Chapter Fifteen

“Are you hungry, Mel?”

Melody jolted when Grant’s hand brushed a strand of hair from her face and then lingered. He almost admitted to her that he was starving, but not for food. He didn’t want to freak her out more than she already was. She’d been through an ordeal—several ordeals—in the last forty-eight hours, a point driven home by his big brother.

At her nod, he dropped his hand and held out the barstool for her to take a seat. She climbed up and then he eased into the seat next to her. Damn, his entire side felt like it was on fire.

Melody reached over and grabbed the purse she’d placed on the counter earlier and withdrew a pill container while he pulled the cork out of the wine bottle and poured them each a glass.

“I heard you telling Kayla you didn’t need a prescription for painkillers, but I can see by the strain on your face that you’re hurting.”

“A little,” he admitted. “More than a little, actually.”

“Will you take Ibuprofen?”

At his nod she shook out the pills and handed them to him. He popped them in his mouth and downed them with a sip of wine. Probably not good to mix the two, but what the hell. “Before we eat, how about a toast?”

She picked up her glass. “What are we toasting?”

“To new friends.” They clinked rims and each took a sip.

“Is that what we are?” Her question was whispered.

“Um, hum.” He eased her glass from her hand and placed it on the counter alongside his. Then he kissed her. He couldn’t help it. She tasted of fruity wine and all woman and it took every bit of self-control he possessed to pull back. His sister had gone to a lot of trouble to prepare the meal for them and if they didn’t eat it, he’d never hear the end of it.

They picked up their forks and dug in. He was used to Kaitlyn’s delicious healthy cooking, having grown up with it. Melody was still relatively new to it and she groaned in appreciation. His body reacted predictably to the sound.

“I swear, I don’t know how she does it. Every meal is decadent.” She dug in for another huge bite. “I don’t even know what this is, but it’s delicious.”

“She knows her way around the kitchen. This is her version of Spaghetti Carbonara made with zucchini.” Kait taught herself how to cook after their parents had been killed in a plane crash on their way to one of Luke’s football games at Notre Dame. Luke forfeited his scholarship and a sure-fire shot at the National Football League to come home to take care of Grant, Ben and Kait. Grant tried everything he could to talk Luke out of it. He insisted he was old enough to look after the younger two, but Luke would hear nothing of it.

At the time, Grant didn’t realize that if Luke hadn’t come home, the three of them would’ve been shipped off to foster homes. He hadn’t been old enough in the eyes of the state to care for Ben and Kait. The sacrifice Luke made for them was staggering. He never once complained about his destroyed dreams. He’d wanted to play in the NFL from the time he could hold a football. Instead, he went to night school to finish his degree, and then the academy to become a cop before being promoted to detective. And he became an instant father figure to his three younger siblings.

Grant joined the Navy and sent most of his paycheck home to help with finances. He had no idea that Luke hadn’t spent a penny of it, or that he’d opened an account in Grant’s name and deposited the money in the bank and then invested it. Grant owned a portfolio that he hadn’t known about, and the sum was staggering. He didn’t need a job if he didn’t want one, but there was no place he’d rather be than working alongside his brothers.

Kait had included dessert so they gobbled it up. A phone buzzed. They looked at each other. “Mine, I think.” He pulled it out to see his sister’s beautiful face on the screen.

“Hey, sis.”

“Don’t you hey sis, me. Open your door.”

Grant didn’t have to worry about disconnecting. Kait beat him to the off button. He dropped his head to the counter and sighed. He’d never get any time alone with Melody if his interfering siblings didn’t leave him alone.

Proving she had the patience of a, well, Colton, Kaitlyn banged on the door.

“Sorry about this.” He slid off the stool and with all the excitement of a convict walking the green mile, he opened the door to face his fierce little sister.

She stood with her hands fisted on her trim hips. Her long black hair was pulled back from her face. She might be older now, but she’d always be the little girl who tried to mother her three older brothers…and did a damn fine job of it.

“Hey.” He opened his arms and all her anger fled as she threw herself in his arms.

“I can’t believe you were hurt and you didn’t call me.” Her voice was watery, and he felt bad that she’d been worried.

“Kait, I’m okay.”

“I had to see for myself. No one would let me near you.”

