LAURA ANTONIOU’s publishing career began when she started writing gay men’s smut to promote safer sex practices during the early ’90s. Emboldened by getting paid to do this, she then edited the groundbreaking three-volume Leatherwomen series, highlighting tales of kinky women. This was rapidly followed by half a dozen other anthologies and the Marketplace series of erotic BDSM novels, which never reached the sales level of the 50 Shades books, but she’s not bitter. Instead, she just wrote the sixth in that series, titled The Inheritor. In 2013, she turned her mind to mysteries and came out with the Rainbow Book Award-winner for Best LGBT Mystery, The Killer Wore Leather. Now that she has achieved nearly mainstream success with it, she plans a sequel to be released via Cleis Press. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter or check her out at lantoniou.com.