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Abbot, Charles 332
Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury 187
Abercromby, James 332
Aberdeen, George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of 379
abortion 530, 570
abstinence, from meat on Fridays 528
Achilli, Giacinto (priest) 396–7
Action Catholique de la Jeunesse Française 462–3
Acton, Charles, Cardinal 364, 365
Acton, Harold 484
Acton, John, Lord 433, 434, 436, 448, 473–4
Acts of Parliament: Act in Restraint of Annates (1534) 20; Act of Appeals (1533) 20; Act of Indemnity (1747) 268; Act of Occasional Conformity (1711) 254, 256, 270; Act of Persuasion (Religion Act, 1580) 149, 212; Act of Praemunire (1534) 20; Act of Settlement (1662) 212; Act of Six Articles (1539) 67, 86; Act of Succession (1534) 20–1; Act of Supremacy (1534) 20–1, 45, 52, 56, 57, 398; Act of Supremacy (1559) 123; Act of the Long Parliament (1653) 205; Act of Uniformity (1549) 86, 87; Act of Uniformity (1552) 92, 93, 95, 101, 111; Act of Uniformity (1559) 123, 210; Act of Union (1801) 322, 324. See also Bishops’ Banishment Act (1697); Catholic Relief Acts; Chantries Act (1547); Civil Partnership Act (2004); Conventicle Act (1664); Convention Act; Corporations Act (1661); Divorce Reform Act (1969); Five Mile Act (1665); Heresy Act (1534); Marriage Act (1753); Popery Act (1700); Popish Recusancy Act (1605); Promissory Oaths Act; Schism Act (1714); Sexual Offences Act (1967); Submission of the Clergy Act (1534); Test Acts; Treason Act (1534)
Adda, Ferdinand d,’ Cardinal 233
Addington, Justice 292
Adelphi Club 363
Agazzari, Alfonso (SJ) 134, 145, 146
Agretti, Claudius 210
AIDS, and contraception 562
Aldington, Henry 104
Alfrink, Bernardus, Cardinal 519
Allen, William, Cardinal 133–4, 136–7, 141, 147, 150–1, 153, 154, 225, 320
altars, removal of 87
Alton Towers 358
American War of Independence 281
Amoris Laetitia (Apostolic Exhortation, 2016) 571–2
Ampleforth College 330, 349, 350
Ampthill, Bedfordshire 43, 49
Anabaptists 85, 92
Anderton family 252
Andrewes, Lancelot 179, 180, 190
Andrews, William Eusebius 339
Anglo-Irish aristocracy 183–4
Annates 20, 53
Anne, Queen: anti-Catholic legislation 253; attempts to convert her to Catholicism 228; criticism of James II’s second Declaration 241; denial of James Stuart’s legitimacy 242; opposition to James II’s Catholicism 235, 236, 237
Answer of the Ordinaries (1532) 19–20
antinomianism 85 see also faith, justification by
Antonelli, Cardinal 371, 443
Apostolic Succession 32, 66, 70, 364, 383, 385, 392, 519
Appellant Priests protestation (1603) 155, 177, 192
Aquaviva, Father Claude 137
Archer, James (priest) 327
Arden, Mary 163
Armadas, Spanish 151
Arminians 179
Army Plot (1641) 197–8
Arran, James Hamilton, 2nd Earl 76
Arrowsmith, Edmund 138
Arthur, Prince of Wales 13, 15
Ashburton, Devon 125
Aske, Christopher 52, 58
Aske, Robert 44–8, 50, 52, 53–9
Asquith, Clare 165
Assertio Septem Sacramentorum [Defence of the Seven Sacraments] 7, 24
Aston, Sir Arthur 204
Atterbury, Francis, Bishop of Rochester 257
Atterbury Plot (1721) 257, 262
Audley, Thomas 20, 27
Augsburg, Diet of (1530) 61
Austin, Alfred 410
Aylmer, John, Bishop of London 150
Babbington plot (1586) 151
Bacon, Sir Francis 161
Badger, George 164
Bagna, Cardinal 195
Baines, Peter 349, 350, 360
Baines, Richard 159
Bainham, James 11
Ballingarry uprising 403
Balmerino, James Elphinstone, Lord 180
Bancroft, Richard, Bishop of London 154, 177
Barber, Thomas 164
Barberi, Dominic (priest) 393
Barfreston, Kent 34
Barlow, William, Dean of Chester 180
Barnabo, Alessandro, Cardinal 193, 367, 407, 408, 432–3, 441
Barnard Castle, County Durham 55
Barnes, Edwin 561
Barnes, Robert 8, 9, 10
Barnwell family, Ireland 184
Barrillon, Paul 228
Barry, Charles 352
Barton, Elizabeth, ‘Maid of Kent’ 21–2, 24–5, 28
Basing House 203
Bath, John Granville, 1st Earl of 207
Bath, Somerset 238, 299
BBC 482–3, 544, 546
Bea, Augustin, Cardinal 519
Beardsley, Aubrey 473
Beaton, David, Archbishop of St Andrews 73–5
Beaton, James, Archbishop of Glasgow 193
Beaton, James, Archbishop of St Andrews 72, 193
Beaufort, Lady Margaret 22
Beaulieu Abbey 38
Bedingfield family 252
Belchem, John 411
Bellarmine, Cardinal Roberto 178, 179, 180–1
Bellasis, Father 466
Belloc, Hilaire 437, 476–80, 482, 512
bell-ringing, forbidding of 83
Benedict XIV, Pope 269
Benedict XVI, Pope (formerly Cardinal Ratzinger) 534, 542, 558, 561
Benedictines 192, 319, 330
Bennet, Thomas 11
Bentivoglio, Guido 173
Bentley, John Francis 465
Bernini, Gianlorenzo 195
Berrington, Charles, Vicar Apostolic 305, 324
Berwick-on-Tweed 91
Bess of Hardwick (Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of Shrewsbury) 157
Beverley, Yorkshire 45, 55
Bible: belief in divine inspiration of 32; Douai-Rheims Bible (1582) 136, 483; English translations of 8, 9, 33, 63, 65, 76, 81, 85, 115, 483; Latin Vulgate of St Jerome 81; reading of 85, 526
Bigod, Sir Francis 56–7
Bill of Rights (1689) 245
Bilney, Thomas 9, 10–11
Birchley, Lancashire 252
Birmingham 258, 353, 357; Oratory 395, 402
birth control, Church’s attitude to 522, 530–5, 562, 570–1
Bishop, William, Bishop of Chalcedon 192, 193
bishops, absentee 81
Bishops’ Banishment Act (1697) 251
Bishop’s Book, The (1537) 63–4
‘black rubric’ 96
‘Blacklow’s Cabal’ 205–6
Blackwell, George (Archpriest) 154–5, 177–8, 181, 192
Blair, Tony 560
‘Bloody Assizes’ 231, 245
‘Bloody Question, The’ 132
Blount, Richard (SJ) 176
Blount family 256
Bluet, Thomas (priest) 154
Blundell, Nicholas 253
Blunt, Wilfred Scawen 473
Blythe House, Hammersmith 414
Bocher, Joan 97–8
Boleyn, Anne 12, 13, 15
Boleyn, Sir Thomas 12
Bolton Abbey 42
Bonner, Edmund, Bishop of London 78, 96, 101, 102, 105, 118–19, 125
book burning 6, 8
Book of Common Prayer: (1549) 86, 87, 93; (1662) 212–13; proscribed after Queen Mary’s accession (1553) 103; reinstated under Queen Elizabeth 122, 123
Bordley, Simon (priest) 304
Borgia, Cardinal 317
Borromeo, Carlo, Archbishop of Milan 162, 275, 397, 429
Bourne, Francis, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster 481, 483, 510
Bourne, Gilbert, Bishop of Bath and Wells 102
Bowen, Michael, Bishop of Arundel and Brighton 544
Boxley, Kent 65
Boyne, Battle of the (1690) 248
Braddick, Michael 201
Bradford, John 102
Bramston, James, Vicar Apostolic 348, 351
Branges, Charles Barrilon d’Armoncourt, Marquis de 207
Breakspear, Nicholas 1, 90
Bresciani, Padre (SJ) 394
Bridewell gaol 148, 297
Bridges, Robert 472, 473
Bristol 73, 244, 299, 300
broadcasting, and Catholicism 481, 482–3
Broadhurst, John (former Bishop of Fulham) 561
Brockholes, John 321
Brokehole family 252
Brompton Oratory, London 402
Brontë, Charlotte 378
Brookeborough, Basil Brooke, 1st Viscount 499
Brooks, James, Bishop of Gloucester 108
Brooksby, Eleanor 202
Brown, Bishop Joseph 434
Brown, Dan, Da Vinci Code 516
Browne, John 22
Bruce, James (OSB) 247
Brushford, John (priest) 152–3
Buachailli Bana (‘Whiteboys’) 275
Bucer, Martin 78, 91
Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of 188–9, 191
Bull, Frederick 291
Bullivant, Stephen 538
Bures, Suffolk 125
Burgh, Thomas, 1st Baron 42, 43
Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron 135, 147, 150
Burke, Edmund 281, 295, 310
Burke, Thomas, Bishop 275
Burney, Charlotte 295
Burnham, Andrew (former Bishop of Ebbsfleet) 561
burnings see executions
Butler, Archbishop 314–15
Butler, Charles 303, 321–2
Buxton, Sydney 461
Bye Plot, The (1603) 175
Byland Abbey 42
Byrd, Juliana 146–7
Byrd, William 146–7
Caetani di Sermoneta, Cardinal Niccolo 74
Caistor, Lincolnshire 41
Call to Action (pressure group) 570
Calvin, John 17
Calvinism 129, 189, 262
Cambridge: attacks in the ‘Glorious Revolution’ 244; closure of religious houses 37; Cromwell raids College plate 202–3; James II’s interference with 238; and John Fisher 22; ‘Little Germany’ group 9–10, 11; Queen Mary repulsed in 100
Cameron, Alex, Vicar Apostolic 418
Campaign of Prayer for the Reconversion of England 352
Campbell, Colin (priest) 262, 263
Campeggio, Cardinal 14
Campion, Edmund: arrest and execution 145–7; brings Borromeo’s spiritual Testament to England 162; and ‘Campion’s Brag’ 143–4; in Ireland 183; mission to England 138, 139, 140–2; Ten Reasons 144, 145
Canada 269, 407, 412, 561; Quebec Act (1774) 279
Canning, George 331
canon law: and Catholic education 507; and child abuse scandals 540–1, 549; and the English Hierarchy 368; and Henry VIII 15, 20
Canterbury Convocation 16–17, 19, 23, 35
Cardinal College, Oxford 10, 37
Carey, George, Archbishop of Canterbury 557
Carier, Benjamin 182
Carlingford, Francis Taaffe, 3rd Earl of 234
