Dear Reader,

I hope you liked reading The Pinkerton as much as I liked writing it. This book came about when my critique group brainstormed a time travel series and I thought it would be fun writing a heroine different from those in my western historical romances.

If you enjoyed this trip back in time to The Chesterfield, and haven’t read the previous books in the Hope Chest series, please check out The Mesmerist by Pam McCutcheon, The Lawman by P.J. Bishop, The Prince by Karen Fox, and The Thief by Laura Hayden. 

If you’d like to drop me a note about The Pinkerton or any of my other books, please contact me through my website. Or if you’d like, leave a review. Reviews are an excellent way to show writers what you think of their books, and we really appreciate your feedback.

Thank you for choosing to read The Pinkerton and spending your time with Mac, Jared, Miss Sparrow and the entire cast of characters in Hope Springs.

Maureen McKade