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accidental strokes, 108–9

advanced greenside bunker splash shot, 175–76, 183–84

practice strategies, 186–87

recognizing traps, 175–76

setup, 183

strategy, 184

swing, 183–84

against the collar, chipping, 124–25

angle of approach, long ball, 38

Azinger, Paul

chipping, 115

low wedge shot, 135

putting, 108

ball above your feet, 84–86, 91–92

practice strategies, 95–96

setup, 84–85, 91

strategy, 92

swing, 85–86, 91–92

ball below your feet, 82–84, 90–91

practice strategies, 95–96

setup, 82–83, 90

strategy, 90–91

swing, 83–84, 90

visualizing, 82

ball design

long ball, 37

multicover ball, 37

slice control, 7

soft wound, 37

two-piece ball, 7, 37

ball down in rough, 60, 73–74

practice strategies, 77–78

setup, 63–64, 73

strategy, 74

swing, 64, 74

ball in deep rough, 60, 65, 66–67, 75–76

practice strategies, 77–78

setup, 66, 75

strategy, 75–76

swing, 66–67, 75

basic splash shot, 168–74

distance control, 172

setup, 168–70, 172–74

swing, 170–71

wind and, 172–74

bellied wedge, 124–25

between-club shots, 45–57

factors favoring longer clubs, 47

factors favoring shorter clubs, 48

feathered iron, 48–50, 54–57

hitters, 46–47, 50–53

hot approach, 50–53, 55–57

partial shots, 46, 52–53

practice strategies, 56–57

swingers, 46–47, 48–50

Blackmar, Phil, lies, troublesome, 59

blades, 107–8

body alignment.See setup

bump-and-run, 17, 18–20

ball on hardpan, 70–71

setup, 18–19

swing, 18–19

bunker pitch, 177–78

setup, 177–78

swing, 178

bunker shots, 167–87

basic splash shot, 168–74

bunker pitch, 177–78

club selection, 169, 171, 172, 174–75

explosion shot, 193–95

fairway bunker shot, 179–81, 184–87

greenside bunker splash shot, 175–76, 183–84, 186–87

against the lip, 192–93

practice strategies, 186–87

recognizing traps, 175–76

bunker shots(cont.)

