The literary agencies listed in this section are open to new clients and are members of the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR), which means they do not charge for reading, critiquing, or editing. Some agents in this section may charge clients for office expenses such as photocopying, foreign postage, long-distance phone calls, or express mail services. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what these expenses are before signing any agency agreement.
The 2016 Guide to Literary Agents (Writer’s Digest Books) offers more than 800 literary agents, as well as information on writers’ conferences. It also offers a wealth of information on the author/agent relationship and other related topics.
Each listing is broken down into subheads to make locating specific information easier. In the first section, you’ll find contact information for each agency. Further information is provided which indicates an agency’s size, its willingness to work with a new or previously unpublished writer, and its general areas of interest.
146 W. 82nd St., #1A, New York NY 10024. (212)877-0710. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1975. Member AAR. Represents 100 clients. Currently handles: adult fiction and nonfiction.
HOW TO CONTACT Query via e-mail. Check website to learn when this agency reopens to new submissions.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales.
7845 Colony Rd., C4 #215, Charlotte NC 28226. (704)542-1440. Fax: (704)542-1450. E-mail: Website: Contact: Tracey Adams, Josh Adams. Member of AAR. Other memberships include SCBWI and WNBA. Currently handles: juvenile books.
MEMBER AGENTS Tracey Adams, Josh Adams, Samantha Bagood (assistant).
REPRESENTS Considers these fiction areas: middle grade, picture books, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Contact through online form on website only. Send e-mail if that is not operating correctly. All submissions and queries should first be made through the online form on website. Will not review—and will promptly recycle—any unsolicited submissions or queries received by mail. Before submitting work for consideration, review complete guidelines online, as the agency sometimes shuts off to new submissions. “While we have an established client list, we do seek new talent—and we accept submissions from both published and aspiring authors and artists.”
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
7680 Goddard St., Suite 200, Colorado Springs CO 80920. (719)260-7080. Fax: (719)260-8223. E-mail: Website: Contact: Rick Christian. Member of AAR. Other memberships include Authors Guild.
MEMBER AGENTS Rick Christian, president (blockbusters, bestsellers); Lee Hough (popular/commercial nonfiction and fiction, thoughtful spirituality, children’s); Andrea Heinecke (thoughtful/inspirational nonfiction, women’s fiction/nonfiction, popular/commercial nonfiction & fiction); Bryan Norman; Lisa Jackson.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels, short story collections, novellas. Considers these nonfiction areas: autobiography, biography, business, child guidance, economics, how-to, inspirational, parenting, personal improvement, religious, self-help, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: adventure, contemporary issues, crime, family saga, historical, humor, inspirational, literary, mainstream, mystery, police, religious, satire, suspense, thriller.
HOW TO CONTACT “Because all our agents have full client loads, they are only considering queries from authors referred by clients and close contacts.” New clients come through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Offers written contract; 2-month notice must be given to terminate contract.
6312 SW Capitol Hwy #503, Portland OR 97239. Website: Contact: Betsy Amster (adult); Mary Cummings (children’s and YA). Estab. 1992. Member of AAR. Represents more than 65 clients. 35% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: nonfiction books 65%, novels 35%.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: art & design, biography, business, child guidance, cooking/nutrition, current affairs, ethnic, gardening, health/medicine, history, memoirs, money, parenting, popular culture, psychology, science/technology, self-help, sociology, travelogues, social issues, women’s issues. Considers these fiction areas: ethnic, literary, women’s, high quality.
HOW TO CONTACT For adult titles: “For fiction or memoirs, please embed the first three pages in the body of your e-mail. For nonfiction, please embed your proposal.” For children’s and YA: See submission requirements online at website. “For picture books, please embed the entire text in the body of your e-mail. For novels, please embed the first three pages.” Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations, conferences.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract, binding for 1 year; 3-month notice must be given to terminate contract. Charges for photocopying, postage, messengers, galleys/books used in submissions to foreign and film agents and to magazines for first serial rights.
12 W. 19th St., New York NY 10011. (212)645-6045. Fax: (212)741-1936. E-mail:;; Website: Contact: Kathleen Anderson. Estab. 2006. Member of AAR. Represents 100+ clients. 20% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: nonfiction books 50%, novels 50%.
MEMBER AGENTS Kathleen Anderson, Claire Wheeler.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels, short story collections, juvenile. Considers these nonfiction areas: anthropology, archeology, architecture, art, autobiography, biography, cultural interests, current affairs, dance, design, education, environment, ethnic, gay, government, history, law, lesbian, memoirs, music, nature, politics, psychology, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: action, adventure, ethnic, family saga, feminist, frontier, gay, historical, lesbian, literary, mystery, suspense, thriller, westerns, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query with SASE. Submit synopsis, first 3 sample chapters, proposal (for nonfiction). Snail mail queries only. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations, conferences.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Offers written contract.
31 Lake Place N., Danbury CT 06810. E-mail: Contact: Victoria Gould Pryor. Member of AAR.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books. Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, current affairs, health, history, psychology, science, investigative journalism, culture, classical music, life transforming self-help.
HOW TO CONTACT No unsolicited submissions. Query with SASE. This agency accepts e-queries (no attachments).
55 Main St., P.O. Box 357, Chatham NY 12037. (518)392-2100. E-mail: Website: Contact: Steven Axelrod. Member of AAR. Represents 15-20 clients. Currently handles: novels 95%.
REPRESENTS Novels. Considers these fiction areas: crime, mystery, new adult, romance, women’s.
HOW TO CONTACT Query. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. No written contract.
20 W. 20th St., Suite 601, New York NY 10011. (212)691-3513. E-mail: Website: Contact: Julie Barer. Estab. 2004. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Julie Barer, Anna Geller, William Boggess (literary fiction and narrative nonfiction).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels, short story collections., Julie Barer is especially interested in working with emerging writers and developing long-term relationships with new clients. Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, ethnic, history, memoirs, popular culture, women’s. Considers these fiction areas: contemporary issues, ethnic, fantasy, historical, literary, mainstream, science fiction, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query; no attachments if querying by e-mail. “We do not respond to queries via phone or fax.”
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Charges for photocopying and books ordered.
Website: Contact: Jessica Faust, Kim Lionetti, Jessica Alvarez, Beth Campbell. Member of AAR. RWA, MWA Represents 50+ clients. 10% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: nonfiction books 50%, novels 50%.
MEMBER AGENTS Jessica Faust, (fiction: women’s fiction, mysteries and suspense; all other genres accepted by referral only); Kim Lionetti, (only currently considering contemporary romance, women’s fiction, cozies, new adult, and contemporary young adult); Jessica Alvarez (romance, women’s fiction, erotica, romantic suspense); Beth Campbell (urban fantasy, science fiction, YA, suspense, romantic suspense, and mystery).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: business, ethnic, how-to, money, sex. Considers these fiction areas: mainstream, mystery, romance, women’s.
