Publishers’ Development Corp., 12345 World Trade Dr., San Diego CA 92128. (858)605-0242. Fax: (858)605-0247. E-mail: Website: Contact: Maryellen Bridge, editor-in-chief. 95% freelance written. Eager to work with new/unpublished writers. Monthly (except July and August) magazine covering art education at levels from preschool through college for educators and therapists engaged in arts and crafts education and training. Estab. 1932. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms 6 months to 3 years after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 3 months to queries. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 8 first-class stamps. Guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs historical, arts, activities, history, how-to, classroom art experiences, artists’ techniques, interviews of artists, opinion on arts activities curriculum, ideas of how-to do things better, philosophy of art education, personal experience (ties in with the how-to) articles of exceptional art programs. Buys 80-100 mss/year. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays $35-150.

TIPS “Frequently in unsolicited mss, writers obviously have not studied the magazine to see what style of articles we publish. Send for a sample copy to familiarize yourself with our style and needs. The best way to find out if his/her writing style suits our needs is for the author to submit a ms on speculation. We prefer an anecdotal style of writing so that readers will feel as though they are there in the art room as the lesson/project is taking place. Also, good quality photographs of student artwork are important. We are a visual art magazine!”


11010 142nd St. NW, Edmonton AB T5N 2R1 Canada. (780)447-9400. Fax: (780)455-6481. E-mail: Website: Quarterly magazine covering education. Estab. 1920. Circ. 42,100. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Previous articles available for viewing online. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Query with published clips. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays $100 (Canadian).


Wide Open Minds Educational Services, P.O. Box 5263, Wilmington DE 19808. E-mail: Website: Contact: Dr. Mark R. Feil, editor. 70% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering forensic education. Readers are middle, high and post-secondary teachers who are looking for better, easier and more engaging ways to teach forensics as well as law enforcement and scientific forensic experts. Writers understand this and are writing from a forensic or educational background, or both. Prefers a first-person writing style. Estab. 2006. Circ. 30,000. Byline given. Pays 60 days after publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 2 months to mss. Sample copy available at website. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, personal experience, photo feature, technical, lesson plans. Does not want poetry, fiction or anything unrelated to medicine, law, forensics or teaching. Buys 18 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 400-2,000 words. Pays 2¢/word.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Needs lesson experiences or ideas, personal or professional experiences with a branch of forensics. “If you’ve done it in your classroom please share it with us. Also, if you’re a professional, please tell our readers how they can duplicate the lesson/demo/experiment in their classrooms. Please share what you know.”

FILLERS Needs : facts, newsbreaks. Buys 15 fillers/year. mss/year. Length: 50-200 words. Pays 2¢/word.


220 Kinderkamack Rd., Westwood NJ 07675. (800)549-8280. Fax: (201)587-9105. Website: 50% freelance written. Biweekly magazine (except during the summer) covering higher education of Hispanics. Looking for higher education story articles, with a focus on Hispanics and the advancements made by and for Hispanics in higher education. Circ. 28,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION Needs historical, interview of academic or scholar, opinion on higher education, personal experience egarding higher education only. Buys 20-25 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,800-2,200 words. Pays $400 minimum for print articles, and $300 for online articles when accepted. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


PTO Today, Inc., 100 Stonewall Blvd., Suite 3, Wrentham MA 02093. (800)644-3561. Fax: (508)384-6108. E-mail: Website: Contact: Craig Bystrynski, editor-in-chief. 50% freelance written. Magazine published 6 times during the school year covering the work of school parent-teacher groups. Celebrates the work of school parent volunteers and provide resources to help them do that work more effectively. Estab. 1999. Circ. 80,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 30% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Guidelines by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview, personal experience. Buys 20 mss/year. Query. “We review but do not encourage unsolicited submissions.” Features are roughly 1,200-2,200 words. Average assignment is 1,200 words. Department pieces are 600-1,200 words. Payment depends on the difficulty of the topic and the experience of the writer. “We pay by the assignment, not by the word; our pay scale ranges from $200 to $700 for features and $150 to $400 for departments. We occasionally pay more for high-impact stories and highly experienced writers. We buy all rights, and we pay on acceptance (within 30 days of invoice).”


Educational Theatre Association, 2343 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati OH 45219-2815. (513)421-3900. E-mail: Website: Contact: James Palmarini, editor. 65% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering education theater K-12; primary emphasis on middle and secondary level education. Estab. 1989. Circ. 5,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 4-6 weeks to queries. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy available online. Guidelines available by request.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, how-to, interview, opinion, technical theater. Buys 12-15 mss/year. Query. A typical issue might include: an article on theatre curriculum development; a profile of an exemplary theatre education program; a how-to teach piece on acting, directing, or playwriting; and a news story or 2 about pertinent educational theatre issues and events. Once articles are accepted, authors are asked to supply their work electronically via e-mail. Length: 750-4,000 words Pays $50-350.


A Project of The Southern Poverty Law Center, 400 Washington Ave., Montgomery AL 36104. (334)956-8374. Fax: (334)956-8488. E-mail: Website: 30% freelance written. Semiannual magazine. Estab. 1991. Circ. 400,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax, online submission form. Sample copy avialble online. Guidelines availabel online.

NONFICTION Needs essays, how-to, classroom techniques, personal experience, classroom, photo feature. No jargon, rhetoric or academic analysis. No theoretical discussions on the pros/cons of multicultural education. Buys 2-4 mss/year. Submit outlines or complete mss. Length: 400-1,600 words. Pays $1/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Features (stories and issues related to anti-bias education), 800-1,600 words; Why I Teach (personal reflections about life in the classroom), 600 words or less; Story Corner (designed to be read by or to students and must cover topics that are appealing to children), 600 words; Activity Exchange (brief descriptions of classroom lesson plans, special projects or other school activities that can be used by others to promote tolerance), 400 words. Buys 8-12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Does not accept unsolicited mss. Pays $1/ word or $250/submission, pending.


Prakken Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 8623, P, Ann Arbor MI 48107-8623. (734)975-2800. Fax: (734)975-2787. E-mail: Website: Contact: Susanne Peckham, managing editor. 100% freelance written. Eager to work with new/unpublished writers. Monthly (except June and July) magazine covering issues, trends, and activities of interest to science, technical, and technology educators at the elementary through post-secondary school levels. Estab. 1934. Circ. 40,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 year after acceptance. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, personal experience, technical, think pieces. Buys 50 unsolicited mss/year. Length: 2,000-3,000 words. Pays $50-150.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Direct from Washington (education news from Washington, DC); Technology Today (new products under development); Technologies Past (profiles the inventors of last century); Mastering Computers, Technology Concepts (project orientation).



Information Communications Technology in Higher Education, ACUTA, 152 W. Zandale Dr., Suite 200, Lexington KY 40503. (859)278-3338. Fax: (859)278-3268. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Amy Burton, director of strategic relationships; Patricia Scott, director of communications. 20% freelance written. Quarterly professional association journal covering information communications technology (ICT) in higher education. Audience includes, primarily, middle to upper management in the IT/telecommunications department on college/university campuses. They are highly skilled, technology-oriented professionals who provide data, voice, and video communications services for residential and academic purposes. Estab. 1997. Circ. 2,200. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 6 first-class stamps. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, ICT, technical, technology, case study, college/university application of technology. Buys 6-8 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,200-4,000 words. Pays 8-10¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Rockport Custom Publishing, LLC, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 321E, Beverly MA 01915. (978)921-7850, ext. 13. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Melissa Donovan, editor. 70% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering electronic prepress, desktop publishing, and digital imaging, with articles ranging from digital capture and design to electronic prepress and digital printing. Digital Output is a national business publication for electronic publishers and digital imagers, providing monthly articles which examine the latest technologies and digital methods and discuss how to profit from them. Readers include service bureaus, prepress and reprographic houses, designers, commercial printers, wide-format printers, ad agencies, corporate communications, sign shops, and others. Estab. 1994. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 10-20% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, technical, case studies. Buys 36 mss/year. Query with published clips or hyperlinks to posted clips. Length: 1,500-4,000 words. Pays $250-600.


NewBay Media, LLC, 28 E. 28th St., 12th Floor, New York NY 10016. (818)236-3667. Fax: (913)514-3683. E-mail:; Website: Cynthia Wisehart, editor. Contact: Cynthia Wisehart, editor; Jessaca Gutierrez, managing and online editor. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering professional audio, video, security, acoustical design, sales, and marketing. Estab. 1983. Circ. 24,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds ASAP to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs historical, how-to, photo feature, technical, professional audio/video applications, installations, product reviews. No opinion pieces, advertorial, interview/profile, expose/gossip. Buys 60 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays $200-1,200 for assigned articles. Pays $200-650 for unsolicited articles.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Security Technology Review (technical install information); Sales & Marketing (techniques for installation industry); Video Happenings (Pro video/projection/storage technical info), all 1,500 words. Buys 30 mss/year. Query. Pays $200-350.