Carlisle 57
Carmelites 319
Caroline of Brunswick, Queen Consort 341
Cartmel Priory 47
Casey, Eamon, Bishop of Galway 542
Casti Connubii (papal encyclical, 1930) 531, 532
Castlemaine, Roger Palmer, 1st Earl of 233
Castlereagh, Lord 314, 331, 336
catechism: (1555) 115; and homosexuality 536; of John Gother (c.1688) 226–7
Catesby, Robert 176, 178
Catherine of Aragon 12–13, 14, 15, 99, 101, 111
Catherine of Braganza, Queen Consort 208
Catholic Association (British) 344
Catholic Association (Irish) 342–3, 346
Catholic Bishops’ Conference in England and Wales 546, 551, 555, 561, 562, 563, 567
Catholic Board 326, 329, 333, 334, 336, 339, 340, 341, 342
Catholic Committee (‘Committee of Ten’) 303–13, 321, 325
Catholic Gazette 402
Catholic Gentleman’s Magazine 340
Catholic Herald (newspaper) 453, 555
Catholic Institute Magazine 409, 411
Catholic Magazine 339
Catholic Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults 548
Catholic Relief Act (1778) 281–3, 284–7, 292, 296, 301–3; (1791) 307–12, 323; (1798) 320; (1829) 345–6, 349
Catholic Socialist Society 511–12
Catholic Times 412
Catholic Union 426
Catholic Young Men’s Society 426
Caton, Father 304
Cawdrey, John 164
Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury see Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of celibacy of the clergy: confirmed by Henry VIII 67; and Vatican II 518
Chalcedon, Bishop of 192
Chalcedon, Council of (451) 388
Challoner, Richard, Vicar Apostlic 258–60, 270, 271, 279–80, 293
Chantries Act (1547) 84
Chapuys, Eustace 43
charitable organisations, Catholic 371, 411, 420, 425–6
Charles I, King: attracted to Catholicism 194–6; marriage to Henrietta Maria 191; planned marriage to Infanta of Spain 186–90
Charles II, King: attitude to Catholicism during his reign 209, 212, 215; on death of Oliver Plunkett 222; deathbed conversion to Catholicism 207–8; Declaration of Indulgence (1660) 210–11; Declaration of Indulgence (1672) 215–16; funeral 224; and the Great Fire of London 214; and the Popish Plot 217–18; proclaimed King of Ireland (1660) 211; and the success of James II 222–3
Charles V of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor 13, 50, 110, 111, 114
Charlotte, Queen Consort 284, 349–50
Charlton, Mrs 416
Chaucer, Geoffrey 32
Cheadle, Staffordshire 395
Cheke, Sir John 120
Chesterton, G. K. 437, 474, 474–6, 477, 478, 480
Chevreuse, Duc de 191
child abuse, and the Catholic Church in England 538–53
Children of Mary 425
Chillington family 257
Christ Church, Oxford 37
Christian Doctrine Society 425
Christian Socialist Movement 437
Christiana, Princess of France 186
Church of England: abolished by Oliver Cromwell 205–6; emergence of 60, 62, 63, 64, 67, 189; obligation to attend 92, 123, 132; ordination of women 554–5; response to Catholic emancipation 375; shortage of priests 125–6
Church of St Thomas of Canterbuy, Rome 362
‘Cisalpine’ Catholics 313, 335, 435, 446
Civil Partnership Act (2004) 537
Civil War (1642–1651) 201, 202, 203
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of 205, 213, 224
Clarendon, George Villiers, 4th Earl 346
Clarendon, Henry Hyde, 2nd Earl of 234
Clark, Thomas, Bishop of Southwark 443
Clayton, Matthew 187
Clement VII, Pope 13–15, 80
Clement VIII, Pope 155, 178, 179, 183
Clement XIV, Pope 278
clergy: and child abuse scandals 541, 543–6; corruption and criticism of (16th century) 23, 31, 32–6, 74–5, 88–9, 114, 541; permitted to marry 85; prevented from marrying 103; Reginald Pole’s attempted reform of 114, 116; shortage of Protestant priests 125–6
Clerk, John, Bishop of Bath and Wells 19, 61
Clerkenwell, London 196, 244
Clifford, Hugh Clifford, 7th Baron 326
Clifford, William, Bishop of Clifton 442–3
Clynnog, Dr Morys 134
Cobbler, Captain see Melton, Nicholas, ‘Captain Cobbler’
Cobden, Richard 378
Cockerill, William 220
Cohalan, Daniel, Bishop of Cork 493–4
Coigny, Duc de 422
Cole, Henry 108
Colet, John, Dean of St Paul’s 35–6
Collectanea Satis Copiosa 16
‘collegiality’ 525
Collingridge, Peter, Vicar Apostolic 332, 349
Comerford, Edward, Archbishop of Cashel 251
Commonwealth Immigration Act (1968) 563
Communion 67, 69, 86–7, 91–2, 98, 119, 123, 176, 216 see also transubstantiation
Como, Cardinal 149
Compton, Henry, Bishop of London 230
Con, George 195–6, 197
Conan Doyle, Arthur 473
Conciliator, The (journal) 339
confession 62, 67, 69, 103
Congress of Cardinals (1815) 336
Conishead Priory 47
Connolly, James 493
Conry, Kieran, Bishop of Arundel and Brighton 540–1, 548
Consalvi, Cardinal 335, 336, 337
Constantine the Great 522
Contarini, Alvise 196
Conventicle Act (1664) 210, 213
Convention Act (1793) 343
converts, Anglican 554–8, 560–2
Conway, William, Cardinal Archbishop 506
Copeland, William 439
Corkey, Professor 503
Cornthwaite, Robert, Bishop of Beverley 446
Cornwall, and the Latin Mass 88
Corporations Act (1661) 211
Corpus Christi plays, York 126
Cottam, Thomas (priest) 149, 164
Cottington, Francis 194, 195
Cottom, John 164, 165
Council of the North 93
Counter-Reformation 99–121
County Mayo Day of Folly 274
Couve de Murville, Maurice, Archbishop of Birmingham 541, 544
Coventry, and Polish immigrants 564–5
Coverdale, Miles 65, 97
Coverham Abbey 47
Coxe Hippisley, Sir John 323, 325, 331
Crabbe, George 297
Craig, Sir James 496–8, 502
Cranmer, Thomas: and the Book of Common Prayer 86–7, 92; Book of Homilies 85; caution over speed of reform 78, 82, 86, 90; denies Mary’s claim to the throne 101; excludes Mary and Elizabeth from succession 98; Forty-Two Articles of Faith (1553) 83; and Henry VIII’s divorce 15, 23; iconoclasm 64, 125; imprisonment and execution 102, 107–9; influence on Edward VI 79, 81–2; Injunctions on idolatry 82–3; on kneeling 93, 95–6; and the Pilgrimage of Grace 39, 41, 51, 53; Protestantism of 60, 61, 68, 69; and the Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum 95; Reginald Pole on 117; and Thomas More 27; and the Wittenburg Articles 62
Crawar, Paul 72
Crew, Sir Thomas 215
Crimean War (1853–1856) 427
Cromwell, Oliver: Declaration of 1649 203; intolerance of Catholics 202–3; in Ireland 203–5, 212
Cromwell, Richard 43
Cromwell, Thomas: appoints ‘Commissioners’ to value Church’s property 37–8; destruction of relics and statues 64–5, 83; dislike of Catholicism 61; execution of 67–8; and the Lincolnshire uprising 41, 44; and the Pilgrimage of Grace 52, 53, 54, 58; political motives for Protestantism 60; and the Supplication of the Commons Against the Ordinaries 18; and Thomas More 24–5, 27
Cuban missile crisis 521
Cullen, Paul, Archbishop of Armagh 400–8, 416–17, 447–8, 450
Culloden, Battle of (1745) 267
Cumberland, Ernst Augustus, Duke of 345
Cumberlege Report 550–1
Cupich, Blase, Archbishop 569
Curia (Vatican) 90, 349, 364, 366, 367, 519
Currie, Austin 505
Curtis, John (SJ) 402
Dalgairns, Bernard 393
Dalrymple, Sir John 280, 288
Damien, St 1
Danby, Sir Christopher 47
Danby, Thomas Osborne, Earl of 217
Darboy, Georges, Archbishop of Paris 447
D’Arcy, Martin (SJ) 484
Darcy, Thomas, 1st Baron Darcy 43, 47, 48–50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58
Darnell, Nicholas 434
Darowska, Hanna 566
Darwin, Charles 389, 437
Davies, Richard 162
Day, George, Bishop of Chichester 97
Day, John (priest) 106
De Unitate (Cardinal Reginald Pole) 65–6, 71
De Valera, Eamon 491–3
Declaration of Breda (1660) 210
Defence of the King’s Assertion Against Babylonian Captivity (Luther) 8
Defoe, Daniel 257, 295
Dei Verbum (1965) 525–6
Delany, Bishop of Cork 402
Derby, Church of St Mary 357
Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, 5th Earl of (formerly Baron Strange) 165
Derry, John, Bishop of Clonfert 405
Devine, Tom 551
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 3rd Earl of 202, 216
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 5th Duke of 296
Dickens, Charles 374
Digby, Sir Everard 178
Digby, Sir Kenelm 206
Dignitatis Humanae (1965) 522–4
Dillon, Richard (priest) 271
Disraeli, Benjamin 369, 374, 450
Dissenters 216, 249, 254, 270, 387
Dissolution of the Monasteries 36–8
Divorce Reform Act (1969) 530
Dixon, Canon 119
Dollinger, Johann von 402
Dominicans 199, 255, 263, 424
Donatism 388
Doncaster 49, 51, 54, 55
Dopping, Anthony, Bishop of Meath 249–50
Douai, English College at 133, 136, 164, 205, 225, 259, 268, 319
Douai-Rheims Bible (1582) 136, 341
Douglas, Sir Robert 194
Douglass, John (Vicar Apostolic) 305, 308, 321, 324, 326, 329, 334
Dover Castle 244
Downey, Richard, Archbishop of Liverpool 508
Downham, William, Bishop of Chester 126
Downside Abbey and School 330, 349, 350
Dowson, Ernest 473
drama, Elizabethan 159–70