HOW TO CONTACT Review website for guidelines, as they change. BookEnds is no longer accepting unsolicited proposal packages or snail mail queries. Send query in the body of e-mail to only 1 agent. No attachments.
52 Mission Circle, Suite 122, PMB 170, Santa Rosa CA 95409. E-mail: Website: Contact: Janet Kobobel Grant, Wendy Lawton, Rachel Kent, Mary Keeley, Rachelle Gardner. Member of AAR. Member of CBA (associate), American Christian Fiction Writers. Currently handles: nonfiction books 50%, novels 50%.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: humor, religion, self help, women’s. Considers these fiction areas: historical, literary, mainstream, new adult, religious, romance, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query via e-mail only; no attachments. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. “If you don’t hear from us asking to see more of your writing within 30 days after you have sent your e-mail, please know that we have read and considered your submission but determined that it would not be a good fit for us.” Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, conferences.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract; 2-month notice must be given to terminate contract. No additional charges.
1501 Broadway, Suite 2310, New York NY 10036. (212)840-5760. Fax: (212)840-5776. Website: Contact: Gail Hochman. Member of AAR. Represents 200 clients.
MEMBER AGENTS Gail Hochman; Marianne Merola; Bill Contardi; Emily Forland; Emma Patterson (anything about the Yankees, stories set in Brooklyn); Jody Kahn; Henry Thayer. The e-mail addresses and specific likes of each of these agents is listed on the agency website.
REPRESENTS Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, cooking, creative nonfiction, foods, history, memoirs, music, sports, young adult. Considers these fiction areas: crime, family saga, fantasy, historical, literary, middle grade, mystery, suspense, thriller, women’s.
HOW TO CONTACT “We accept queries by e-mail and regular mail; however, we cannot guarantee a response to e-mailed queries. For queries via regular mail, be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope for our reply. Query letters should be no more than two pages and should include a convincing overview of the book project and information about the author and his or her writing credits. Address queries to the specific Brandt & Hochman agent whom you would like to consider your work. Agent e-mail addresses and query preferences may be found at the end of each agent profile on the ‘Agents’ page of our website.” Accepts simultaneous submissions. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales.
7 E. 14th St., Suite 19F, New York NY 10003. Fax: (212)604-9023. E-mail: Website: Contact: Barbara Braun. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Barbara Braun; John F. Baker.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: architecture, art, biography, design, film, history, photography, psychology, women’s issues. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, literary.
HOW TO CONTACT “We no longer accept submissions by regular mail. Please send all queries via email, marked ‘Query’ in the subject line. Your query should include: a brief summary of your book, word count, genre, any relevant publishing experience, and the first 5 pages of your manuscript pasted into the body of the email. (NO attachments – we will not open these.)”
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales.
448 W. 44th St., New York NY 10036. (212)765-5630. E-mail: Website: Contact: Aislinn Frantz. Member of AAR. Currently handles: stage plays.
MEMBER AGENTS Bruce Ostler, Mark Orsini; Alexis Williams.
REPRESENTS Theatrical stage play.
HOW TO CONTACT Use the online submission form. Because of this agency’s submission policy and interests, it’s best to approach with a professional recommendation from a client.
1550 Tiburon Blvd., #704, Tiburon CA 94920. Fax: (415)789-9191. Website: Contact: Kimberley Cameron. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Kimberley Cameron; Elizabeth Kracht, (literary, commercial, women’s, thrillers, mysteries, and YA with crossover appeal); Pooja Menon, (international stories, literary, historical, commercial, fantasy and high-end women’s fiction; in nonfiction, she’s looking for adventure & travel memoirs, journalism & human-interest stories, and self-help books addressing relationships and the human psychology from a fresh perspective); Amy Cloughley, (literary and upmarket fiction, women’s, mystery, narrative nonfiction); Mary C. Moore (literary fiction; she also loves a good commercial book; commercially she is looking for unusual fantasy, grounded science fiction, and atypical romance; strong female characters and unique cultures especially catch her eye).
REPRESENTS Considers these nonfiction areas: creative nonfiction, psychology, self-help, travel. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, fantasy, historical, literary, mystery, romance, science fiction, thriller, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT “We accept e-mail queries only. Please address all queries to one agent only. Please send a query letter in the body of the email, written in a professional manner and clearly addressed to the agent of your choice. Attach a one-page synopsis and the first 50 pages of your manuscript as separate Word or PDF documents. We have difficulties opening other file formats. Include ‘Author Submission’ in the subject line. If submitting nonfiction, attach a nonfiction proposal.” Obtains new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations.
TERMS Agent receives 15% on domestic sales; 10% on film sales. Offers written contract, binding for 1 year.
P.O. Box 1094, Sumerland CA 93067. E-mail: Website: Member of AAR. Other memberships include PEN. Represents 65 clients. Currently handles: nonfiction books 55%, novels 45%.
MEMBER AGENTS Julie Castiglia (not accepting queries at this time); Win Golden (fiction: thrillers, mystery, crime, science fiction, YA, commercial/literary fiction; nonfiction: narrative nonfiction, current events, science, journalism).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: creative nonfiction, current affairs, investigative, science. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, crime, literary, mystery, science fiction, thriller, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query via e-mail to Send no materials via first contact besides a one-page query. No snail mail submissions accepted. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations, conferences.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract; 6-week notice must be given to terminate contract.
548 Second St., Brooklyn NY 11215. (718)499-0236. Fax: (718)832-7335. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Jane Chelius, Mark Chelius.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, humor, medicine, parenting, popular culture, satire, women’s issues, women’s studies, natural history; narrative. Considers these fiction areas: literary, mystery, suspense, women’s.
HOW TO CONTACT E-query. Does not consider email queries with attachments. No unsolicited sample chapters or mss. Responds if interested. Responds in 3-4-weeks usually.
P.O. Box 802918, Santa Clarita CA 91380-2918. (661)513-0268. Fax: (661)513-0915. Contact: Mary Alice Kier. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Mary Alice Kier; Anna Cottle.
HOW TO CONTACT Send query letter with SASE. Or e-query to Note this agency’s specialized nature.
4525 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 208, Los Angeles CA 90010. (323)930-6039. Fax: (323)930-0407. E-mail: Website: Contact: Helen Breitwieser. Member of AAR. Other memberships include Author’s Guild, MWA, RWA, PEN, Poets & Writers. Represents 40 clients. 30% of clients are new/unpublished writers.
REPRESENTS Novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: creative nonfiction. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, literary.
HOW TO CONTACT “Submissions should consist of a one-page query letter detailing the book as well as the qualifications of the author. For fiction, submissions may also include the first ten pages of the novel pasted in the email or one short story from a collection. We receive hundreds of queries each month, and make every effort to give each one careful consideration. We cannot guarantee a response to queries submitted electronically due to the volume of queries received.” Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract, binding for 1 year; 2-month notice must be given to terminate contract.
10 Astor Place, New York NY 10003-6935. (212)473-5400. Website: Contact: Ginger Knowlton. Alternate address: Peter Ginsberg, president at CBSF, 1750 Montgomery St., San Francisco CA 94111; (415)954-8566. Member of AAR. Signatory of WGA.