Penton Media, 221 E. 29th St., Loveland CO 80538. (970)663-4700. Fax: (970)667-2321. E-mail: Website: Contact: Lavon Peters, managing editor. 35% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server Magazine is the only magazine completely devoted to helping developers and DBAs master new and emerging SQL Server technologies and issues. It provides practical advice and lots of code examples for SQL Server developers and administrators, and includes how-to articles, tips, tricks, and programming techniques offered by SQL Server experts. Estab. 1999. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. “Penton Media pays for articles upon publication. Payment rates are based on the author’s writing experience and the quality of the article submitted. We will discuss the payment rate for your article when we notify you of its acceptance.” Offers $100 kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4+ months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 6 weeks to queries. Responds in 2-3 months to mss. Sample copy available online. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, technical, SQL Server administration and programming. Nothing promoting third-party products or companies. Buys 25-35 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,800-2,500 words. Pays $200 for feature articles; $500 for Focus articles.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Contact: R2R Editor. Reader to Reader (helpful SQL Server hints and tips from readers), 200-400 words. Buys 6-12 mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $50



Barks Publications, Inc., Suite 901, 500 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago IL 60611. (312)321-9440. Fax: (312)321-1288. E-mail: Website: Contact: Elizabeth Van Ness, publisher; Kevin N. Jones, senior editor. Monthly magazine for persons working in electrical and electronic maintenance, in industrial plants and service and sales centers, who install and service electric motors, transformers, generators, controls, and related equipment. Contact staff members by telephone for their preferred e-mail addresses. Estab. 1967. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 1 week to queries sent by US mail.

NONFICTION Needs technical. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays $250-500 for assigned articles.

TIPS “We welcome queries re: technical columns on electro-mehanical subjects as pump repari, automation, drives, etc. All feature articles are assigned to staff and contributing editors and correspondents. Professionals interested in appointments as contributing editors and correspondents should submit résumé and article outlines, including illustration suggestions. Writers should be competent with a camera, which should be described in résumé. Technical expertise is absolutely necessary, preferably an E.E. degree, or practical experience. We are also book publishers and some of the material in EA is now in book form, bringing the authors royalties. Also publishes an annual directory, subtitled ElectroMechanical Bench Reference.


CLB Media, Inc., 222 Edward St., Aurora ON L4G 1W6 Canada. (905)727-0077; (905)713-4391. Fax: (905)727-0017. E-mail: Website: Contact: Anthony Capkun, editor. 35% freelance written. Tabloid published 10 times/year covering the Canadian electrical industry. Electrical Business targets electrical contractors and electricians. It provides practical information readers can use right away in their work and for running their business and assets. Estab. 1964. Circ. 18,097. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1-2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy available online. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, technical. Special issues: Summer Blockbuster issue (June/July); Special Homebuilders’ issue (November/December). Buys 15 mss/year. Query. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays 40¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Atlantic Focus (stories from Atlantic Canada); Western Focus (stories from Western Canada, including Manitoba); Trucks for the Trade (articles pertaining to the vehicles used by electrical contractors); Tools for the Trade (articles pertaining to tools used by contractors); all 800 words. Buys 6 mss/year. Query. Pays 40¢/word.


2451 Crystal Dr., Suite 1000, Arlington VA 22202-4804. (202)467-2900. Fax: (202)467-2910. E-mail:;; Website: Contact: Laura D’Alessandro, editor; Robert Thomas, art director. 60% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Publication of the American Public Power Association, published 6 times a year. Emphasizes electric power provided by cities, towns, and utility districts. Estab. 1942. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 6 months to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Pays $500 and up.


Zackin Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 2180, Waterbury CT 06722. (800)325-6745. Fax: (203)262-4680. E-mail: Website: Contact: Michael Puttrè, editor. 5% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Solar Industry magazine is a monthly trade publication serving professionals in the solar energy industry. Estab. 1980. Circ. 10,000. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copies available online. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, improve retail profits and business know-how, interview, of successful retailers in this field. No general business articles not adapted to this industry. Buys 10 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pay varies.


Texas Electric Cooperatives, Inc., 1122 Colorado St., 24th Floor, Austin TX 78701. (512)486-6242. E-mail: Website: 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering rural and suburban Texas life, people, and places. Texas Co-op Power provides more than 1 million households and businesses educational and technical information about electric cooperatives in a high-quality and entertaining format to promote the general welfare of cooperatives, their member-owners, and the areas in which they serve. Texas Co-op Power is published by your electric cooperative to enhance the quality of life of its member-customers in an educational and entertaining format. Estab. 1948. Circ. 1.3 million. Byline given. Pays after any necessary rewrites. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4-5 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy available online. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, interview, photo feature, travel. Buys 30 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $500-1,200. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.



Business Information Group, 80 Valleybrook Dr., Toronto ON M3B 2S9 Canada. (416)510-5119. Fax: (416)510-5134. E-mail: Website: Contact: Bronwen Parsons, editor. 20%% freelance written. Freelancers must sign a copyright agreement. Bimonthly magazine covering consulting engineering in private practice. Estab. 1958. Circ. 8,900. Byline given depending on length of story. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION Needs historical, new product, technical, engineering/construction projects, environmental/construction issues. Buys 8-10 mss/year. Length: 300-1,500 words. Pays $200-1,000 (Canadian). Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Export (selling consulting engineering services abroad); Management (managing consulting engineering businesses); On-Line (trends in CAD systems); Employment; Business; Construction and Environmental Law (Canada); all 800 words. Buys 4 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $250-400.


American Composites Manufacturers Association, 3033 Wilson Blvd., Suite 420, Arlington VA 22201. (703)525-0511. E-mail:; Website: Monthly magazine covering any industry that uses reinforced composites: marine, aerospace, infrastructure, automotive, transportation, corrosion, architecture, tub and shower, sports, and recreation. Primarily publishes educational pieces, the how-to of the shop environment. Also publishes marketing, business trends, and economic forecasts relevant to the composites industry. Estab. 1979. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2-3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, composites manufacturing, new product, technical, marketing, related business trends and forecasts. Special issues: “Each January we publish a World Market Report where we cover all niche markets and all geographic areas relevant to the composites industry. Freelance material will be considered strongly for this issue.” No need to query company or personal profiles unless there is an extremely unique or novel angle. Buys 5-10 mss/year. Query. Composites Manufacturing invites freelance feature submissions, all of which should be sent via e-mail as a Microsoft Word attachment. A query letter is required. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pays 20-40¢/word (negotiable). Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS “We publish columns on HR, relevant government legislation, industry lessons learned, regulatory affairs, and technology. Average word length for columns is 500 words. We would entertain any new column idea that hits hard on industry matters.” Query. Pays $300-350.


The Magazine for ICT Professionals, Business Information Group, 80 Valleybrook Dr., Toronto ON M3B 2S9 Canada. (416)510-6752. Fax: (416)510-5134. E-mail: Website: Contact: Paul Barker, editor. 50% freelance written. Magazine published 6 times/year covering the structured cabling/telecommunications industry. Estab. 1998. Circ. 15,000 print; 45,000 electronic. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 1 month in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy available online. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs technical, case studies, features. No reprints or previously written articles. All articles are assigned by editor based on query or need of publication. Buys 12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays 40-50¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Focus on Engineering/Design; Focus on Installation; Focus on Maintenance/Testing; all 1,500 words. Buys 7 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays 40-50¢/word.


Enterprise Minnesota, Inc., 310 4th Ave. S., Suite 7050, Minneapolis MN 55415. (612)373-2900; (800)325-3073. Fax: (612)373-2901. E-mail: Website: Contact: Tom Mason, editor. 90% freelance written. Magazine published 5 times/year. Minnesota Technology is for the owners and top management of Minnesota’s technology and manufacturing companies. The magazine covers technology trends and issues, global trade, management techniques, and finance. Profile new and growing companies, new products, and the innovators and entrepreneurs of Minnesota’s technology sector. Estab. 1991. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 10% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, interview. Buys 60 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $150-1,000.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Feature Well (Q&A format, provocative ideas from Minnesota business and industry leaders), 2,000 words; Up Front (mini profiles, anecdotal news items), 250-500 words. Query with published clips.


Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 120 Wall St., 17th Floor, New York NY 10005-4001. (212)248-5000, ext. 108. Fax: (212)248-5017. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Paul Tarricone, editor/associate publisher. 10% freelance written. Monthly magazine. LD+A is geared to professionals in lighting design and the lighting field in architecture, retail, entertainment, etc. Estab. 1971. Circ. 10,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy free. Guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs historical, how-to, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, technical. No articles blatantly promoting a product, company, or individual. Buys 6-10 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,500-2,000 words.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Essay by Invitation (industry trends), 1,200 words. Query. Does not pay for columns.


Manufacturers Group Inc., P.O. Box 4310, Lexington KY 40544. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Magazine published daily online covering manufacturing and technology from news throughout the U.S. Editorial includes anufacturing news, expansions, acquisition white papers, case histories, new product announcements, feature submissions, book synopsis. Estab. 1976 (print). Circ. 60,000+ weekly subscribers (e-mail); 750,000 monthly online visitors. Byline given. Pays 30 days following publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms 3-4 days after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 weeks. Submit seasonal material 2 weeks in advance. Sample copy online. Guidelines by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs new product, opinion, technical. Does not want general interest, inspirational, personal, travel, book excerpts. Length: 750-1,500 words; byline: 75 words. Pays $0.20/word published (prior to approval from editor).

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS New Plant Announcement, Acquisitions, Expansions, New Technology, Federal, Case Histories, Human Resources, Marketing. Query. Pays $0.20/word (prior to approval from editor).


Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc., 445 Broad Hollow Rd., Suite 425, Melville NY 11747. (631)421-9421. Fax: (516)421-0359. E-mail:; Website: Contact: James Schneider, director, editorial and production. 60% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Triannual magazine covering career guidance for minority engineering students and minority professional engineers. Estab. 1969. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines for 9x12 SAE with 5 first-class stamps. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, general interest, on specific minority engineering concerns, how-to, land a job, keep a job, etc., interview, minority engineer role models, opinion, problems of ethnic minorities, personal experience, student and career experiences, technical, on career fields offering opportunities for minority engineers, articles on job search techniques, role models. No general information. Query. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays $350 for assigned articles. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Simmons-Boardman Publishing, 55 Broad St., 26th Floor, New York NY 10004. (212)620-7200. Fax: (212)633-1165. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Mischa Wanek-Libman, editor; Jennifer Nunez, assistant editor. 1% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering railroad civil engineering. RT&S is a nuts-and-bolts journal to help railroad civil engineers do their jobs better. Estab. 1904. Circ. 9,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 90% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax, phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries and to mss. Sample copy available online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, new product, technical. Does not want nostalgia or “railroadiana.” Buys 1 mss/year. Query. Length: 900-2,000 words. Pays $500-1,000. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc., 445 Broad Hollow Rd., Suite 425, Melville NY 11747. (631)421-9421. Fax: (631)421-1352. E-mail:; Website: Contact: James Schneider, editor. 60% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Triannual magazine aimed at advancing the careers of women engineering students and professional women engineers. Estab. 1968. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, find jobs, interview, personal experience. Query. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays $350 for assigned articles.



American Society of Cinematographers, 1782 N. Orange Dr., Hollywood CA 90028. (800)448-0145; outside US: (323)969-4333. Fax: (323)876-4973. E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Pizzello, editor-in-chief and publisher; Jon Witmer, managing editor. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering cinematography (motion picture, TV, music video, commercial). “American Cinematographer is a trade publication devoted to the art and craft of cinematography. Our readers are predominantly film industry professionals.” Estab. 1919. Circ. 45,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2-3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 2 months to mss. Sample copy and guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs interview, new product, technical. No reviews or opinion pieces. Buys 20-25 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-4,000 words. Pays $400-1,500.


Theatre Communications Group, 520 8th Ave., 24th Floor, New York NY 10018. (212)609-5900. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jim O’Quinn, editor-in-chief. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering theatre. Focus is on American regional nonprofit theatre. American Theatre typically publishes 2 or 3 features and 4-6 back-of-the-book articles covering trends and events in all types of theatre, as well as economic and legislative developments affecting the arts. American Theatre covers trends and events in all types of theatre, as well as economic and legislative developments affecting the arts. American Theatre rarely publishes articles about commercial, amateur or university theatre, nor about works that would widely be classified as dance or opera, except at the editors’ discretion. While significant productions may be highlighted in the Critic’s Notebook section, American Theatre does not review productions (but does review theatre-related books). Estab. 1982. Circ. 100,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy and guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, exposè, general interest, historical, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, travel. Special issues: Training (January); International (May/June); Season Preview (October). No unsolicited submissions (rarely accepted). No reviews. Query with outlined proposal and published clips. Include brief rèsumè and SASE. Length: 200-2,000 words. “While fees are negotiated per ms, we pay an average of $350 for full-length (2,500-3,500 words) features, and less for shorter pieces.”


Boxoffice Media, LLC, 9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite. 450, Beverly Hills CA 90210. (310) 876-9090. E-mail: Website: 15% freelance written. Providing news and numbers to the film industry since 1920. Magazine about the motion picture industry for executives and managers working in the film business, including movie theater owners and operators, Hollywood studio personnel and leaders in allied industries. Estab. 1920. Circ. 6,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 5 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Sample copy for $5 in US; $10 outside U.S.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, essays, interview, new product, personal experience, photo feature, technical, investigative all regarding movie theatre business. Query with published clips. Length: 800-2,500 words. Pays 10¢/word.


McFadden Performing Arts Media, 333 Seventh Ave., 11th Floor, New York NY 10001. Fax: (646)459-4000. E-mail: Website: Contact: Karen Hildebrand, editor-in-chief; Joe Sullivan, managing editor. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine. Estab. 1979. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone, online submission form. Responds in 3 months to mss. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 6 first-class stamps. Guidelines available for free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, teach, health, business, legal. Special issues: Summer Programs (January); Music & More (May); Costumes and Production Preview (November); College/Training Schools (December). No PR or puff pieces. All articles must be well researched. Buys 50 mss/year. Query. Length: 700-2,000 words. Pays $100-300.


Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, 5220 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood CA 91601. E-mail: Website:; Contact: Juan Morales, editor-in-chief; Gail Polevoi, editor. 90% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Bimonthly magazine on television for TV professionals. Circ. 14,000. Byline given. Pays on publication or within 6 months. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy for sae with 9x12 envelope and 6 first-class stamps. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pays $1,000-1,200.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Mostly written by regular contributors, but newcomers can break in with filler items with In the Mix or short profiles in Labors of Love. Length: 250-500 words, depending on department. Query with published clips. Pays $250-500.


12808 NE 95th St., Vancouver WA 98682. (360)882-3488. E-mail: Website:;; Contact: Heather Wisner, managing editor; Michael Key, publisher/editor-in-chief. 90% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering all types of professional make-up artistry. Audience is a mixture of high-level make-up artists, make-up students, and movie buffs. Writers should be comfortable with technical writing, and should have substantial knowledge of at least 1 area of makeup, such as effects or fashion. This is an entertainment-industry magazine, so writing should have an element of fun and storytelling. Good interview skills required. Estab. 1996. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Pays within 30 days of publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 6 weeks. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy for $7. Guidelines available via e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs features, how-to, new products, photo features, profile. “Does not want fluff pieces about consumer beauty products.” Buys 20+ mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 500-3,000 words. Pays 20-50¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Cameo (short yet thorough look at a make-up artist not covered in a feature story), 800 words (15 photos); Lab Tech (how-to advice for effects artists, usually written by a current make-up artist working in a lab), 800 words (3 photos); Backstage (analysis, interview, tips, and behind the scenes info on a theatrical production’s make-up), 800 words (3 photos). Buys Buys 30 columns/year. mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $100.




Lee Agri-Media, P.O. Box 918, Bismarck ND 58501. (701)255-4905. Fax: (701)255-2312. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mark Conlon, editor. 40% freelance written. Ag Weekly is an agricultural publication covering production, markets, regulation, politics. Writers need to be familiar with Idaho agricultural commodities. No printed component; website with 6,000 monthly unique visitors; weekly email newsletter with 3,000 subscribers. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss.

NONFICTION Needs interview, new product, opinion, travel, ag-related. Does not want anything other than local/regional ag-related articles. No cowboy poetry. Buys 100 mss/year. Query. Length: 250-700 words. Pays $40-70.


Farm Journal, 222 S. Jefferson St., Mexico MO 65265. (573)581-9641. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Margy Eckelkamp. 10% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering the agricultural equipment industry. Implement & Tractor offers equipment reviews and business news for agricultural equipment dealers, ag equipment manufacturers, distributors, and aftermarket suppliers. Estab. 1895. Circ. 5,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3-4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for $6.



Meister Media Worldwide, 37733 Euclid Ave., Willoughby OH 44094. (440)942-2000. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Brian Sparks, editor; David Eddy, editor. 3% freelance written. Annual magazines covering commercial fruit growing. Estab. 1880. Circ. 44,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, better grow fruit crops. Buys 6-10 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $200-250. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Meister Media Worldwide, Cotton Media Group, 8000 Centerview Pkwy., Suite 114, Cordova TN 38018-4246. (901)756-8822. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mike McCue, editor. 5% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering cotton production, cotton markets, and related subjects. Circ. 43,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone.

NONFICTION Needs interview, new product, photo feature, technical. No fiction or humorous pieces. Buys 5-10 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 500-800 words. Pays $200-400. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Great American Publishing, P.O. Box 128, Sparta MI 49345. (616)887-9008. Fax: (616)887-2666. E-mail: Website: Contact: Matt Milkovich, managing editor; Lee Dean, editorial director. 10% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering agriculture. “Our objective is to provide commercial fruit growers of all sizes with information to help them succeed.” Estab. 1961. Circ. 16,429. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1-2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, interview, new product. No advertorials or other puff pieces. Buys 25 mss/year. Query with published clips and résumé. Length: 600-1,000 words. Pays $150-250. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Washington State Fruit Commission, 105 S. 18th St., #217, Yakima WA 98901. (509)575-2315. E-mail: Website: Contact: O. Casey Corr, managing editor. 10% freelance written. Semi-monthly magazine covering tree fruit/grape growing. Estab. 1946. Circ. 11,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 week to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Buys 20 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays 40-50¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Country Journal Publishing Co., 3065 Pershing Court, Decatur IL 62526. (800)728-7511. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ed Zdrojewski, editor. 5% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering grain handling and merchandising. Grain Journal serves the North American grain industry, from the smallest country grain elevators and feed mills to major export terminals. Estab. 1972. Circ. 12,000. Byline sometimes given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, technical. Query. 750 words maximum. Pays $100.


Columbia Publishing, 8405 Ahtanum Rd., Yakima WA 98903. (509)949-0550. Fax: (509)248-4056. E-mail: Website: Contact: Denise Keller, editor. 25% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering the world of onion production and marketing for onion growers and shippers. Estab. 1985. Circ. 5,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 1 month in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail or phone. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 5 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, interview. Special issues: Editorial calendar available online. Buys 30 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,200-1,250 words. Pays $100-250 per article, depending upon length. Mileage paid, but query first.


