
AACTE (American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education)
Academic problems
partnership programs and
student mobility and
Academic subjects
See also specific academic subjects by name
for new partnership involvement in school systems
for teachers state and federal
Achievement of students. See Student achievement; Student achievement, teachers’ practices of parent involvement and
Action, strategies for
Action Team for Partnerships (ATP)
action strategies of
activities and discussion regarding
continuing improvement of
funds and other support for
leaders and members of
meetings for
names for
one-year action plans for
responsibilities and tools of
conclusions regarding
goals of
needs of
and overlapping spheres of influence theory
See also Principals
Adolescence(fig.) See also Middle schools; Teenagers
art evaluation and
parental involvement studies and
single parents and
as teachers(table)
teens of
American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE)
ATP. See Action Team for Partnerships (ATP)
Attitudes of students
activities and discussion regarding (fig.)
in homework practices of elementary school students
reactions to teacher practices of parent involvement (table)
Attitudes, of teachers regarding homework
activities and discussion regarding
five types of involvement and
understanding of in partnerships

Back-to-School Night
Baltimore City Public Schools
Baltimore School and Family Connections Project
activities and discussion regarding (fig.)
homework and
partnership programs and
student mobility and
student reactions to teacher practices of parent involvement (table)
Benefits of parental involvement
expected benefits and
greater overlap and
teacher attitudes and
Birth, partnership programs starting at
Books. See Literacy; Reading
Buffalo, New York

California Achievement Test (CAT)
California state policies
of pattern in family-school relations
regarding school system
effects of measures of(table) (table)(table)
in fifth grade classrooms (table)
math achievement test scores and (table)
reading achievement test scores and(table)
Child development theories
increasing student learning and development and
of overlapping school and family spheres(fig.)
patterns of
and time in family and school environments
central role of in partnerships
as main focus of partnership programs
See also Students
Children, caring for
action teams for partnerships in
activities and discussion regarding
characteristics of successful programs for
charting the course for
core of caring and
how partnerships work in practice
overlapping spheres of influence and
research regarding
summary and next steps regarding
See also Six types of involvement
Classroom conditions and
organization, inner-city
Collaborating with communities. See Communities
as one of five types of involvement
between parents and children
between parents and teachers
from school-to-home (table)
six types of involvement and (table) (table)(table)(table) (table)(table)
annual school improvement plans regarding
diversity and
equity of
five types of involvement and
goals regarding
as important for success of partnerships
increasing student learning and development
multidimensional concepts and
multilevel partnerships for
overlapping model of (fig.)
school system pattern changes and
six types of involvement and (table)(table) (table)(table)(table) (table)
summary regarding
See also School-family-community partnerships
Comprehensive School Education Plan (CSEP)
parent, student and teacher
Conflict resolution
Connecticut state policies
Contracts, between teachers and parents(fig.)
Coordinators, for parental involvement
Cost-benefits of homework
Courses on partnerships, required or elective
for new partnership involvement in school systems
for teachers state and federal
for working parents
CSEP (Comprehensive School Education Plan)