Drogheda, Ireland: Jesuit college at 221; Siege of (1649) 204–5
Drowry, Thomas 106
Druids 184
Dublin Review (journal) 351, 434, 436, 440
Duggan, Malachy (priest) 406
Dunblane, Scotland 129
Dunning, John 281
Durham, Bishop of (Edward Maltby) 374–5
Durham Cathedral 127
Dwyer, George Patrick, Archbishop of Birmingham 527
Dykvelt, Everard van 234–5
Dympna Centre 545
Dziwisz, Stanislaw, Archbishop 566
Eastby Abbey 47
Easter Rising (1916) 492–3
ecclesiastical courts 18–19, 211
Ecclesiastical Commission 559
Ecclesiastical Titles Bill 377–8
ecumenism 212–13, 221
Edgbaston, Birmingham 258
Edgehill, Battle of (1642) 202
Edinburgh, Scotland 247
education, Catholic: 18th century 271; 19th century 338–9, 454–6; 20th century 465, 509–11; in Birmingham 258; in Liverpool 413–15, 508; in Northern Ireland 503–4, 507; prohibited under William and Mary 246; public schools 330; and Richard Challoner 259–60; in Scotland 423–5, 510–11; and University College, Dublin 401–3
Education Acts (1870) 451, 454–5; (1902) 465; (1918) 509
Edward VI, King: belief in England’s Protestantism 120; childhood betrothal to Mary, Queen of Scots 76; and the Council of Trent 81; death 98, 99; influences liturgical and doctrinal changes 77, 78–9, 90; and John Knox 96; repeals Act of Six Articles 86
Edwards, Henry, Archbishop of Westminster 193
Elgar, Edward, The Dream of Gerontius 466
Eliot, George 145, 439
Elizabeth I, Queen: accession and early reforms 122–6; becomes ‘Governor’ of the Church of England 123; death 158; determination to repress all forms of Catholicism 151–2; and Edmund Campion 140, 145; excluded from succession 98; excommunication of 131; expulsion of all Catholic priests from England (1602) 155; during reign of Queen Mary 122; response to Regnans in Excelsis 131–2
Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia 187
Ellis, William, Right Reverend 2
emancipation, Catholic: campaign for 321–46; wariness of, among Catholics 229, 239 see also Catholic Relief Acts
Emancipation Act 1829 see Relief Acts
Emerson, Ralph 138
emigration, of Protestants after Queen Mary’s succession 103
émigré priests and nuns from France 319–20, 326, 329
English Catholic revival (19th century) 351–3, 355, 358
English Catholics: 18th century 277; the ‘Catholic Committee’ 303–13; emergence of middle and industrial class 252, 258, 260, 272, 277, 338; nobility 252–3, 257, 273, 280, 306, 321, 350, 351, 379, 416, 445
English College in Rome: and Cardinal Wiseman 347, 348–9; Church of St Thomas of Canterbury 362; hostility to Jesuits 154, 278; and Jacobitism 268; mission to England 149; and William Allen 134, 136
English Reformation see Reformation, English
Episcopalians 212
Erasmus 15, 29
Errington, George, Archbishop of Trebizond 430–3, 440, 443
Essex, Arthur Capell, 1st Earl of 221, 222, 223
Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of 157
Essex rebellion (1601) 151
Eucharist 61, 62, 81, 86 see also Communion; transubstantiation
Evelyn, John 224, 241
Everard, John 184
executions: after the Popish Plot (1678) 219; under Charles I 197; under Charles II 217, 223; under Edward VI 89, 97–8; under Henry VIII 10–12, 20–1, 28–9, 64, 67–8; under James I 177; under Queen Elizabeth 128, 132, 133, 146–8, 149–50, 152, 157, 165; under Queen Mary 104, 105, 118–20
Exsurge Domine (Papal Bull 1520) 513
Eyre, Charles, Archbishop of Glasgow 420–1, 426
Eyre, Rowland 202
Eyre family 202
Faber, Frederick William 394–5, 429, 433
Fagel, Caspar 234
Fairfax, Sir William 42
faith, justification by 31, 62, 63, 69, 80, 81, 85; condemned as heresy 92
Farmer, Anthony 237
Farquharson, Lewis 255
Farrar, George 131
Faversham, Louis de Duras, 2nd Earl of 208
Fawkes, Guy 176
Feeney, Thomas, Bishop of Killala 406
Fenianism 421, 451
Fenwick, Ann 252
Field of the Cloth of Gold (1520) 22
Fielding, Sir John 296
Firbank, Ronald 474
‘first fruits’ 18, 37, 43, 53, 116
First World War 497, 515
Fish, Simon 10, 33, 34
Fisher, James 286–7, 288
Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester: on Catholicism 70; and closure of religious houses 37; defends Catherine of Aragon 14; denounces Martin Luther 6, 25; denounces mortuary charges 34; execution and posthumous reputation 29–30; life and beliefs 22–5; and the ‘Maid of Kent’ 21, 22, 24–5; and royal supremacy 17
Fitzalan-Howard, Carina 548
FitzGerald, Vesey 343, 344
Fitzwilliam, William Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl 320
Five Mile Act (1665) 213
flu epidemic (1558) 125
Ford, Ford Maddox 474
Forster, William 454
Forsyth, Thomas (SJ) 255
Forty-Two Articles of Faith (1553) 83, 92, 122
Foster, Isobel 104
Foster, Thomas 40
Fountains Abbey 56
Fowler, William 105
Fowler family 225
Fox, Charles James 324
Foxe, John 22, 117; Book of Martyrs 107
Framlingham, Suffolk 100
franchise, for Catholics 314, 321, 322, 346
Francis, Pope 571
Francis II, King of France 128
Franciscans 423
Franco, General 516
Frankishe, John 41
Franzoni, Cardinal 353, 355, 417
Frascati, Cardinal Archbishop of (Henry Stuart, Duke of York) 1, 268
Fraser, General Charles 286
Fraser, Giles 560
Freemasons 515
French Revolution 319–20
Frost, David 548
Froude, James Anthony 471
Froude, Richard Hurrell 382, 384, 437
Fuller, John (priest) 271
Gage family 257
Gainsborough, Earl of 459
Gair, G R 511
Gallagher, Thomas 568
Gallanagh, Neil (priest) 550
Gardiner, Stephen, Bishop of Winchester: becomes Lord Chancellor 101; and the Book of Common Prayer 87; and Henry VIII’s divorce 23; and the Heresy Laws (1555) 104–5; imprisonment 90, 96; and ‘Little Germany’ 10; and Thomas Cranmer 60, 69, 109; and Thomas Cromwell 67
Garlick, Nicholas (priest) 157
Garnett, Henry (SJ) 148, 168, 176
Garret, Tim (priest) 548
Gascoigne family 252–3, 257
George, Henry 452
George, Prince of Denmark 228
George I, King 254, 261
George II, King 267
George III, King 280, 284, 298, 311–12, 314, 318, 322–3, 324, 349
George IV, King 341, 342, 345
ghosts, in Shakespeare’s plays 169
Gibbon, Benedict (priest) 207
Gibbons, Cardinal 463
Gibbs, Philip 437
Gibson, Matthew, Vicar Apostolic 302, 307, 309
Giffard, Bonaventure, Vicar Apostolic 238, 258, 260–1
Gilbert, George 142
Gilbert, Nicholas Alain (priest) 319
Gill, Eric 466
Gillis, James, Vicar Apostolic 423
Gilpin, Archdeacon Bernard 119
Giovannucci, Ferdinand (priest) 278
Gladstone, William Ewart 354, 355, 378, 398–9, 448–9, 456, 463
Gladwell, Robert 348
Glasgow, Scotland 247, 418–19, 426
Glasgow Celtic football club 426
Glemp, Jozef, Cardinal 565
Glenfinnan, Scotland 270
Glenlivet, Scotland 270
‘Glorious Revolution’ (1688) 244–6
Gloucester, Henry Stuart, Duke of 209
Godden, Arthur 233
Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry 218, 219
Godwin, Francis 121
Goldwell, Thomas, Bishop of St Asaph 225
Gondomar, Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, Count of 186, 188
Good Shepherd, Homes of the 413, 426
Gordon, General 466
Gordon, James (SJ) 179, 263
Gordon, Lord George 286–92, 293, 296, 299, 300–1
Gordon Riots (1780) 290–301, 303
Gorham, George 397–8
Goss, Alexander, Bishop 409, 411
Gother, John (priest) 226–7, 259
Gradwell, John 341
Grand Remonstrance (1641) 201
Grant, Charles (priest) 421
Grant, Thomas (priest) 366
Granville, William Granville, 1st Baron 312
Grattan, Henry 320, 328, 330, 341, 378
Great Exhibition (1851) 362
Great Famine, Ireland 404, 409–10, 412, 451, 507
Great Fire of London (1666) 213–15
Great Reform Bill (1832) 321, 374
Greene, Graham 474, 487–90, 534
Gregorian chant 515
Gregory the Great, Pope 533
Gregory VII, Pope 381
Gregory XIII, Pope 130, 134, 136, 178; Explanatio 148, 149, 180
Gregory XV, Pope 193
Gregory XVI, Pope 365, 513
Grey, Charles Grey, 2nd Earl 326, 327, 341
Grey, Lady Jane 98, 99–100, 101, 103, 163
Griffin, Bernard, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster 483
Griffiths, Thomas, Vicar Apostolic 353, 359, 360
Grindal, Edmund, Bishop of London 126
Gruber, Gabriel (SJ) 330
Guidi, Cardinal 447
Guisborough Abbey 42
Gummer, John Selwyn 559
Gunpowder Plot (1605) 161, 176, 181; and Shakespeare’s Macbeth 168
Gwilliam, Thomas (Blackfriars prior) 73
Hadow Report (1931) 510
Hakewill, Dr George 188
Hales, John (priest) 36
Hales, Sir Edward 233
Halifax, George Savile, 1st Marquess 209, 231, 236, 252
Hallam, John 56, 57
Hambledon Hill, Lincolnshire 42, 45
Hamilton, Duchess of 197
Hamilton, Patrick, Abbot of Ferne 72–3
Hanover, House of 254, 256, 268, 323
Hanseatic League 8, 26, 72
Hansom, Joseph 362
Harcourt, Sir Simon 38
Harding, Thomas 11–12
Hardman, John 356, 357, 358
Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire 157
Harper, Thomas (SJ) 438
Harpsfield, Nicholas 29, 118, 119
