Siberian bugloss requires well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter to help it retain moisture. Plants will tolerate morning sun in moist sites and need more shade in drier sites. Mulch well and water plants thoroughly during summer dry spells. Slugs can be a problem, but apart from dealing with this pest, Siberian bugloss requires no other maintenance.
This rugged perennial has tiny, brilliant sky blue flowers like forget-me-nots (unrelated) that twinkle against its large, dark green, heart-shaped foliage. When in bloom, Siberian bugloss is stunning; for the remainder of the season, its foliage adds texture and an interesting leaf shape to any shade garden. This tough, low-maintenance plant makes a fine ground cover.
Rugged Siberian bugloss is at home at the edge of a woodland garden as well as along a shady path. It looks superb planted with late-flowering narcissus (especially jonquil), because they flower at similar times. Underplant it with true lilies to provide summer color. This lovely perennial makes an interesting ground cover under small-growing shrubs such as deciduous azalea, red twig dogwood, and sweet pepperbush.
ZONES: 3–10
LIGHT: Part shade
HEIGHT: 12–18 inches
INTEREST: Tiny blue flowers over heart-shaped leaves