Decision making
five types of involvement and
six types of involvement and (table) (table)(table)(table) (table)(table)
Deficit theories of single parenting
Designs for family involvement and homework (table)(table) (table)
Dilemmas and problems of parental involvement See also Parental involvement, debatable issues of
Discussions, parent and child learning through(fig.)
District level leadership. See No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
District level policies
activities and discussion regarding
Buffalo, New York
implications of
Middletown, Connecticut
responsibilities of
Saint Paul, Minnesota
District partnership programs
Diverse families See also Single mothers; Single parents and parent/teacher interactions
Divorce. See Single parents and parent/teacher interactions
(DPI) Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS-K and B)
Ecological theories
community forums and advocates for
of mothers
of parents(fig.) (fig.)
for parents
of parents in parents’ reactions survey(table)
of single parents
of teachers(table)
See also Elementary schools; High schools; Middle schools; School systems
Education Commission of the States
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
Elementary schools
art and
and effects on measures of involvement
future of students in
hypothetical studies of
parents’ attitudes towards
six types of involvement and
survey data from(table)
See also Homework practices of elementary school students
Elementary schools, inner-city, parents’ attitudes and practices of involvement in
activities and discussion regarding
characteristics of parents and (table)
classroom-level reports of school practices(table)
discussion regarding
effects on(table)
measures for
parents’ reports of schools’ practices involve parents (table)
student time on homework and parent involvement (table)
study design of
Elementary schools, inner-city, school
programs and teacher practices of parental involvement
activities and discussion regarding
discussion of
effects of school level and student teacher characteristics and teacher practices on
five types of involvement and
implications for improving school and family connections
introduction to
method of research regarding
questions to ask about
results of research regarding
school climate and program strength
summary regarding
support for parental involvement
teachers and different subjects regarding
Employer’s support for family involvement
all partnership programs about
in out-of-school activities
of partnership programs
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

changing structures of
characteristics of (table)(table)
crucial messages sent to
educators’ needs regarding
five types of involvement and
gap between schools and
goals regarding
increasing student learning and development
like schools
meeting 21st century needs of
multilevel partnerships for
overlapping with school spheres (fig.)
responsibilities of
See also Parental involvement; School-family-community partnerships
Federal agencies and policies
accreditation of teachers and
activities and discussion regarding
policies of
See also State education agencies and policies
Federal funding
and district advisory councils
for parental involvement
Title I programs
Focus on Results (series of school-level studies)
Follow-Through programs
activities and discussion regarding (table)(table)
for ATP
for social studies and art
Future of students

for helping students to succeed in school
of interactive homework (table)
introduction to
Grade levels
and academic subject differences
as factors affecting gains in math
importance of
parental involvement and
teachers’ uses of parental involvement and
transitions to new
See also Elementary schools; High schools; Middle schools

Hard-to-reach parents
Head Start programs
Health issues, partnership programs and
Healthy Start
Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM)
High schools
education of parents(table) (table)(table)
future of students
goal setting in
homework during
hypothetical studies of
increasing student learning and development in
links to inservice education and
part-time jobs and
six types of involvement and
women and
See also Teenagers
History, theories and
Home conferences
Home “lab” activities
Home learning
facts about parents’ attitudes of
five types of involvement and
interactive homework for (fig.)
parent involvement in(fig.) (fig.)
six types of involvement and (table) (table)(table)(table) (table)(table)
student achievement and
for summer and parent involvement
See also Homework
Home visits by teachers
Homemade homework
activities and discussion regarding (fig.)
attitudes regarding
experiments and
family involvement and
field experience regarding
grade level and academic subject differences of
one-and two-parent homes and (table) (table)
paired data from students and parents regarding
purposes of
reading to understand
student time on homework and parent involvement (table)
studying and improving (fig.)
variables regarding (fig.)
See also Home learning; Interactive homework
Homework practices of elementary school students
activities and discussion regarding (fig.)
data and approach regarding
exploratory analyses of (table)
homework time and
introduction to
parent abilities and resources and other factors regarding
results of research regarding
student attitudes and
summary and discussion of
teacher practices and
Homework, teachers’ roles in designing
conclusion regarding
implications for future research and practice
new designs for family involvement in(table) (table)
other new homework designs and (table)
purposes of homework and
research on homework and
research on parent involvement
Hypothetical studies

of district level policies
for future research and practice on homework
for improvement of school and family connections
See also Policies, implications of
Inner-city schools. See Parental involvement in inner-city schools; Parental involvement, school programs and teacher practices of, inner-city elementary and middle schools
Inservice education
Interactive homework(fig.) (table)
activities and discussion regarding
for language arts (table)
for math(table)(table)
new approaches to
for science(table)(table)
See also Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS)
Interdisciplinary programs
Internet Technology. See Websites
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC)
Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC)
Involvement. See Types of involvement; Parental involvement;