Great American Publishing, P.O. Box 128, Sparta MI 49345. (616)887-9008. Fax: (616)887-2666. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Bill Schaefer, managing editor. 10% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering potato industry’s growing, packing, processing, and chipping. Estab. 1964. Circ. 10,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers $75 kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 2-3 weeks to queries. Sample copy for SAE with 812 x 11 envelope and 3 first-class stamps. Guidelines for #10 SASE.


Great American Publishing, P.O. Box 128, Sparta MI 49345. (616)887-9008, ext. 102. Fax: (616)887-2666. E-mail: Website: Contact: Matt Milkovich, managing editor. 10% freelance written. Monthly tabloid covering agriculture. Estab. 1970. Circ. 16,000. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1-2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, interview, new product. No advertorials, other puff pieces. Buys 25 mss/year. Query with published clips and résumé. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $100-125. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.



Angus Productions, Inc., 3201 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph MO 64506-2997. (816)383-5270. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Shauna Rose Hermel, editor. 45% freelance written. Tabloid published 5 times/year covering commercial cattle industry. The Bulletin is mailed free to commercial cattlemen who have purchased an Angus bull and had the registration transferred to them, and to others who sign a request card. Estab. 1985. Circ. 65,000-70,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; in 3 months to mss. Sample copy: $5. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, cattle production, interview, technical, cattle production. Buys 10 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-2,500 words. Pays $50-600. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Angus Productions, Inc., 3201 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph MO 64506-2997. (816)383-5270. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering Angus cattle. The Angus Journal is the official magazine of the American Angus Association. Its primary function as such is to report to the membership association activities and information pertinent to raising Angus cattle. Estab. 1919. Circ. 13,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries; in 2 months to mss. Sample copy: $5. Guidelines with #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, cattle production, interview, technical, related to cattle. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-3,500 words. Pays $50-1,000. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Carl and Victoria Lambert, 915 12th St., Hempstead TX 77445. (979)826-4347. Fax: (979)826-2007. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Victoria Lambert, editor. 10% freelance written. Monthly magazine promoting, supporting, and informing the owners and admirers of American Brahman Cattle through honest and forthright journalism. The Brahman Journal provides timely and useful information about one of the largest and most dynamic breeds of beef cattle in the world. In each issue, The Brahman Journal reports on Brahman shows, events, and sales as well as technical articles and the latest research as it pertains to the Brahman Breed. Estab. 1971. Circ. 4,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 5 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, interview. Special issues: See the Calendar online for special issues. Buys 3-4 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,200-3,000 words. Pays $100-250.


Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, 1301 W. Seventh St., Suite 201, Fort Worth TX 76102. E-mail: Website: Contact: Ellen H. Brisendine, editor. 25% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering the Texas/Oklahoma beef cattle industry. Specializes in in-depth, management-type articles related to range and pasture, beef cattle production, animal health, nutrition, and marketing. Wants “how-to” articles. Estab. 1914. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Sample copy free. Guidelines online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, personal experience, technical, ag research. Does not want to see anything not specifically related to beef production in the Southwest. Buys 20 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pays $350-500 for assigned articles. Pays $100-350 for unsolicited articles.


Feed Lot Magazine, Inc., P.O. Box 850, Dighton KS 67839. (620)397-2838. Fax: (620)397-2839. E-mail: Website: 60% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine that provides readers with the most up-to-date information on the beef industry in concise, easy-to-read articles designed to increase overall awareness among the feedlot community. “The editorial information content fits a dual role: large feedlots and their related cow/calf operations, and large 500pl cow/calf, 100pl stocker operations. The information covers all phases of production from breeding, genetics, animal health, nutrition, equipment design, research through finishing fat cattle. Feed Lot publishes a mix of new information and timely articles which directly affect the cattle industry.” Estab. 1992. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines e-mailed.

NONFICTION Needs interview, new product, cattle-related, photo feature. Send complete ms; original material only. Length: 100-700 words. Pays 30¢/word.

TIPS “Know what you are writing about—have a good knowledge of the subject.”


Countryside Publications, Ltd., 145 Industrial Dr., Medford WI 54451. (715)785-7979; (800)551-5691. Fax: (715)785-7414. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Nathan Griffith, editor. 35% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Bimonthly magazine published in north-central Wisconsin. Estab. 1980. Circ. 11,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers $30 kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, how-to, on innovative lamb and wool marketing and promotion techniques, efficient record-keeping systems, or specific aspects of health and husbandry, interview, on experienced sheep producers who detail the economics and management of their operation, new product, of value to sheep producers; should be written by someone who has used them, technical, on genetics health and nutrition. Buys 80 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 750-2,500 words. Pays $45-150.



Arkansas Valley Publishing, 422 Colorado Ave., (P.O. Box 500), La Junta CO 81050. (719)384-1453. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Candi Hill, publisher/editor; Jennifer Justice, assistant editor. 20% freelance written. Weekly journal covering agriculture. Estab. 1949. Circ. 11,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 weeks after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1 month. Submit seasonal material 1 month in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, opinion, photo feature, technical. Query by e-mail only. Pays 4¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


P.O. Box 1895, New Holland PA 17557-0903. (610)621-2253. E-mail: Website:; Contact: Gary Martin, editor. 75% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Each magazine published 4 times/year covering agriculture and non-farm country living; designed to entertain and inform farm families and rural homeowners and provide ideas for small acreage outdoor projects. Estab. 1960. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers negotiable kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 8 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 8 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines for 9x12 SAE with 2 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Buys 40 mss/year. Query. Pays $700-900. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Newsquest Media Group, 3 Falmouth Business Park, Bickland Water Rd., Falmouth Cornwall TR11 4SZ United Kingdom. (01)326-213338. Fax: (01)326-212084. E-mail: Website: Contact: Graham Smith. Smallholder magazine is the leading monthly publication for the small producer and self-reliant household and has a publishing history spanning more than 100 years. The magazine has a reputation for quality and informed editorial content, and back issues are highly collectable. It is available nationally, through newsagent sales, specialist retail outlets and by subscription. No kill fee. Accepts queries by e-mail. Sample copy available online. Guidelines by e-mail.

NONFICTION Length: 700-1,400 words. Pays 4£/word.



P.O. Box 301209, Austin TX 78703. (512)892-4400. Fax: (512)892-4448. E-mail: Website: “Monthly trade journal written by people who have a sincere interest in the principles of organic and sustainable agriculture.” Estab. 1970. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs expose, how-to, personal experience. Special issues: Seeds (January), Poultry (March), Certified Organic (May), Livestock (June), Homesteading (August), Soil Fertility & Testing (October). Does not want poetry, fillers, product profiles, or anything with a promotional tone. Buys about 50 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays 10¢/word


P.O. Box 706, Medina OH 44256-0706. (330)725-6677; (800)289-7668. Fax: (330)725-5624. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mr. Kim Flottum, editor. 50% freelance written. Covers the natural science of honey bees. “Monthly magazine for beekeepers and those interested in the natural science of honey bees, with environmentally-oriented articles relating to honey bees or pollination.” Estab. 1873. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy with 9x12 SASE and 5 first-class stamps. Guidelines and sample copy available online.

NONFICTION Needs interview, personal experience, photo feature. No “How I Began Beekeeping” articles. Highly advanced, technical, and scientific abstracts accepted for review for quarterly Refered section. Length: 2,000 words average. Pays $200-250.


Phoenix Media Network Inc., P.O. Box 810425, Boca Raton FL 33481. (561)994-1118. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Ken Whitacre, publisher/editorial director. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering produce and floral marketing. Addresses the buying end of the produce/floral industry, concentrating on supermarkets, chain restaurants, etc. Estab. 1985. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Pays 30 days after publication. Offers $50 kill fee. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. NoSample copy and guidelines free.

NONFICTION Does not want unsolicited articles. Buys 150 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,200-10,000 words. Pays $240-1,200. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.



5227 Baltimore Pike, Littlestown PA 17340. (717)359-0150. Fax: (717)359-0250. E-mail: Website: 20% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering cutting-edge technology and news to help farmers improve their operations. Publishes cutting-edge technology with ready on-farm application. Estab. 1842. Circ. 32,000. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail, fax. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Guidelines for #10 SASE.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, humor, inspirational, interview, new product, technical, No stories without a strong tie to Mid-Atlantic farming. Buys 20 mss/year. Query. Length: 500-1,000 words. Pays $250-500. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Country Air (humor, nostalgia, inspirational), 300-400 words. Buys Buys 12 mss/year mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $100.


Meister Media Worldwide, 37733 Euclid Ave., Willoughby OH 44094. (440)942-2000. E-mail:; Website:; Contact: Frank Giles, editor; Paul Rusnak, managing editor. 10% freelance written. Monthly magazine edited for the Florida farmer with commercial production interest primarily in citrus, vegetables, and other ag endeavors. Goal is to provide articles that update and inform on such areas as production, ag financing, farm labor relations, technology, safety, education, and regulation. Estab. 1907. Circ. 12,200. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 5 First-Class stamps. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs interview, photo feature, technical. Query with published clips. Length: 700-1,000 words. Pays $150-250.


Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association, 662 Slab City Rd., Lincolnville ME 04849. (207)763-3043. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established local writers. Quarterly newspaper. “The MOF&G promotes and encourages sustainable agriculture and environmentally sound living. Our primary focus is organic farming, gardening, and forestry, but we also deal with local, national, and international agriculture, food, and environmental issues.” Estab. 1976. Circ. 10,000. Byline and bio offered. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 8 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 1 year in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy for $2 and SAE with 7 first-class stamps; from MOFGA, P.O. Box 170, Unity ME 04988. Guidelines available at

NONFICTION Buys 30 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 250-3,000 words. Pays $25-300.



Rogers Media, Inc., 333 Bloor St. E., 6th Floor, Toronto ON M4W 1G6 Canada. E-mail: Website: Contact: Philip Porado, executive editor. Monthly magazine covering the financial industry (financial advisors and investment advisors). Advisor’s Edge focuses on sales and marketing opportunities for the financial advisor (how they can build their business and improve relationships with clients). Estab. 1998. Circ. 36,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Sample copy available online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. No articles that aren’t relevant to how a financial advisor does his/her job. Buys 12 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,500-2,000 words. Pays $900 (Canadian).


Association for Financial Professionals, 4520 East-West Hwy., Suite 750, Bethesda MD 20814. (301)907-2862. E-mail: Website: 20% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering corporate treasury, corporate finance, B2B payments issues, corporate risk management, accounting and regulatory issues from the perspective of corporations. Welcomes interviews with CFOs and senior level practitioners. Best practices and practical information for corporate CFOs and treasurers. Tone is professional, intended to appeal to financial professionals on the job. Most accepted articles are written by professional journalists and editors, many featuring high-level AFP members in profile and case studies. Estab. 1979. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers kill fee. Pays negotiable kill fee in advance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds in 1 week to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, how-to, interview, personal experience, technical. No PR-type articles pointing to any type of product or solution. Buys 3-4 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,100-1,800 words. Pays 75¢-$1 for assigned articles.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Cash Flow Forecasting (practical tips for treasurers, CFOs); Financial Reporting (insight, practical tips); Risk Management (practical tips for treasurers, CFOs); Corporate Payments (practical tips for treasurers), all 1,000-1,300 words; Professional Development (success stories, career related, about high level financial professionals), 1,100 words. Buys 10 mss/year. Query. Pays 75¢-$1/word.

FILLERS Needs anecdotes. Length: 400-700 words. Pays 75¢/word.


SourceMedia, One State St. Plaza, 27th Floor, New York NY 10004. (212)803-8200. Fax: (212)843-9600. E-mail: Website: Contact: Darren Waggoner, chief editor. 33% freelance written. Monthly journal covering debt collections and credit risk management. Collections & Credit Risk is the only magazine that brings news and trends of strategic and competitive importance to collections and credit-policy executives who are driving the collections industry’s growth and diversification in both commercial and consumer credit. These executives work for financial institutions, insurance companies, collections agencies, law firms and attorney networks, health-care providers, retailers, telecoms and utility companies, manufacturers, wholesalers, and government agencies. Estab. 1996. Circ. 30,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers kill fee. Kill fee determined case by case. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail. Sample copy free or online.

NONFICTION Needs interview, technical, business news and analysis. No unsolicited submissions accepted—freelancers work on assignment only. Buys 30-40 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays $800-1,000. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


P.O. Box 720, Roanoke VA 24004. (540)343-7500. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Rob Lawson, publisher. 10% freelance written. Web-based publication covering business or trade credit. Estab. 1997. No byline given. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms an average of 1 week after acceptance. Editorial lead time 1-2 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. NoSample copy free. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, technical. Does not want “puff” pieces promoting a particular product or vendor. Buys 20 mss/year. Send complete ms. Length: 700-1,800 words. Pays $200-1,400.


Credit Union Executives Society, 5510 Research Park Dr., Madison WI 53711. (608)271-2664. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Lisa Hochgraf, editor. 44% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering credit union, banking trends, management, HR, and marketing issues. “Our philosophy mirrors the credit union industry of cooperative financial services.” Estab. 1978. Circ. 7,413. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 1 month to mss. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, how-to, be a good mentor/leader, recruit, etc., interview, technical. Buys 74 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 700-2,400 words. $250-350 for assigned features. Phone expenses only

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Management Network (book/Web reviews, briefs), 300 words; e-marketing, 700 words; Point of Law, 700 words; Best Practices (new technology/operations trends), 700 words. Query with published clips.


National Association of Federal Credit Unions, 3138 10th St. N., Arlington VA 22201. (703)522-4770; (800)336-4644. Fax: (703)524-1082. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Susan Broaddus, managing editor. 30% freelance written. Published bimonthly, The Federal Credit Union is the official publication of the National Association of Federal Credit Unions. The magazine is dedicated to providing credit union management, staff, and volunteers with in-depth information (HR, technology, security, board management, etc.) they can use to fulfill their duties and better serve their members. The editorial focus includes coverage of management issues, operations, and technology as well as volunteer-related issues. Looking for writers with financial, banking, or credit union experience, but will work with inexperienced (unpublished) writers based on writing skill. Estab. 1967. Circ. 8,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 5 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to queries.

NONFICTION Needs humor, inspirational, interview. Query with published clips and SASE. Length: 1,200-2,000 words. Pays $400-1,000.


Zackin Publications, P.O. Box 2180, Waterbury CT 06722. (800)325-6745. Fax: (203)262-4680. E-mail: Website: Contact: Patrick Barnard, editor. 15% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering residential mortgage servicing. Estab. 1989. Circ. 20,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy free. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, technical. Buys 10 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,500-2,500 words.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Buys 5 mss/year. Query. Pays $200.


USAA, 9800 Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio TX 78288. E-mail: Website: 80% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering financial security for USAA members. Conservative, common-sense approach to personal finance issues. Especially interested in how-to articles and pieces with actionable tips. Estab. 1970. Circ. 5.1 million. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds in 6-8 weeks to queries. No mss accepted. Sample copy available online. Guidelines by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, (finance), historical, (military), how-to, (personal finance), interview, (military/financial), personal experience, (finance). No poetry, photos, lifestyle unrelated to military or personal finance. Buys 20 mss/year. Submit a detailed query letter explaining story idea and listing possible sources. Does not accept unsolicited mss. Length: 600-1,500 words. Pays $750-1,500 for assigned articles. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.



Oregon Association of Nurseries, 29751 S.W. Town Center Loop W., Wilsonville OR 97070. (503)682-5089; (800) 342-6401. Fax: (503)682-5099. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Curt Kipp, publications manager. 50% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering nursery and greenhouse industry. Digger is a monthly magazine that focuses on industry trends, regulations, research, marketing, and membership activities. In August the magazine becomes Digger Farwest Edition, with all the features of Digger plus a complete guide to the annual Farwest Show, one of North America’s top-attended nursery industry trade shows. Circ. 8,000. Byline given. Pays on receipt of copy. Offers 100% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 weeks. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, how-to, propagation techniques, other crop-growing tips, interview, personal experience, technical. Special issues: Farwest Edition (August): this is a triple-size issue that runs in tandem with our annual trade show (14,500 circulation for this issue). No articles not related or pertinent to nursery and greenhouse industry. Buys 20-30 mss/year. Query. Length: 800-2,000 words. Pays $125-400 for assigned articles. Pays $100-300 for unsolicited articles. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Ball Publishing, 622 Town Rd., P.O. Box 1660, West Chicago IL 60186. (630)231-3675; (630)588-3401. Fax: (630)231-5254. E-mail:;; Website: Contact: Jen Zurko, managing editor; Chris Beytes, editor. 50% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering horticulture. GrowerTalks serves the commercial greenhouse grower. Editorial emphasis is on floricultural crops: bedding plants, potted floral crops, foliage, and fresh cut flowers. Readers are growers, managers, and owners. Looking for writers who’ve had experience in the greenhouse industry. Estab. 1937. Circ. 9,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, time- or money-saving projects for professional flower/plant growers, interview, ornamental horticulture growers, personal experience, of a grower, technical, about growing process in greenhouse setting. No articles that promote only 1 product. Buys 36 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,200-1,600 words. Pays $125 minimum for assigned articles. Pays $75 minimum for unsolicited articles.


Tree Care Industry Association, 136 Harvey Rd., Suite 101, Londonderry NH 03053. (800)733-2622 or (603)314-5380. Fax: (603)314-5386. E-mail: Website: Contact: Don Staruk, editor. 50% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering tree care and landscape maintenance. Estab. 1990. Circ. 24,000. Byline given. Pays within 1 month of publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 10 weeks. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds within 2 days to queries; 2 months to mss. Sample copies online. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, historical, interview, new product, technical. Buys 60 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 900-3,500 words. Pays negotiable rate.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Buys 40 mss/year. Send complete ms. Pays $100 and up.



Penton Media, 6151 Powers Ferry Rd. NW, Suite 200, Atlanta GA 30339. (770)618-0199. Fax: (770)618-0349. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Bill Wolpin, editorial director; Erin Greer, managing editor. 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering local and state government in the U.S. Estab. 1909. Circ. 65,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 25% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy available online. Guidelines by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs new product, local and state government news analysis. Buys 36 mss/year. Query. Length: 600-2,000 words. Pays 30¢/published word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Issues & Trends (local and state government news analysis), 500-700 words. Buys Buys 24 mss/year. Query. Pays $150-250.