He chuckled. “I really am fine. And thank you for dinner. It was delicious, as always.”

“It was the best meal I’ve ever had,” Melody said, coming to hug Kait after she finally released Grant. “And I’m sorry he was hurt. He was saving my life.”

Kait pulled Melody back in for another fierce hug. “I’m so glad he did. You’re okay?”

“Barely a scratch.”

Kait crossed her arms and faced him again. “Let me see.”


“Let. Me. See.”

Grant sighed and lifted his shirt. Both women gasped. Maybe it was worse than he thought because Melody had seen it once already.

“Oh, Grant,” Kait whispered. Her touch was feather-light as she traced his battered skin.

“Hon, I’m fine. Really.” He dropped his shirt and turned to her. She bit her lip and nodded, but he wasn’t sure she believed him.

“Kait?” Dan Bradley came rushing in through the open door. He slapped a hand over his chest and exhaled when he spotted his wife. “Here I thought I was supposed to be the ninja. Your moves put me to shame, babe. Sorry, G.”

Grant could only chuckle. Dan had been crowned the top US Ninja Warrior, so he truly was one. Grant had been overseas when Dan proposed to Kait atop Mount Mishoita, having achieved total victory. He’d had to settle on watching it on television. Talk about a memorable proposal. Dan rocked that one.

“I’m sorry.” Kait hugged her husband. “I was worried about Grant.”

“How’d she do it?” Grant asked.

“She acted mad that Luke wouldn’t allow her to bring the meal she cooked for you over, so she told me she was taking a long bath, closed herself in the bathroom and cranked her iPod. Took me a few minutes to catch on. By that time, she’d shimmied out the window.”

Melody burst out laughing. Kait looked pleased with herself. Dan and Grant exchanged exasperated head shakes.

“Now that you’ve seen that he’s okay—you are okay, right?” Grant nodded. “Let’s go home so they can get some rest.”

“Okay.” She released her husband to hug Grant again. “I love you, big bro.”

“Love you, too, Kait.”

While she hugged Melody, Dan gave him an arm clasp/bro hug. “If you need help, call. I can put my current projects on the back burner for you.”

“Thanks, Dan. I appreciate it.”

As they were leaving, Grant called out, “Kait? Will you call Ben and Rachel and make sure to tell them you know for a fact I’m okay? I don’t need any more siblings visits tonight.”

“I’m hurt. Truly,” Ben said, appearing in the doorway.

“I didn’t mean…what I should have…oh, hell. Sorry, Ben.”

“Maybe I’ll forgive you since you’re wounded. Hi, Melody.”

“Hi, Ben.” There was laughter in her voice. It was humorous when he thought about it. He’d been away for years doing much more dangerous work. Deadly work. And he gets one burn of road rash and they were on him like white on rice.

“Show him the injury,” Kait insisted.

Grant opened his mouth to argue, but snapped it shut. The quicker he showed them, the faster they would leave him and Melody alone. He turned and lifted his shirt. Both Ben and Dan hissed.

“That’s bad, Grant.”

“Looks worse than it feels.” Using that theory, it had to look disgusting because it was burning like someone was stabbing him with hot pokers. The pills had dulled the pain, but it was still there.

After several more minutes talking with his siblings, including a discussion of Rachel’s impending due date, they finally took off. Grant closed the door behind them. “I need one of those ‘Do Not Disturb or Risk Death’ signs.”

Melody laughed. “You think that would stop them?”

He chuckled and threw his good arm around her shoulders. “Probably not.” She snuggled against him as he guided her to the couch and they dropped down, side by side. “I’m a little wired to sleep. Want to watch a movie?”


A cell buzzed and Grant almost tossed the remote at the television. If it was another meddling coworker, he’d lose it.

“Oh, that’s mine.” Melody jumped up and hurried to her purse, pulling it out before it stopped ringing. She looked at the screen and sighed.


Melody sighed when she checked the display. She didn’t want to have to deal with Elliot Kingman again, but she knew he wouldn’t go away. He’d already left several messages. Might as well get this over with now. She turned her back to Grant. “Hello, Mr. Kingman.”

“Elliot, remember? How are you, Melody?”

