
E-mail: E-mail is the communication venue of the new world order. We are simultaneously brought closer together and further isolated by this almost instantaneous way of connecting our thoughts to the minds of other people. The realm of the intellect is represented by this image. The newness of Internet technology imbues the symbolic meaning with a sense of uncharted territory in the world of thought and interpersonal expression. We live in a time where the technology has evolved faster than our ability to formulate a universal sense of etiquette and propriety. Its speed implies spontaneity. However, the ability to edit and alter our words prior to sending the finished product adds a dimension of control that should not be overlooked when arriving at an accurate interpretation. Words typically account for about 20 percent of any verbal interaction. Absent from the e-mail experience are the crucial elements of tone and body language. Despite this enormous limitation, most people approach e-mails as if they were clear and accurate when, in fact, they are subject to projection and presumption. In this way, an e-mail in a dream connects to communication that is assumed to be lucid but may not be received with the same intention with which it was sent.

Eagle: All birds are to be considered as messengers of some kind. The eagle, however, is perhaps the most majestic of these air creatures and their medicine is very powerful. It is one of the largest birds and its size and power have led many aboriginal cultures to consider it an earthly incarnation of a godlike presence. The eagle as a symbol embodies strength, courage, and the ability to soar above any difficulty. The vantage point of such heights is a part of what the eagle brings when it appears in a dream.

Earphones/iPods: Our ears are the sense organs over which we are able to exert the least amount of control. Sound enters the ears from all angles, even though they are constructed for directional optimization. The ears are open and vulnerable to all outside stimuli unless impacted by an external object. While people often use various items to minimize incoming sound, the purpose of the earphone is to replace the naturally occurring inflow of sound with something of the individual’s choosing, usually music. This is where the element of escapism becomes an important consideration of the meaning attached to this symbol.

Earrings: To adorn the ears is to bring attention to them. Do you need to increase the quality of your listening and your ability to be compassionate and empathetic?

Ears: Hearing is ultimately about balance and orientation and so the ears are your conduit toward being in this state. Any interpretation of a dream that features the ears must be considered in these two ways: What is happening with the ears in the dream itself? Then filter that awareness through the question of how this is affecting your sense of balance or understanding of where you are in relation to the things around you. When you hear what others are expressing, you are able to tap into compassion and empathy, so the ears connect to these principles in action. Of course, a dream about ears is also about how well you are listening to what your life has to say to you.

Earth: We are extensions of the earth itself, and the presence of this as a dream image indicates some sort of archetypal connection to the concept of a collective consciousness where we are all united as one human organism. You may be dreaming about global issues and how they are affecting you on a personal level. This dream may be helping you see that you are not alone in your challenges, but are connected to a vast wholeness. The dream may indicate the earth as an object of comfort if the dream has pleasant imagery associated with it. An unpleasant or violent dream involving the earth could point to fears about the challenges and dangers of modern life.

Earthquake: There may be a lot of disruptive change of great magnitude in your life right now, perhaps under the surface of your current awareness. The shift of landscape that happens in an earthquake is the result of changes that originate in the subterranean world. This is representative of how unconscious thoughts and feelings can have an enormous impact when they suddenly become conscious. Earthquakes themselves are of relatively short duration, so the life event this image may be reflecting is likely something that occurred quickly or appeared suddenly. The symbolic meaning of an earthquake comprises three elements: First, a great change has already taken place. Second, the onset of the change originated in a deep and unconscious place. Third, things will never be the same.

Earwax: A buildup in the ears is a blockage to their effectiveness. What are you not willing to hear? Remember, too, that it is through the ears that we hear the cries of others. Ears that are blocked cannot connect to empathy and compassion.

Eating: The symbolism of eating primarily has to do with the taking in of sustenance and nurturance. This can relate to other things besides food, for such is the power of a symbol. If eating is featured in your dream, take a look at where in your life you are experiencing some issue around how well you are taking care of your own needs. The context of a dream that features this activity should offer many clues. The more excessive the eating, the more the dream may be pointing to issues of excess and gluttony. What you are eating should be considered for symbolic interpretation as well. Once you are clear about the meaning you ascribe to the food (or other substance) of your dream, recognize that the act of eating is expressing a desire to take that quality into your own body and integrate it as part of you.

Echo: An echo is created when sound waves bounce off of land masses and return in the form of a repeated frequency of the original sound. In this way, an echo is the symbolic ability to be aware of distant boundaries and limitations. In a very simple way, it is an indication of where the next mountain to climb is going to be. Additionally, the desire to be heard by another person in an experience of intimacy is also reflected by the concept of an echo. In both cases, the power of the echo is in the information it provides. An echo in a dream is asking, “Do you feel heard and do you know where you are going?”

Eclipse: During an eclipse in the solar system, one body blocks the light coming from another body, most notably the moon blocking the light of the sun or the earth blocking the light of the moon. An eclipse is therefore the symbolic blocking of any light, where the light is a metaphor for consciousness, ideas, or life force. Eclipses were once thought to be omens of important things to come.

