Chapter 11


Over the next several weeks Ophelia continued to meet up with Ken and Maddie together. She took the role of the perfect unicorn, but fun and sex wasn't her goal. She had orders from her master, from her mistress.

She bided her time and eventually an opportunity presented itself. There was a weekend when Ken would be out of town on work. Ophelia offered to keep Maddie company. Neither half of the couple refused.

The first night Ophelia just had sex with Maddie. It was the first time the two of them had been alone together. Ophelia spent the night. The next morning she promised she'd be back for a more exciting evening. Maddie said she couldn't wait.

Maddie was surprised when Ophelia showed up at her door with a male companion. She knew she should have said no. She didn't.

As it turned out Ophelia had taken the correct measure of Maddie. She was very much a submissive. She accepted the invitation to be tied up. She very much liked the spanking she received. The pain of the flogger on her pussy and the clamps on her nipples were beautiful experiences. She had fully expected to be fucked by Ophelia's companion. She was, but it was also her introduction to anal sex. Maddie was ashamed at how much she liked it. The man left that night but Ophelia spent the night in Maddie's bed. When they parted in the morning, Ophelia made Maddie promise they would do it again. They also made a plan as to exactly what they would tell Ken.

The next weekend the three agreed that Ken would be allowed to spend one night with Ophelia in her bed. They laughed about how it would seem to an outsider, like they were cheating on each other.

Ken was impressed with the house Maddie had. She accepted his compliment and said it was only possible with her job, so as much fun as it was to be a unicorn, she still needed to be discreet. She did have one request for him.

Ken was just as much a submissive as his wife. That only made sense since the two were so outwardly boring. They did everything together that Ken had always dreamed of but never had the courage to ask his wife.

Then Ophelia had a request for him. He had never been pegged before but he agreed out of curiosity if nothing else. It was an intense orgasm unlike one he had ever had before. He was ashamed of how he came all over himself. Ophelia assured him it was completely normal.

With some simple deception she had managed to get the both of them under her thumb.

For the next few weeks Ophelia continued to meet up regularly with the couple to reestablish a sense of normalcy. She made sure she was the one always in charge. They were happy to play the role of the submissive couple. They loved it. Then she asked them if they would take the next step and be her full-time submissive slaves.

Both were eager to say yes. Both were worried about their positions with the company. She reassured the both of them that it wouldn't be a problem. The next day she presented them both with collars. But then, instead of playing their usual sex games, she bound them to the bed and then called the number Harry had given her.

"They're ready," she said.

Ten minutes later both were taken away in separate cars for further training.

Ophelia didn't feel the least bit bad about her actions.

An hour later she was in Harry and Christina's basement. She wasn't bound to the wall or the table. She wasn't restrained in any way. She was holding onto the straps that hung from the ceiling, but only for the additional support they provided. Her master and mistress were taking turns flogging her. Ophelia's skin was bright red with pain. She loved every moment of it.

They didn't let her cum.

"We have one more reward for you before you get to cum," said Christina.

"Yes. Anything." Ophelia was happy to have found her place in life.

"So quick. So eager to please. So foolish," said Harry. "But you want this, don't you?"


"Do you truly want to be my slave to be owned by me?" Harry asked her.

Ophelia felt like a longtime lover had asked her to get married. She thrilled at the words, but then she immediately looked at Christina.

The small woman scoffed. "Don't look at me. I'm not taking on a full-time slave right now."

That confused Ophelia because she thought she was a slave and belonged to the both of them, but she said nothing on that issue.

"Yes, I want to be your slave and be owned by you," she told Harry.

The Society wasn't big on formal ritual but Ophelia said her words clearly and slowly so there would be no misunderstanding.

Harry nodded. "That's good. But if you want to do this, there's one more sacrifice you'll have to make."

That was the exact word that they had used when they pierced her. Ophelia was ready to make a second sacrifice.

"I'll do it."

Harry shook his head. "You're a little too eager. I like that."

An hour later she found herself laying facedown on the table she had been strapped to in the past, but always for purposes of kink. This time she tensed as the tattoo artist dragged his needle over the skin of her right buttock.