Texas Association of Counties, 1210 San Antonio St., Austin TX 78701. (512)478-8753. Fax: (512)481-1240. E-mail: Website: Contact: Maria Sprow, managing editor. 15% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering county and state government in Texas. Provides elected and appointed county officials with insights and information that help them do their jobs and enhances communications among the independent office-holders in the courthouse. Estab. 1988. Circ. 5,500. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines for 8x10 SAE with 3 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Needs historical, photo feature, government innovations. Buys 5 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-3,000 words. Pays $500-700. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Safety; Human Resources; Risk Management (all directed toward education of Texas county officials), maximum length 1,000 words. Buys 2 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $500.


Primedia Business, 330 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 2300, Chicago IL 60611. (312)595-1080. Fax: (312)595-0295. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Lisa Allegretti, editor; Sundee Koffarnus; art director. 60% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering the fire chief occupation. “Fire Chief is the management magazine of the fire service, addressing the administrative, personnel, training, prevention/education, professional development, and operational issues faced by chiefs and other fire officers, whether in paid, volunteer, or combination departments. We’re potentially interested in any article that can help them do their jobs better, whether that’s as incident commanders, financial managers, supervisors, leaders, trainers, planners, or ambassadors to municipal officials or the public.” Estab. 1956. Circ. 53,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers kill fee. Kill fee negotiable. Publishes ms an average of 6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 1 month to queries. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy and submission guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, technical. “We do not publish fiction, poetry, or historical articles. We also aren’t interested in straightforward accounts of fires or other incidents, unless there are one or more specific lessons to be drawn from a particular incident, especially lessons that are applicable to a large number of departments.” Buys 50-60 mss/year. Query first with published clips. Length: 1,000-10,000 words. Pays $50-400. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Training Perspectives; EMS Viewpoints; Sound Off; Volunteer Voice; all 1,000-1,800 words.


Cygnus Business Media, 1233 Janesville Ave., Fort Atkinson WI 53538. (800)547-7377. E-mail: Website: Contact: Elizabeth Friszell-Nerouslas, managing editor. 85% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Monthly magazine. Firehouse covers major fires nationwide, controversial issues and trends in the fire service, the latest firefighting equipment and methods of firefighting, historical fires, firefighting history and memorabilia. Fire-related books, fire safety education, hazardous-materials incidents, and the emergency medical services are also covered. Estab. 1976. Circ. 83,538 (print). Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, online submission form. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 8 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Needs book excerpts, of recent books on fire, EMS, and hazardous materials, historical, great fires in history, fire collectibles, the fire service of yesteryear, how-to, fight certain kinds of fires, buy and maintain equipment, run a fire department, technical on almost any phase of firefighting, techniques, equipment, training, administration, trends in the fire service. No profiles of people or departments that are not unusual or innovative, reports of nonmajor fires, articles not slanted toward firefighters’ interests. No poetry. Buys 100 mss/year. Query. “If you have any story ideas, questions, hints, tips, etc., please do not hesitate to call.” Length: 500-3,000 words. The average length of each article is between 2-3 pages, including visuals. Pays $50-400 for assigned articles.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Training (effective methods); Book Reviews; Fire Safety (how departments teach fire safety to the public); Communicating (PR, dispatching); Arson (efforts to combat it). Length: 750-1,000 words. Buys 50 mss/year. Query or send complete ms. Pays $100-300.


Cygnus Business Media, 1233 Janesville Ave., Fort Atkinson WI 53538. (800)547-7377. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sara Scullin, editor. 40% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering police management and technology. Estab. 1974. Circ. 30,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6 months. Responds in 1 month to queries; 2 months to mss. Guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, photo feature, police management and training. Buys 30 mss/year. Query. Length: 1,200-2,000 words. Pays $75-400 for assigned articles.


American Planning Association, 205 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1200, Chicago IL 60601. (312)431-9100. Fax: (312)786-6700. E-mail: Website: Contact: Sylvia Lewis, editor; Joan Cairney, art director. 30% freelance written. Monthly magazine emphasizing urban planning for adult, college-educated readers who are regional and urban planners in city, state, or federal agencies or in private business, or university faculty or students. Estab. 1972. Circ. 44,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 5 weeks to queries. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Special issues: Transportation Issue. Also needs news stories up to 500 words. Buys 44 features and 33 news story mss/year. Length: 500-3,000 words. Pays $150-1,500.


DAYS Communications, Inc., 1208 Juniper St., Quakertown PA 18951-1520. (215)538-1240. Fax: (215)538-1208. E-mail: Website: Contact: David Yaw, publisher. 40% freelance written. Bimonthly periodical on public law enforcement and Homeland Security. “Our publication is designed to provide educational and entertaining information directed toward management level. Technical information written for the expert in a manner the nonexpert can understand.” Estab. 1984. Circ. 24,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax, phone, online submission form. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines with 10x13 SASE with $2.53 postage.

NONFICTION Contact: Al Menear, articles editor. Needs exposè, historical, how-to, humor, interview, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, technical. Buys 12 mss/year. Query. Length: 200-2,500 words. Pays 10¢/word. Sometimes pays in trade-out of services.

FILLERS Needs facts, newsbreaks, short humor. Buys 6 mss/year. Length: 200-2,000 words. 10¢/word.


Kennesaw State University, 1000 Chastain Rd., MD 2212, Bldg. 22, Kennesaw GA 30144. (678)797-2899. E-mail: Website: Contact: John Fleming, editor. 50% freelance written. Bi-monthly newspaper covering businesses that provide services to youth. Audience is people who run youth programs—mostly nonprofits and government agencies—who want help in providing services and getting funding. Estab. 1994. Circ. 9,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers $200 kill fee for features. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, or disk. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy for $5. Guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs exposè, general interest, technical. “No feel-good stories about do-gooders. We examine the business of youth work.” Buys 5 mss/year. Query. Send rèsumè, short cover letter, clips. Length: 600-2,500 words. Pays $150-2,000 for assigned articles. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTSYouth Today also publishes 750-word guest columns, called Viewpoints. These pieces can be based on the writer’s own experiences or based on research, but they must deal with an issue of interest to our readership and must soundly argue an opinion, or advocate for a change in thinking or action within the youth field.”



American Wholesale Marketers Association, 2750 Prosperity Ave., Suite 530, Fairfax VA 22031. (703)208-3358. Fax: (703)573-5738. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Joan Fay, associate publisher and editor. 70% freelance written. Magazine published 10 times/year. See website for editorial calendar. Covers trends in candy, tobacco, groceries, beverages, snacks, and other product categories found in convenience stores, grocery stores, and drugstores, plus distribution topics. Contributors should have prior experience writing about the food, retail, and/or distribution industries. Editorial includes a mix of columns, departments, and features (2-6 pages). Also covers AWMA programs. Estab. 1948. Circ. 11,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-4 months. Accepts queries by e-mail only. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, technical, industry trends, also profiles of distribution firms. No comics, jokes, poems, or other fillers. Buys 40 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,200-3,600 words. Pays 50¢/word. Pays expenses of writers on assignment.


P.O. Box 3439, Northbrook IL 60065-3439. (480)990-1101 ext. 1241; (800)581-1811. E-mail: Website: Contact: Lynn A. Kuntz, editor-in-chief. 50% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering food processing industry. Written for food technologists by food technologists. No food service/restaurant, consumer, or recipe development. Official media for SupplySide, Food Product Design delivers practical, use-it-now, take-it-to-the-bench editorial for product development professionals, as well as market intelligence and analysis of industry news for the executive-level reader. Food Product Design is the industry’s leading product development content and information source. Estab. 1991. Circ. 30,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Sample copy for SAE with 9x12 envelope and 5 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Needs technical. Buys 30 mss/year. Length: 1,500-7,000 words. Pays $100-1,500. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


800 Kinderkamack Rd., Suite 100, Oradell NJ 07649. (201)986-7990. Fax: (201)986-7996. E-mail: Website: Contact: John Groh, editor/publisher. 10% freelance written. Works with a small number of new/unpublished writers each year. Weekly magazine for commercial growers and shippers, receivers, and distributors of fresh fruits and vegetables, including chain store produce buyers and merchandisers. Estab. 1897. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 weeks after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines for 10x13 SAE and 4 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Query. Pays $1/column inch minimum. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Vance Publishing Corp., 10901 West 84th Ter., Suite 200, Lenexa KS 66214. (913)438-0603; (512)906-0733. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Pamela Riemenschneider, editor; Tony Reyes, art director. 10% freelance written. Monthly magazine. “Produce Merchandising is the only monthly journal on the market that is dedicated solely to produce merchandising information for retailers. Our purpose is to provide information about promotions, merchandising, and operations in the form of ideas and examples.” Estab. 1988. Circ. 12,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, photo feature, technical, contact the editor for a specific assignment. Buys 48 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 1,000-1,500 words. Pays $200-600. Pays expenses.


Mercury Publications Ltd., 1740 Wellington Ave., Winnipeg MB R3H 0E8 Canada. (204)954-2085, ext. 291; (800)337-6372. Fax: (204)954-2057. E-mail: Website: Contact: Robin Bradley, associate publisher and national account manager. 75% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering the grocery industry. Reports for the Western Canadian grocery, allied non-food and institutional industries. Each issue features a selection of relevant trade news and event coverage from the West and around the world. Feature reports offer market analysis, trend views, and insightful interviews from a wide variety of industry leaders. The Western Grocer target audience is independent retail food stores, supermarkets, manufacturers and food brokers, distributors and wholesalers of food, and allied non-food products, as well as bakers, specialty and health food stores, and convenience outlets. Estab. 1916. Circ. 15,500. Byline given. Pays 30-45 days from receipt of invoice. Offers 33% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. Does not want industry reports and profiles on companies. Query with published clips. Length: 500-9,000 words. Pays 25-35¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.