MEMBER AGENTS Ginger Clark (science fiction, fantasy, paranormal romance, literary horror, and young adult and middle grade fiction); Katherine Fausset (adult fiction and nonfiction, including literary and commercial fiction, journalism, memoir, lifestyle, prescriptive and narrative nonfiction); Holly Frederick; Peter Ginsberg, president; Elizabeth Harding, vice president (represents authors and illustrators of juvenile, middle-grade and young adult fiction); Steve Kasdin (commercial fiction, including mysteries/thrillers, romantic suspense—emphasis on the suspense, and historical fiction; narrative nonfiction, including biography, history and current affairs; and young adult fiction, particularly if it has adult crossover appeal); Ginger Knowlton, executive vice president (authors and illustrators of children’s books in all genres); Timothy Knowlton, chief executive officer; Jonathan Lyons (biographies, history, science, pop culture, sports, general narrative non-fiction, mysteries, thrillers, science fiction and fantasy, and young adult fiction); Laura Blake Peterson, Vice President (memoir and biography, natural history, literary fiction, mystery, suspense, women’s fiction, health and fitness, children’s and young adult, faith issues and popular culture); Maureen Walters, Senior Vice President (working primarily in women’s fiction and nonfiction projects on subjects as eclectic as parenting & child care, popular psychology, inspirational/motivational volumes as well as a few medical/nutritional book); Mitchell Waters (literary and commercial fiction and nonfiction, including mystery, history, biography, memoir, young adult, cookbooks, self-help and popular culture); Kerry D’Agostino (a wide range of literary and commercial fiction, as well as narrative nonfiction and memoir); Noah Ballard (literary debuts, upmarket thrillers and narrative nonfiction, and he is always on the look-out for honest and provocative new writers).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels, short story collections, juvenile. Considers these nonfiction areas: animals, anthropology, art, biography, business, computers, cooking, crafts, creative nonfiction, current affairs, education, ethnic, film, gardening, government, health, history, how-to, humor, language, memoirs, military, money, multicultural, music, New Age, philosophy, photography, popular culture, psychology, recreation, regional, science, self-help, sex, sociology, software, spirituality, sports, translation, travel, true crime. Considers these fiction areas: adventure, confession, detective, erotica, ethnic, experimental, fantasy, feminist, gay, historical, horror, humor, juvenile, literary, mainstream, middle grade, military, multicultural, multimedia, mystery, New Age, occult, picture books, regional, religious, romance, spiritual, sports, thriller, translation, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT “Send us a query letter, a synopsis of the work, a sample chapter and a brief resume. Illustrators should send 1-2 samples of published work, along with 6-8 color copies (no original art). Please send all book queries to our address, Attn: Query Department. Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope for our response and return postage if you wish to have your materials returned to you. We typically respond to queries within 6 to 8 weeks.” Note that some agents list their e-mail on the agency website and are fine with e-mail submissions. Note in your submission if the query is being considered elsewhere. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; 5 weeks to mss. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations, conferences.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales; 20% on foreign sales. Offers written contract. 75-day notice must be given to terminate contract. Offers written contract. Charges for some postage (overseas, etc.).
833 Madison Ave., New York NY 10021. (212)396-9595. Website: Contact: Cynthia Cannell. Estab. 1997. Member of AAR. Other memberships include the Women’s Media Group.
REPRESENTS Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, history, memoirs, science, self-help, spirituality. Considers these fiction areas: literary.
HOW TO CONTACT “Please query us with an e-mail or letter. If querying by e-mail, send a brief description of your project with relevant biographical information including publishing credits (if any) to Do not send attachments. If querying by conventional mail, enclose an SASE.” Responds if interested.
133 West 72nd St., Room 304, New York NY 10023. (917)305-1300. Fax: (917)305-1400. E-mail: Website: Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Liz Darhansoff; Chuck Verrill; Michele Mortimer; Catherine Luttinger (science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, thrillers, mysteries).
REPRESENTS Considers these nonfiction areas: creative nonfiction, memoirs. Considers these fiction areas: fantasy, historical, literary, mystery, science fiction, suspense, thriller.
HOW TO CONTACT Send queries via e-mail ( or by snail mail with SASE. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
335 Adams St., Suite 2707, Brooklyn NY 11201. (718)852-5500. Fax: (718)852-5539. Website: Contact: David Black, owner. Member of AAR. Represents 150 clients.
MEMBER AGENTS David Black; Gary Morris; Joy E. Tutela (general nonfiction, literary fiction, commercial fiction, YA, MG); Linda Loewenthal; Antonella Iannarino; Susan Raihofer; Sarah Smith.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, business, creative nonfiction, current affairs, gay/lesbian, health, history, humor, memoirs, money, parenting, politics, self-help, women’s issues. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, literary, middle grade, thriller, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT “To query an individual agent, please follow the specific query guidelines outlined in the agent’s profile on our website. Not all agents are currently accepting unsolicited queries. To query the agency, please send a 1-2 page query letter describing your book, and include information about any previously published works, your audience, and your platform.” Note that some agents prefer e-queries whereas some prefer snail mail queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Charges clients for photocopying and books purchased for sale of foreign rights.
47 E. 19th St., 3rd Floor, New York NY 10003. (212)925-7744. Fax: (212)925-9803. E-mail: E-mail:; Website: Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Brian DeFiore (popular nonfiction, business, pop culture, parenting, commercial fiction); Laurie Abkemeier (memoir, parenting, business, how-to/self-help, popular science); Kate Garrick (literary fiction, memoir, popular nonfiction); Matthew Elblonk (young adult, popular culture, narrative nonfiction); Caryn Karmatz-Rudy (popular fiction, self-help, narrative nonfiction); Adam Schear (commercial fiction, humor, YA, smart thrillers, historical fiction, and quirky debut literary novels. For nonfiction: popular science, politics, popular culture, and current events); Meredith Kaffel (smart upmarket women’s fiction, literary fiction [especially debut] and literary thrillers, narrative nonfiction, nonfiction about science and tech, sophisticated pop culture/humor books); Rebecca Strauss (literary and commercial fiction, women’s fiction, urban fantasy, romance, mystery, YA, memoir, pop culture, and select nonfiction); Debra Goldstein (nonfiction books on how to live better).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: autobiography, biography, business, child guidance, cooking, economics, foods, how-to, inspirational, money, multicultural, parenting, popular culture, politics, psychology, religious, science, self-help, sports, young adult. Considers these fiction areas: ethnic, literary, mainstream, middle grade, mystery, paranormal, romance, short story collections, suspense, thriller, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query with SASE or e-mail to “Please include the word ‘Query’ in the subject line. All attachments will be deleted; please insert all text in the body of the e-mail. For more information about our agents, their individual interests, and their query guidelines, please visit our ‘About Us’ page on our website.” There is more information (details, sales) for each agent on the agency website. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract; 10-day notice must be given to terminate contract. Charges clients for photocopying and overnight delivery (deducted only after a sale is made).
