was otherwise dressed and was acting like this was a perfectly normal thing to do when meeting someone for the first time.
“Suck him off,” said Ophelia, taking a seat on the couch next to where they were standing. Her eyes were bright with anticipation. If this was her master she apparently had no trouble with other women having sex with him. It was obvious she liked the idea.
Jackie showed no hesitation. She had come this far and wanted to see how far she would actually go. She had given plenty of blowjobs in her life. What was one more?
She liked the way his cock was warm to the touch and started to rise the moment he was in her hand. It took little effort for her to get him hard. Jackie realized he probably had a kink for having sex with women he didn’t know. Or maybe this whole ritual was his kink. It was impossible to say. Maybe Ophelia had tricked her into doing this and getting younger women to fuck men she knew was a kinky game she played. After all, Jackie had no real evidence that this Society existed at all.
“Come here,” Ophelia’s master said to her.
She obeyed, getting off the couch and standing in front of him, just to the side of Jackie who continued to use her mouth on his hard cock.
He pushed her slip dress off her shoulders, letting it slide down her body and onto the floor. Now naked, she didn’t move as he took her large tits in his hands.
She made a soft whimper as he took her nipples between his thumb and finger. Ophelia kept her hands by her side as Jackie watched out of the corner of her eye. Ophelia resisted as long as she could and then moaned louder, before finally twisting her body out of reach of her master.
Looking up, Jackie saw him frown angrily. “You know that’s not acceptable.” He pushed Jackie away from him and tucked his cock back into his pants but didn’t bother zipping up.
“I’m sorry,” said Ophelia who had a worried expression on her face.
“To the room,” he ordered her. “Jackie, come with us.” He didn’t give her a choice. He grabbed her hand and dragged her as Ophelia raced to through the house.
By the time Jackie was pulled into the room, Ophelia was bent over a bench in a space that could only be described as a sex room. There was a bed, some bondage equipment, a pair of cabinets, some moveable lights and a tripod, and a variety of sex toys laid out on a low table along the wall. It was a repurposed bedroom; that was obvious. Ophelia’s slip dress was pulled up over her hips, exposing her soft white buttocks.
Dropping Jackie’s hand her master went to the wall, removed a paddle, and walked behind Ophelia. “Are you ready for your punishment?”
Ophelia’s voice trembled. “Y-y-yes.” Her legs, though not supporting her body, were shaking.
Jackie knew that some people liked to play with spanking and pain along with bondage and discipline and other extreme sexual behaviors, but she had never seen it in person before. Up to this point in her life her only experience with it was a few weak spankings during sex with a couple of different boyfriends.
Ophelia’s master—and presumably lover—hauled off and spanked her on her bottom so hard that the impacts sounded like gunshots to Jackie. She jumped each time the wooden paddle met soft flesh. Ophelia screamed each time she was hit. Jackie hoped that the walls were soundproofed and the house was far enough away from the neighbors.
She couldn’t have gotten more than a dozen spanks from the paddle but by the end of the ordeal, Ophelia was crying loudly, and tears were running down her face. It had only taken a few seconds but already welts were rising on her soft buttocks. They were bright red. Jackie trembled with fear.
What had she gotten herself into?
Turning, Ophelia’s lover looked at Jackie. He gestured to her. “Come over here and feel her.”
On shaky feet, she did as she was bade. He grabbed her wrist and brought her hand down to Ophelia, pushing her legs apart, and making her touch the other woman’s pussy.
Much to Jackie’s surprise, Ophelia was soaking wet. Her pussy was hot. At the slightest rub, Ophelia moaned. Jacke was familiar with that sound.
“Keep going. Make her cum.”
Jackie kept rubbing Ophelia’s clit. She couldn’t look at him and Ophelia stared straight ahead at the end of the bed. The noises from her varied from whimpers of pain to moans of pleasure. Behind her Jackie sensed the man was undressing.
“Make her cum and I’ll fuck you.”
At this point Jackie was certain nothing would stop Ophelia from cumming. It only took another minute and then Ophelia’s limbs were trembling with pleasure this time. The sounds she made weren’t all that different from the ones she made after the paddling.
Ophelia’s lover pulled Jackie to her feet and grabbed her hand to suck her wet fingers. He then all but threw her on the bed. He was naked now, his cock still hard from the fellatio she had given him. Or maybe he was hard from paddling Ophelia. Maybe both.
He forced her onto her hands and knees on the bed. Getting behind her he shoved his cock between her legs but missed the entrance to her pussy. Not wanting him to get upset, she reached down and grabbed his manhood, guiding it back to her pussy.
She was alarmed at how wet she was. He entered her easily.
“Good cunt,” he grunted as he grabbed her hips and started fucking her.
Jackie turned her head and looked at Ophelia who was watching them. It was impossible to read her expression.