Egg: There are new beginnings afoot and your life is filled with possibility. An egg symbolizes the potential for life that lies within it. From this perspective, this symbol always connects to new possibilities and new life. The type of egg in your dream and what it might hatch should provide the foundation of your exploration.

Eggshells: The delicate casings that protect the insides of an egg are very easy to break, hence the term “walking on eggshells.” If eggshells appear in a dream, this notion of care and delicacy is being expressed. If the eggshells are intact, there is a need to be most cautious. If the eggshells are already broken, there is an implication of a previous tactless maneuver that has left its mark.

Eight: After spiritual matters have been made manifest, great abundance is possible. Eight is the number of infinity and all that it implies. This includes wealth of every kind: love, money, bliss, joy, and every amazing experience life has to offer. The concept of infinity states that there is no limitation in the universe, that time and space continue forever and ever in a way that is beyond our ability to truly comprehend. When an understanding of infinity and abundance are combined, there is a realization that there is an endless supply of anything you could possibly desire, even those things that you perceive as limited and unavailable to you. Eight is the magic of seven in action. The shadow side of this is greed, hoarding, and withholding love.

Ejaculation: The sudden emergence of semen at the end of male orgasm is the key component of the sex act that relates directly to procreation. There is a tremendous buildup of energy that is released very suddenly, and this is at the heart of this experience as a symbol. Ejaculation implies that a great deal of tension needs to be released.

Electricity: Electricity is an invisible force that is present in our lives on a daily basis for most of us in the Western world. We generally take it for granted but trust it to be there when we flick a switch. In this regard, electricity symbolizes faith and the power to manifest our thoughts into reality. We don’t necessarily know how it works, but we know that it does indeed work. We have become completely dependent upon it for our lives to function smoothly. In this way, it is like faith; it is most apparent when we lose it. When electricity is the theme in a dream, you are considering your relationship to the flow of creative energy that infuses life with possibility. Your emotional response to the dream can inform you of how much faith you have that something is possible even when there is no evidence of it in your current circumstances.

Elephant: The elephant’s sheer size and strength are at the root of the symbolic meaning associated with it. The Hindu god Ganesh has an elephant head and is thought to bring luck by being the remover of obstacles. He will also bring an obstacle if that is in your highest interest. When the elephant appears in a dream, you are being given the medicine of patience, strength, and the capacity to move through anything. Also to be considered is the notion that elephants “never forget.” Your dream of an elephant may be asking you to remember something about your authentic self.

Elevator: Elevators carry us from one floor to another at the push of a button. The different levels to which they transport us connect to various perspectives of our awareness. We choose our destination on an elevator, aligning this symbol with the choices we make about what areas of our consciousness we are willing to investigate. What happens in the elevator of our dream may reveal how well this process is going in our daily lives. The floors involved in a dream can hold significance. In a general way, moving upward connects with higher, more sophisticated levels of thinking, and moving downward indicates investigation of past issues and behavior patterns. Moving downward can also align with visiting hidden or shadow material. Most dreams about elevators are connected to this process not going well. To be going up when down is desired may indicate a pressing need to operate with greater insight than that with which you are currently engaged. Going down when up is anticipated may point to the need to uncover additional material hidden in the lower depths of your consciousness or your past. Being stuck on an elevator is to be midway through a process or shift. Your response to the lack of movement may reveal levels of impatience with your progress in some area of growth. An elevator out of control is similar to a falling dream, but the added components of transition and choice must be considered. While you may be falling, you have chosen to take the elevator in search of new information. Going sideways is to be confused about the direction in which a current transformational shift may be taking you. If the elevator is out of service, you may be stuck in some area of your life. Another possibility with a broken elevator is a need to stay where you are and not try to escape your current situation by rising above it or sinking to a lower level.

Elf: The elf comes to us originally through Norse mythology and was thought to possess magical powers. What survives today in modern media is still magical and also often mischievous. An elf in a dream is putting you in touch with the inner aspect of self that is impish and a bit of a trickster.

Elk: The elk is a member of the deer family, so any meaning associated with it will be based on a foundation involving grace, beauty, watchfulness, and the ability to navigate the symbolic forests of our unconscious. Being larger than a deer but less so than a moose, the elk carries a medium weight of power as an animal totem. If the elk in your dream has antlers, then the amount of his medicine is increased. Either way, when an elk appears in your dream, you are being guided through a journey into hidden territory.

Emerald: The emerald is a precious gemstone that is mostly dark green in color and symbolizes a great sense of comfort, luxury, and prosperity. The beautiful green shade of this gem connects it to the healing energy of the heart chakra. In the lore of crystals, the emerald is thought to be connected to luck and abundance. Additionally, the green color of this beautiful mineral relates to growth and the expansiveness of nature.

Engagement: The ritual of engagement is about intention rather than commitment. It is the declaration that a large undertaking is likely to occur in the future. As a symbol, this can be applied to any life experience that embodies a significant amount of dedication but is not yet requiring the action that the future will bring. Be on notice if an engagement is featured in a dream; you are preparing to take major action in the near future.