Just peachy. Someone broke into my shop and my house and stole all my inventory. I don’t think I’ll be able to launch as planned. Oh, and they also tried to kill me. Twice.

“I’m good. How are you?”

“I’m hopeful, Melody. I’m hoping you’ve considered either of my proposals.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. King…Elliot, I’m going to have to say no. I’m not interested in partnering with Chem-Co, but thank you for the offer.”

“I’m sad to hear that, Melody. We would’ve been a good match. So then, everything is going well with your planned launch?”

The question took her aback. The way he paused…it was as if he knew something about the theft. Was he responsible?

“It’s going great. Thanks for asking.”

“You’re all set? I can hook you up with suppliers and distributors. Anything you need.”

“I’m good to go, but thanks again.”

“That’s great.” His voice turned seductive. “Since you’re disappointing me professionally, I hope you won’t wound me personally and turn down my invitation to dinner.”

Oh, he was slick. He was trying to guilt her into going out with him “I’m sorry, Elliot, but I’m crazy-busy trying to get everything ready for the product launch. I don’t have time for dinner.”

Though she was facing away from Grant, she could feel his eyes boring holes in her back. He’d even muted the television to eavesdrop.

“Come on, Melody,” Elliot coaxed, “You have to eat. I have to eat. Why don’t we eat together?” Smooth. “Our first date doesn’t have to be a four-course meal. We can just spend time together, get to know one another better.”

Why did the invitation suddenly sound about as appealing as a bikini wax? She hadn’t entertained the thought of going out with him for a moment but now, after having turned down his business proposal, it just sounded like a grasping attempt from a desperate man. “I’m truly sorry, Elliot, it’s not a good time. I have too much I need to get done.”

“You wound me, Melody, but I refuse to give up. I’ll urge you one more time to look over the documents I left, and I’ll call again soon.”

“That’s not—necessary,” she continued after he hung up. “I won’t change my mind,” she muttered to herself. She might’ve been flattered at first, but now she was just annoyed. He refused to take no for an answer. Those eyes were still laser-focused on her back. She toyed with her phone, not wanting to turn around and face Grant.

“Who’s Elliot?”

The question was a low rumble. No mistaking the threatening tone. She did turn around and his dark expression hadn’t abated…if anything it was even darker. “The owner of Chem-Co.”

His brows winged up. “Your former place of employment? Isn’t that the company who took you to court?”

“One and the same.”

“And you call the man who sued you by his first name.”

“He asked that I do so, yes.”

“What does Elliot of Chem-Co want, besides to take you to dinner?”

He was perceptive to pick that up from a one-way conversation. “He wants to partner with me to produce Harmony.”

“Are you kidding me? After he sued you? Why did you even talk to him?”

“I couldn’t be rude. Besides, I have no intention of partnering with them.” She intentionally left off the part about going to dinner with him. She didn’t know why, except she liked that Grant was jealous.

“What about dinner?” he growled.

She shook her head. “I’m full after devouring Kaitlyn’s delicious meal.”

“I meant with Elliot of Chem-Co.”

“Oh, him.” She bit back a smile at the glower on his handsome face. “I told him I was too busy.” She furrowed her brows in all seriousness. “It was strange though. He asked if everything was going well with the planned launch.”

“That’s convenient timing.”

“I thought so, too. I felt as if he knew something.”

“Could he be behind the theft?”

“I’d like to say no but then, I didn’t think he’d sue me, either.”

“What’s his last name?”


Grant pulled out his phone and sent a quick text. “We’ll check his alibi.” After he finished typing, he said, “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, Melody. You deserve your privacy and it wasn’t my place to listen in. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t someone calling you with a threat.”

“I understand.” She snuggled up to his side again. It was quickly becoming her favorite place to be as his arm tightened around her. He might’ve explained the listening to her call as a security concern, but she’d noticed the signs of jealousy, from the tightening around his mouth, to the narrowed eyes, to the clenched fists. She hid a smile. Grant Colton was jealous. For her!

Knowing that, along with the two kisses, she gathered her strength to proposition him. One thing the two attempts on her life taught her was that life was short. If something happened to her or, God forbid, Grant, she’d regret not being with him for the rest of her life.