National Home Furnishings Association (NHFA), 3910 Tinsley Dr., Suite 101, High Point NC 27265-3610. (336)801-6156. Fax: (336)801-6102. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mary Wynn Ryan, editor-in-chief. 75% freelance written. Monthly magazine published by NHFA covering the home furnishings industry. “We hope home furnishings retailers view our magazine as a profitability tool. We want each issue to help them make or save money.” Estab. 1927. Circ. 15,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 6 weeks after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy available with proper postage.

NONFICTION Query. “When submitting a query or requesting a writing assignment, include a résumé, writing samples, and credentials. When articles are assigned, Home Furnishings Retailer will provide general direction along with suggestions for appropriate artwork. The author is responsible for obtaining photographs or other illustrative material. Assigned articles should be submitted via e-mail or on disc along with a list of sources with telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses.” Length: 3,000-5,000 words (features). Pays $350-500.



Freiberg Press Inc., P.O. Box 612, Cedar Falls IA 50613. (319)553-0642; (800)354-3371. Fax: (319)553-0644. E-mail: Website: Contact: Bill Freiberg. 25% freelance written. Bimonthly trade journal covering medical information and new developments in research for geriatric nurses and other practitioners. Estab. 2006. Byline sometimes given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Accepts queries by e-mail. Sample copy free; send e-mail to Kathy Freiderg at

NONFICTION Query. Length: 500-1,500 words. Pays 15¢/word for assigned articles.


Health Forum Inc., 155 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 400, Chicago IL 60606. (312)893-6800. Fax: (312)422-4500. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Richard Hill, editor; Bill Santamour, managing editor. 25% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering hospitals. Online business publication for hospital and health system executives. Uses only writers who are thoroughly familiar with the hospital field. Potential articles should focus on a critical aspect of health care leadership and, if possible, should address the future of health care. Estab. 1926. Circ. 88,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers variable kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 6-7 months. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds in 2-4 months to queries. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs interview, technical. Query editor with a working title, a 50-100 word abstract, and a short biographical sketch. Length: 800-1,200 words.


Gannett Healthcare Group, 1721 Moon Lake Blvd., Suite 540, Hoffman Estates IL 60169. E-mail: Website: Contact: Nick Hut, editor. 98% freelance written. Biweekly magazine covering nursing news. Covers nursing news about people, practice, and the profession. Review several issues for content and style. Also consider e-mailing your idea to the editorial director in your region (see list online). The editorial director can help you with the story’s focus or angle, along with the organization and development of ideas. Estab. 1999. Circ. 155,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers $200 kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2-3 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy free. Guidelines on website.

NONFICTION Needs interview, personal experience, articles on innovative approaches to clinical care and evidence-based nursing practice, health-related legislation and regulation, community health programs, healthcare delivery systems, and professional development and management, advances in nursing specialties such as critical care, geriatrics, perioperative care, women’s health, home care, long-term care, emergency care, med/surg, pediatrics, advanced practice, education, and staff development. Buys 20 mss/year mss/year. Query with a 50-word summary of story and a list of RN experts you plan to interview. Length: 900 words. Pays $200-800 for assigned or unsolicited articles.


Franklin Communications, Inc., 71 Redner Rd., Morristown NJ 07960. (973)644-4003. Fax: (973)644-4062. E-mail: Website: Contact: Deb Ilardi. 10% freelance written. Magazine published 5 times/year covering school nursing. School Nurse News focuses on topics related to the health issues of school-aged children and adolescents (grades K-12), as well as the health and professional issues that concern school nurses. This is an excellent opportunity for both new and experienced writers. School Nurse News publishes feature articles as well as news articles and regular departments, such as Asthma & Allergy Watch, Career & Salary Survey, Oral Health, Nursing Currents, and Sights & Sounds. Estab. 1982. Circ. 7,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. Publishes ms an average of 3-6 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3-6 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail, fax, phone. Sample copy free. Guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, personal experience. Buys 1-2 mss/year. Query. Send via e-mail or forward ms with disk. Mss can include case histories, scenarios of health office situations, updates on diseases, reporting of research, and discussion of procedures and techniques, among others. The author is responsible for the accuracy of content. References should be complete, accurate, and in APA format. Tables, charts and photographs are welcome. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material that has a pre-existing copyright. The feature article, references, tables, and charts should total 8-10 typewritten pages, double-spaced. The author’s name should be included only on the top sheet. The top sheet should also include the title of the article, the author’s credentials, current position, address, and phone. Pays $100.



Foley Publishing, P.O. Box 158, Liberty Corner NJ 07938. (908)766-6006. Fax: (908)766-6607. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jackie Foley, editor. 100% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers; eager to work with new/unpublished writers. Quarterly magazine emphasizing liquor and bartending for bartenders, tavern owners, and owners of restaurants with full-service liquor licenses. Estab. 1979. Circ. 150,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 months to mss. Sample copy with 9x12 SAE and 4 first-class stamps.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, historical, how-to, humor, interview with famous bartenders or ex-bartenders, new product, opinion, personal experience, photo feature, travel, nostalgia, unique bars, new techniques, new drinking trends, bar sports, bar magic tricks. Special issues: Special issues: Annual Calendar and Daily Cocktail Recipe Guide. Send complete ms and SASE. Length: 100-1,000 words.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Bar of the Month; Bartender of the Month; Creative Cocktails; Bar Sports; Quiz; Bar Art; Wine Cellar; Tips from the Top (from prominent figures in the liquor industry); One For the Road (travel); Collectors (bar or liquor-related items); Photo Essays. Length: 200-1,000 words. Query by mail only with SASE. Pays $50-200.

FILLERS Needs anecdotes, newsbreaks, short humor, clippings, jokes, gags. Length: 25-100 words. Pays $5-25.


P.O. Box 2249, Oak Park IL 60303-2249. (708)267-0023. E-mail: Website: Contact: Kathleen Furore, editor. Bimonthly magazine covering Mexican and other Latin cuisines. “el Restaurante offers features and business-related articles that are geared specifically to owners and operators of Mexican, Tex-Mex, Southwestern, and Latin cuisine restaurants and other foodservice establishments that want to add that type of cuisine.” Estab. 1997. Circ. 25,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Responds in 2 months to queries. Sample copy free.

NONFICTION “No specific knowledge of food or restaurants is needed; the key qualification is to be a good reporter who knows how to slant a story toward the Mexican restaurant operator.” Buys 2-4 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $250-300.


Edgell Communications, 4 Middlebury Blvd., Randolph NJ 07869. (973)607-1300. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Abigail Lorden, editor-in-chief; Dorothy Creamer, managing editor. 70% freelance written. Magazine published 9 times/year covering restaurant and lodging executives who manage hotels, casinos, cruise lines, quick service restaurants, etc. Covers the technology used in foodservice and lodging. Readers are the operators, who have significant IT responsibilities. Estab. 1996. Circ. 16,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 2 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 2 weeks to queries.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview, new product, technical. Special issues: Publishes 2 studies each year: the Restaurant Industry Technology Study and the Lodging Industry Technology Study. No unsolicited mss. Buys 40 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 800-1,200 words. Pays $1/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Kostuch Media Ltd., 101-23 Lesmill Rd., Toronto ON M3B 3P6 Canada. (416)447-0888. Fax: (416)447-5333. E-mail: Website: Contact: Rosanna Caira, editor & publisher. 40% freelance written. Magazine published 8 times/year covering the Canadian hotel industry. Canada’s leading hotel publication. Provides comprehensive and insightful content focusing on business developments, trend analysis, and profiles of the industry’s movers and shakers. Estab. 1989. Circ. 9,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 2 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax. Query for free sample copy. Query for free guidelines.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, new product. No case studies. Buys 30-50 mss/year. Query. Length: 700-1,500 words. Pays 35¢/word (Canadian) for assigned articles. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Christian Camp and Conference Association, P.O. Box 62189, Colorado Springs CO 80962-2189. (719)260-9400. Fax: (719)260-6398. E-mail:; Website: 75% freelance written. Prefers to work with published/established writers. Bimonthly magazine emphasizing the broad scope of organized camping with emphasis on Christian camps and conference centers. All who work in youth camps and adult conferences read InSite for inspiration and to get practical help in ways to serve in their operations. Estab. 1963. Circ. 8,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 4 months after acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail. Responds in 1 month to queries. Sample copy for $4.99 plus 9x12 SASE. Guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs general interest, trends in organized camping in general (Christian camping in particular), how-to, anything involved with organized camping (including motivating staff, programming, healthcare, maintenance, and camper follow-up), inspirational, profiles and practical applications of Scriptural principles to everyday situations in camping, interviews with movers and shakers in Christian camping. Buys 15-20 mss/year. Query required. Length: Features: 1,200-1,500 words; How-To: 1,000-1,200 words; Sidebars: 250-500 words. Pays 20¢/word.


