Chapter 21

Stealth Jihad

The Ikhwan [Arabic for ‘brothers’] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Muslim Brotherhood


I have no doubt in my mind, Muslims sooner or later will be the moral leadership of America. It depends on me and you, either we do it now or we do it after a hundred years, but this country will become a Muslim country.”

Islamic Association of Palestine


In 1991, Mohammed Akram published a document known as the Explanatory Memorandum, which contained the first quote above. Akram is a senior member of Hamas. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America. The publication states that the Islamic effort in the US is a plan by the Muslim Brotherhood to implement a “settlement process” and build a population in America. Once the settlement is established, it is to undertake a “grand jihad” aimed at “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.”

Muslim Brotherhood Operations

The Muslim Brotherhood and other radical Islamic organizations, such as the Islamic Association of Palestine, use US constitutional protections to promote Sharia law and establish sectors of Sharia-compliant financing. The Brotherhood is slowly and methodically building a large population of Islamic extremists prepared to act, non-violently or violently, to overturn the US Constitution and force America to be Sharia-compliant. This amounts to sedition and treason. It ignores article VI which states that the Constitution is the “supreme law of the land.” Under the guise of multiculturalism the Brotherhood is demanding American society tolerate its activities.

The modus operandi of the Muslim Brotherhood includes:

* Spreading propaganda demanding tolerance and acceptance of radical Islam and Sharia law

* Engaging in covert sedition under the protection of US First Amendment rights and freedom of religion

* Holding teachings in mosques, conferences, and seminars that stress the Islamic mandate to overthrow the Constitution, establish Sharia law, and replace democracy with an Islamic state, all under the US Constitutional protections of free speech

* Implementing Sharia-compliant financial procedures in the US, which provide funding for advancing Sharia law and financing radical Islamic organizations

* Co-opting the US government into accepting their goal under the guise of religious tolerance and appeasing other Muslim countries unhappy with the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan; the US government will consult with the Muslim Brotherhood on Muslim matters

* Supporting Islamic institutions and mosques to publish student textbooks that teach Sharia law

* Preventing US law enforcement and intelligence from investigating their seditious activity under the protection of religious freedom

* Supporting the practice of Saudi officials who are practitioners of Wahhabism and connected to the Muslim Brotherhood; giving millions of dollars to leading US universities for Middle Eastern study programs designed to influence textbooks and programs

* Participating in “interfaith programs” with other religions to mask their operations

* Penetrating Wall Street and promoting Sharia-compliant finance with the support of the US government, including the use of tax payer dollars to bail out Sharia-compliance practicing companies such as American International Group (AIG)

* Influencing the Obama administration to declare that there is no “War on Terror,” never mention Islam when speaking about terrorist attacks, and declare that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism

* Note: President Obama’s counterterrorism advisor, John Brennan, stated that Obama does not accept that there is a “Global War” with militant Islamic extremists. The Obama administration adheres to the policy of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), which decrees that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. The OIC is comprised of 56 predominantly Muslim nations and the Palestine Authority. OIC nations promote Sharia law and, thus, do not define jihad as terrorism. Furthermore, the US government is providing no training to US intelligence and law enforcement officers on the threat and operational activity of stealth jihad.

* Indoctrinating Muslim children in Sharia using mosques and madrasahs

* Refusing to report criminal or abusive activity condoned by Sharia, such as honor killings, domestic abuse, and marital rape

* Using lawsuits to intimidate its opponents, including American counterterrorism organizations

* Disseminating propaganda to the news media

* Trumpeting accusations of racism against any individual or organization that exposes its activities

A classic example of the effect of stealth jihad in the US is the November 5, 2009, mass killing of thirteen people at Fort Hood, Texas, by Army Major Nidal Hasan. Hasan had clearly described his intentions previously to Senior Army officers for years before the attack. In 2007, Hasan gave a fifty-slide briefing to his medical school class titled “Koranic View” as it Relates to Muslims and the US Military.” In the briefing, Hasan lectured that Muslims are required under Islamic law to conduct jihad against non-Muslims. Being deployed to the Middle East against Muslims was cause for Hasan to engage in jihad. His presentation was a regurgitation of Islamic law. Hasan was the imam for Fort Hood. He was clearly influenced by Sharia law and stealth jihad. This fact was ignored by investigators of the Obama administration and was withheld from the public because of political correctness. The US Army had records of Hasan’s radical Islamic statements well before the attack.

