There are other books and publications available that either I have not read or are more suitable for beginning or industrial cheesemaking. This list comprises those I have read and use myself.
Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Go to and follow the links (this is a pretty unwieldy website, but stick with it!) for Food/Food Safety/Product-Specific Information/Milk Safety/ National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) Model Documents—then click on the most recent PMO.
How to Become a Dairy Artisan. Wisconsin Dairy Artisan Network.
“The Land of Cheese Marketing: Don’t Get Caught without a Paddle,” by David Major. CreamLine, Issue No. 10, Summer 2001.
On-Farm and Small-Scale Dairy Products Processing. Dairy Practices Council Guideline No. 90.
Chapter 1
Cheeses of the World: An Illustrated Guide for Gourmets, by Bernard Nantet (Rizzoli, 2005).
Eating in America, by Waverly Root and Richard de Rochemont (Ecco, 1981).
International Dairy Foods Association.
The New American Cheese: Profiles of America’s Great Cheesemakers and Recipes for Cooking with Cheese, by Laura Werlin (Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2000).
Understanding Dairy Markets. University of Wisconsin Dairy Marketing and Risk Management Program.
Chapters 3 and 4
“Building a Business Plan for Your Farm: Important First Steps,” by Rodney Jones.
2003 Risk and Profit Summer Conference, August 14–15, 2003, Manhattan, KS.
Creating a Business Plan for Your Dairy Business, by Russ Giesy. University of Florida Extension.
Form Your Own Limited Liability Company, by Anthony Mancuso (Nolo, 2009).
“Sampling and Farm Stories Prompt Consumers to Buy Specialty Cheeses,” by Barbara A. Reed and Christine M. Bruhn. California Agriculture, Volume 57, Number 3.
Starting and Running Your Own Small Farm Business, by Sarah B. Aubrey (Storey, 2007).
Chapter 5
The Agricultural Employer’s Tax Guide. Internal Revenue Service Publication No. 51.
Are Your Internships Legal? Growing for Market, September 2007.
Exploring the Legal and Ethical Issues of Internships. Growing for Market, October 2007.
Food Insurance. Professional and Liability.
Internships in Sustainable Farming: A Handbook for Farmers, by Doug Jones (Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York, 1999).
Chapter 7
Best Management Practices to Handle Dairy Wastes, by Ted W. Tyson and B. R. Moss. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Publication No. ANR-970.
“Creamery Waste Management,” by Vicki Dunaway. CreamLine, Issue No. 32, Fall 2007.
Dairy Processing Methods to Reduce Water Use and Liquid Waste Load, by Kent D. Rausch and G. Morgan Powell. Kansas State University–Manhattan Cooperative Extension Service Publication No. MF-2071, 1997.
“Environmental Costs of Home Construction Lower with Wise Choice, Reuse of Building Materials.” Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials (CORRIM) news release, August 24, 2004.
Milking Center Wastewater. Dairy Practices Council Guideline No. 15.
Potable Water on Dairy Farms. Dairy Practices Council Guideline No. 30.
Chapters 8 and 9
The Design, Installation, and Cleaning of Small Ruminant Milking Systems. Dairy Practices Council Guideline No. 70.
Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, 2003 Revision. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Go to and follow the links (this is a pretty unwieldy website, but stick with it!) for Food/Food Safety/Product-Specific Information/Milk Safety/National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) Model Documents—then click on the 2003 PMO.
Mastitis Case Studies: Milking Machine. University of Illinois.
Maximizing the Milk Harvest: A Guide for Milking Systems and Procedures, by the Milking Machine Manufacturers Council of the Equipment Manufacturers Institute.
Milk for Manufacturing Purposes and Its Production and Processing:
Recommended Requirements (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Dairy Programs, September 2005). Go to and search “Milk for Manufacturing.”
Milking Parlor Types, by Douglas J. Reinemann (University of Wisconsin–Madison Milking Research and Instruction Laboratory, December 2003).
Production and Regulation of Quality Dairy Goat Milk. Dairy Practices Council Guideline No. 59.
Chapter 10
“Cheese Aging Rooms,” by Vicki Dunaway. CreamLine, Issue No. 11, Fall 2001.
Current Options in Cheese Aging Caves: An Evaluation, Comparison, and Feasibility Study, by Jennifer Betancourt with help from Amanda DesRoberts.
“A Straw Bale Aging Room,” by Larry Faillace. CreamLine, Issue No. 11, Fall 2001.
Chapter 12
Conducting and Documenting HACCP: Principle Number One: Hazard Analysis. Dairy Practices Council Guideline No. 92.
Conducting and Documenting HACCP: SSOPs and Prerequisites. Dairy Practices Council Guideline No. 91.
Cookie Cutter Procedures, by Dominique Delugeau, DCI Cheese Co. Presented at the 2005 American Cheese Society Conference, July 20–23, 2005, Louisville, KY.
Developing a HACCP Program, by Mary Falk. April 12, 2006. (search article title).
FDA Product Recalls: The Role of FDA/The Responsibilities of the Food Industry, by Richard Silverman, Hogan & Hartson LLP. Presented at the 2005 American Cheese Society Conference, July 20–23, 2005, Louisville, KY.
Food Safety in Farmstead Cheesemaking. Dairy Practices Council Guideline No. 100.
Chapter 13
Cultivating Farm Stays in California, by Janet Momsen and Jill Donaldson. California Community Topics, No. 7, April 2001.
Marketing Meat Animals Directly to Consumers, by William R. Henning. Penn State University Cooperative Extension. (search article title).
Appendix C
American Raw Milk Cheese Presidium Protocols.
Bacteria Counts in Raw Milk, by Richard Wallace. University of Illinois Extension, Illini DairyNet Quality Milk Issues Papers, 2008. (search article title).
Milk Urea Nitrogen, by George Cudoc. Dairy One. 15, November 2009.
Raw Milk Quality Tests. Dairy Practices Council Guideline No. 21.
Troubleshooting High Bacteria Counts of Raw Milk. Dairy Practices Council Guideline No. 24.