116 W. 23rd St., Suite 500, New York NY 10011. (917)544-4470. E-mail: Website: Contact: Diana Finch. Member of AAR.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels, scholarly. Considers these nonfiction areas: autobiography, biography, business, child guidance, computers, cultural interests, current affairs, dance, economics, environment, ethnic, film, government, health, history, how-to, humor, investigative, juvenile nonfiction, law, medicine, memoirs, military, money, music, parenting, photography, popular culture, politics, psychology, satire, science, self-help, sports, technology, theater, translation, true crime, war, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: action, adventure, crime, detective, ethnic, historical, literary, mainstream, police, thriller, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT This agency prefers submissions via its online form: Accepts simultaneous submissions. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. “I charge for overseas postage, galleys, and books purchased, and try to recoup these costs from earnings received for a client, rather than charging outright.”
1155 Camino del Mar, PMB 515, Del Mar CA 92014. (858)755-3115. Fax: (858)794-2822. E-mail: Website: Member of AAR. Other memberships include Authors Guild, PEN West, PEN USA, Organization of American Historians, Poets and Editors, MWA. Represents 100+ clients. 30% of clients are new/unpublished writers.
MEMBER AGENTS Sandra Dijkstra, president (adult only). Acquiring Sub-agents: Elise Capron (adult only), Jill Marr (adult only), Thao Le (adult and YA), Roz Foster (adult and YA), Jessica Watterson (subgenres of adult and new adult romance, and women’s fiction).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, business, creative nonfiction, design, history, memoirs, psychology, science, self-help, narrative. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, horror, literary, middle grade, new adult, romance, science fiction, suspense, thriller, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT “Please see guidelines on our website, and note that we only accept e-mail submissions. Due to the large number of unsolicited submissions we receive, we are only able to respond those submissions in which we are interested.” Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds to queries of interest within 6 weeks.
TERMS Works in conjunction with foreign and film agents. Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales and 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. No reading fee.
121 W. 27th St., Suite 704, New York NY 10001. (212)691-8077. Fax: (212)633-2837. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Neil Olson. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Neil Olson (no queries); Edward Hibbert (no queries); Carrie Howland (represents literary fiction and nonfiction as well as young adult fiction; she can be reached at
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these fiction areas: literary, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Please send a query letter, full synopsis, and the first three chapters/first 25 pages of the manuscript to Please allow a few weeks for a reply. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
110 William St., Suite 2202, New York NY 10038. (212)645-1229. Fax: (212)727-2688. E-mail: Website: Contact: Michael Congdon, Susan Ramer, Cristina Concepcion, Maura Kye Casella, Katie Kotchman, Katie Grimm. Member of AAR. Represents 100 clients.
REPRESENTS Considers these nonfiction areas: anthropology, archeology, autobiography, biography, child guidance, cooking, creative nonfiction, current affairs, dance, environment, film, foods, government, health, history, humor, language, law, literature, medicine, memoirs, military, music, parenting, popular culture, politics, psychology, satire, science, technology, theater, travel, true crime, war, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: action, adventure, contemporary issues, crime, detective, literary, mainstream, middle grade, mystery, police, short story collections, suspense, thriller, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT “For queries via email, you must include the word ‘Query’ and the agent’s full name in your subject heading. Please also include your query and sample chapter in the body of the email, as we do not open attachments for security reasons. Please query only one agent within the agency at a time.” Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from other authors.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Charges client for extra shipping costs, photocopying, copyright fees, book purchases.
525 Broadway, Second Floor, New York NY 10012. (212)431-2664. Fax: (212)431-2667. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Janis A. Donnaud. Member of AAR. Signatory of WGA. Represents 40 clients. 5% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: nonfiction books 100%.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books. Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, business, creative nonfiction, health, history, memoirs, money, psychology.
HOW TO CONTACT Query. For nonfiction, send a proposal; for fiction, paste a sample chapter into the email. Prefers exclusive submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries and mss. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic and film sales; 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract; 1-month notice must be given to terminate contract.
PO Box 5379, El Dorado Hills CA 95762. (916)804-5016. E-mail: Website: Contact: Verna Dreisbach. Estab. 2007.
REPRESENTS Considers these nonfiction areas: animals, biography, business, health, memoirs, multicultural, parenting, travel, true crime, women’s issues. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, literary, mystery, thriller, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT E-mail queries only. No attachments in the query; they will not be opened. No unsolicited mss. Accepting new nonfiction clients only through a writers conference or a personal referral. Not accepting fiction.
110 William St., Suite 2202, New York NY 10038. (212)929-0994. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jennie Dunham. Member of AAR. SCBWI Represents 50 clients. 15% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: nonfiction books 25%, novels 25%, juvenile books 50%.
REPRESENTS Considers these nonfiction areas: anthropology, archeology, biography, cultural interests, environment, ethnic, health, history, language, literature, medicine, popular culture, politics, psychology, science, technology, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: ethnic, juvenile, literary, mainstream, picture books, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query with SASE. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; 2 months to mss. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales.
27 W. 20th St., Suite 1107, New York NY 10011. (212)645-7606. E-mail:; E-mail: Website: Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Jennifer Carlson (narrative nonfiction writers and journalists covering current events and ideas and cultural history, as well as literary and upmarket commercial novelists); Henry Dunow (quality fiction – literary, historical, strongly written commercial – and with voice-driven nonfiction across a range of areas – narrative history, biography, memoir, current affairs, cultural trends and criticism, science, sports); Erin Hosier (nonfiction: popular culture, music, sociology and memoir); Betsy Lerner (nonfiction writers in the areas of psychology, history, cultural studies, biography, current events, business; fiction: literary, dark, funny, voice driven); Yishai Seidman (broad range of fiction: literary, postmodern, and thrillers; nonfiction: sports, music, and pop culture); Amy Hughes (nonfiction in the areas of history, cultural studies, memoir, current events, wellness, health, food, pop culture, and biography; also literary fiction); Eleanor Jackson (literary, commercial, memoir, art, food, science and history); Julia Kenny (fiction—adult, middle grade and YA—and is especially interested in dark, literary thrillers and suspense); Edward Necarsulmer IV (strong new voices in teen & middle grade as well as picture books).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels, juvenile. Considers these nonfiction areas: art, biography, creative nonfiction, cultural interests, current affairs, foods, health, history, memoirs, music, popular culture, psychology, science, sociology, sports. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, literary, mainstream, middle grade, mystery, picture books, thriller, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query via snail mail with SASE, or by e-mail. No attachments. Responds if interested.
1 Union Square W., Suite 904, New York NY 10003. (212)627-9100. Fax: (212)627-9313. Website: Estab. 1994. Member of AAR. Other membership includes SCBWI. Represents 600+ clients.