Jobs of students
Johns Hopkins University
changes in parental involvement in schools
interactive homework and
NNPS program

Labeling (as stereotyping)
Labor, division and multiplication of
Language Arts(table) (table)
TIPS activity pages
for TIPS process (table)
Laws and credentialing
for new partnership involvement in school systems
for working parents
activities and discussion regarding
in communities and responsibilities of
conclusion regarding
institutes of
multilevel for partnerships
of teachers and one- and two-parent homes(table) (table)(table) (table)(table) (table)
See also No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
Learning at home. See Home learning
Letter writing
Literacy See also Reading
“Living Things” (TIPS activity page)
Lump-sum funding(table) (table)

Marital status. See Single parents and parent/teacher interactions
Married parents
characteristics of(table)
teachers’ reports of helpfulness of (table)(table)
See also Single parents and parent/teacher interactions
Maryland schools
homework studies and
parental involvement studies in
single parent studies in
statewide study of 1980 and 1981 overview
student achievement studies in
achievements compared to reading (table)
activities and discussion regarding
family involvement and
homework and(fig.)
hypothetical studies of
students’ achievement and parental involvement with (table)
TIPS activity pages
for TIPS process(table) (table)
Measures and methods, using multiple for understanding family and students
Middle schools
common beliefs among
and effects on measures of involvement
future of students
part-time jobs and
six types of involvement and
See also Volunteers, organizing productive for middle grades
Middle schools, inner-city, parents’ attitudes and practices of involvement in
activities and discussion regarding
characteristics of parents and (table)
classroom-level reports of school practices(table)
discussion regarding
effects on(table)
measures for
parents’ reports of schools’ practices involve parents (table)
student time on homework and parent involvement (table)
study design of
Middle schools, inner-city, school programs and teacher practices of parental involvement
activities and discussion regarding
discussion of
effects of school level and student teacher characteristics and teacher practices on
five types of involvement and
implications for improving school and family connections
introduction to
method of research regarding
questions to ask about
results of research regarding
school climate and program strength
summary regarding
support for parental involvement
teachers and different subjects regarding
Middletown, Connecticut
education of
single and working
Multidimensional concepts, of school, family and community
Multilevel analyses of research
Multilevel leadership
Multivariate models of research

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS)
NCLB. See No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
New schools and grade levels
activities and discussion regarding
as school-to-home communications
summary regarding
NNPS. See National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS)
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
conclusion regarding
data and measures regarding
discussion regarding (table)
framework of policy instruments for
limitations and future studies of
national network of partnership schools and
results of research regarding (table)(table) (table)
TIPS Science and
See also District level policies
Nontraditional families See also Single mothers; Single parents and parent/teacher interactions
Northern Illinois University

One-Year Action Plans for Partnerships
Organization of school and classrooms
Overlapping spheres of influence
activities and discussion regarding
caring for children and
classic and new theories regarding
emphasis on the overlap in
of family and school spheres (fig.)
family-like schools and school-like families
overview and conclusion
separateness and
See also Partnership programs; School-family-community partnerships