Harrington, William 48
Hay, George, Vicar Apostolic 269, 284
Healy, Tim 491
Heath, Nicholas, Bishop of Gloucester 97
Heenan, John, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster 520–1, 533, 563
Hennage, John 40–1
Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort 191, 195, 197, 198, 199, 202, 208, 209
Henry, Denis Stanislaus 500–1
Henry II, King 1
Henry IV of France 191
Henry VII, King 22, 36
Henry VIII, King: and closure of the monasteries 37; divorce of Catherine of Aragon 12–16; excommunication of 67; granted title ‘Defender of the Faith’ 7; invasion of Scotland 76; and the Pilgrimage of Grace 49, 50–1, 54; religious views of 5–8, 60, 62, 63–4, 67, 71; and sovereignty 16–20; as Supreme Head of the Church of England 64
Heresy Act (1534) 20
Heresy Laws (1554) 104, 117
Hesketh family 252
Hiberians football club 426
Hierarchy, English Catholic: campaign for restoration 363–4; and John Henry Newman 396; restoration of 194, 371–80; and the Vatican 353, 355
Hierarchy, Scottish Catholic 379, 420, 432
Higgons, Theophilus 182
Highland Clearances 256, 268, 276
Hill, Christopher, Bishop 560
Hill, Michael (priest) 544–5, 546
Hilsey, John, Bishop of Rochester 65
Hinsley, Arthur, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster 483, 510
Hofton, William (priest) 549–50
Holbeck, Nottingham 258
Holden, Henry 206
Holgate, Robert, Prior of Watton Abbey 45
Hollings, Michael (priest) 548
Hollis, Christopher 474
Hollis, Crispian, Bishop of Portsmouth 540
Holocaust, Church’s failure to condemn 515, 524
holy days, observance of 302
Holy Roman Emperor see Charles V of Spain; Maximilian II
Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh 128, 236, 247, 319
Holywell, Wales 184, 248, 329
Homilies Set Forth (1555) 118
homosexuality, Church’s attitude to 535–7, 571
Honest Godly Instruction for the Bringing up of Children, An (1555) 118
Hooker, Richard 42
Hooper, John, Bishop of Gloucester and Worcester 78–9, 81, 88, 93, 95, 96, 97, 102, 105
Hopkins, Gerard Manley 471, 472–3
Hornyold, John, Vicar Apostolic 302
Hornyold, Thomas 303
horses, Catholics prohibited from owning 245
Hoskins, Anthony (SJ) 181
Hough, John 237
Houghton family 164–5
Howard, Cardinal Philip 226
Howard, Henry see Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of
Howard, Thomas see Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke
Howard family 256
Hubert, Robert 214
Huddersfield 357
Huddleston, John (priest) 207–8
Huguenots 228
Hull 47–8, 103
Humanae Vitae (papal encyclical, 1968) 522, 531–5, 538, 571
Humani Generis (papal encyclical, 1950) 517
Humble Address of the Roman Catholic Peers (1778) 280–1
Hume, Basil, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster 516, 534, 536–7, 546, 548, 555–9, 561
Hune, Richard 34
Hunt, Holman 471
Hunt, Simon (SJ) 164
Huntingdon, George Hastings, 1st Earl 50
Huntingdon, Theophilus Hastings, 7th Earl of 240
Huntley family 319
Hyde, Anne, Duchess of York 224
iconoclasm 82–4, 125
Immaculate Conception 434, 446
immigration: Catholic Church’s support of 562–3 see also Irish immigrants; Polish immigrants
‘index’ (of forbidden books) 8, 111, 452
indulgences, sale of 5, 32, 81, 115
Industrial Revolution 258, 260, 268, 277, 350
Ingleby, Francis (priest) 152
Injunctions, Royal (1547), on idolatry 82–3, 122
Institution of a Christian Man, The (1537) 63
intercession of saints 32, 39, 81, 85, 92
IRA (Irish Republican Army) 495, 497, 506
Ireland: 18th century Catholicism in 273–6, 278–9; and Catholic emancipation 313–18, 342–4; and the Catholic Relief Act (1778) 302; and the Catholic Relief Act (1791) 311–12; Catholic uprising (1533) 18; under Charles I 199–200; under Charles II 211–12; Easter Rising and civil war 492–4; under Elizabeth I 130; founding of University College, Dublin 400–3; Great Famine and emigration 315, 404–7; and Home Rule 450; Ireland Act (1949) 504; under James II 232, 234, 235; and nationalism 337–8; Oliver Cromwell’s suppression of 203–5; and Oliver Plunkett 220–1; partition 494–6, 501; Protestant settlers in 183–4; Rebellion (1641) 200–1, 203; sectarian violence 493–5, 501–2; Synod of Thurles (1850) 417; Treaty of Limerick 248–9; ‘Wild Geese’ legend 249; and William of Orange 248–51 see also Northern Ireland
Ireton, Henry 205
Irish College in Rome 220, 370, 404
Irish Free State (1921) 494
Irish immigrants 338, 369–70, 429; and Catholic population in England 408, 416; in Liverpool 407, 409–16; in Scotland 418–23
Irish Relief Acts 278–9, 302, 310; (1778) 322; (1793) 314
Islam 524
Jacobite Rebellion (1715) 254–6, 262
Jacobite Rebellion (1745) 267–8, 276
James I, King (James VI of Scotland): accession to the English throne 153, 158, 173–4; and Catholicism 179; death 191; dislike of Jesuits 175; and the Gunpowder Plot 176; intellect of 178–9, 181–2; and the Main Plot (1603) 157; and the Oath of Allegiance 177–8; plan to marry Prince of Wales to Spanish Infanta 186–90
James II, King (James VII of Scotland): attempts to prevent succession of 222–3; Catholicism of 209, 224–5; on Charles II’s conversion 207; Declaration of Indulgence to Tender Consciences (1687) 236–7, 240–1; Ecclesiastical Commission of 230, 237, 238; exempted from the Test Acts 216, 219; flees to France 242–3; invades Ireland (1690) 248; promotion of Catholicism in England 227–34
James VI of Scotland see James I, King (James VI of Scotland)
Jansen, Cornelius Otto 262
Jansenism 262–3
Jeffreys, George 231, 241, 245
Jenkins, Thomas 164
Jermyn, Henry 198
Jerningham, Edward 326, 327, 328
Jervaulx Abbey 56
Jesuits: and Catholic education 424–5; under Charles I 196, 197, 198, 202; and the English College in Rome 134; executed under Charles II 219; and John Henry Newman 394; in Liverpool 414–15; and the ‘reconversion’ of England 135–9, 140–1, 153, 154–5, 258; re-established in England (19th century) 335–6; Reginald Pole rejects offers of help 116; resentment of 137–8, 154, 174–5, 192, 226, 232, 247; in Scotland 248, 255–6, 268–9; and Stonyhurst 330, 336; suppression of, by Clement XIV 278; in Wales 248
Jesus College, Cambridge 37
Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury 124
Jews/Judaism 524
John Paul II, Pope 516
John XXIII, Pope 517–20, 531
Johnson, James (SJ) 424
Jones, Inigo 197
Jones, William 233
Jonson, Ben 159, 160–1
Joynson-Hicks, William 497
Julius II, Pope 7, 13, 15
Julius III, Pope 90, 109, 114, 115
Karpinski, Ryszard, Bishop 565
Keane, William, Bishop of Ross 417
Keating, Frederick, Archbishop of Liverpool 508
Keble, John 382, 383, 389
Kelly, Oliver, Bishop of Tuam 342
Kelly, P J 508
Kelly, Thomas 408
Kendall, Thomas (priest) 39–40
Kennedy, John F. 531
Kennett, Brackley 294–5
Ker, Ian 472
Kett’s Rebellion 88–9
Keynes, John (SJ) 232
King’s Book, The (1543) 69
King’s Players 161
Kingsley, Charles 437–8
Kinsey, John (OSB) 543
Kirby, Christopher 217
Kirby, Luke (priest) 138
Kirk, of Scotland 129–30, 182–3, 198, 235–6, 247, 255, 262
kneeling, opposition to 92–4, 95–6
Knights of St Columba 508
Knollys, Sir Francis 148
Knox, John 33, 74, 90, 129; conversion to Protestantism 73; enslavement by the French 77; flees to France after Queen Mary’s accession 102; opposition to kneeling 92–4, 95–6; preaches at Edward VI’s court 95; preaches at James VI’s accession to Scottish throne 173; preaching style 76–7, 182; on restoration of Catholicism under Queen Mary 101; taken up by Church of England 91; Vindication of the Doctrine that the Sacrifice of the Mass is Idolatry 93–4
Knox, Ronald 194, 437, 474, 480–4
Kukla, Tadeusz (priest) 566
Kyd, Thomas 159, 160
Labour Party 509, 511, 512
Lambert, John 70
Lambeth Palace 27
Lancashire, Catholicism in 153, 165, 225–6, 250, 252, 257, 267, 272, 277, 278, 329
Lancashire Free Press 413
Lancaster Herald (Thomas Miller) 48–9, 50, 54
Langdale, Thomas 299
Langland, William 32
Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 7th Marquess 376
Latimer, Hugh, Bishop of Worcester: arrested after Queen Mary’s accession 102; and doctrine 64; execution of 107–8; and iconoclasm 65; and the Pilgrimage of Grace 51, 53; resigns as Bishop of Worcester 67; on shortage of Protestant clergy 97; and Stratford-on-Avon 163
Latimer, John Neville, 3rd Baron 47
Latin Vulgate of St Jerome (Latin Bible) 81, 88
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 190, 196
Laxfield, Suffolk 106
Layton, Dr Richard 38, 53
League of St Sebastian 425
League of the Cross 420, 426, 456
Lee, Edward, Archbishop of York 45, 48, 54
Lefebvre, Marcel, Archbishop 523
Legbourne Priory 40
Leicester, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of 145, 150
Leigh, Dr Thomas 38, 53