MEMBER AGENTS Jane Dystel; Miriam Goderich, (literary and commercial fiction as well as some genre fiction, narrative nonfiction, pop culture, psychology, history, science, art, business books, and biography/memoir); Stacey Kendall Glick, (narrative nonfiction including memoir, parenting, cooking and food, psychology, science, health and wellness, lifestyle, current events, pop culture, YA, middle grade, and select adult contemporary fiction); Michael Bourret, (middle grade and young adult fiction, commercial adult fiction, and all sorts of nonfiction, from practical to narrative; he’s especially interested in food and cocktail related books, memoir, popular history, politics, religion (though not spirituality), popular science, and current events); Jim McCarthy, (literary women’s fiction, underrepresented voices, mysteries, romance, paranormal fiction, narrative nonfiction, memoir, and paranormal nonfiction); Jessica Papin, (literary and smart commercial fiction, narrative nonfiction, history with a thesis, medicine, science and religion, health, psychology, women’s issues); Lauren E. Abramo, (smart commercial fiction and well-paced literary fiction with a unique voice, including middle grade, YA, and adult and a wide variety of narrative nonfiction including science, interdisciplinary cultural studies, pop culture, psychology, reportage, media, contemporary culture, and history); John Rudolph, (picture book author/illustrators, middle grade, YA, commercial fiction for men, nonfiction); Rachel Stout, (literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, and believable and thought-provoking YA as well as magical realism); Sharon Pelletier, (witty literary fiction and smart commercial fiction featuring female characters, narrative nonfiction).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: animals, anthropology, archeology, autobiography, biography, business, child guidance, cultural interests, current affairs, economics, ethnic, gay/lesbian, health, history, humor, inspirational, investigative, medicine, metaphysics, military, New Age, parenting, popular culture, psychology, religious, science, technology, true crime, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: action, adventure, commercial, crime, detective, ethnic, family saga, gay, lesbian, literary, mainstream, middle grade, mystery, picture books, police, suspense, thriller, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query via e-mail and put “Query” in the subject line. “Synopses, outlines or sample chapters (say, one chapter or the first 25 pages of your manuscript) should either be included below the cover letter or attached as a separate document. We won’t open attachments if they come with a blank e-mail.” Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 6 to 8 weeks to queries; within 8 weeks to mss. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations, conferences.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 19% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
57 North St., Hatfield MA 01038. (413)247-9325. Fax: (413)247-9873. E-mail: Website: Contact: Lisa Ekus-Saffer. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Lisa Ekus; Sally Ekus.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books. Considers these nonfiction areas: cooking, diet/nutrition, foods, occasionally health/well-being and women’s issues.
HOW TO CONTACT Submit a one-page query via e-mail or submit complete hard copy proposal with title page, proposal contents, concept, bio, marketing, TOC, etc. Include SASE for the return of materials. The agency shares submissions tips at
4710 41st St. NW, Suite D, Washington DC 20016. (202)362-5190. Fax: (202)362-5192. Website: Contact: Elaine English. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Elaine English (novels).
REPRESENTS Novels. Considers these fiction areas: historical, multicultural, mystery, suspense, thriller, women’s, romance (single title, historical, contemporary, romantic, suspense, chick lit, erotic), general women’s fiction. The agency is slowly but steadily acquiring in all mentioned areas.
HOW TO CONTACT Not accepting queries as of 2015. Keep checking the website for further information and updates. Responds in 4-8 weeks to queries; 3 months to requested submissions. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, conferences, submissions.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract; 30-day notice must be given to terminate contract. Charges only for shipping expenses; generally taken from proceeds.
19 Cheever Place, Brooklyn NY 11231. E-mail: Website: Contact: Faye Bender. Estab. 2004. Member of AAR.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels, juvenile. Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, memoirs, popular culture, women’s issues, women’s studies, young adult, narrative; health; popular science. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, literary, middle grade, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Please submit a query letter and ten sample pages to (no attachments). “Due to the volume of e-mails, we can’t respond to everything. If we are interested, we will be in touch as soon as we possibly can. Otherwise, please consider it a pass.”
555 Bryant St., Suite 350, Palo Alto CA 94301-1700. E-mail: Website: Contact: Felicia Eth. Member of AAR. Represents 25-35 clients. Currently handles: nonfiction books 75%, novels 25% adult.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: animals, anthropology, autobiography, biography, business, child guidance, cultural interests, current affairs, economics, health, history, investigative, law, medicine, parenting, popular culture, politics, psychology, science, sociology, technology, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: literary, mainstream.
HOW TO CONTACT Query with SASE. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 4-6 weeks to mss.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Agent receives 20% commission on film sales. Charges clients for photocopying and express mail service.
115 W. 29th, 3rd Floor, New York NY 10001. (212)279-1282. Website: Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Peter Rubie, CEO, (nonfiction interests include narrative nonfiction, popular science, spirituality, history, biography, pop culture, business, technology, parenting, health, self help, music, and food; fiction interests include literate thrillers, crime fiction, science fiction and fantasy, military fiction and literary fiction, middle grade and YA fiction and nonfiction for boys); Stephany Evans, (nonfiction: health and wellness, especially women’s health; spirituality, environment/sustainability, food and wine, memoir, and narrative nonfiction; fiction interests include stories with a strong and interesting female protagonist, both literary and upmarket commercial/book club fiction, romance [all subgenres], mysteries); Janet Reid (crime fiction and narrative nonfiction); Laura Wood, (serious nonfiction, especially in the areas of science and nature, along with substantial titles in business, history, religion, and other areas by academics, experienced professionals, and journalists); June Clark (see
REPRESENTS Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, business, creative nonfiction, foods, health, history, humor, law, memoirs, music, parenting, popular culture, science, self-help, spirituality, technology. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, crime, fantasy, middle grade, military, mystery, romance, science fiction, suspense, thriller, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT E-query. For fiction, send a query, synopsis, bio, and 30 pages pasted into the e-mail. No attachments. For nonfiction, send a query only; proposal requested later if the agent is interested. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales.
78 Fifth Ave., 3rd Floor, New York NY 10011. (212)614-0778. Fax: (212)614-0728. E-mail: Website: Contact: Christy Fletcher. Estab. 2003. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Christy Fletcher (referrals only); Melissa Chinchillo (predominantly nonfiction—psychology, popular philosophy, science, history, biography, investigative/narrative journalism, politics, current affairs, pop culture and self-help; some fiction—upmarket, commercial, literary horror/fantasy, mystery; very select children’s and young adult); Rebecca Gradinger (literary fiction, upmarket commercial fiction, narrative nonfiction, self-help, memoir, women’s studies, humor, and pop culture); Gráinne Fox (literary fiction and quality commercial authors, award-winning journalists and food writers); Lisa Grubka (fiction—literary, upmarket women’s, and young adult; and nonfiction—narrative, food, science, and more); Donald Lamm (nonfiction—history, biography, investigative journalism, politics, current affairs, and business); Todd Sattersten (business books); Sylvie Greenberg (literary fiction, business, history, sports writing, science, investigative journalism); Rachel Crawford (literary fiction, especially if it’s dark, experimental, or quirky; speculative fiction; YA; and great science writing).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, business, creative nonfiction, foods, history, humor, investigative, memoirs, popular culture, politics, science, self-help, sports, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, fantasy, literary, science fiction, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT To query, please send a letter, brief synopsis, and an SASE to our address, or you may also send queries to Please do not include email attachments with your initial query, as they will be deleted. Address your query to a specific agent. No snail mail queries.