Parent Leadership Training Institutes (PLTI)
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
activities and discussion regarding
ATP and
parent-coordinators for
participation and leadership of
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
activities and discussion regarding
ATP and
parent-coordinators for
participation and leadership of
Parental involvement
about children and not parents
activities and discussion regarding
basic obligations of
changes regarding
communication and
designs for(table) (table) (table)
developmental patterns of children and
dilemmas of
equity and
five types of (table)(table)
history of
homework and
increasing student learning and development
integrated theory of school system and
mechanisms for producing
multidimensional concepts and
partnerships as better term for
partnerships subsuming
pattern changes in
school district policies and
school systems support for
shared responsibilities with schools
single parents and parent/teacher interactions (table)
six types of involvement and (table)(table) (table)(table)(table) (table)
state education agencies and
summary regarding
teacher-leaders and (table)(table)
techniques for(fig.)(fig.)
three perspectives regarding
Title I programs and
volunteering as
See also Families; Parents; Parents’ reactions; Student achievement; Student reactions; Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS)
Parental involvement, debatable issues of
activities and discussion regarding
expected benefits and
parents’ time
problems with parental assistance and
students’ time and feelings
subgroup differences
successful efforts
summary and discussion of
teachers’ time
use of parental involvement coordinators
Parental involvement in inner-city schools
activities and discussion regarding
characteristics of parents and (table)
classroom-level reports of school practices(table)
discussion regarding
effects on(table)
measures for
parents’ reports of schools’ practices involve parents (table)
student time on homework and parent involvement (table)
study design of
Parental involvement, school programs and teacher practices of, inner-city elementary and middle schools
activities and discussion regarding
discussion of
effects of school level and student teacher characteristics and teacher practices on
five types of involvement and
implications for improving school and family connections
introduction to
method of research regarding
questions to ask about
results of research regarding
school climate and program strength
summary regarding
support for parental involvement
teachers and different subjects regarding
Parental involvement, survey of teacher practices
activities and discussion regarding
characteristics of teachers in (table)
continuing studies of
differences in teachers’ uses of (fig.)(fig.)
feasibility of
techniques for(fig.) (fig.)(table)
traditional teacher-parent communications in
abilities and resources regarding homework practices of elementary school students
contacts and meetings with
contracts with teachers(fig.)
developing teaching skills in (fig.)
education of(table) (fig.)(fig.)
mutual respect and
partnership feelings of
single and working
single mothers and
six types of involvement and
survey data from
time and involvement of
TIPS volunteers and
See also Characteristics of parents; Married parents; Single parents and parent/teacher interactions
Parents As Teachers (P.A.T.)
Parents, Students, Teachers Characteristics of students (table)
Parents’ reactions, to teacher practices of parent involvement
activities and discussion regarding
characteristics of parents and (table)
effects of involvement on parents and(table)
experiences with specific types of parent involvement and (table) (table)(table)
importance of grade level
method of research regarding
and parents’ attitudes to elementary schools and teachers
parents’ awareness of teacher practices(table)
parents’ evaluations of teachers’ merits
parents’ knowledge about schools and
results of research regarding
summary and discussion of
Parent-teacher conferences
Partnership programs
action strategies and conclusions regarding
activities and discussion regarding
authority and
caring for children and
challenges regarding
children’s central role in
of decision-making and not power plays
development of
effects on students of
establishing permanent
as more effective than solitary
required or elective courses for
starting at birth
subject-specific goals for students and
See also Communities; Parental involvement; School systems; School-family-community partnerships
Partnership Schools Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) Model
Part-time employment
P.A.T. (Parents As Teachers)
Pattern changes, in family-school relations
Personal development
partnership programs and
through homework
See also Child development theories
“Picture Parents” (art appreciation activity)
PLTI (Parent Leadership Training Institutes)
action strategies for
homework and
for partnerships and school systems
Policies, implications of
activities and discussion regarding (fig.)(fig.)
at district level
ebb and flows
at federal level
introduction to
schools and
at state level
summary regarding
top-down bottom-up or side-by-side
See also District level policies; Federal agencies and policies; State education agencies and policies
Policy instruments
See also No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
Position Statement on School-Family-Community Partnerships for Student Success (Connecticut State Board of Education)
action strategies for
to involve parents(table)
research meets
See also specific practices by name
ATP and
attitudes of
authority and
data from
discrepancies and
independent variables and (table)(table)
ratings of(table)
responsibilities of
support for parental involvement (table)
surveys of
teacher-leaders and
Problems of parental involvement
See also Parental involvement, debatable issues of
Promising Partnership Practices (NNPS)
PTA. See Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
PTO. See Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Public relations, homework and
Punishment, homework and

