Part II: Organize Your Belongings
ADMINISTER C.P.R. There’s a bumper sticker that reads, “The one who dies with the most stuff wins!” I disagree. The one with the most stuff probably doesn’t even know what she has. She probably doesn’t treasure it or use it. In some cases she can’t even find what she really wants in all that clutter!
If you want to rid your home of clutter, you must pare down your belongings to the most essential items. I call my organizing method “C.P.R.”, which stands for: Categorize, Purge and Rearrange. You start by putting like things together (Categorize). Then you eliminate excess by trashing or donating whatever you don’t use, need, or like (Purge). Then you put the items back in a logical place (Rearrange). Think of it as breathing new life into your possessions!