The Film Center Building, 630 Ninth Ave., Suite 1101, New York NY 10036. (212)400-1494. Fax: (212)967-0977. Website: Member of AAR. Represents 100+ clients.
MEMBER AGENTS Claudia Cross, Scott Hoffman, Jeff Kleinman, Frank Weimann, Michelle Brower, Michael Harriot, Erin Harris, Molly Jaffa, Katherine Latshaw, Erin Niumata, Ruth Pomerance, Marcy Posner, Jeff Silberman, Michael Sterling, Steve Troha, Emily van Beek, Melissa Sarver White.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels, short story collections. Considers these nonfiction areas: animals, art, biography, business, child guidance, cooking, creative nonfiction, economics, environment, foods, health, history, how-to, humor, inspirational, memoirs, military, parenting, popular culture, politics, psychology, religious, satire, science, self-help, technology, war, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, erotica, fantasy, horror, literary, middle grade, mystery, picture books, religious, romance, thriller, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query via e-mail only (no attachments). Read agent bios online for specific submission guidelines and email addresses.
P.O. Box 33, Wayne PA 19087-0033. E-mail: Website: Member of AAR. Represents 90 clients. 1% of clients are new/unpublished writers.
HOW TO CONTACT Query via e-mail describing project (text in the body of the e-mail only, no attachments) to “Please note that all queries are reviewed by all agents at the agency.” No phone or fax queries. Accepts simultaneous submissions.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
221 Benedict Hill Rd., New Canaan CT 06840. (203)972-3011. Fax: (203)972-3011. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jeanne Fredericks. Estab. 1997. Member of AAR. Other memberships include Authors Guild. Currently handles: nonfiction books 100%.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books. Considers these nonfiction areas: animals, autobiography, biography, child guidance, cooking, decorating, foods, gardening, health, history, how-to, interior design, medicine, parenting, photography, psychology, self-help, women’s issues.
HOW TO CONTACT Query first by e-mail, then send outline/proposal, 1-2 sample chapters, if requested. If you do send requested submission materials, note the word “Requested” in the subject line. See submission guidelines online first. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3-5 weeks to queries. Responds in 2-4 months to mss. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations, conferences.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 25% commission on foreign sales with co-agent. Offers written contract, binding for 9 months; 2-month notice must be given to terminate contract. Charges client for photocopying of whole proposals and mss, overseas postage, priority mail, express mail services.
19 W. 21st St., Suite 201, New York NY 10010. E-mail:;; Website: Contact: Molly Friedrich; Lucy Carson. Member of AAR. Signatory of WGA. Represents 50+ clients.
MEMBER AGENTS Molly Friedrich, founder and agent (open to queries); Lucy Carson, foreign rights director and agent (open to queries); Nichole LeFebvre (foreign rights manager; open to queries).
REPRESENTS Full-length fiction and nonfiction. Considers these nonfiction areas: creative nonfiction, memoirs. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, literary.
HOW TO CONTACT Query by e-mail only. Please query only one agent at this agency.
850 7th Ave., Suite 903, New York NY 10019. (212)245-1993. Fax: (212)245-8678. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jane Gelfman, Deborah Schneider. Member of AAR. Represents 300+ clients. 10% of clients are new/unpublished writers.
MEMBER AGENTS Deborah Schneider, Jane Gelfman, Victoria Marini, Heather Mitchell.
REPRESENTS Fiction and nonfiction books. Considers these nonfiction areas: creative nonfiction, popular culture. Considers these fiction areas: historical, literary, mainstream, middle grade, mystery, science fiction, suspense, westerns, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query. Send queries via snail mail only. No unsolicited mss. Please send a query letter, a synopsis, and a sample chapter only. Consult website for each agent’s submission requirements. Note that Ms. Marini is the only agent at this agency who accepts e-queries: If querying Marini, put “Query” in the subject line and paste all materials (query, 1-3 sample chapters) in the body of the e-mail. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Agent receives 15% commission on film sales. Offers written contract. Charges clients for photocopying and messengers/couriers.
136 E. 57th St., New York NY 10022. (212)753-5785. Website: Estab. 1967. Member of AAR. Represents 200+ clients.
MEMBER AGENTS Anne Borchardt; Georges Borchardt; Valerie Borchardt; Samantha Shea.
HOW TO CONTACT No unsolicited mss. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract.
57 E. 11th St., Suite 5B, New York NY 10003. (212)777-0047. Fax: (212)228-1660. Website: Estab. 1977. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Frances Goldin, principal/agent; Ellen Geiger, agent (commercial and literary fiction and nonfiction, cutting-edge topics of all kinds); Matt McGowan, agent/rights director (innovative works of fiction and nonfiction); Sam Stoloff, agent, (literary fiction, memoir, history, accessible sociology and philosophy, cultural studies, serious journalism, narrative and topical nonfiction with a progressive orientation); Sarah Bridgins, agent/office manager, (voice-driven fiction and narrative nonfiction); Ria Julien; Matt McGowan.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: creative nonfiction, cultural interests, investigative, memoirs, philosophy, sociology. Considers these fiction areas: literary, mainstream.
HOW TO CONTACT There is an online submission process you can find here: Responds in 4-6 weeks to queries.
27 W. 24th St., Suite 700B, New York NY 10010. Website: Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Irene Goodman (her fiction list includes upmarket women’s fiction, middle grade, young adult, thrillers, historical fiction, and mysteries; her nonfiction list includes pop culture, science, Francophilia, and lifestyle); Beth Vesel (narrative nonfiction, cultural criticism, psychology, science and memoir; Miriam Kriss (commercial fiction and she represents everything from hardcover historical mysteries to all subgenres of romance, from young adult fiction to kick ass urban fantasies, and everything in between); Barbara Poelle (thrillers, literary suspense, young adult and upmarket fiction); Rachel Ekstrom (young adult, women’s fiction, new adult, mysteries, thrillers, romance, and the occasional quirky work of nonfiction).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: narrative nonfiction dealing with social, cultural and historical issues; an occasional memoir and current affairs book, parenting, social issues, francophilia, anglophilia, Judaica, lifestyles, cooking, memoir. Considers these fiction areas: crime, detective, historical, mystery, romance, thriller, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT Query. Submit synopsis, first 10 pages. E-mail queries only! See the website submission page. No e-mail attachments. Query one agent only. Responds in 2 months to queries. Consult website for each agent’s submission guidelines.