rules and etiquette, 176–77

sand conditions, 172–74, 181–82

Bushnell system, 133

carry-roll ratio

calculating, 117–18

for chipping clubs, 117–18, 121, 122, 128

club selection and, 18, 19, 117–18, 121, 122, 128

“Chapstick effect,” 61–62

Cheevers, Gerry, restricted shots, 189

chipping, 115–29

advanced chipping, 121–22

carry-roll ratio, 117–18, 121, 122, 128

against the collar, 124–25

pitching wedges versus, 116

“pop” shot, 121–22

practice strategies, 128–29

reasons for using, 116–17

setup, 117–19, 121, 124–25, 126

strategy, 127

stroke, 119–21, 126–27

Texas Wedge, 125

clubface alignment.See setup

clubhead speed

ball in deep rough, 66

hot approach and, 50, 51, 52

club selection

between-club shots.See between-club shots

bump-and-run, 18

bunker shots, 169, 171, 172, 174–75

carry-roll ratio and, 18, 19, 117–18, 121, 122, 128

chipping and, 117–18, 121, 124–25

draw, 8–9

driver, 32, 35–36

factors favoring longer club, 47

factors favoring shorter club, 48

fade, 2, 7

flop shot, 152

knockdown iron shot, 20–21

lies, troublesome, 65

long ball, 31, 32, 35–36, 37, 39

offset clubs, 7, 107–8

pitching wedge, 133, 137, 143, 172, 174

putters, 107–8

sand wedge, 133, 143, 152, 169, 171, 172, 174–75

splash shot, 169, 171, 172, 174–75

stop-and-go, 191

sweet spot, 108

utility woods, 65, 124–25

wedge shot, 133, 137, 143

comebacks, 106–7

competitive practice

advanced greenside bunker splash shot, 187

between-club shots, 57

chipping, 129

described, 13–14

draw, 15

fade, 15

five-ball drill, 15, 29, 57, 129, 149, 165, 187

flop shot, 165

with friend, 112–13

greenside bunker splash shot, 187

high shots, 29

low shots, 29

pitching, 149

putting, 112–13

seven-up, 112–13

trajectory control, 29

troublesome lies, 78

uneven lies, 96

conditioning program, 38

“controlled flyer,” 62

Coody, Charles, between-club shots, 45

Couples, Fred

between-club shots, 45–47

fade, 6–7

long ball, 35–36

Crenshaw, Ben, putting, 100–1

crosswind shots, 25

cut flop, 156–57, 162–64

practice strategies, 164–65

setup, 156–57, 162–63

strategy, 163–64

swing, 156–57, 163

Daly, John, long ball, 31

dead-end pull, 8

Dent, Jim, long ball, 31

“die” putters, 100–1

distance control

advanced, 138–41

flop shot, 154

judging distance in, 132–33

length of swing, 141

pitching, 131–33, 138–41

putting, 104–6

splash shot, 172

wedge shot, 131–33, 138–41

divot, ball in, 60, 67–69

practice strategies, 77–78

rules, 69

sanded divots, 59, 69

setup, 64, 67–68

swing, 68–69

downhill lies, 86–87, 93–94

blind shots, 89

mistakes, 87

practice strategy, 95–96

setup, 86–87, 93

strategy, 93–94

swing, 87, 93

downwind shots, 24

draw, 8–10

converting from fade, 10

great drawer, 10

hot approach, 51, 56

Julie Inkster and, 10

mistakes in, 8

practice strategy, 14–15

setup, 8–9, 12, 33

strategy, 13

swing, 9, 12

driver off the deck, 195–96

driver selection, long ball, 32, 35–36

driving.See long ball


chipping with, 121

hot approach and, 50

Els, Ernie, between-club shots, 46

escape shots, stop-and-go, 190–200

explosion shot, 193–95

fade, 1–7

advanced techniques, 4–6, 11

converting to draw, 10

Fred Couples and, 6–7

feathered iron, 50, 54

great faders, 6–7

Ben Hogan and, 6

Jack Nicklaus and, 6

outside-in swing path, 4, 11

practice strategy, 14–15

reverse release, 4–5, 11

setup, 2–6, 7, 11

slice and, 4, 7

soft approach, 50, 54

strategy, 11–12

swing, 3–4, 11

Lee Trevino and, 1, 6

visualizing, 2, 7

weak grip, 5–6, 11

fairway bunker shot, 179–81, 184–87

evaluating shot, 179–80

setup, 180–81, 184–85

strategy, 185

swing, 180–81, 185

feathered iron, 48–50

advanced techniques, 50, 54

practice strategies, 56–57

setup, 48, 54

strategy, 54–55

swing, 48–50, 54

five-ball drill

advanced greenside bunker splash shot, 187

between-club shots, 57

chipping, 129

described, 14

draw in, 15

fade in, 15

fairway bunker shot, 187

flop shot, 165

greenside bunker splash shot, 187

pitching, 149

trajectory control in, 29

uneven lies, 96

5-iron, long ball, 32


feathered iron, 48

lies, troublesome, 65

Fleischer, Bruce, mark replacement, 109

flop shot, 151–65

cut flop, 156–57, 162–65

fear of, 152

good-hands flop, 155–56, 160–62, 164–65

one-lever flop, 152–54, 159–60, 164–65

practice strategies, 164–65

strategy, 157–58

flyer lies, 60, 61–63

“Chapstick effect,” 61–62

“controlled flyer,” 62

practice strategy, 77–78

setup, 62–63, 72

strategy, 63, 72–73

swing, 62–63, 72


chipping and, 116

rules on the green, 108

fundamental practice