Leo X, Pope 6, 7
Leo XII, Pope 347
Leo XIII, Pope 379, 420, 457, 463, 514
Leonard, Graham, Bishop of Truro (formerly Bishop of London) 555–6, 558, 561
Leslie, Norman 75
Leslie, William (priest) 222
Leyburn, John, Vicar Apostolic 194, 225–6, 238, 239
Liber Valorum 37
Licensing Act (1871) 456
Lincolnshire Rising (1536) 39–45
Lisle, Viscount 38
Lismore, Scotland 270
Litta, Cardinal 334, 335, 336, 340
‘Little Germany’ group 9–10, 15
Littlemore, Oxford 389–90, 392–3
liturgical practice 124; and Vatican II 526–7
Liverpool: Catholic Cathedral 507; Catholic population, 19th century 329; Irish immigrants in 407, 409–16; sectarianism in 507–9
Lloyd George, David 114, 465
Loch Morar, Scotland 269
Lockhart, William (priest) 408
Logan, Davie 509
Logue, Michael, Cardinal 492, 494, 495
Lollards 9, 31, 32, 72
London dock strike (1889) 461
Londonderry, Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess 502, 503–4
Longland, John, Bishop of Lincoln 12, 60, 97
Lord Strange’s Men (company of players) 165
Lords of Congregation, Scotland 128, 173
Louis XIV of France 215–16, 228
Louth, Lincolnshire 39–42
Louth Park Abbey 40
Louvain, Belgium 72, 73, 133
Lovell, Lady Elizabeth 178
Lowe, Robert 451
Ludlam, Robert (priest) 157
Ludlow, Edmund 205
Lumen Gentium (1965) 525
Luther, Martin 6, 7–8, 9, 17, 25, 72, 541; belief in justification by faith alone 31, 62; and Diet of Augsburg 61; excommunication of 80; Ninety-Five Theses of 5, 32
Lyford Grange, Berkshire 145
Lynch, John, Bishop of Toronto 407
Lyon, Peter 298
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st Baron 354
MacDonagh, Thomas 493
MacDonald, Alasdair 269
MacDonald, Allan (priest) 267
Macdonald, Hugh, Vicar Apostolic 269, 276
Macdonald, Sir Archibald 310
Macdonell, Alexander (priest) 283
MacDowell, Cathal 492
Mackenzie, Compton 74, 474
Macmillan, Harold 481
Macmillan’s Magazine 437–8
MacRory, Joseph, Cardinal Archbishop 495, 502
Magdalen College, Oxford 82, 237–8
Mageean, Daniel, Bishop 495
Maginn, Edmund, Bishop of Derry 406
Maher, James (priest) 406
‘Maid of Kent’ see Barton, Elizabeth
Maidstone, Kent 106
Main Plot, The (1603) 157, 175
Malo, James 294–5
Maloney, John Baptiste 271
Manchester 267, 277, 329, 369, 370
Manning, Henry, Cardinal: and alchohol abstinence 456; as Anglican vicar of Lavington 354; appointed Archbishop of Westminster 443–4; appointed Provost of the Westminster Chapter 431; and Catholic education 454–6; and George Errington 432–3; influence on Hilaire Belloc 477; on Irish immigrants 416; and the Irish Question 450–1; and the Oblates 429–30; and the Oxford Movement 385–6, 397–400; and papal infallibility 446–8; rivalry with Newman 429–30, 434, 444–5, 457–9, 460; in Rome 427–8; and social reform 451–2, 460–4; Ultramontanism 439–42; and William Ewart Gladstone 449
Mansfield, William Murray, 1st Earl of 271, 284, 297, 301
Marcellus II, Pope 114
Margaret of Scotland, Queen 156
Maria Anna, Infanta of Spain 186–90
Marie de Medici 191, 197
Marie of Baden, Princess 422
Market Rasen, Lincolnshire 42
Markham, William, Archbishop of York 297, 298
Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of 235, 242, 248
Marlowe, Christopher 159–60
marriage: between Catholics and non-Catholics 193, 520; and Humanae Vitae 531–5
Marriage Act (1753) 270
Marsh, John (priest) 246
Marshalsea prison 143, 144, 158
Martin, Thomas 103, 108
martyrdom 10–12, 28, 30, 146
Marvell, Andrew 214, 215
Mary, Queen of Scots 85, 151, 156, 173, 235; childhood betrothal to Edward VI 76; and Scottish Catholicism 128–30
Mary II, Queen (with William of Orange) 228, 234, 245
Mary of Guise 74, 75, 77
Mary of Hungary 52
Mary of Modena, Queen Consort of James II 224, 242
Mary Tudor, Queen: and burning of heretics 107, 119–20; death 120; Declaration to Council (1553) 102; marries Philip of Spain 111; overcomes opposition to her succession 99–100; postpones Reginald Pole’s return to England 110–11; as Princess Mary 15–16, 53, 79, 86, 98; and the ‘reconversion’ of England 114–15, 120
Maryvale (Old Oscott) 393, 395
Mass: death penalty introduced for saying Mass under Elizabeth 126; Henry VIII’s attitude to 69; Latin mass abolished in England (1549) 86, 87–8; reinstated after Queen Mary’s accession 102; vernacular 518, 526–8; votive 67
Massey, John (priest) 234
Mathew, Thomas 65
Mawe, Leonard 188
Mawhood, William 293
Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor 131
Maynooth seminary, Ireland 315–16, 318, 355, 390, 414, 492
McCaughan, Colm, Monsignor 507
McDonald, Peter (priest) 256
McDonnell, Thomas (priest) 366–7
McGregor, Gregor (priest) 262, 263
McHale, John, Archbishop of Tuam 400, 401, 403, 406
McLellan Report 551
McNamara, William Nugent 343
McPherson, Paul (priest) 334
Melton, Nicholas, ‘Captain Cobbler’ 41, 56
Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire 100
Mendoza, Don Bernardino 135
Mercurianus, Everard (SJ) 137
Methodism/Methodists 277, 360
Metternich, Count 365
Mill, John Stuart 343
Miller, Thomas 48–9
Milner, John, Vicar Apostolic: appointed as Vicar Apostolic of the Midland District 323–4; on Bible reading 341; on the Catholic Committee 303; on Irish emancipation 314, 318; opposition to the Catholic Relief Act 309–10, 326–9, 331–4, 342–3; and the Orthodox Journal 339–40; at Oscott College 330; on readmission of Jesuits into England 335
Minchew, Donald (priest) 554
Minto, Gilbert Elliot, 2nd Earl 365–6, 376
missionary priests, sent to England from Rome 135–9
Mitford, Nancy 527
Mitford, Sir John 309, 310
Mivart, St George Jackson 464
Modernists Movement 515
Molyneux family 257
monasteries: closures of 22, 36–8, 40; corruption and criticism of 34–5
Monck, General 212
Monmouth, James Scott, 1st Duke of 223; rebellion (1685) 231
Monmouth, Wales 202
Monophysitism 388
Montague, Lady 192
Montague family 257
Monteagle, William Parker, 4th Baron 176
Monteith, Robert 422
Monteith family 424
Montgomery, George (priest) 370
Month, The (periodical) 472
Montini, Giovanni Battista, Cardinal see Paul VI, Pope
Moore, Tom 279, 342
Moorfields, and the Gordon Riots 294–5
Moran, Peter, Bishop of Aberdeen 566
More, Thomas: arrest, death and posthumous reputation 27–30; and the Assertio Septem Sacramentourm 7; criticism of the clergy 35; definition of Catholicism 70; denounces Martin Luther 8, 25; enthusiasm for book burning and executions 10, 25–7; and the ‘Maid of Kent’ 21, 24; resigns as Chancellor 20; on the state of Catholicism in England 85; Utopia 26
Morley, John 398
Morrice, Richard 220
Morton, John, Cardinal 32
mortuary charges 34
Moseley Hall, Worcestershire 208
Mount, Ferdinand 557
Mount St Bernard Cistercian Abbey 352
Murdoch, John (priest) 418–19, 421, 424, 425
Murphy-O’Connor, Cormac, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster 540, 545–6, 548, 556, 557, 565, 566
Murray, John Courtney (SJ) 523
Mussolini, Benito 515
Nantes, Edict of 228
Napoleon Bonaparte 326, 335, 336
Napoleonic Wars 325, 334, 350
Nash, Thomas 164
National Catholic Safeguarding Committee 543, 552
National Child Protection Unit 547
National Conference of Priests 549
National Heresy Commission (1557) 119
National Pastoral Congress 528
Neale, Richard, Bishop of Durham 190
Neal-Lomas, J 411
Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for Any Christian Man (1543) 68–9, 69–70
Neve, Frederick 441, 445
New Model Army 203, 205
Newark, Siege of 202
Newdegate, Charles 451
Newgate prison 296–7
Newman, John Henry, Cardinal: Apologia Pro Vita Sua 439, 556; background and birth of the Oxford Movement 380–7; and Cardinal Wiseman 351; and Charles Kingsley 437–8; conversion and move to Oscott 388–94; creates the Oratory school 433–4; and Darwinism 517; on English literature 471; inspires converts to Catholicism 369; invited to become Cardinal 457–9; A Letter to the Duke of Norfolk 449, 460; nostalgia for Catholic golden age 352; and the Oratorians 394–6, 429; plan to create Catholic Oxbridge college 428, 441–2; popularity of 459–60; on Pusey’s Eirenicon 444; and The Rambler 434–7; and the restoration of the Hierarchy 372, 376, 396; rivalry with Cardinal Manning 429–30, 444–5, 460; support for Risorgimento 439–40; Tracts of 384–5, 388, 391; on Ultramontanes 449; and University College, Dublin 401–3
Newport, Countess of 197
Newton, Keith (former Bishop of Richborough) 560, 561
Nichols, Beverley 483
Nichols, Vincent, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster 541, 542, 556, 557, 570
Nicholson, Thomas, Vicar Apostlic in Scotland 247
Nihell, Laurence, Bishop of Kilmacduagh 275
Ninety-Five Theses (of Martin Luther) 5
Nitti, Francesco 463
Nolan Report 546–51
Noncomformists 210, 249, 262, 277–8, 512
