Title Page
Copyright Page
Author’s Note
1. The Big C
2. The Plan
3. The Narrow Path
4. The Narrow Way
5. My New Life
6. A Cold, Rainy, Miserable Mess
Photos 1
7. Butterflies
8. The Smoky Mountains
9. Let’s Go Left
10. Words Have Meaning
Photos 2
11. Instead, I’m Happy
12. Choices and Consequences
13. It Is What It Is
14. Chasing Dreams
15. The Storm
Photos 3
16. Pilgrim’s Progress
17. Summer Solstice
18. The Pharmacy Shelter
19. Kindness and Courage
20. The Path to Freedom
Photos 4
21. Golden Days
22. The White Mountains
23. The Maine Event
24. Trials and Tears
Photos 5
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