advanced greenside bunker splash shot, 186–87


between-club shots, 57

chipping, 128

described, 13

draw, 14–15

fade, 14–15

flop shot, 164–65

greenside bunker splash shot, 186–87

high shots, 28–29

long ball, 42

low shots, 28–29

pitching, 148–49

putting, 112

“swoosh” drill, 42

trajectory control, 28–29

troublesome lies, 78

uneven lies, 96

gap wedge, 143

Garcia, Sergio

between-club shots, 52

long ball, 38

restricted shots, 189–90

good-hands flop shot, 155–56, 160–62

practice strategies, 164–65

setup, 155, 160–61

strategy, 162

swing, 156, 161

greenside bunker splash shot, 175–76

practice strategies, 186–87

recognizing traps, 175–76

setup, 183

strategy, 184

swing, 183–84

grip pressure.See setup

hanging lies, 82–84, 90–91

practice strategies, 95–96

setup, 82–83, 90

strategy, 90–91

swing, 83–84, 90

visualizing, 82

hardpan, ball on, 60, 70–71

practice strategies, 77–78

setup, 70, 76

strategy, 77

swing, 70–71, 76–77

Hawaii, winds in, 17

high shots, 22–23

practice strategy, 28–29

setup, 22–23, 27

strategy, 28

swing, 23, 27

tee shots, 23

wedge shots, 138, 147–48

wind shots, 24–25

high wedge shots, 138

setup, 138, 147

strategy, 147–48

swing, 138, 147

“hit-and-resist” finish, 154


between-club shots, 46–47, 50–53

hot approach, 50–53

Hogan, Ben

fade, 6

putting, 99

hot approach, 50–53

advanced techniques, 51, 56

practice strategies, 56–57

setup, 50, 55

strategy, 56

swing, 50–51, 55

Inkster, Julie, draw, 10

intermediate targets, 104

Jones, Robert Trent, Jr.

lies, troublesome, 81

long ball, 31

Kite, Tom, 115

knockdown iron shot, 20–22

between-club shots, 46

setup, 20–21

stop-and-go compared with, 191, 196

swing, 20–21

lag putting.See putting

left-to-right ball movement.See fade

Lema, Tony, 131

Leonard, Justin, between-club shots, 52

lies, troublesome, 59–96

ball above your feet, 84–86, 91–92, 95–96

ball below your feet, 82–84, 90–91, 95–96

ball down in the rough, 60, 63–64, 65, 73–74

ball in deep rough, 60, 65, 66–67, 75–76

ball in divot, 59, 60, 64, 67–69

ball on hardpan, 60, 70–71, 76–78

downhill lie, 86–87, 93–94, 95–96

flyer lies, 60, 61–63, 72–73, 77–78

hanging lie, 82–84, 90–91

practice strategies, 77–78, 95–96

unplayable, 196–97

uphill lie, 87–88, 94–96

utility woods for, 65

lob wedge, 143, 152

long ball, 31–42

conditioning for, 38

great drivers, 31, 33, 35–36, 38

practice strategies, 41–42

from the rough, 65

setup, 31, 32–37, 38–39, 40

strategy, 38–39, 41

swing, 33–35, 38, 40–41

wind shots, 37

Love, Davis III

accidental stroke, 108–9

between-club shots, 52

low shots, 17–22

bump-and-run, 17, 18–20

knockdown iron shot, 20–22, 46

practice strategy, 28–29

setup, 18–19, 20–21, 26

strategy, 26–27

swing, 18–19, 20–21, 26

tee shots, 23

Tom Watson and, 17

wedge shots, 135–37, 145–46

wind and, 17, 18, 24–25

Tiger Woods and, 17

low wedge shot, 135–37, 145–46

setup, 135–37, 145–46

strategy, 146

swing, 137, 146

mallet heads, 107–8

Mallon, Meg, between-club shots, 46

mark replacement, 109

Mayfair, Billy, putting, 99

McGee, Jerry, bunker

shots, 176

Mickelson, Phil

flop shot, 151

putting, 100–1

Mize, Larry, chipping, 115

multicover ball, 37

Nicklaus, Jack, 121–22

high fade, 6

long ball, 31, 33

9-iron, chipping with, 121

Norman, Greg

chipping, 115

long ball, 33

unplayable lies, 197

offset clubs, 7, 107–8

one-lever flop, 152–54, 159–60

practice strategies, 164–65

setup, 152–53, 159

strategy, 160

swing, 153–54, 159–60

outside-in swing path, 4

Palmer, Arnold, long ball, 31

par-3 holes, trajectory, 23

partial shots

ball in divot, 68

between-club shots, 46, 52–53

bunker shots, 181, 193

explosion shot, 194–95

pitching, 132, 143

wedge shots, 132, 143

path fade, 4

physical conditioning

program, 38

pitching, 131–49

bellied wedge, 124–25

chipping, 124–25

chipping versus, 116

club selection, 133, 137, 143

distance control, 131–33, 138–41

high wedge shot, 138, 147–48

length of swing, 141

low wedge shot, 135–37, 145–46

pace of swing, 141

practice strategies, 148–49

standard wedge shot, 133–35, 144–45

Texas Wedge, 125

trajectory control, 137, 138, 141, 142

visualizing, 133, 142

pitching wedge, 133, 137, 143, 172, 174

“pop” shot, 121–22

practice strategies

advanced greenside bunker splash shot, 186–87

ball above your feet, 95–96

ball below your feet, 95–96

ball down in the rough, 77–78

ball in deep rough, 77–78

between-club shots, 56–57

chipping, 128–29

competitive drill, described, 13–14

practice strategies(cont.)