Reactions. See Parents’ reactions; Student reactions, teacher practices of parent involvement
achievements compared to math (table)
activities and discussion regarding
with children and parental involvement
homework and
hypothetical studies of
partnership programs and
students’ achievement and parental involvement with (table)
techniques for involving parents (fig.)(fig.)
Reference group theory
Reporters, using multiple for understanding family and students
action strategies for
caring for children and
changing the question of
conclusion regarding
equity and
experiments and
focused on increased student learning and development
future of
importance of reading original
leading to TIPS
multidimensional concepts and
multilevel analyses of
and multilevel leadership
multivariate models in
partnership as best term for
regarding homework
school and classroom organization and
seven principles for researchers
small and in-depth studies for
See also specific research topics by name; Studies; Theories
school-family-community partnerships
of teachers and parents
of community leaders
of families
of parents
of school districts
of schools
separate, shared and sequential of schools and families
of State Department of Education
of students
Roles, for schools, families and communities in achieving goals

Saint Paul, Minnesota
School districts
See also District level policies
School improvement committees
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
School subjects
for parental involvement at home
in TIPS process (table)(table)
See also specific school subjects by name
School systems
changes regarding
communities of
developmental patterns of children and
equity and
families new to
five types of involvement and
further readings and links to courses about
gap between families and
goals regarding
history of
improvement plans for
increasing student learning and development
integrated theory of family and
like families
multidimensional concepts and
multilevel partnerships for
needs of
organization of and partnerships as important for
overlapping with family spheres (fig.)
parental involvement in
pattern changes in
policies and
responsibilities of
school programs and
three perspectives regarding
transitions to new and new grade levels
See also Elementary schools; High schools; Middle schools; Parental involvement, school programs and teacher practices of, inner-city elementary and middle schools; Teachers
School-family-community partnerships
2020 vision
action strategies
activities and discussion regarding (table) (table)
benefits of
characteristics of successful
comprehensive approach towards
conclusions regarding
equity and
future of
resolving conflict and concerns
trust and respect of teachers and parents
TIPS activity pages
for TIPS process(table) (table)
Separate, sequential and shared responsibilities
Side-by-side policies
Single mothers
Single parents and parent/teacher interactions
activities and discussion regarding
characteristics of parents and (table)
debatable issues of parental involvement and
deficit and strengths theories
introduction to
parents’ awareness, knowledge and evaluation of teachers
parents’ reports of teachers’ practices of parent involvement (table) (table)
reports about school from single and married parents
samples, variables and approaches regarding
summary and discussion of
teachers’ reports of homework quality and (table)(table)
teachers’ reports of single and married parents helpfulness (table)(table)
theoretical perspectives on
Single School Plan
Social and emotional development
See also Child development theories
Social capital
Social Studies
TIPS activity pages
volunteers, organizing productive for Middle grades for
Spanish speaking families
changes in parental involvement in schools and
communicating in languages understood by
partnership challenges and
State education agencies and policies
activities and discussion regarding
California state policies
Connecticut state policies
and parental involvement
teaching credentials and
Wisconsin state policies
See also District level leadership; District level policies
Student achievement
activities and discussion regarding (fig.)
homework and
Student achievement, teachers’ practices of parent involvement and
activities and discussion regarding
data and approach regarding
discussion regarding
introduction to
results of research regarding (table)(table) (table)
TIPS program and
Student reactions, teacher practices of parent involvement
characteristics of students and teachers in(table)
results of research regarding (table) (table)
student attitudes and behaviors (table)
study background
study data
summary and discussion of
See also Attitudes of students
attitudes of in homework practices in elementary school
conferences and
effects of partnerships on
focus on learning and development of
goal setting of
grade levels of and parent involvement(fig.)
as key to success of partnerships
part-time employment of
responsibilities of
success of
survey data from
time and feelings of
transitions to new schools and new grade levels
Summer learning
Symbolic interactionism

