
Kangaroo: One of the most well-known aspects associated with the kangaroo is that as a marsupial, the female carries her young in her pouch for a long time after birth. In this way, the totem for the kangaroo is first and foremost aligned with this maternal instinct. The kangaroo’s ability to jump and kick adds the distinction of sudden shifts and changes that can propel you into new directions, especially in the realm of self-care. When the kangaroo appears in a dream, you are receiving the medicine of powerful and aggressive instincts around taking care of yourself.

Karaoke: At the heart of karaoke is singing, and in this way, as a symbol it connects with passion, creativity, and the impulse to be expressive. However, this public display of such activity carries with it the connotations of drunkenness and the unnecessary presence of talent to merit such activity. If you are singing karaoke in your dream, you may be expressing a desire to be free from the constraints of self-doubt and inhibition.

Kayak: A kayak is a vehicle that allows you to navigate water in a very masterful way, even when the water is moving very rapidly. All water in dreams is about your emotional state, and a kayak indicates a moment when you are able to ride just about any level of fast-moving feelings and emotional situations with skill and acumen.

Key: A key opens a lock. In the world of symbolism, a lock can represent any number of problems, challenges, obstacles, or desires yet to be attained. Therefore, the key is the representation of that which you need to have in order to begin facing whatever needs to be addressed to solve the problem you face. Most dreams about keys relate to the need to find a lost key or to the possession of a key without knowing what lock it belongs to. Life is an ongoing process and is filled with many opportunities to fit the right key into the right lock, but that is only the beginning of the next process. The key is perhaps the ultimate symbol of working effectively with the mystery of life.

Keyboard: A keyboard turns your fingers into a masterful communication tool. Fingers relate to dexterity and creativity. Words are everything in the realm of communication. A keyboard is your access to everything that occurs in the vast landscape of the Internet. Therefore, anything that is focused on a keyboard in a dream relates to your access to this enormous world that exists at your fingertips. A broken or otherwise compromised keyboard means that you are feeling ineffective in connecting to your world.

Kidnap: A kidnapper takes a child and holds him or her for ransom. In this way, the child becomes the symbol of something treasured and valuable, such as innocence or possibility. The ransom suggests that this quality is being forced as a sacrifice for something of more material value. Such a dream may arise when you are feeling like you must compromise your values in such a way to accomplish a goal. If you are a parent, such a dream could also be a reflection of parental anxiety.

Killer Whale: There is a shadowy and inflated connection to the depths of awareness that the whale brings. If the dream presents you with the distinction of a killer whale, you are examining fears that live deep below the surface, but are still available to be visited and explored. (See Whale.)

King: An archetypal figure, the king in your dreams represents the ultimate sense of authority. This is the part of your higher nature that governs the choices you make in your waking life. Consider the sensation around this character in the dream itself. Are you governing your life as a benevolent ruler or a cruel despot?

Kiss: A kiss in a dream is always going to be connected to some form of communication, either desired, needed, or underway. A kiss is stimulating, so a dream kiss may be pointing toward some need to stimulate a new or needed way of incorporating a certain quality into your communication style. Consider who is kissing in the dream. If it is you, the person you are kissing may indicate a part of your personality needing to be evoked. If this person is an object of your affection from your waking life, it may indicate a desire to speak of your feelings. If two people are kissing in your dream and you are witnessing this, consider the traits of both people and ask yourself what the resulting communication would be if the qualities of those two people were to merge.

Kitchen: As the nurturing center of a house, the kitchen represents the heart and hearth of the self. It is where the family is fed and comes together in community. It is the room where people tend to congregate during parties. It is the symbolic realm of mother and the feminine principle as it is expressed by the family structure. Food is stored and prepared in the kitchen, so the symbolic food for your soul is located in the kitchen of your dreams. Consider how your dream may be informing you of how you are responding to your own spiritual cooking. If your life experience of family, mother, and kitchen was different from the ideal in your dream, your personal focus must include your individual paradigm. For example, much of a family’s abusive interactions can occur in the kitchen, so such associations should be considered when interpreting a kitchen dream. The activity in the dream will outline your current internal view around issues of nurturing, self-care, and healing. Any people who appear are key components in the process of exploration. If they are known to you, use the character-aspect technique to integrate their qualities into your interpretation. If there were people in the dream not known to you, consider whatever you can remember about them from the dream. Any dream that takes place primarily in a kitchen has the capacity to offer you an overview of the status of your heart center. Use it to examine whether you are experiencing healthy levels of self-nurturance or are in need of adjustments in this area.

Kite: A kite flies effectively only when the person flying it is well grounded. This symbol of soaring to new heights while remaining on the ground represents the value of extending your reach downward as well as upward. Anything that relates to the sky connects to higher realms of thought, to the intellect and/or spiritual aspirations. The kite itself is the part of consciousness that can soar upward as long as it is firmly connected to the ground.

Kitten: A cat represents the feminine principle of unconditional love. A kitten is this energy in its absolute most innocent expression. It is not uncommon for people to have kittens as a recurring dream image, and this is an expression of a connection to love and comfort for that individual. Conversely, a kitten can also represent a less mature approach to love and intimacy, where independence is an expression of fear and resistance.

Knife: This implement offers a sharp edge as an extension of the hand in order to cut at will. It is a powerful masculine symbol of aggression and protection. When it is used wisely, it extends the skills represented by the hand’s ability to create. The presence of a knife in a dream can be menacing and frightening and may indicate a need to cut something out of your life that no longer serves you.

Knight: A knight relates to the warrior archetype. The warrior divides the world into two camps: right and wrong. He is the defender of the innocent and can be called upon to right any wrong.

Knot: Anything tied into a knot is reflecting disparate elements that are bound together. Sometimes this is a positive construction, but it can also relate to the resulting chaos and confusion. The presence of a knot in a dream may indicate that a complicated element of your life needs to be unwound.

Koala Bear: The koala is an extremely slow and docile creature, so its symbolic meaning is connected with this sedate energy. When the koala appears in a dream, you are being offered a dose of calm serenity and the power to slow things down.

Komodo Dragon: Survival instincts are the domain of this somewhat rare creature. Any reptile in a dream is connected to your deeply primitive responses to life and the basic functions such as breathing and body regulation. When a Komodo dragon appears in a dream, you are reminded that your instincts are to be trusted.

Koran: The sacred text of Islam, the Koran is the word of God for many people. Its poetry is a beautiful expression of a life lived through spiritual principles. If your waking-life religious beliefs involve this holy book, then the dream is to be taken more literally. If this is not the case, you may be dreaming of the fundamental spiritual principles that underlie all perspectives.
