There seems to be good reason for not overloading this relatively slight book with too many references. In the first place many of the texts are not easily accessible to the English reader. The standard histories of the Council of Constance, Lenfant and Brandmüller, are in French and German, nearly three hundred years apart; Lenfant has never been reprinted and is now rare, although I have found his massive work essential to my narrative. Sigismund is almost exclusively a German preserve, and Constance has been neglected by English scholars, although Stump’s authoritative book (in print, but not easy to come by) covers the subject of the actual reforms more than adequately. Hus has been more widely covered, but views tend to differ according to the writer’s religious affiliation (although the Vatican is reported to be considering a rehabilitation).
Then many of the key texts are in Czech, far beyond my scope. Were it not for Fudge’s translations in his essential ‘Crusade Against the Heretics in Bohemia’, any account of the Hussite Wars would have been very much at second hand, as is my Hungarian narrative.
What has therefore been done is to list books I have found helpful, and to indicate chapter by chapter which have been most used. Readers requiring specific references, especially to the rarer sources, are invited to contact me via my publisher and I will do my best to answer their queries.
Allmand, C. (ed.), The New Cambridge Modern History Cambridge 1998
Ashe, G., The Virgin London 1976
Atiya, A. S., The Crusade of Nicopolis London 1934
Baker, D. (ed.), Schism, Heresy and Religious Protest Cambridge 1972
Barber, M., The Trial of the Templars Cambridge 1978
Barrell, A. D. M., The Papacy, Scotland and Northern England 1342–1378 Cambridge 1995
Baum, W., Kaiser Sigismund: Hus, Konstanz and Tǔrkenkriege Vienna 1993
Baumer, R., Das Konstanzer Konzil Darmstadt 1977
Black, A., Council and Commune London 1979
Blumenfeld-Kosinski, R., Poets, Saints and Visionaries of the Great Schism University Park 2006
Brandmǔller, W., Papst und Konzil in Grossen Schisma Paderborn 1990, Das Konzil von Konstanz (2 volumes) Paderborn 1991–97, Das Konzil von Pavia-Siena 1423–24 Munster 1968
Buck, M. R. (ed.), Oldřich von Richental Cronik des Constanzer Concils Tubingen 1882
Chaplais, P., Essays in Medieval Diplomacy and Administration London 1981
Contamine, P., War in the Middle Ages Oxford 1984
Coville, A., Les vins de Bourgogne au Concile de Constance Paris 1899
Creighton, M., A History of the Papacy from the Great Schism (6 volumes) London 1897
Crowder, C. M. D., Unity, Heresy and Reform 1378–1460: The Conciliar Experience during the Great Schism London 1979
Crump, C. G., and Jacob, E. F. The Legacy of the Middle Ages Oxford 1926
Davies, N., Europe: A History London 1997
Delabrosse, O., Le Pape et le Concile Paris 1965
Delaruelle, E., et al. (eds), L’Eglise au Temps du Grande Schisme (2 volumes) Paris 1962–64
Demetz, Peter, Prague in Black and Gold London 1997
De Vooght, P., L’hérésie de Jean Hus Louvain 1960
Drees, C. J. (ed.), The Late Medieval Age of Crisis and Renewal 1300–1500 London 2001
Duffy, E., Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes New Haven and London 2001
Duffy, E., The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England 1400–1580 New Haven and London 1992
Engel, P., The Realm of St Stephen London 2005
Figgis, J., Studies of Political Thought Cambridge 1916
Fletcher, R., The Cross and the Crescent: Christianity and Islam London 2003
Folz, R., The Concept of the Empire in Western Europe London 1960
Franzen, A. and Muller, W., Das Konzil von Konstanz Freiburg 1964
Fudge, T. A., The Crusade Against Heretics in Bohemia, 1418–1437 Aldershot 2002
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Gall, M., The Three Popes New York 1969
Gibb, H. A. R. (tr.), Ibn Battuta (3 volumes) Cambridge 1958–71
Glasfurd, A., The Antipope Peter de Luna (1342–1423) London 1965
Glorieux, P., Jean Gerson Paris 1960–73
—, Le Concile de Constance au Jour de Jour Tournai 1964
Gregorovius, F., History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages (6 volumes) London 1898
Gui, B. (ed. C. Douais), Practica Inquisitionis Heretice Pravitatis Paris 1886
Guillemain, B., La Cour Pontificale d’Avignon Paris 1962
Hall, B. S., Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe Baltimore and London 1997
Harriss, G., Shaping the Nation Oxford 2005
Harvey, M. The English in Rome Cambridge 1999, Solutions to the Schism: a Study of Some English Attitudes 1378–1409 St Ottilien, 1983
Hay, D., Europe in the XIV and XV Centuries London 1975
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Herben, J., Huss and His Followers London 1926
Herde, P., Celestin V (1294): der Engelpapst Stuttgart 1981
Heymann, F. G., Jan ?i?ka and the Hussite Revolution Princeton 1955
Hoensch, J. K. (ed.) Itinerar K. und K. Sigismunds von Luxembourg 1368–1437 Warendorf 1995
Holmes, G., Europe: Hierarchy and Revolt London 1975
Housley, N. The Avignon Papacy and the Crusades 1305–1378 Oxford 1986, Crusading and Warfare in Medieval and Renaissance Europe Aldershot 2001, The Later Crusades 1274–1580 Oxford 2001, Documents of the Later Crusades 1274–1380 Oxford 1996, Religious Warfare in Europe 1400–1530 Basingstoke 2005
Hudson, A., The Premature Reformation: Wycliffite Texts and Lollard History Oxford 1988
Huizinga, J., The Waning of the Middle Ages London 1955
Hunter, I., Larsen, J. C. and Nederman, C. J., Heresy in Transition Aldershot 2005
Hunyadi, Z. and Laszlovszky, J., The Crusades and the Military Orders Budapest 2001
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Hutton, E., The Franciscans in England 1224–1538 London 1926
Ibn Khaldun, An Introduction to History (ed. N. J. Dawood) London 1967
Inalcik, H., The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age London 1973
Jacob, E. F., Henry V and the Invasion of France London 1947, Essays in the Conciliar Epoch Manchester 1963
Jones, M. (ed.), The New Cambridge Modern History volume 6 Cambridge 2000
Kaminsky, H., History of the Hussite Revolution Berkeley 1971
Kedar, B. Z., Crusade and Mission: European Approaches Towards the Muslims Princeton 1985
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Kingsford, L. L., The First English Life of King Henry V Oxford 1911
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Klassen, J. M., Warring Maidens, Captive Wives and Hussite Queens New York 1999
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Knowles, D. M., The Religious Orders in England (3 volumes) Cambridge 1961
Lambert, M. D., Medieval Heresy London 1977
Leff, G., Heresy in the Middle Ages (2 volumes) Manchester 1967
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McCulloch, D., Reformation: Europe’s House Divided London 2003
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Menache, S., Clement V Cambridge 2003
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Moriaty, C. (ed.), The Voice of the Middle Ages in Personal Letters, 1100–1500 Oxford 1989
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Saunders, F.S., Hawkwood: Diabolical Englishman London 2005
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Southern, R.W., Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages London 1978
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