Macfadden Protech, LLC, 908 S. 8th St., Suite 200, Louisville KY 40203. (502)736-9500. Fax: (502)736-9502. E-mail: Website: Contact: Jeremy White, editor-in-chief. 30% freelance written. Works with published/established writers; occasionally works with new writers. Monthly magazine for the pizza industry, covering trends, features of successful pizza operators, business and management advice, etc. Estab. 1984. Circ. 44,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Responds in 2 months to queries. Responds in 3 weeks to mss. Sample copy for sae with 10x13 envelope and 6 first-class stamps. Guidelines for #10 SASE and online.

NONFICTION Needs interview, entrepreneurial slants, pizza production and delivery, employee training, hiring, marketing, and business management. No fillers, humor, or poetry. Buys 85 mss/year. Length: 1,000 words. Pays 50¢/word, occasionally more. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


On-Premise Communications, 160 Benmont Ave., Suite 92, Third Floor, West Wing, Bennington VT 05201. (802)442-6771. Fax: (802)442-6859. E-mail: Website: Contact: Mark Vaughan, editor. 75% freelance written. Four-issues-per-year magazine covering food, wine, spirits, and management topics for restaurant professionals. Information and specific advice for restaurant professionals on operating a profitable food and beverage program. Writers should “speak” to readers on a professional-to-professional basis. Estab. 1996. Circ. 45,000. Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Submit seasonal material 6 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Does not accept mss. Sample copy available. Guidelines by email.

NONFICTION Needs interview, restaurant business news. Does not want consumer-focused pieces. Buys 20 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 650-1,800 words. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Due to a Redesign, 650 words; Bar Tab (focuses on 1 bar’s unique strategy for success), 1,000 words; Restaurant Profile (a business-related look at what qualities make 1 restaurant successful), 1,000 words; Maximizing Profits (covers 1 great profit-maximizing strategy per issue from several sources), Signature Dish (highlights 1 chef’s background and favorite dish with recipe), Sommeliers Choice (6 top wine managers recommend favorite wines; with brief profiles of each manager), Distillations (6 bar professionals offer their favorite drink for a particular type of spirit; with brief profiles of each manager), 1,500 words; Provisions (like The Goods only longer; an in-depth look at a special ingredient), 1,500 words. Buys 20 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $300-800.


Mercury Publications, Ltd., 1740 Wellington Ave., Winnipeg MB R3H 0E8 Canada. (204)954-2085. Fax: (204)954-2057. E-mail: Website: Contact: David Bastable, associate publisher and national accounts manager. 33% freelance written. Quarterly magazine covering the hotel industry. Western Hotelier is dedicated to the accommodation industry in Western Canada and U.S. western border states. WH offers the West’s best mix of news and feature reports geared to hotel management. Feature reports are written on a sector basis and are created to help generate enhanced profitability and better understanding. Circ. 4,342. Byline given. Pays 30-45 days from receipt of invoice. Offers 33% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, train staff, interview. Industry reports and profiles on companies. Query with published clips. Length: 500-9,000 words. Pays 25-35¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


Mercury Publications, Ltd., 1740 Wellington Ave., Winnipeg MB R3H 0E8 Canada. (204)954-2085. Fax: (204)954-2057. E-mail: Website:; Contact: Nicole Sherwood, editorial coordinator. 20% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering the restaurant trade in Western Canada. Reports profiles and industry reports on associations, regional business developments, etc. Western Restaurant News is the authoritative voice of the foodservice industry in Western Canada. Offering a total package to readers, WRN delivers concise news articles, new product news, and coverage of the leading trade events in the West, across the country, and around the world. Estab. 1994. Circ. 14,532. Byline given. Pays 30-45 days from receipt of invoice. Offers 33% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. Industry reports and profiles on companies. Query with published clips. “E-mail, fax, or mail a query outlining your experience, interests, and pay expectations. Include clippings.” Length: 500-9,000 words. Pays 25-35¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.



Mercury Publications, Ltd., 1740 Wellington Ave., Winnipeg MB R3H 0E8 Canada. (204)954-2085. Fax: (204)954-2057. E-mail: Website: Contact: Nicole Sherwood, editorial coordinator. 75% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine covering the business and industrial sectors. Offers new product news, industry event coverage, and breaking trade specific business stories. Industry reports and company profiles provide readers with an in-depth insight into key areas of interest in their profession. Estab. 1948. Circ. 18,876. Byline given. Pays 30-45 days from receipt of invoice. Offers 33% kill fee. Submit seasonal material 3 months in advance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy and writer’s guidelines free or by e-mail.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, interview. Industry reports and profiles on companies. Query with published clips. Length: 500-9,000 words. Pays 25-35¢/word. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.


WAM Publishing Co., P.O. Box 2247, Hendersonville TN 37077. (615)239-8087. E-mail: Website: Contact: David M. Mathieu, publisher. Bimonthly magazine for users of industrial scales; covers material handling and logistics industries. Estab. 1914. Circ. 13,900. Byline given. Pays on acceptance. Offers 20% kill fee. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Responds in 2 weeks to queries. Sample copy available online.

NONFICTION Needs interview with presidents of companies, personal experience, guest editorials on government involvement in business, technical, profilse (about users of weighing and measurement equipment). Buys 15 mss/year. Query on technical articles; submit complete ms for general interest material. Length: 1,000-2,500 words. Pays $175-300.


Peerless Media, 111 Speen St., Suite 200, Framingham MA 01701. (508)663-1500. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Michael Levans, editorial director. 40% freelance written. Magazine published 13 times/year covering warehousing, distribution centers, and inventory. Modern Materials Handling is a national magazine read by managers of warehouses and distribution centers. Focuses on lively, well-written articles telling readers how they can achieve maximum facility productivity and efficiency. Covers technology, too. Estab. 1945. Circ. 81,000. Byline given. Pays on acceptance (allow 4-6 weeks for invoice processing). No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 1 month after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, fax. Sample copy and guidelines free.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, new product, technical. Special issues: State-of-the-Industry Report, Peak Performer, Salary and Wage survey, Warehouse of the Year. Doesn’t want anything that doesn’t deal with the topic of warehousing. No general-interest profiles or interviews. Buys 25 mss/year. Query with published clips. Pays $300-650.


CLB Media, Inc., 222 Edward St., Aurora ON L4G 1W6 Canada. (905)727-0077. Fax: (905)727-0017. E-mail: Website: Contact: Rehana Begg, editor. 30% freelance written. Bimonthly magazine looking for informative articles on issues that affect plant floor operations and maintenance. Estab. 1977. Circ. 18,500. Byline given. Pays on publication. No kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 1 month to mss. Sample copy free. Guidelines available.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, keep production downtime to a minimum, better operate an industrial operation, new product, technical. Buys 6 mss/year. Query with published clips. Length: 750-4,000 words. Pays $500-1,400 (Canadian). Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.



Level 5 Communications, Inc., 1283 Main St., P.O. Box 1039, Dublin NH 03444. (603)563-1631. Fax: (603)563-8192. E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Jamie Gooch, managing editor. 90% freelance written. Monthly magazine covering computer hardware/software for hands-on design and mechanical engineers, analysis engineers, and engineering management. Ten special supplements/year. Estab. 1995. Circ. 63,000. Byline given. Pays in month of publication. Kill fee for assigned story. Publishes ms an average of 2 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 3 months. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail, phone. Responds in 2 weeks to queries; 1 month to mss. Sample copy for free with 8x10 SASE. Guidelines available on website.

NONFICTION Needs how-to, new product, reviews, technical, design. No fluff. Buys 50-70 mss/year. Query. Submit outline before you write an article. Length: 800-1,200 word articles (plus artwork) presenting tutorials, application stories, product reviews or other features; 500-700 word guest commentaries for almost any topic related to desktop engineering. Pays per project. Pay negotiable for unsolicited articles. Sometimes pays expenses of writers on assignment.

COLUMNS/DEPARTMENTS Product Briefs, 50-100 words; Reviews, 500-1,500 words.


Penton Technology Media, 748 Whalers Way, Fort Collins CO 80525. (970)663-4700; (800)621-1544. E-mail: Website: 40% freelance written. Magazine, published 12 times/year, focused on programming, networking, IS management, and technology for users of IBM AS/400, iSERIES, SYSTEM i, AND IBM i platform. Estab. 1982. Circ. 30,000 (international). Byline given. Pays on publication. Offers 50% kill fee. Publishes ms an average of 3 months after acceptance. Editorial lead time 4 months. Submit seasonal material 4 months in advance. Accepts queries by e-mail. Responds in 3 weeks to queries. Responds in 5 weeks to mss. Guidelines available online.

NONFICTION Needs technical. Query. Length: 1,500-2,500 words. Pays $300-500 flat fee for assigned articles, depending on quality and technical depth.


MIT, One Main St., 13th Floor, Cambridge MA 02142. (617)475-8000. Fax: (617)475-8042. E-mail:; Website: Contact: Jason Pontin, editor-in-chief; David Rotman, editor. Magazine published 10 times/year covering information technology, biotech, material science, and nanotechnology. Technology Review promotes the understanding of emerging technologies and their impact. Estab. 1899. Circ. 310,000. Pays on acceptance. Accepts queries by mail, e-mail.

NONFICTION Query with a pitch via online contact form. Length: 2,000-4,000 words. Pays $1-3/word.

FILLERS Short tidbits that relate laboratory prototypes on their way to market in 1-5 years. Length: 150-250 words. Pays $1-3/word.