draw, 14–15

fade, 14–15

fairway bunker shot, 186–87

feathered iron, 56–57

five-ball drill, 14, 15, 29, 57, 96, 129, 149, 165, 187

flop shot, 164–65

fundamental drill, described, 13

greenside bunker splash

shot, 186–87

guidelines for, 13–14

hanging lies, 95–96

high shots, 28–29

hot approach, 56–57

long ball, 41–42

low shots, 28–29

pitching, 148–49

putting, 111–13

safety zone drill, 112

stop-and-go, 199–200

“swoosh” drill, 42

trajectory control, 28–29

troublesome lies, 77–78, 95–96

uneven lies, 95–96

Price, Nick

between-club shots, 46

putting, 101

punch, ball on hardpan, 70–71

putter selection, 107–8

putting, 99–113

comebacks, 107

determining line of

putt, 101–4

“die” putters, 100–1

distance control, 104–6

following the ball, 106

practice strategies, 111–13

pre-putt routine, 104

reading greens, 100, 110

rules of the green, 108–9

setup, 104, 107–8

short putts, 106–7

speed control, 100–1, 110

“speed” putters, 100–1

strategy, 110–11

swing, 100–1, 104–6, 107

three-puts, eliminating, 99–100

triangulation, 101–4

types of putters, 100–1

visualizing, 102–3

See also putting

restricted shots, 189–200

driver off the deck, 195–96

explosion shot, 193–95

practice strategies, 199–200

stop-and-go, 190–200

unplayable lies, 196–97

reverse release, 4–5, 11

rhythm, fade, 3–4

right-to-left ball movement.See draw

Rodriguez, ChiChi, 151

rough.See ball down in rough; ball in deep rough

rub of the green, 59.See also lies, troublesome

rules on the green, 108–9

accidental strokes, 108–9

bunker play, 176–77

fringe shots, 108

mark replacement, 109

running chip.See chipping

safety zone drill, 112

sand bunker shots.See bunker shots

sanded divots, 59, 69

sand wedge, 133, 143, 152, 169, 171, 172, 174–75

Sarazen, Gene, bunker shots, 174

scooping, 153

scoring zone, 131

Scotland, winds in, 17, 18


advanced greenside bunker splash shot, 183

ball above your feet, 84–85, 91

ball below your feet, 82–83, 90

ball down in the rough, 63–64, 73

ball in deep rough, 66, 75

ball in divot, 64, 67–68

ball on hardpan, 70, 76

basic splash shot, 168–70, 172–74

bump-and-run, 18–19

bunker pitch, 177–78

chipping, 117–19, 121, 124–25, 126

cut flop, 156–57, 162–63

downhill lie, 86–87, 93

draw, 8–9, 12, 33

fade, 2–6, 7, 11

fairway bunker shot, 180–81, 184–85

feathered iron, 48, 54

flyer lies, 62–63, 72

good-hands flop shot, 155, 160–61

greenside bunker splash shot, 183

hanging lie, 82–83, 90

high shots, 22–23, 27

high wedge shot, 138, 147

hot approach, 50, 55

knockdown iron shot, 20–22

long ball, 31, 32–37, 38–39, 40

low shots, 18–19, 20–21, 26

low wedge shot, 135–37, 145–46

one-lever flop, 152–53, 159

putting, 104, 107–8

standard wedge shot, 133–35, 144

stop-and-go, 191, 198

uphill lies, 87–88, 94

wedge shots, 133–37, 138

wind shots, 24–25

seven-up, 112–13


feathered iron, 48

lies, troublesome, 65

short putts, 106–7


fear of, 1

living with, 7

turning fade into, 4, 7

smother-hook, 8

Snead, Sam

between-club shots, 46

bunker play, 167, 176

long ball, 31

soft approach shot.See feathered iron

speed control

hot approach and, 50, 51, 52

putting, 100–1, 110

“speed” putters, 100–1

splash shot, 167–74

basic splash shot, 168–74

club selection, 169, 171, 172, 174–75

distance control, 172