Getting fucked by a man who she didn’t know was more pleasurable than she would have guessed. Anonymous sex was something that apparently appealed to Jackie; that was something she just learned about herself.
He was good at fucking. That only made sense. Jackie didn’t understand what was going on but allowed herself to be used. The orgasm that washed over her was unexpected. Her lover finished inside her a moment later. He grunted low and loud, concluding the session with a thrust accompanying every grunt.
After pulling out, he wiped his cock on her ass and pushed her over so that she was on her back. Jackie thought it was because he wanted to look at her.
She was wrong.
“Clean her up, then you’ll be rewarded,” he said. He was talking to Ophelia.
The recently paddled woman crawled up on the bed and put her face to Jackie’s sex. She licked at the younger woman’s slit and sucked on her pussy, removing the amrita that had moistened her lips, but more importantly she consumed the cum that her lover had left behind.
Ophelia kept her eyes closed and refused to look at Jackie.
Jackie watched the man who had fucked her. He went to the wall and hung up the wooden paddle and took down a small whip. It was a short wooden handle with a half dozen leather straps, each thinner than a pencil, attached to it.
“Is she clean?” he asked after a minute.
Ophelia lifted her head and nodded. “Yes sir.”
“Lay on your back.”
Jackie was certain she was going to witness more physical abuse of her coworker. Or maybe it wasn’t abuse; Ophelia wasn’t complaining and went along with what he wanted.
She didn’t know what to do when he pressed the whip into her hand. “Use it on her tits. I want to see if you have any natural talent.”
The whip felt odd in her hand though it seemed to be perfectly sized for her. The handle was slightly curved for her fingers. Each leather thong was a foot and a half long, dyed black.
“What…what do you want me to do?”
“Whip her tits,” he ordered. “I’ll tell you when to stop.”
Ophelia looked at her but there was no fear or anger on her face. Her hands, however, gripped the sheets on the bed.
Jackie didn’t know what to do. She hesitated for a long moment…and then she brought the falls of the whip smartly down on Ophelia’s exposed abdomen.
Ophelia gasped at the unexpected blow but managed not to move from her position on the bed.
“On her tits,” Ophelia’s lover said softly, instructing her.
“Won’t that hurt her?” asked Jackie.
“That’s the point. She’ll like it. Trust me.”
Jackie met Ophelia’s gaze. The older woman was breathing sharply through her nose, keeping her lips clamped together so she wouldn’t whine or moan or cry out from the pain.
Jackie found it impossible to understand what Ophelia was feeling, but she herself was scared and worried. She didn’t want to hurt her friend and lover, but she didn’t want to disappoint her either. She didn’t want to disappoint the man either.
While she didn’t exactly pull back the blow, Jackie slapped the whip’s falls on Ophelia’s left breast. The older woman writhed on the bed. She whined loudly but didn’t complain further.
Almost immediately a red blotch spread across Ophelia’s breast highlighted by the lines from the leather thongs.
“Again,” the man said.
Without thinking Jackie did it again, this time letting the leather straps slap against Ophelia's right breast. This time she didn’t pull back at all. This time she thrilled in the sensation it gave her to hurt her friend. To hurt her lover. To hurt a person who wanted to feel the thrill of pain and call it pleasure.
This time Ophelia did scream a little and Jackie felt it in her soul. It excited her. It was wrong and sexy and erotic and confusing all at once.
“Again,” said Ophelia’s lover. “More. Harder.”
He was right behind her, encouraging her. Jackie raised the whip and brought it down sharply onto Ophelia’s tits. She varied the blows, moving back and forth between the two lovely mounds, changing the force and target just to see what would happen.
Although Ophelia screamed out in pain and writhed around, she didn’t beg Jackie to stop. She was certainly in pain, but she loved it all the same.
The man moved closer to Jackie and put his arms around her body, feeling her heat and excitement. He watched as his lover, his possession, was whipped for his pleasure.
Eventually it was all too much for Ophelia, she moved her hands from her sides where she had been clutching the sheets, but not to her breasts to protect them. No. She moved them to her pussy. Jackie paused and watched her friend masturbate with abandon. Her tits must have been on fire but Ophelia was focusing on her pussy. Jackie could see the wetness seeping from Ophelia’s sex quickly cover her lips and fingers and then Ophelia lifted her hips off the mattress as she screamed out her orgasm.
It was one of the most erotic and frightening things that Jackie had ever seen.
She wanted to see it again.
She wanted to whip Ophelia—anyone—to see their reaction. To make them cum.
Before she could start whipping Ophelia again, Jackie felt the man’s hand between her legs. It was only then she realized how turned on and wet she was. His fingers easily went into her tunnel, but he didn’t focus on that. He pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy, rubbing hard against her clit. She could feel her amrita wetting the insides of her legs.
It only lasted a minute and then she was cumming, her entire body shaking. He held her up with one arm around her torso, the other firmly planted in her pussy while she twisted around so she could kiss him.