"It should be larger," said Christina who was watching the procedure with feigned disinterest.

"I want her to be able to wear a swimsuit in public and not have unwanted staring or questions," said Harry.

"She's your slave," replied his wife. "You can mark her however you want. You should be bold in it."

Harry ignored her. He watched as Sky worked. That was how the artist introduced himself to Ophelia. Sky. She was now accustomed to meeting people while naked. It was commonplace for her.

Ophelia had never wanted a tattoo. She didn't exactly fear needles—she was fine with getting a shot at the doctor's and she had suffered through the piercing of her clit hood—but it wasn't like she sought them out. Being told by Harry she would be getting tattooed made her rethink everything.

And she still went along with it.

Being a slave, being his possession, working for the Society had given her everything she wanted in life. It was time to enjoy it. To keep what she had earned, a little bit of ink was hardly a sacrifice.

The pain of the tattoo was mild. It wasn't nearly as interesting as the pain from being whipped or flogged or spanked.

She did wonder how she would sit down for the next week, however.

When Sky was done and he showed her the work in a mirror, it suddenly struck her exactly what she had done to herself.

The VCH was one thing. That was easily removed or replaced with a plain bit of jewelry. The tattoo was essentially forever. And it was someone else's name and insignia on her. She was truly owned.

That realization caused a frisson of excitement to travel down her spine. It ended in her pussy. She was suddenly wet, wetter than she had any right to be.

This was who she was.


Ophelia tottered through the party wearing nothing more than a corset, thigh high stockings, and high heels. Ridiculously tall high heels. The fact that her tits, ass, and pussy were on display didn't bother her. She liked it. There was no real way to make people look at her new tattoo. Those at the party who knew the meaning—which was probably everyone—would take note of it if they wanted. But she wanted to show it off.

She knew she was there as decoration…and amusement. She had orders from Harry to meet any request from the party goers, especially when it came to sex. She was to be a sex toy for them all.

That was exactly what Ophelia wanted as well.

Unfortunately, the first hour of the party she was used as a waitress. Fetching drinks and food for the guests.

She had expected to be groped and she was. More than once. By both men and women. It was strange to realize that she liked it. If such a thing had happened at a bar or club, she would have been offended, but here, in the safety of Christina and Harry's house, it was acceptable and desirable.

They tended to focus on her ass. Her tattoo was still fresh and there was some lingering pain, but she enjoyed the contact. One woman demanded to inspect her pussy and slid a pair of fingers into her tunnel. The request alone had made her wet and penetration was easy. Being made to suck the woman's fingers afterwards was even better.

There were other slaves wandering around as well. There was a small crowd gathered in the large living room watching a male slave fuck a female slave in the ass. Ophelia wished she could have been part of that group, but it wasn't to be. Harry had told her by the end of the night she was going to be whipped and flogged and fucked, but it was taking too long. She was getting bored and anxious.

It was Christina who started everything for her. "Come here, Ophelia, I have someone I want you to meet. Well, no, that's not the truth. There's someone I want you to give a blowjob to while I watch and critique."

Ophelia had gotten used to having sex in front of others. This situation was only slightly different in that there were more people to watch, not necessarily that more would be watching, but it was a possibility. She liked that idea. Ophelia had been trained to accept any sexual situation she was thrust into.

The man Christina brought her in front of was tall. He seemed to tower over everyone else in the room. Ophelia liked being a tall woman and she liked wearing high heels to accentuate her height. Even with her heels she was still shorter than him.

"Ophelia, please give Jimmy a blowjob. He's been a good friend to the company and the Society."

Jimmy smiled at her. He was like a high school senior smirking at the freshman girl knowing he was going to get a handy or more just because he was an upperclassman and she was eager to be part of the cool kids group.

There was a man with gray hair standing next to Jimmy. He sipped on his drink and took a step back. "She'd better be worth it," he commented with his eyes roving up and down her body.

"More than worth it," Christina promised.

The gray-haired man reached out and cupped Ophelia's breast, hefting her flesh, feeling her firmness, pinching her nipple. She didn't endure his inspection; she relished it and smiled at him.