Engagement Ring: The engagement ring is a reminder of an intention that has been declared for future commitment. As a dream image, that future commitment can apply to any life experience and not just marriage. The power of the engagement ring is that it is visible to others as a symbol of this intention and has the energy of accountability associated with it. The great expense involved deepens this sense of accountability. What intentions are you considering in your life that are demanding a significant investment on your part?

Engine: At the very core of any combustion-oriented machine is its engine. In this way, an engine is symbolic of the heart of any matter. Since an engine represents the power that can be put behind a desire, the engine is the direct expression of the ability to meet the desire with the force and power it will require to manifest. The state of the engine in your dream relates to how much power you have access to in order to make things happen.

Envelope: The essence of the envelope as a symbol is privacy; it keeps what is inside hidden until it is ready to be opened by the rightful recipient. Also connected to this object is the concept of identity; an envelope usually bears the name of the desired recipient of the information contained inside of it. There is a mystery with an envelope and therefore some excitement about the information it contains, and this may be what is being presented to you in a dream that features one.

Eraser: When you no longer want something that you have previously created, you use an eraser to wipe the slate clean. An eraser provides the ability to eradicate mistakes and choices that no longer serve you.

Erection: The penis is the ultimate phallic symbol, an image that represents masculine power. An erection is the implication that that power is ready to be put to use. This is so no matter the gender of the dreamer. If you have the erection in your dream, you are ready to take action in some area of your life. If someone in your dream has an erection, then the aspect of your personality symbolized by that person is the one that currently needs to be called upon to provide the power you need.

Escalator: The primary meaning behind the escalator connects to its movement to upper or lower aspects of thought and consciousness. The direction in which you are moving will determine whether you are examining what is deeper and more hidden or are aspiring to higher levels of functioning. The slow, steady pace of an escalator symbolizes the gentleness and grace in the process of investigation that is going on. A broken escalator means that you will have to do more work to figure out what is currently challenging you.

Exams: Accountability and responsibility are the principles that lie behind the symbolic meaning of exams. When you were in school, the exam was a high-pressured demand to perform along these lines, and the exam is one of the most prolific dream environments to return to. In this way, taking an exam is a fairly ubiquitous anxiety dream and always relates to your experience of being held accountable for what you have recently learned. (See Pop Quiz, Quiz, Taking a Test.)

Executions: This dream indicates a need to sacrifice a way of being or thinking that no longer serves you. Such a sacrifice is a symbolic movement in the process of change and the evolution of your character. Something needs to die in order for something else to be reborn. In the case of an execution, the impulse to do this is coming out of some perceived wrong, shame, or defect of character. A particular way of being in the world as represented by the character being executed is no longer necessary. If it is you who is being executed, then it is your whole sense of identity that is being confronted with drastic change. If you are doing the executing, then your ego mind is getting ready for some dynamic housecleaning. If neither of these scenarios is the case, consider what you know about the person being executed. You will find what is currently up for transformation in the character aspect that the individual embodies.

Exes: This is one of the most commonly misunderstood images in the lexicon of dreaming. In archetypal psychology, we each have within us an image of the beloved. When we find someone on the outside who matches our image on the inside, we fall in love. When two people’s versions of this align, it forms a relationship. When we dream of our past partners, we are dreaming about the part of ourselves that is prepared and aligned to relate with another person in an intimate connection, but from an earlier time in our emotional development. When such a dream comes along, the thing to do is to consider a few things and apply the one that fits the most. Ask yourself what you learned from that relationship and how would it be helpful in your current circumstances to tap into that knowledge. Additionally, you can consider the actual qualities of your ex and ask yourself how that person’s specific attributes might be being called into activation in some area of your current life. The dream about the ex has nothing to do with the real-life ex.

Exit Sign: These ubiquitous objects are indications of how to shift your current environment. There is a sense of urgency connected with exit signs, as they are posted generally for the purpose of rapid evacuation. In a dream, they are the indication that your current level of risk is acceptable because you know where to move to reduce that risk when you feel the need. What situation in your life feels slightly uncomfortable such that you would prefer to know where the nearest exit is?

Expiration Date: The idea behind the expiration date is about safety; anything that falls before the posted date is safe to consume. If something feels risky to you, the presence of an expiration date is the confirmation you need to proceed. This can be applied to any aspect of risk in your current life. Also to be considered is the notion of time running out on something that needs your immediate attention.

Explosion: The essence of an explosion is combustion, and combustion means change and transformation. The distinction here is how fast change sometimes occurs, and in the case of an explosion, change is happening very rapidly. Remember that in a dream, an explosion is a positive thing and indicates that some transition in your life is happening abruptly and may be causing you fear. Change can be very frightening, and it is part of the human experience to fear change. The explosion in your dream may indicate that whatever is occurring is inevitable.

Eyes: The eyes are the windows of the soul, so the saying goes. They are also the dominant sense with which human beings navigate their existence. There are many things that can happen with the eyes in a dream, but whatever that is, consider that the interpretation should connect to how you are seeing things in your life at the time of the dream. Anything that involves your eyes should be considered as relating to you directly, but if the eyes belong to someone within the dream, look at the character aspects of that individual and consider what would occur if you saw things through that person’s eyes. Eyes that are closed may point to not wanting to see something that needs your attention.