Norfolk, Bernard Howard, 12th Duke of 328
Norfolk, Charles Howard, 10th Duke of 280
Norfolk, Henry Fitzalan-Howard, 14th Duke of 457, 459
Norfolk, Henry Howard, 13th Duke of 379, 433
Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of 43, 49–50, 52, 53, 54, 57, 67, 127
Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 8th Duke of 257, 260
North, Frederick, Lord North 288, 301
Northampton, Henry Howard, Earl of 161
Northern Earls’ Rebellion 127–8, 130, 151
Northern Ireland: created as Protestant state 494–9; education policies 503–4, 507; Troubles 505–6
Northumberland, Henry Percy, 6th Earl of 47
Northumberland, John Dudley, 1st Duke of 79–80, 89, 90, 94, 117; and Lady Jane Grey 98, 99–100, 101; support for John Knox 95–6
Northumberland, Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of 127
Norwich 88, 100, 244
Nostra Aetate (1965) 524
Noyes, John 106
Nugent, James (priest) 411–14
Nuttall, Professor A D 167
Oates, Titus 217–18, 223, 231
Oath of Allegiance: (1606) 176–8, 181; (1715) 256, 260, 267; and the ‘Blacklow scheme’ 206; and Catholic emancipation 331; and the Catholic Relief Act (1791) 308–11; executions for refusing 27–8; and the Test Act (1673) 216; and the Treaty of Breda 215 see also Promissory Oaths Act
Oaths of Supremacy and Succession 21, 163, 199, 211, 215, 216
Oblates 429–33
obligation, to attend Church of England services 92
O’Brien, Keith, Archbishop of Glasgow 540, 551
Ochino, Bernardino 86
O’Connell, Daniel 323, 336–8, 342, 343–4, 346, 351, 355, 392, 403
O’Connor, T P 455, 500, 508
Ogilvy, Marion 75
Old Hall Academy, Hertfordshire see St Edmund’s College, Hertfordshire
Old Pretender see Stuart, James (Old Pretender)
Olivares, Count de 188
O’Mahony, Frank (priest) 491
O’Neill, Laurence 491–2
O’Neill, Sir Phelim 200, 203
O’Neill, Sir Terence 505–6
Opus Dei 516–17
Orange Lodges 496, 497, 499, 501, 502
Oratorians 393, 394, 402, 429–30, 433
Ordinariates 560–2
O’Reilly, Richard, Archbishop of Armagh 316
Ormond, James Butler, Earl of 203, 204, 211–12, 221
orphanages, Catholic 414
Orthodox Journal 339–40, 360
Oscott College, Birmingham 320, 330, 355, 359, 361, 378, 393–4
O’Shea, Katharine 462
Oxford 10, 91; Christ Church (originally Cardinal College) 37; iconoclasm in 82; James II’s interference in 237–8; martyrdom of Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer 107–9
Oxford, Bishop of (Richard Bagot) 388, 389
Oxford Movement 384–5, 422, 472 see also Tractarian Movement
pagan rites and superstitions 184, 274, 304
Paget, Sir William 89
Paisley, Ian 505–6
Palatinate, The 187
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount 365, 373, 423, 443
Panzani, Gregorio 195
Papal Bulls: Aeterni Patris (1879) 446; circulation made illegal (1571) 132; circulation made illegal (1851) 377; excommunicating Luther 6; Exsurge Domine (1520) 513; Regnans in Excelsis (1570) 131; suppressing the Jesuits 278; Unigenitus (1713) 262
papal infallibility 446–8, 524
Papism 67, 71
Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury 126
Parker, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford 237, 238
Parkyns, John (priest) 9
Parnell, Charles Stewart 462
Parris, George van 97
Parry plot (1585) 151
Parsons, Robert (SJ): and Jesuit mission to England 137–8, 140–1, 144–7; Judgement of an Englishman (1608) 179; and the Oath of Allegiance (1606) 177, 181; opposes Appellants 155; recommends Infanta of Spain as Elizabeth’s successor 153; takes Jesuit vows 136
Patmore, Coventry 473
patronage, and Catholic priests 153, 202, 252, 272–3, 278, 303, 338
Paul III, Pope 45, 52, 80, 89, 115
Paul IV, Pope 114–15
Paul VI, Pope 520, 521, 531, 533
Payne, William 271
Peck, Sir John 506
Peel, Robert 344, 345, 355, 400
Pele, Robert (priest) 34
Pella, Bishop of 510
penal laws: and the Catholic Relief Acts 280, 303; under Charles II 211; in Ireland 250, 315; James II’s attempts to relax 229, 233, 236, 239–40; not applied 219, 261, 271; remain in force under Bill of Rights (1689) 245; and the Toleration Act (1689) 249
Penney, Samuel (priest) 544
Penswick Thomas, Vicar Apostolic 184
Peploe, Samuel 252, 253
Pepys, Samuel 215, 218, 224
Percy, John (SJ) 181
Percy, Lord Algernon 299
Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham 560, 561
Peterborough, Bishop of (John Hinchcliffe) 282
Petre, Edward (SJ) 231–2, 241, 253
Petre, Francis (priest) 278
Petre, Robert Petre, 9th Baron 280, 287, 303, 308, 309
Petre, William Petre, 2nd Baron 202
Petre family 253, 273, 284
Philip II of Spain: becomes King of Spain, the Netherlands and Naples 114; disapproves of Elizabeth’s excommunication 131; Irish Catholics ask for assistance 130; marriage to Queen Mary 104, 110, 111; and restoration of the Church’s property 113; returns to Spain 120–1; Robert Parsons invites to invade England 147; warns Mary over persecution of heretics 118
Philip III of Spain 186, 189
Phillips, Ambrose 352–3
Phillpotts, Henry, Bishop of Exeter 397–8
Philpot, John 105, 107
Pickles, Henry (priest) 8
Pilgrimage of Grace (1536) 46–59
Pinkie, Battle of 76
Pitt, William 306, 320, 324, 326
Pitts, Arthur (priest) 149
Pius IV, Pope 74, 115
Pius IX, Pope 193, 365, 373, 375, 394, 397, 429, 443, 445, 447, 513, 519, 524
Pius V, Pope 131
Pius VI, Pope 302
Pius VII, Pope 326, 334, 335
Pius VIII, Pope 349
Pius XI, Pope 517
Pius XII, Pope 516, 517, 517–18, 524, 525
Plantagenet, Margaret see Salisbury, Margaret Pole, Countess of
Plunkett, Joseph 493
Plunkett, Oliver, Archbishop of Armagh 220–2, 495
Plunkett, Patrick, Bishop of Meath 316
Plunkett, William 341, 342
pluralities, in the Church of England 126
Polak, Wojciech, Bishop 566
Pole, Cardinal Reginald: created Cardinal by Pope Paul III 45–6; criticism of the clergy 35–6, 541; De Unitate 65–6, 71; death 120; emissary to Paris for the King’s cause 15–16; on the English Reformation 12; equivocation of 71; favourite to replace Paul III as Pope 89–90; on justification by faith 80; made Archbishop of Canterbury (1556) 116; and the Pilgrimage of Grace 50–1, 52; and the ‘reconversion’ of England 108–17; on the state of Catholicism in England 85
Pole, Margaret see Salisbury, Margaret Pole, Countess of
Polish immigrants, and the Catholic Church in England and Scotland 563–8
Ponet, John, Bishop of Winchester 97
Ponsonby, George 328
Pontefract Castle 47, 48, 52, 54
Popery Act (1700) 271
Popham, John 156
Popish Plot (1678) 217–18, 220, 222, 231, 232
Popish Recusancy Act (1605) 176
population: of Catholics in England (17th century) 173, 210, 225–6; (18th century) 272, 277; (19th century) 329, 338–9, 369, 408, 416; (20th century) 471, 534, 567–8; of Catholics in Northern Ireland (20th century) 504; of Catholics in Scotland (17th century) 246; (18th century) 276–7; (19th century) 418–20; (20th century) 567–8
Porter, Endymion 194
Porteus, Beilby, Bishop of London 326
Portland, Richard Weston, 1st Earl of 194
Portland, William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of 312
Postgate, Nicholas (priest) 219–20
Potter, Joseph 356
Poulson family 252
Poynings Law 248
Poynter, William 329, 331–2, 334–6, 337, 340, 340–1, 342
Praemunire see Act of Praemunire (1534)
Prance, Miles 217
Prayer Book see Book of Common Prayer
Prayer Book riots 88
Pre-Raphaelites 471
Presbyterians 182, 206, 212, 247, 267, 269, 505
Prest, Agnes 105
Preston, Battle of (1715) 255, 321
Preston, Lancashire 267, 278, 362
Prichard, Matthew (priest) 304
priest-holes 145, 208
Priestley, J. B. 483
priests see clergy
Prior Park, Bath 349, 350, 366
Profitable and Necessarye Doctryne, A (1554) 118
Promissory Oaths Act 503
Propaganda Fide: and the English Oratories 429; forbid cooperation with Protestant universities in Ireland 400; and the governance of the Church in England 353, 355; and John Henry Newman 394, 436, 442, 449; and mixed marriages 193; and the Oblates at St Edmund’s 432, 433; and Pugin’s designs 361; and the restoration of the Hierarchy 364, 366–8; and Scottish Catholicism 194, 198–9, 247, 263, 268–9, 420
Protestant Association (Irish) 344
Protestant Association (Scotland) 285–90, 292, 296, 297, 301
Protestant Bible Society 340–1
Protestation of Allegiance 154
Publicist, The (journal) 340
Pugin, Augustus Welby 352–62, 422, 435, 527
Pugin, Edward 362
Purcell, Edmund Sheridan 456
Purcell family 258
purgatory: and the Chantries Act (1547) 84; and the Council of Trent 81; doctrine condemned in Book of Common Prayer 92; Henry VIII on 64, 69–70; Hugh Latimer on 51; and indulgences 5, 33; and Newman’s Tracts 388–9
Puritans 198, 205, 213, 232
Pusey, Edward Bouverie 382, 390, 444
Pym, John 200, 201
Quakers 213, 270
Quarantotti Rescript 334
