68. At the Drinks Party


“I feel much better for that,” he said to Berthea. “It’s a rather dirty business, motor racing. In fact, I don’t think I’ll do it again. There’s an awful lot of grease, and the noise, Berthy! My poor ears were ringing.”

“I’ve just had a telephone call, Terence—”

“Oh yes. Well, I’ve just had a hot bath, which was jolly refreshing. And now we’re going for drinkies, aren’t we? Those Jarvis people. What’s his name? Rufus. And she’s called something too, but I can’t remember … She’s Frances, isn’t she?”

“My telephone call, Terence. It seems that Oedipus—”

“I thought I might mix us a martini, Berthy—before we go to those Jarvises. I need Dutch courage to face people like that. He’s impossible, Berthy. No spirituality at all. Or none I can discern. I wonder why they even bother to ask us. Unless it’s you, of course, Berthy. Remember how you used to get all those invitations to birthday parties, and I just tagged along? And I used to cry because you had all the fun.”

“Terence, that was a long time ago; we must move on from childhood.”

“Oh, I’ve moved on, Berthy. You don’t need to lecture me about moving on.”

“Good. Well, I wanted to tell you about this phone call I had.”

“Not now, Berthy. I’m going to mix martinis. Very weak, even if we’re going to walk to Mon Repos or whatever they call their house. Just a little finger of you-know-what topped up with a splash of the other stuff. You leave it to me, Berthy. We can celebrate my race today.”

“But you told me you came last.”

“I’m not ashamed of that, Berthy. Never be ashamed of being last. Last can be first, and first can be last.”

After their martinis, which, as usual, Terence made far too strong, they walked the half mile to the house of Rufus and Frances Jarvis. Rufus was not an enthusiastic party-giver, but Frances was, and she had decided to throw this party when both Caroline and Ronald came home for the weekend.

“It’s no coincidence,” she had said to Rufus. “Caroline rings up and announces that she’s coming home this weekend. Then, within hours, Ronald phones Peggy Warden and says he’s also coming home. That can mean only one thing, in my view.”

Rufus looked bored. He was used to his wife’s scheming; this was nothing new. “Which is?”

“Which is that they are getting on well. I knew they would. I knew it.”

“Oh, well. If they’re sharing that flat, then I assume they’re getting on well enough. But you can’t read much else into it, I would have thought.”

“Can’t you? Well, I assure you that I can, Rufus. At long last, she’s going for the right sort of boy. I’m very pleased, Rufus—very pleased indeed.”

CAROLINE ARRIVED ONLY a couple of hours before the guests were due. She helped her mother in the kitchen, where she was preparing plates of canapés, small pieces of brown bread topped with smoked salmon and a large tray of boiled quails’ eggs.

“So, here we are, darling,” said Frances as she cut a lemon into thin slices. “How nice that Ronald has been able to come down this weekend too. We’re so pleased about that.”

Caroline said nothing.

“He’s such a nice boy,” Frances went on.

Caroline, tight-lipped, nodded.

“Not that we’re at all interested in interfering, darling. You know that, don’t you?”

Caroline tasted a piece of salmon. “Interfering in what?”

“In your private life, dear. You know what I mean.”


“But at the same time,” Frances went on, “I must say that Ronald is exactly the sort of boy we would like to see you with. Just as long as you know. And I think that Peggy feels the same.”

Caroline drew in her breath. “You’ve talked to her about it?”

“Not exactly talked about it. Not exactly.”

“Then how have you communicated? Semaphore?”

“No need to be rude, darling.”

The guests arrived, the Wardens first, bringing Ronald with them. Caroline led him into the kitchen and poured him a drink. When he took it from her, their fingers touched. He smiled at her.

“My mother,” whispered Caroline. “She’s driving me up the wall.”

“Mine too,” said Ronald.

Caroline hesitated. “Do you think we’ve been set up, Ronald?”

He took a sip of his drink. “I was wondering about that too.”

Caroline seethed. “What do they want for us—this …?” She turned in the direction of the drawing room, where further guests, including Terence and Berthea, were milling about. “Do they want us to live like this? To be like these people?”

Ronald shrugged. “I suppose all parents want that for their children. They want them to be clones of themselves. Think the same thoughts, like the same things—the whole deal.”

Caroline sighed. “It makes me want to run away. Just to get away altogether.”

“But we’ve already got out of it,” said Ronald. “We’ve got as far as London.”

“Let’s run away together,” said Caroline suddenly.

He laughed. “I’ve got a job. You’ve got … Well, you had a job. And where would we go?”

“Australia? I know some people in Melbourne. We could get one of those short working visas and … well, we could just see what happened.”

“It’s mad.”

The idea, which had been so spontaneous and ill thought out, now seemed to her entirely reasonable. “Why not? Anyway, I suppose we’d better go back in there and be sociable. Have you ever met Mr. Moongrove, by the way? You should meet him. He’s a scream. And he’s got that sister of his with him. She lives just round the corner from Corduroy Mansions—I bumped into her once in London. I didn’t know she was Mr. Moongrove’s sister then.”

They went into the drawing room, where they became involved in conversation with the guests. Rufus was liberal with his wine, and the party was soon in full swing, the hubbub of conversation growing steadily louder. Caroline, separated from Ronald, who was on the other side of the room engaged in conversation with Rufus, found herself sitting on a sofa next to Berthea.

“That young man,” said Berthea, “he’s with you?”

Caroline nodded. “We share a flat. And yes, he’s my boyfriend. A very new one, but a boyfriend.”

Berthea smiled. “How lucky you are. Just to have somebody. And I suppose to have your life ahead of you.”

“Do people who have their life ahead of them necessarily feel good about it?” Caroline asked.

Berthea looked at her thoughtfully. “If they think about it—which I suppose many don’t. Do you think about it?”

Caroline reflected on her conversation in the kitchen with Ronald. “I’ve just been talking to Ronald about …” She suddenly wanted to confide in Berthea. “We were talking about dropping everything and going to Australia.”

Berthea considered this for a moment. Then she said, “Follow your heart. It’s the only thing to do.” She took a sip of wine. “Do you know, Caroline—I’ve spent years and years in psychotherapeutic practice. I’ve helped people endlessly with problems of every complexion. But the only advice that I think should be taken seriously—taken as unconditionally true—is this: follow your heart. I know it sounds trite, but it’s the only thing to do. Because at the end of the day your heart will stop beating, and it will be too late to regret that you didn’t go where it prompted you to go.”

Caroline glanced across the room to where Ronald was standing. He caught her eye, and smiled. She knew then what she had to do. She knew.