“Not his fault,” Whip said as he and Tom observed the white stallion circling the corral. The bosses and Nick had departed. Occasionally, Ghost would come close to where they stood, calmer now, emitting soft snorts and nickers before he raced away. “See, he’s trying to apologize.”


“It’d be shame to bring him this far, then give up.”

“Can’t say as we’ve brought him very far.”

Whip winced as he moved his arm. “He doesn’t have the wild look in his eyes anymore. Even when he was rearing, his eyes weren’t crazy looking like when he first got here.”

“More devious and calculating?”

“No, I pushed him too far too fast, and he was letting me know it.”

“Well, prepare yourself, ’cause if the bosses decide he goes, he goes. Great, Bella’s home,” Tom said as he turned to spy her SUV coming down the hill.

“Yippee, someone else to fuss over me.”

“It’s either that or off to Grenville Hospital.”


The two men walked back down to the barn, meeting Bella just outside the door. “How are you?” she asked.

“A little sore, but fine,” Whip said, his body temperature already rising at the prospect of her touch.

She smiled. “Can I take a look?”

“Your brother says it’s that or off to Grenville.”

She waved toward a bench at the side of the barn. “Why don’t you sit and take off your shirt?”

As Tom and Bella watched, he pulled his dusty T-shirt over his head. Bella gasped at the sight of his muscular tan body. Both men stared at her, and she said, “A bit of dust caught in my throat.”

Tom frowned. “Dust, huh?”

Whip grinned and sat down.

After a deep breath, Bella swallowed and came to stand beside him. “Can you raise your arms over your head?” He did and began swinging them around. “Okay, that’s enough.” As he lowered them, she noticed he winced. A welt was already rising on his right shoulder.

Gently, she took hold of his right hand and upper arm and manipulated them. “How does that feel?”

He winced as she moved the arm upward. “Okay.”

She gave him the eye. “You don’t look like it feels okay, but I don’t think anything’s broken.”

“I know there’s nothing broken.”

“Let’s get ice on that now. Is there any in the barn fridge?”

“I’ll grab one of the ice packs we use for the horses,” Tom said and disappeared into the barn.

“Get a bottle of water too!” Bella called. She realized she still held his forearm and let go. She reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of ibuprofen. “I’m going to suggest that you take four of these now and four tonight.”


“You can get something stronger. A really high dosage of this, but I can’t prescribe it because I’m not your doctor.”

“This’ll be fine. I’m tough.” He looked up and grinned.

She loved his smile, even his teasing one, but she refused to get lost in those gray eyes. “Once the shock wears off, it may be tricky using that arm till the swelling goes down.”

“Lucky I’m left-handed, then.”

“Yes.” She could hear her brother talking on the phone inside as she stared down at Whip. “So, what happened?” He gave her a quick recap of the incident, after which she said, “Too bad. He’s such a beautiful horse.”

“I haven’t given up on him yet, and they shouldn’t either. The bosses have given us till Tuesday.”

Bella smiled. “Fingers crossed.”

They could hear Tom finishing his call inside.

“Have lunch or dinner with me this week.”


“Just say yes. I’ll call you later and work out the details.”

“Yes,” she heard herself reply as her brother appeared with an ice pack and water.

Bella handed Whip the water and pills, then gently helped him put on his shirt.

Tom observed, his gaze appraising the situation. “You don’t look too comfortable, buddy. Why don’t you take that ice pack up to the bunkhouse and lie down?”

“I can drive you,” she said.

“Thanks, but I’m not dead yet.”

Much as he didn’t want to throw them together, Tom said, “Don’t be an ass. Take the damn ride and go to bed. Greg and the guys can take care of things down here.”

“Maybe an hour or two, but I’ll be down to help bring the horses in,” Whip said as he followed her to the car.

“We’ll see,” his boss said, shaking his head as he watched the two.

Several minutes later, Bella pulled her SUV alongside the bunkhouses and looked over at her passenger. “Need help with anything before I go?”

He hopped out and swung his arms around. “Do I look like I need help?”

She noticed he was gritting his teeth. “All right, Superman, just keep icing. Fifteen minutes on, half hour off, then repeat.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, tipping his hat. “How’s Tuesday night?”

“Excuse me?”


“Okay, that’d be great.”

“Gracie’s or Bulldog? Or would you rather go fancy?”

“I vote Bulldog.”

“Pick you up at seven?”

“Only if you’re feeling up to it.”

“Oh, I’ll be up to it, no worries there.” Another tip of the hat.

“Okay, cowboy. Now go in there and rest.”

She watched him stroll up to his unit and then pulled away.