So now we’ve seen that some JDs imply other JDs (just as some FDs imply other FDs). But irrelevant components are far from being the end of the story. The next point is as follows (I’ve labeled it a theorem, but it’s very obvious and scarcely merits such a grand designation):

By way of example, every legal value of relvar S satisfies the following JD (it’s the JD from the previous section, with an irrelevant component)—

      { { SNO , SNAME , CITY } , { CITY , STATUS } , { SNAME , CITY } }

—and therefore satisfies this one too:

      { { SNO , SNAME , CITY } , { CITY , STATUS , SNAME } }

Exercise: Check the validity of the foregoing claim for yourself—maybe even try to prove it, formally—if it isn’t immediately obvious. (Also, how many distinct JDs can be derived from the given one by combining components in this manner?) Points arising: