Sometimes the book title comes easily, but other times I think and think and just draw a blank. This book presented that problem, so I asked the people in the Saturday morning critique group I attend—Pinellas Writers—to help. Writer friend Warren Wilson came up with It Takes a Coven. Thank you, Warren!
Speaking of names, while writing the Witch City Mysteries I often think about my growing-up years in the magical city of Salem. Names of friends, classmates, acquaintances come popping up from the way-back machine and find their way into each manuscript. So I’d like to acknowledge some of the names culled from memory and from the rich tapestry of nationalities and cultures of the Witch City!
Thank you to the bearers of just a few of the names I’ve so liberally borrowed, in no particular order: Kowolski, Mondello, Della Monica, Dowgin, Russell, Murphy, Greene, Lalonde, Whaley, Sullivan, Wilkins, Dumas, McKenna, Stewart, Litka.
No doubt there’ll be more to come!