greenside bunker splash shot, 175–76, 183–84, 186–87

sand conditions, 172–74, 181–82

wind and, 172–74

Stadler, Craig, putting, 99

stance.See setup

standard wedge shot, 133–35, 144–45

setup, 133–35, 144

strategy, 145

swing, 135, 144 −45

Stewart, Payne, lies, troublesome, 59

stop-and-go, 189–200

driver off the deck, 195–96

explosion shot, 193–95

practice strategies, 199–200

setup, 191, 198

strategy, 198–99

swing, 192–96, 198

sweet spot, 108


advanced greenside bunker splash shot, 183–84

ball above your feet, 85–86, 91–92

ball below your feet, 83–84, 90

ball down in the rough, 64, 74

ball in deep rough, 66–67, 75

ball in divot, 68–69

ball on hardpan, 70–71, 76–77

basic splash shot, 170–71

bump-and-run, 18–19

bunker pitch, 178

chipping stroke, 119–21, 126–27

cut flop, 156–57, 163

downhill lie, 87, 93

draw, 9, 12

fade, 3–4, 11

fairway bunker shot, 180–81, 185

feathered iron, 48–50, 54

flyer lies, 62–63, 72

good-hands flop shot, 156, 161

greenside bunker splash shot, 183–84

hanging lie, 83–84, 90

high shot, 23, 27

high wedge shot, 138, 147

hot approach, 50–51, 55

knockdown iron shot, 20–21

long ball, 33–35, 38, 40–41

low shot, 18–19, 20–21, 26

low wedge shot, 137, 146

one-lever flop, 153–54, 159–60

putting, 100–101, 104–6, 107


standard wedge shot, 135, 144–45

stop-and-go, 192–96, 198

uphill lies, 88, 94–95

wedge shot, 135, 137, 138, 141


between-club shots, 46–47, 48–50

feathered iron, 48–50

“swoosh” drill, 42

tee box

fade, 7

long ball, 39

using entire, 7, 39

tee shots

high, 23

long ball, 32, 37

low, 23

Texas Wedge, 125

three-putts, eliminating, 99–100

three-quarters shots

ball in divot, 68

between-club shots, 46, 52–53

bunker shots, 181, 193

explosion shot, 194–95

hanging lie, 83–84, 86

pitching, 132, 143

3-wood, long ball, 35–36, 37

titanium club heads, 36

trajectory control

driver in, 36

high shot, 22–23, 138

low shot, 17–22, 137

pitching, 137, 138, 141, 142

practice strategy, 28–29

tee shots, 23

visualization in, 142

wedge shot, 137, 138, 141, 142

wind shot, 17

wind shots, 18, 24–25

See also pitching wedge

traps, 175–76

high lip, 176

pot bunker, 176

sand facing water, 175

Trevino, Lee, low fade, 1, 6

triangulation, 101–4

2-iron, long ball, 32

two-piece ball, 7, 37

unplayable lies, 196–97

uphill lies, 87–88, 94–95

blind shots, 89

practice strategy, 95–96

setup, 87–88, 94

strategy, 95

swing, 88, 94–95

utility woods

ball down in rough, 65

chipping with, 124–25


of fade, 2, 7

of hanging lie, 82

pitching, 133, 142

putting, 102–3

of trajectory control, 142

warm-up, for long ball

practice, 42

Watson, Tom

chipping, 121–22

low shot, 17

putting, 101

weak grip, 5–6, 11

Webb, Karrie, between-club shots, 52

wedge shots

bellied, 124–25

club selection, 133, 137, 143, 172, 174

distance control, 131–33, 138–41

high shots, 138, 147–48

low shots, 135–37, 145–46

setup, 133–37, 138

standard, 133–35, 144–45

swing, 135, 137, 138, 141

See also flop shot; pitching

wind shots, 24–25

crosswind, 25

downwind, 24

in Hawaii, 17

long ball, 37

in Scotland, 17, 18

setup, 24–25

splash shot, 172–74

into the wind, 25

Woods, Tiger, 189

between-club shots, 46, 47, 52

flop shot, 151–52

long ball, 31, 33, 38

low shot, 17

putting, 101