Christina looked at Ophelia with a touch of disdain. "Get on your knees and get to work," she ordered. "I didn't tell you to stand there and get felt up."

Ophelia hurried to comply. She fell to her knees and reached for Jimmy's zipper, only pausing long enough to look up at him and ask, "With your permission?"

"Of course."

She unzipped him and reached into his pants to haul out his cock. He wasn't huge and he wasn't hard. She didn't need or desire huge. And she could solve the hardness problem.

As she sucked his cock, Ophelia wondered how many times Jimmy had been to one of these events. He had the look of a man jaded by sex oversaturation. She wondered if she was his type. What was his type? Slave? Tall brunette? Young and slutty? Maybe he just liked semi-anonymous blowjobs. It didn't seem to matter because as she sucked him, he steadily got hard in her mouth. Maybe he liked to be sucked off while others watched because Christina and his companion were watching Ophelia work like they were watching a fascinating TED talk.

Ophelia decided that she was Jimmy's type because he got fully hard and she was having trouble getting him all the way down her throat, a trick she had taught over the past months. He liked it when she gently squeezed his balls; she could easily tell that because of the soft groans he was making.

"Going to cum down her throat, Jimmy?" his companion asked.

Jimmy didn't answer.

"It would be better if you came on her face. Slutty slave like her deserves a little humiliation. I'd slap her around a bit first, though. She'd like that."

Christina was annoyed. "Robert, shut up. I'll find you a slave that suits your needs but right now Ophelia is serving Jimmy and I need to evaluate her."

Robert actually "harrumphed" and walked away.

Christina rolled her eyes. "Such an annoying ass. He should go suck his own dick. Thinks his little peepee is made of gold."

Ophelia backed off Jimmy's cock and took a deep breath. Christina's comment had made her want to laugh.

Jimmy frowned at Christina. "You're spoiling the moment, Tina."

"Sorry. But give me your impression of Ophelia's mouth."

He nodded. "Good. She's very good. She's pretty as well."

"I don't care if you think she's pretty. Should we keep her?"

"I'd like to say yes, but blowjobs are all well and good. I prefer to try out her pussy."

"I'll have to check with Harry on that," said Christina. "He wanted to display her to the guests while she gets flogged. She loves pain on her cunt."

"Why don't you go find Harry and ask him? I want to fuck her. She can get flogged while my cum is dripping down her legs."

Christina sighed in annoyance. "Don't be rude, Jimmy."

"I'm not trying to be. Just please go ask Harry. Be a dear."

Christina shook her head in annoyance. "Fine. Only for you, Jimmy. Only for you."

The moment she turned away and headed into the crowd looking for Harry, Jimmy pulled Ophelia to her feet and led her in the opposite direction Christina had headed.

"Come with me," he said.

"Only if you make me," she replied.

He glanced back at her. "Are you flirting with me?"

"Maybe," she said shyly. It was stupid to play this game. She had already had his cock in her mouth and it seemed like he was intent on fucking her. She wanted that as well.

He pulled her into a hallway and pressed her against the wall. The kiss was unexpected but welcome. He pulled away from her and pushed her into a doorway. She wasn't fully familiar with Harry and Christina's home, but she wasn't surprised to find a small bedroom. He slapped her ass as she moved to the bed.

"Get into doggy," he ordered her.

She complied and a moment later he was sinking his cock into her pussy. He did pull down his pants for this, a gesture she appreciated.

That's how Christina and Harry found them. Christina wasn't happy, but Harry didn't care.

"Bring her to the living room when you're done with her, Jimmy. I want to show off my new slave to everyone."

"Will do."

They fucked in relative privacy for another few minutes. He made her cum twice before depositing his load in her.

"Thank you," she said graciously.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"Is it wrong for a slave to be attracted to someone other than her owner?"

"No. But it might make things difficult for you."

"Does it mean I'll get punished and whipped and flogged more?"


"Then I am very attracted to you."

Ophelia didn't believe in love at first sight, but Jimmy made a powerful argument for it.