Teacher-leaders(table) (table)
children’s schoolwork and parents’ awareness of
communication with parents and
competency of and parental involvement
conclusions regarding
contracts with parents(fig.)
differences of use of parental involvement (fig.)(fig.)
encouraging parental involvement
as focused on children
home visits by
inner-city schools and parental involvement
measures of practices of
messages of partnership programs to
mutual respect and
need for excellent
new qualifications for
overlap theories and
as parents
strong opinions about parent involvement
survey data from (table)
time and parental involvement
TIPS volunteers and
transitions of students to new schools and grade levels
See also Parental involvement and all listings for; Single parents and parent/teacher interactions; Student achievement; Student reactions
Teachers, characteristics of (table)(table) (table)
effects of measures of(table) (table)(table)
in fifth grade classrooms(table)
math achievement test scores and (table)
by parents’ evaluations
reading achievement test scores and(table)
Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS)
activities and discussion regarding
developing interactive homework program for
“Fractional Parts” (TIPS activity page)
future research regarding
goals of interactive homework of (table)
“Hairy Tales” (TIPS activity page)
“Helping Hand, A” (TIPS activity page)
“I Mean It!” (TIPS activity page)
implementing interactive homework program of
interactive homework and (table) (table)(table)
“Lab” activities
and Language Arts (table)
and Math(table)(table)
“On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!” (TIPS activity page)
research leading to
sample activities for
and Science(table) (table)
and Social Studies
student achievement and
“Why Do We Need Government?” (TIPS activity page)
See also Interactive homework; Language Arts; Math; Science; Volunteers, organizing productive for middle grades
Teachers’ practices of parental involvement
activities and discussion regarding
expected benefits and
parents’ time
problems with parental assistance and
students’ time and feelings
subgroup differences
successful efforts
summary and discussion of
teachers’ time
use of parental involvement coordinators
Teachers’ practices of parent involvement, parents’ reactions to
activities and discussion regarding
characteristics of parents and (table)
effects of involvement on parents and(table)
experiences with specific types of parent involvement and (table) (table)(table)
importance of grade level
method of research regarding
and parents’ attitudes to elementary schools and teachers
parents’ awareness of teacher practices(table)
parents’ evaluations of teachers’ merits
parents’ knowledge about schools and
results of research regarding
summary and discussion of
Teachers’ roles in designing homework
conclusion regarding
implications for future research and practice
new designs for family involvement in(table) (table)
other new homework designs and (table)
purposes of homework and
research on homework and
research on parent involvement
adolescence and(fig.)
increasing learning and development of
and middle school parent volunteering
active use of parental involvement techniques(fig.)
advanced activities regarding
dilemmas of parental involvement
experiences with parent involvement and (table)
home visits and
homework variables and (table)
NAEP study regarding
techniques for involving parents at home(fig.)(fig.) (table)
connecting literature with
of family-school connections
history and
integrated of family-school relations
interview to discover how it works in practice
of mechanisms for family-school relations
of overlap of schools and families
of pattern changes in family-school relations
See also Research; Studies
on homework
in overlapping theories
of teachers, parents and students
Title I programs
Transitions, to new schools and grade levels
Trust and respect
Types of involvement, parental (table) (table)
activities and discussion regarding
basic and advanced practices of
beyond “bodies in the building,”
charting the course for(table) (table)(table) (table)
important for educators to understand
as six types of caring (table)(table)
summary regarding
See also six types of involvement by name

University of California
University of North Texas
University of Texas
Update surveys
U.S. Department of Education

as one of five types of involvement
parents in school and
six types of involvement and (table) (table)(table)(table) (table)(table)
workshops and materials for instruction on
Volunteers, organizing productive for middle grades
activities and discussion regarding
adapting and extending
and evaluation of student learning about art
how to develop and implement
materials and program costs for
for social studies and art

activities and discussion regarding
diversity of students and families and
for organizing volunteers
regarding interactive homework
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI)
Wisconsin state policies
education of and changes to school systems
as most knowledgeable in survey
as single and working mothers
as teachers(table)
Working parents
debatable issues of parental involvement and
as hard to reach(table)
laws supporting
as single moms
on caring for children (fig.)
for parents on helping in schools