Quebec Act (1774) 279
Quinn, Michael 351
Radnage, Buckinghamshire 98
Rainsforth, Sampson 293, 295
Raleigh, Sir Walter 175
Rambler, The (periodical) 434–7
Ramsay, Michael, Archbishop of Canterbury 563
Ratisbon Colloquy 80
Ratzinger, Cardinal see Benedict XVI, Pope
Rawdon, John, Lord 310
Reading, Berkshire 319
‘real presence’ 70, 81, 86, 91, 93, 123, 146 see also transubstantiation
‘reconversion’ of England: Campaign of Prayer for the Reconversion of England 352; and the English College in Rome 268; and Henrietta Maria 196; and James II 235, 247; under Queen Mary 104, 111, 116, 120; and Robert Parsons (SJ) 141; and William Allen (SJ) 136–7
recusancy laws 175–6, 190, 191, 197
recusants 71, 101, 125, 132, 152, 163–4, 218; and Acts of 1606 176; convictions under George I 256; disarmament of, by Oliver Cromwell 202; numbers of (1603) 173; in Wales 184
Redemptorists 408
Rees-Mogg, Jacob 512
Reeves, John 219–20
Reform Club 351
Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum 95
Reformation: English 5, 12, 16–22, 60, 67–8, 78, 89, 94; origins of 5–12; Scottish 33, 72–7, 94, 128–30, 182
Regnans in Excelsis (Papal Bull) 131–2, 142, 148–9, 153, 156, 177, 178, 180, 181
Reisarch, Cardinal 442
Reith, John 483
relics, holy 64, 81
Reresby, Sir James 229, 230
Rerum Novarum (papal encyclical, 1891) 463, 514
Resby, James 72
Restoration (of the monarchy, 1660) 206, 210
Reynolds, Frederic 290
Reynolds, Richard 36
Rheims, France 133, 136, 152, 159
Richelieu, Cardinal 197
Richmond, Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke of 291
Richmond, Yorkshire 55
Richmond and Derby, Margaret, Countess of 37
Ride, Richard 222
Ridley, Nicholas, Bishop of London 78, 82, 87, 94, 96, 107–8
Ridolfi plot (1571) 151
Rievaulx Abbey 34, 42
Rishton, Edmund (priest) 138
Risorgimento 365, 404, 436, 439
Rock, Daniel (priest) 363
Rockingham, Marquis of 296
Rodgers, John 105
Rogers, John 102
Rolfe, Frederick William (‘Baron Corvo’) 474
Roman Catholic Bible Society 341
Roncalli, Angelo Giuseppe see John XXIII, Pope
rood screens, removal and destruction of 64–5, 82, 83, 527
Roper, Margaret 28
Roper, William 29
rosary 269
Rosminians 353, 424, 425
Rossetti, Count 198
‘Rough wooing’ of Scotland 76
Roy, William 10
Royal Ulster Constabulary 496, 505
Royce, William 33
Russell, Charles (priest) 390, 402
Russell, John Russell, 1st Earl 374–5, 376, 377, 378, 406
Russell, Lord William 223
Russell, Patrick, Archbishop of Dublin 234
Rutland, Thomas Manners, 1st Earl 50
Ryan, Bishop of Limerick 402
Ryan, John (priest) 328
Rye House Plot (1683) 223
Sacherverell, Dr Henry 254, 257
Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela (apostolic letter) 542, 549
Sadlier, John 377
Saint-Germain, Paris 243, 248
saints see intercession of saints
Salisbury, Frances 131
Salisbury, Margaret Pole, Countess of 15, 66
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of 154, 156, 161, 173, 175, 178, 179, 181
Salmesbury Hall, Lancashire 138
Sampsom, Richard, Bishop of Chichester 66
Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 240, 241
Sanders, Nicholas (priest) 151
Sardinian Embassy Chapel 292–3, 351
Sassoon, Siegfried 474
Savile, Sir George 281
Savile, Sir John 295
Sawley Abbey 49, 55
Saxbee, John, Bishop of Lincoln 560
Scarampi, Pierfrancesco (priest) 220
Schism Act (1714) 253–4, 256, 270
Schofield, Charles 378
Scory, John, Bishop of Chichester 97
Scotland: 18th century Catholicism in 276–7, 283–4, 319; Catholic education (19th century) 339; Catholic education (20th century) 510–11; child abuse scandals 551–2; Covenanters 199, 203; excluded from the Catholic Relief Act (1778) 283, 285, 286; and the ‘Glorious Revolution’ 247–8; governance of Catholic Church in 193–4; Irish immigrants in 418–23; Jacobite Rebellion (1715) 255–6; Jacobite Rebellion (1745) 267–9; under James II (VII) 235–6; and Jansenism 262–3; Kirk 129–30, 182–3, 198, 235–6, 247, 255; Polish immigrants in 566–7; Reformation 33, 72–7, 85, 128–30, 182, 183; ‘Scottish revival’ 198–9
Scott, John (priest) 129
Scottish College in Rome 183, 193, 222, 263, 269, 319
Scottish Hierarchy 420, 432
Scottish Relief Act (1793) 319
Scottish Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge 276
Scroggs, Sir William 219
Scrope, John Scrope, 8th Baron 47
Sedgefield, County Durham 124
Sedgemoor, Battle of (1685) 231
Sejanus (Ben Jonson) 161
sex, Church’s attitude to 515, 521–2, 530–8
Sexual Offences Act (1967) 530
Seymour, Jane 69
Seymour, William 158
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of 228
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of 375–6, 378
Shakespeare, John 161–3
Shakespeare, William 159, 161–70
Sharp, Dr James 230
Sharples, James (priest) 363, 365, 366
Shaw, George Bernard 31, 476, 483
Shaw, Joseph 534
Shaxton, Nicholas 71
Shearer, Eileen 548, 550
Sheehy, Nicholas (priest) 273, 276
Sheil, Richard 413
Sheldon, William 280
Shelley family 257
Sherwin, Ralph (priest) 138
Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, 15th Earl 280
Shrewsbury, Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of (‘Bess of Hardwick’) 157
Shrewsbury, George Talbot, 4th Earl 43, 49, 50, 53
Shrewsbury, John Talbot, 16th Earl 332, 350, 352, 353, 357, 358–9, 361, 367, 379, 395, 399, 435
Sidmouth, Henry Addington, 1st Viscount 336
Sikorska, Grazyna 566
Silk, David 561
Silvertop, George 339
Simpson, Richard 434
Sinn Fein 493, 497, 506
Sisters of Mercy 423
Sitwell, Edith 474
Six Articles, The 67, 68, 86, 88
Sixtus V, Pope 178
Skipworth Moor, Yorkshire 46
Slattery, Michael, Archbishop of Thurles 402
Smith, Clement (SJ) 244
Smith, Francis (SJ) 218
Smith, James, Vicar Apostlic 246
Smith, Richard 107–8
Smith, Richard, Bishop of Chalcedon 192–3
Smith, Sir Thomas 124
Smith, Thomas (priest) 340
Smithfield, London 27, 98, 104, 106
Smyth, Brendan (priest) 543
Society of Friends see Quakers
Society of Jesus see Jesuits
Society of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 425
Somerset, Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of 233
Somerset, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of 76, 79–80, 83, 84, 88, 90, 91
Somerset House, Henrietta Maria’s chapel in 191, 196, 197
Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, 1st Earl of 90
Southwark Diocesan Children’s Society 544
Southwell, Robert 148
Spain, Civil War (1936-1939) 515–16
Spanish invasions, English fear of 185, 262
Spark, Muriel 474
Speed, John 162
Spellman, Francis, Cardinal 523
Spencer, Gabriel 160
Spencer, George (priest) 352, 408
Spiritual Exercises (of the Society of Jesus) 137
St Alban 381
St Ambrose Christian Brothers’ College, Altringham 543
St Augustine 388, 491, 533
St Barnabas’ Cathedral, Nottingham 353, 357–9
St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham 353, 357–8, 360, 366–7, 395, 527
St Edmund’s College, Hertfordshire 319–20, 330, 430–3, 431, 481
St George’s Cathedral, Southall 376
St John, Ambrose 390, 392, 394, 395, 403, 437
St John’s College, Cambridge 37
St Keverne, Cornwall 61
St Mary’s College, Blairs 540, 542
St Mungo’s Cathedral, Glasgow 129
St Paul’s Cathedral 83, 86, 87, 254; burns down in the Great Fire 214
St Paul’s Cross, London 6, 8, 51, 64, 102, 103, 182, 187
St Peter’s, Folkestone 561
St Radegund Convent, Cambridge 37
St Sepulchre’s Convent, Canterbury 21
St Vincent de Paul Society 420, 426
St Walburge, Preston 362
St Winifred’s Well, Flintshire 257
Staffordshire, Association of Clergy (1680s) 226
Staley, William 219
Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, 3rd Earl of 307
Stanihurst family, Ireland 183
Stanley, Edward (Earl of Derby) 49
Stanley, Sir William 157
Stanley family 165
Stapleton, Henry 157–8
Stapleton, Thomas 303
Stapleton, William 47
statues, removal and destruction of 64–5, 83–4
stem-cell research 537
Stokes, Scott Nasmyth 434
Stokesley, John, Bishop of London 23, 30, 33, 60
Stonor, Christopher, Monsignor 305
Stonor, Henry 300
Stonor, John Talbot, Vicar Apostolic 261
Stonor family 256
Stonyhurst College 330, 336
Stourton, William Stourton, 16th Baron 280, 303
Strachey, Lytton 384, 456
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of 197–8
Strange, Lord see Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, 5th Earl of (formerly Baron Strange)
Stratford-upon-Avon 161–4
Strickland, Thomas (priest) 261
Stuart, Arbella 153, 156–8, 175
Stuart, Henry, Duke of York see Frascati, Cardinal Archbishop of
Stuart, James (Old Pretender) 242, 254–5, 257
Stuart, Maxwell (priest) 548
Stuart, Prince Charles Edward (Young Pretender) 267
Stuart dynasty 174
Submission of the Clergy Act (1534) 20
Suenens, Leo-Joseph, Cardinal 521