1342 W. 18th St., San Pedro CA 90732. E-mail: Website: Estab. 1976. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Ashley Grayson (fantasy, mystery, thrillers, young adult); Carolyn Grayson (chick lit, mystery, children’s, nonfiction, women’s fiction, romance, thrillers); Lois Winston (women’s fiction, chick lit, mystery).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: business, computers, economics, history, investigative, popular culture, science, self-help, sports, technology, true crime. Considers these fiction areas: fantasy, juvenile, middle grade, multicultural, mystery, romance, science fiction, suspense, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT The agency is temporarily closed to queries from fiction writers who are not previously published at book length (self published or print-on-demand do not count). There are only three exceptions to this policy: (1) Unpublished authors who have received an offer from a reputable publisher, who need an agent before beginning contract negotiations; (2) Authors who are recommended by a published author, editor or agent who has read the work in question; (3) Authors whom we have met at conferences and from whom we have requested submissions. Nonfiction authors who are recognized within their field or area may still query with proposals. Note: We cannot review self-published, subsidy-published, and POD-published works to evaluate moving them to mainstream publishers.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales.
55 Fifth Ave., New York NY 10003. (212)206-5600. Fax: (212)463-8718. Website: Member of AAR. Represents 500 clients.
MEMBER AGENTS Matt Bialer, (fantasy, science fiction, thrillers, and mysteries as well as a select group of literary writers, and also loves smart narrative nonfiction including books about current events, popular culture, biography, history, music, race, and sports); Brenda Bowen, (literary fiction, writers and illustrators of picture books, chapter books, and middle-grade and teen fiction); Lisa Gallagher, (accessible literary fiction, quality commercial women’s fiction, crime fiction, lively narrative non-fiction); Faith Hamlin, (receives submissions by referral); Heide Lange,; Daniel Mandel, (literary and commercial fiction, as well as memoirs and non-fiction about business, art, history, politics, sports, and popular culture); Courtney Miller-Callihan, (YA, middle grade, women’s fiction, romance, and historical novels, as well as nonfiction projects on unusual topics, humor, pop culture, and lifestyle books); Nicholas Ellison,; Chelsea Lindman, (playful literary fiction, upmarket crime fiction, and forward thinking or boundary-pushing nonfiction); Rachael Dillon Fried, (both fiction and nonfiction authors, with a keen interest in unique literary voices, women’s fiction, narrative nonfiction, memoir, and comedy); Lindsay Ribar, co-agents with Matt Bailer (young adult and middle grade fiction); Thomas Miller (primarily nonfiction projects in the areas of wellness and health, popular culture, psychology and self-help, business, diet, spirituality, cooking, and narrative nonfiction).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books and novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: art, biography, business, creative nonfiction, current affairs, ethnic, history, humor, memoirs, music, popular culture, politics, sports. Considers these fiction areas: crime, fantasy, historical, literary, middle grade, mystery, picture books, romance, science fiction, thriller, women’s, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT E-query. “Please look at each agent’s profile page for current information about what each agent is looking for and for the correct email address to use for queries to that agent. Please be sure to use the correct query e-mail address for each agent.” Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries and mss. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Charges for photocopying and books for foreign and subsidiary rights submissions.
3021 20th St., PL SW, Puyallup WA 98373. E-mail: Website: Contact: Scott Eagan, member RWA. Estab. 2003.
REPRESENTS Considers these fiction areas: romance, women’s.
HOW TO CONTACT Submissions to Greyhaus can be done in one of three ways: 1) Send a query, the first 3 pages and a synopsis of no more than 3 pages (and a SASE), using a snail mail submission. 2) A standard query letter via email. If using this method, do not attach documents or send anything else other than a query letter. Or 3) use the Submission Form found on the website on the Contact page.
381 Park Avenue S, Suite 428, New York NY 10016. (212)924-6269. Fax: (212)725-5275. E-mail: Website: Contact: Joy Harris. Estab. 1990. Member of AAR. Represents more than 100 clients. Currently handles: nonfiction books 50%, novels 50%.
MEMBER AGENTS Joy Harris (most interested in literary fiction and narrative nonfiction); Adam Reed (arts, literary fiction, science and technology, and pop culture).
REPRESENTS Considers these nonfiction areas: art, creative nonfiction, popular culture, science, technology. Considers these fiction areas: literary.
HOW TO CONTACT “Please e-mail your submission to; however, we will only reply if interested. Do not send your full manuscript before it is requested.” Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from clients and editors.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Charges clients for some office expenses.
80 Maiden Lane, Suite 1503, New York NY 10038. (212)807-7040. Fax: (212)807-9555. E-mail: Website: Contact: Moses Cardona (rights and translations); Liz Free (permissions); Warren Frazier, literary agent; Anne Hawkins, literary agent. Member of AAR. Represents 100+ clients. 5-10% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: nonfiction books 40%, novels 40%, juvenile books 20%.
MEMBER AGENTS Moses Cardona, (commercial fiction, suspense, business, science, and multicultural fiction); Warren Frazier, (nonfiction—technology, history, world affairs and foreign policy); Anne Hawkins (thrillers to literary fiction to serious nonfiction; she also has particular interests in science, history, public policy, medicine and women’s issues).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: biography, business, history, medicine, politics, science, technology, women’s issues. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, historical, literary, multicultural, suspense, thriller.
HOW TO CONTACT Query. Include the word “Query” in the subject line. For fiction, include 1-3 chapters of your book as a single Word attachment. For nonfiction, include your proposal as a single attachment. E-mail a particular agent directly if you are targeting one. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. Charges clients for photocopying.
West Coast Office, 1020 Hollywood Way, #439, Burbank CA 91505. (818)951-6788. E-mail: Website: Contact: Catt LeBaigue or Tom Dark. Estab. 2009. Member of AAR. Other memberships include SCBWI.
MEMBER AGENTS Tom Dark (adult fiction, nonfiction); Catt LeBaigue (juvenile fiction, adult nonfiction including arts, crafts, anthropology, astronomy, nature studies, ecology, body/mind/spirit, humanities, self-help).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction, fiction. Considers these nonfiction areas: art, business, gardening, politics. Considers these fiction areas: juvenile, middle grade, picture books, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT E-mail queries only. No unsolicited manuscripts. No e-mail attachments. Responds in 1 week to queries. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations.
TERMS Offers written contract.
145 W. 28th St., 12th Floor, New York NY 10001. (212)414-1172. E-mail: Website: Contact: Rich Henshaw. Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Richard Henshaw; Susannah Taylor.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: animals, autobiography, biography, business, child guidance, cooking, current affairs, dance, economics, environment, foods, gay/lesbian, health, humor, investigative, money, music, New Age, parenting, popular culture, politics, psychology, science, self-help, sociology, sports, technology, true crime, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: crime, detective, fantasy, historical, horror, literary, mainstream, mystery, police, science fiction, supernatural, suspense, thriller, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT “Please feel free to submit a query letter in the form of an e-mail of fewer than 250 words to address.” No snail mail queries. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 6 weeks to mss. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations, conferences.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. No written contract. Charges clients for photocopying and book orders.