US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan

Stealth jihad is similar in many ways to the Soviet Union’s attempts to overthrow US democracy. Radical Islam seeks to take over American culture, thought, religion, education, and government. Like the Soviets, it grooms and plants it “agents” on US soil, indoctrinating and training them for as long as necessary, even decades, as “sleepers” engaged in “civilization jihad.” They are ready and waiting for the command to activate and engage in violent jihad if and when it becomes necessary. The Muslim Brotherhood uses information warfare, conducts covert operations, engages in psychological warfare, subverts the American culture, and penetrates American foundational institutions. It uses fear and intimidation to silence law-abiding Muslims and stages “outreaches” to the Muslim community designed to coerce them into thinking they must comply with Sharia law in its puritan form. This form of subversion is much more insidious than that of Communist Russia. The population of radical Muslims that perpetrate this view in the US is significant in size. It has crept into almost every facet of American society. It will not hesitate to use violence, including self-destruction, if necessary. Its widespread message is recruiting operatives from the Muslim community and reaching out to “lone wolves” looking for a reason to engage in violence. In reality, the Muslim Brotherhood is the modern front organization for radical Islamic jihad and the fight for global supremacy. Shockingly, it has penetrated the top levels of the US government, our legal system, educational institutions, the news media, and US intelligence.

The Brotherhood and Sharia Law

Earlier in this book, I discussed the foundational tenets of Sharia law. Understanding Sharia law is critical to understanding the modus operandi of the Muslim Brotherhood and stealth jihad. The unyielding goal of Sharia law is the overthrow of the US Constitution and, eventually, the US democratic system of government.

The Muslim Brotherhood and other jihadist organizations utilize Sharia law as their weapon to coerce moderate Muslims into compliance with jihad and penetrate US financial, social, educational, and government institutions.

Sharia law is used as a cover for radical Islamic extremists to conceal covert criminal activity and funnel mandatory Muslim contributions to terrorist organizations.

Muslim Brotherhood Seal

Al-Qaeda’s Plan

Al-Qaeda augments the Muslim Brotherhood’s stealth jihad with a campaign of active, violent jihad. It has implemented an intense campaign to recruit US-born terrorist operatives. This can be seen in the increasing number of terrorism incidents occurring in the US.

One of al-Qaeda’s strategies is to saturate the US with multiple small and large-scale terrorist plots to tie up the FBI and state and local law enforcement in lengthy, complex investigations and trials. An alarming sixty-three American citizens have been arrested, charged, or convicted for attacking or plotting to attack their own homeland.

According to FBI Director Robert Mueller:

Groups affiliated with al-Qaeda are now actively targeting the United States and looking to use Americans or Westerners who are able to remain undetected by heightened security measures.”

Al-Qaeda is exploiting the weakened US economy and lack of federal funding needed to expand counterterrorism programs. Al-Qaeda, in conjunction with the Muslim Brotherhood, actively seeks to inspire lone wolves to break out on their own and stage jihad attacks, taking law enforcement’s focus of off the bigger picture of impending attacks using weapons of mass destruction. The organization knows that it can never match the US military and defeat it. Thus, it seeks to tie up the US military, law enforcement, and intelligence in overseas conflicts and defense of America and its allies against aggressive radical Islamic regimes. It also encourages US dependence on Middle Eastern oil and causes the US government to remain embroiled in complex and expensive internal counterterrorism programs and operations.