Suffolk, Henry Brandon, 2nd Duke of 43–4
Suffolk, Henry Grey, 1st Duke of 100
Summerville Plot (1583) 163
Supplication of the Commons Against the Ordinaries (1532) 18–19
Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of 43, 303
Sutherland, George Gordon, 15th Earl of 231
Swift, Jonathan 273
Syllabus Errorum (Papal Bull, 1864) 439, 513, 514
Synod of Bishops (2015) 193
Synod of Southwark 142
Synod of the English Church (1555) 115, 116
Synod on the Family (1980) 534
Synod on the Family (2015) 569
Syon Abbey 36
Tablet, The (journal): on Anglican converts to Catholicism 557; and child abuse scandals 539, 540, 546; conservatism of 464; founded (1840) 338; on Humanae Vitae 533, 535; and John Henry Newman 434–5, 458, 460; raises money for the Pope during Risorgimento 447; on the restoration of the English Hierarchy 374; on Westminster Cathedral 467
Talbot, George (priest) 427, 432, 439, 440, 441, 444–5, 458
Talbot, James, Vicar Apostolic 271, 297, 305
Talbot, Peter, Archbishop of Dublin 221
Talbot, Thomas, Vicar Apostolic 307, 308
Tallis, Thomas 147
Tankerd, Henry (priest) 34
Tardini, Domenico, Cardinal 517
Tartaglia, Philip, Archbishop of Glasgow 551
temperance 420, 456
Temple, William 461
Ten Articles (1536) 62–3
Terrick, Richard, Bishop of London 270
Test Acts (1673) 216, 218, 233; (1678) 219; 221, 254; James II’s attempts to repeal 231, 233, 234–5, 236, 240
Thirty-Nine Articles (1571) 123, 195, 230, 249, 342, 387, 388
Thompson, Francis 474
Thompson, Richard, Vicar Apostolic 339
Thorndon Hall, Essex 284
Throckmorton, Sir John 280, 303, 305, 325
Throckmorton, Sir Robert 260
Throckmorton plot (1583) 151
Thurles, Ireland 274–5, 315, 400, 417
Tillett, Ben 461–2
Times, The 372, 373, 376–7, 449, 458, 535
tithes 20, 34, 45, 116; Irish 276, 316, 320
Toleration Act (1689) 249
Tomkins, Thomas 106
Tone, Wolfe 316
Tonge, Israel 217, 218
Tractarian Movement 384, 391–2, 398 see also Oxford Movement
transubstantiation: and the Act of Six Articles 67; and the Act of Uniformity 86, 87; and the Bishop’s Book 64; and the Book of Common Prayer 123; and Calvin and Zwingli 17; condemned as heresy (1549) 92; and the Council of Trent 81; depicted in the Corpus Christi plays 126; Edmund Campion on 146; and Humani Generis (1950) 517; and John Henry Newman 383, 390; and The King’s Book 69; and the Oath of Allegiance 256, 345; reinstated as required belief (1553) 102, 116–17; rejected by Lollards 32; and the ‘Ten Articles’ 62; and the Test Act (1673) 216; and the Toleration Act (1689) 249
Treason Act (1534) 20
Treaty of Breda (1667) 215
Treaty of Dover (1670) 215
Treaty of Limerick (1691) 248–9, 251
Trent, Council of 80–1, 115, 167, 183, 192, 274, 275, 388, 430, 485, 517
Tresham, Francis 176
Tresham, Sir Thomas 174
Troy, John, Archbishop of Dublin 316–17, 328, 334
Tully, George 230
Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of London later Bishop of Durham 9, 11, 87, 91, 93, 94, 97, 119
Turner, Francis, Bishop of Ely 241
Turulski, Narcizas (priest) 564–5
Tyburn 21, 28, 36, 176, 222
Tyldesley, Thomas 252
Tyndale, William 8, 9, 63, 65, 71
Tyrconnell, Richard Talbot, 1st Earl of 234
Tyrie, John (priest) 267
Ullathorne, William Bernard (OSB): candidate for Archbishopric 441, 443; on Catholic education 454–5; and Frederick Faber 395; installed as Bishop of Birmingham 396; and Newman’s elevation to Cardinal 457–8; and The Rambler controversy 434–6; and the restoration of the Hierarchy 366–8, 379
Ulster Protestant League 499, 501
Ulster Protestant Volunteers 505
Ulster Protestants’ Defence League 497
Ulster Volunteer Force 496
Ultramontanism: and Cardinal Manning 440; and Cardinal Wiseman 354, 364; and English Catholicism 313, 370, 379, 429, 432; and John Henry Newman 444; and papal infallibility 446–7; and Paul Cullen, Archbishop of Armagh 417
Ulverston, Lancashire 244
Unigenitus (Papal Bull) 262–3
Universe, The (newspaper) 436–7
University College, Dublin 401–3
Ushaw College, County Durham 320, 330, 348, 353
Utopia (Thomas More) 26
Valor Ecclesiasticus 37, 56
Vatican Council, First (1869-1870) 445–9, 517, 524
Vatican Council, Second (1962-65) 358, 485, 517–29
Vaughan, Herbert, Cardinal Archbishop: acquires the Dublin Review 457; acquires The Tablet 338; appointed to St Edmund’s seminary 431–2; and Cardinal Manning 456; and Catholic education 465, 512; theological orthodoxy 464; and Westminster Cathedral 465–7
Vaux, Anne 202
Vendeville, Jean 133
Vermigli, Peter Martyr 91, 97
Vicars Apostolic 193–4, 225, 238, 239, 246, 282, 353; and Catholic emancipation 326, 328, 333–4; and the Catholic Relief Act (1791) 304–5, 307–9; and the restoration of the Hierarchy 363–-4
Victoria, Queen 373–4, 375
Villiers, George see Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of
Vincentians 424
Vindication of the Doctrine that the Sacrifice of the Mass is Idolatry (Knox) 93–4
Vitelleschi 362
Voysey, John, Bishop of Exeter 97
Wade, John 278
Waldegrave, Henry Waldegrave, 1st Baron 240
Wales 153, 184–5, 248, 277, 304, 329, 409
Walker, John (priest) 389
Walker, Obadiah 233
Walmesley, Charles, Vicar Apostolic 282, 307, 308–9
Walpole, Horace 288
Walpole, Robert 262
Walsh, Thomas, Vicar Apostolic 193, 351, 353, 355, 356, 358–9, 360–1, 364, 368, 392
Walsh, William, Archbishop of Dublin 491–2
Walsingham, Sir Francis 146, 159, 160
war, justification of, and Vatican II 521–2
Ward, W. G. 430, 440
Ward, William 391
Ware, Hertfordshire 330, 375
Warham, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 6, 17, 19, 32
Warne, John 106
Warner, John (SJ) 232
Warwick, John Dudley, Earl of see Northumberland, John Dudley, 1st Duke of
Waste, Joan 105
Waterfield, John 165–6
Watling, William 196
Watson, Robert 296
Watson, William 185
Waugh, Evelyn 141, 474, 484–7, 489, 490, 527
Weld, Thomas, Cardinal 305, 349–50
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of 343, 344–5, 346
Welsh Disestablishment Bill 114
Wesley, Charles 297
Wesley, John 277–8, 287, 301, 348
Westminster, Marquess of 416
Westminster Cathedral 453–4, 465–7
Westmorland, Charles Neville, 6th Earl of 127
Wexford, Ireland 205
Whateley, George 164
Wheatley, John 511–12
Whitby, Synod of (663) 45
Whitby, Yorkshire 319
Whitby Abbey 42
White, Thomas 205
White, Winifred 329
White Horse Tavern, Cambridge 9, 10
Whitgift, John, Bishop 164
Whitgreave, Thomas 208
Whitty, James 413
Wigan 329, 336
Wilberforce, Henry 385
Wilberforce, Robert 398
Wilberforce, Samuel 399
Wilde, Oscar 474
Wilfridians 395
Wilkes, John 298–9
Wilkes, Joseph (priest) 305
William III, King of England (Prince of Orange) 228, 234–5, 242; anti-Catholic legislation 245–6; and the Battle of the Boyne 248; and the ‘Glorious Revolution’ 244; and the Treaty of Limerick 248–9
Williams, John (priest) 106
Wilson, Nicholas (priest) 28
Winchelsea, Lord 378
Winchester, John Paulet, 5th Marquess of 203
Windebank, Sir Francis 194
Windham, William 327
Winwood, Ralph 187
Wisbech, Cambridgeshire 154
Wiseman, Nicholas, Cardinal: on 17th century Catholic organisation 239; and Augustus Pugin 356–8; background and academic distinction 347–8; and Catholic education 415; creates new parishes 408; death 442; From the Flaminian Gate 372–3; and George Errington 430, 432–3; and Henry Manning 400; on his succession 440–1; and John Henry Newman 393, 395, 434, 436; at Oscott College 361; and the Oxford Movement 391–2; and the restoration of the Hierarchy 363–8, 371–4, 375–7; in Rome 353–4; tour of England 350–2
Wishart, George 73–4
Wittenberg, Germany 5, 72
Wittenberg Articles 32, 62
Wolfe, David (SJ) 130
Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal: and book burnings 6, 8; death 16; founds Cardinal College (later Christ Church, Oxford) 37; and Henry VIII’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon 13–15; interrogates Robert Barnes 10; opposition to English translation of the Bible 9; possibility of being elected Pope 31; and Thomas More 26–7
women: changing role in society 515; and ordination as deacons 572; ordination of, in Church of England 554–5, 558–60
Woodman, Richard 107
Worcester, Battle of (1651) 208
World Health Organisation 531
Worlock, Derek, Archbishop of Liverpool 528, 534
Wren, Matthew (priest) 188, 190
Wright, Roddy, Bishop 542
Wryght, Thomas (priest) 153
Wyatt Rebellion (1557) 103, 117
Wyclif, John 8–9, 31–2
York 101, 244
York, Duchess of see Hyde, Anne, Duchess of York
York, Prince Frederick, Duke of 342
Yorkshire, and the Pilgrimage of Grace 48–9
Young, Arthur 273
Young Ireland movement 403
Young Pretender see Stuart, Prince Charles Edward (Young Pretender)
Zika virus 562, 571
Zwingli, Huldrych 17, 86, 91