2117 Buffalo Rd., Suite 327, Rochester NY 14624-1507. (585)352-6268. Contact: Pam Hopkins. Member of AAR. Other memberships include RWA.
REPRESENTS Novels. Considers these fiction areas: romance, women’s.
HOW TO CONTACT Regular mail with synopsis, 3 sample chapters (or first 50 pages), SASE. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations, conferences.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. No written contract.
730 Fifth Ave., New York NY 10019. (212)556-5600. Website: Contact: Literary Department. Member of AAR. Signatory of WGA.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction, fiction, novels, juvenile books.
HOW TO CONTACT This agency is generally not open to unsolicited submissions. However, some agents do attend conferences and meet writers then. The agents take referrals, as well. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales.
300 W. 55th St., Suite 11V, New York NY 10019. (212)581-7068. E-mail: Website: Contact: Harvey Klinger. Member of AAR. Represents 100 clients. 25% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: nonfiction books 50%, novels 50%.
MEMBER AGENTS Harvey Kliinger; David Dunton (popular culture, music-related books, literary fiction, young adult, fiction, and memoirs); Sara Crowe (children’s and young adult authors, adult fiction and nonfiction, foreign rights sales); Andrea Somberg (literary fiction, commercial fiction, romance, sci-fi/fantasy, mysteries/thrillers, young adult, middle grade, quality narrative nonfiction, popular culture, how-to, self-help, humor, interior design, cookbooks, health/fitness).
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: autobiography, biography, cooking, diet//nutrition, foods, health, investigative, medicine, psychology, science, self-help, spirituality, sports, technology, true crime, women’s issues, women’s studies. Considers these fiction areas: action, adventure, crime, detective, family saga, glitz, literary, mainstream, mystery, police, suspense, thriller.
HOW TO CONTACT Use online e-mail submission form on the website, or query with SASE via snail mail. No phone or fax queries. Don’t send unsolicited manuscripts or e-mail attachments. Make submission letter to the point and as brief as possible. Responds in 2-4 weeks to queries, if interested. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Charges for photocopying mss and overseas postage for mss.
10 W. 15th St., Suite 1918, New York NY 10011. (212)691-3419. E-mail: Website: Contact: Linda Konner. Member of AAR. Signatory of WGA. Other memberships include ASJA. Represents 85 clients. 30-35% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: nonfiction books 100%.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books. Considers these nonfiction areas: gay/lesbian, health, medicine, money, parenting, popular culture, psychology, science, self-help, women’s issues, biography (celebrity), African American and Latino issues, relationships, popular science.
HOW TO CONTACT Query by e-mail or by mail with SASE, synopsis, author bio, sufficient return postage. Prefers to read materials exclusively for 2 weeks. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, occasional solicitation among established authors/journalists.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 25% commission on foreign sales. Offers written contract. Charges one-time fee for domestic expenses; additional expenses may be incurred for foreign sales.
P.O. Box 560, Bellport NY 11713. (631)286-1278. Fax: (631) 286-1538. Contact: Barbara S. Kouts. Member of AAR. Represents 50 clients. 10% of clients are new/unpublished writers.
HOW TO CONTACT Query with SASE. Accepts solicited queries by snail mail only. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations, conferences.
TERMS Agent receives 10% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% commission on foreign sales. This agency charges clients for photocopying.
381 Park Ave. S., Suite 428, New York NY 10016. (212)725-5288. Fax: (212)725-5275. Website: Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Stuart Krichevsky, (emphasis on narrative nonfiction, literary journalism and literary and commercial fiction); Allison Hunter, (literary and commercial fiction, memoir, narrative nonfiction, cultural studies and pop culture; she is always looking for funny female writers, great love stories, family epics, and for nonfiction projects that speak to the current cultural climate); Ross Harris, (voice-driven humor and memoir, books on popular culture and our society, narrative nonfiction and literary fiction); David Patterson, (writers of upmarket narrative nonfiction and literary fiction, historians, journalists and thought leaders); Shana Cohen.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: creative nonfiction, humor, memoirs, popular culture. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, contemporary issues, literary.
HOW TO CONTACT Please send a query letter and the first few (up to 10) pages of your manuscript or proposal in the body of an e-mail (not an attachment) to one of the e-mail addresses. No attachments. Responds if interested. Obtains most new clients through recommendations from others, solicitations.
1029 Jones St., San Francisco CA 94109. (415)673-0939. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mike Larsen, Elizabeth Pomada. Member of AAR. Other memberships include Authors Guild, ASJA, WNBA, California Writers Club, National Speakers Association. Represents 100 clients. 40-45% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Currently handles: nonfiction books 70%, novels 30%.
MEMBER AGENTS Michael Larsen (nonfiction); Elizabeth Pomada (fiction and narrative nonfiction).
REPRESENTS Considers these nonfiction areas: anthropology, archeology, architecture, art, autobiography, biography, business, current affairs, diet//nutrition, design, economics, environment, ethnic, film, foods, gay/lesbian, health, history, how-to, humor, inspirational, investigative, law, medicine, memoirs, metaphysics, money, music, New Age, popular culture, politics, psychology, religious, satire, science, self-help, sociology, sports, travel, women’s issues, women’s studies, futurism. Considers these fiction areas: action, adventure, contemporary issues, crime, detective, ethnic, experimental, family saga, feminist, gay, glitz, historical, humor, inspirational, lesbian, literary, mainstream, mystery, police, religious, romance, satire, suspense.
HOW TO CONTACT Elizabeth Pomada handles literary and commercial fiction, romance, thrillers, mysteries, narrative nonfiction and mainstream women’s fiction. If you have completed a novel, please e-mail the first 10 pages and 2-page synopsis to Use 14-point typeface, double-spaced, as an e-mail letter with no attachments. For nonfiction, please read Michael’s How to Write a Book Proposal book—available through your library or bookstore, and through our website—so you will know exactly what editors need. Then, before you start writing, send him the title, subtitle, and your promotion plan via conventional mail (with SASE) or e-mail. If sent as e-mail, please include the information in the body of your e-mail with no attachments. Please allow up to 2 weeks for a response. See each agent’s page on the website for contact and submission information. Responds in 8 weeks to pages or submissions.
TERMS Agent receives 15% commission on domestic sales. Agent receives 20% (30% for Asia) commission on foreign sales.
350 Seventh Ave., Suite 2003, New York NY 10001. (212)239-7477. Fax: (212)947-0460. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Member of AAR.
MEMBER AGENTS Laura Dail; Tamar Rydzinski.
REPRESENTS Nonfiction books, novels. Considers these nonfiction areas: humor. Considers these fiction areas: commercial, historical, young adult.
HOW TO CONTACT “If you would like, you may include a synopsis and no more than 10 pages. If you are mailing your query, please be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope; without it, you may not hear back from us. To save money, time and trees, we prefer queries by e-mail to We get a lot of spam and are wary of computer viruses, so please use the word ‘Query’ in the subject line and include your detailed materials in the body of your message, not as an attachment.”