It’s a common refrain in publishing: The one thing that always remains the same is change.

This is my 10th year as the main editor of Writer’s Market, and every single year has proven out that refrain: The one thing that always remains the same is change.

For the 2016 edition, change means returning a fan favorite, the Book Publishers Subject Index, to the back of the book. Of course, change also means that we’ve updated and added thousands of listings in this edition of the book.

Plus, there are new articles, including “9 Secrets of Six-Figure Freelancers,” “4 Ways to Create a Productive Home Office,” “6 Apps That Make Freelancing Easier,” and more.

But don’t worry; we didn’t change the entire book. We still have listings for literary agents, book publishers, consumer magazines, trade journals, contests, and more. We still include the freelance writing pay rate chart.

And while the topic has changed, we’ve once again included an exciting webinar intended to help freelance writers find more success with their writing. Learn more at

Until next we meet, keep writing and marketing what you write.

Robert Lee Brewer

Senior Content Editor

Writer’s Market and