She didn’t have much experience and she worried that she would disappoint him. He was a former SEAL, the rock stars of the military. Along with his devastatingly handsome good looks, his intelligence and strength, he could have any woman on the planet. She was just a geeky scientist from the Midwest. Still, she placed her hand on his thigh and began working her way closer to her goal.

“Melody? What are you doing?”

If he had to ask, she must be doing it wrong. Humiliation burned her cheeks and she started to snatch her hand away, but he slapped his on top, trapping hers against his thigh.

“Melody? Answer me.” His voice was deep and dark. She couldn’t look at his face. But when she spotted the impressive tent in his sweats, her eyes flew to his.

“I…” She didn’t know what to say. Did she tell him she was trying to seduce him, but failing miserably? Or maybe she’d say—

All thoughts fled when Grant fused his lips to hers. This was nothing like the earlier kisses where he’d been gentle and sweet. This was dominant, demanding. She could do nothing but follow his lead and hope she didn’t get lost in the process.

Having left high school early for college and being the youngest in her classes had been a challenge. At the time, she hadn’t minded. She immersed herself in science and her studies. But now she wished she’d taken the time to date more so she wouldn’t disappoint him. When she moaned, he deepened the kiss. She was lost. He leaned her back and gently rested his weight against her. She felt his need for her against her stomach and she whimpered, wanting more. Wanting him.

She fumbled with his shirt so she could run her fingers over his magnificent chest. When he realized her intent, he levered back to rip it off before falling back on top of her and attacking her mouth again, while one hand slipped under her shirt to cup her lace covered breast.

“Damn, I can’t get enough of tasting you,” he rumbled against her lips. She ran her hand over his back—and froze. His injury.

She twisted her head to the side to break the kiss.

He backed off instantly. “I’m sorry, Melody. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“What? No! I’m the one who started it.” Or tried to, anyway. “Your back, Grant. You’re injured.”

“That’s why you stopped?”


“You’re hurt, too.” His fingertips probed her bruised skin.

“It looks like heck, but it doesn’t hurt.”

His palm cupped her cheek. “You are stunning, Melody, no matter what. A couple of bruises do nothing to diminish your beauty.”

Her lids fluttered shut. It was nice of him to say, but she didn’t have Jade or Layla’s sex appeal or Kendall’s exotic good looks or—

“Melody, look at me.”

She lifted her lashes.

“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

“Grant, you don’t have to sa—”

He put a finger against her lips. “I’m not lying to you. I will never lie to you. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted another woman in my life.”

Tears sprung to her eyes. “Really?”

“Really. You want this, Melody? Us?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

A relieved smile spread over his face and he bent down to scoop her in his arms.

“Grant, your back—”

“Is fine,” he finished, as he carried her to the bedroom. He placed her on his king-sized bed like she was a precious piece of china. Then he grabbed the edges of her shirt and lifted it off. Next, he unsnapped the front closure of her bra and peeled the sides open.

“Damn, Melody, you are so beautiful.”

He bent down to take a nipple in his mouth and she arched her back at the exquisite contact. Nothing had ever felt so amazing. Ever diligent, he lavished the same attention on the other one and she was floating, flying. His hand slid under her yoga pants and he cupped her. She cried out, wanting to ask for more but not sure how. As if reading her mind, he eased away and removed her pants and underwear in one fell swoop. She was lying naked in front of Grant Colton. She should feel embarrassed, but his burning gaze sent waves of pleasure through her. She reached for his sweats, but he beat her to it, easing them down. He’d gone commando and oh my, he was magnificent. She’d seen naked men before, albeit mostly in books. Still, she’d never seen one so perfectly formed. His muscles were abundant and defined, the sexy cuts in his hips leading down to the most impressive erection. He was huge! Suddenly she didn’t know if she could do this after all.


Grant’s blood was pumping so hard, and it’d all rushed south at an alarming speed. If he didn’t get inside Melody soon, he just might explode. He’d never felt so ready. Granted, it’d been a while. He hadn’t had the urge or desire since the mission that ended the lives of three of his closest friends. Still, abstinence wasn’t responsible for his monster erection. Melody was. Her sweet innocence, her total abandon in responding to his kisses, her eagerness to explore his body. Her eyes had widened when he’d dropped his sweats and he hoped it was in appreciation, but the look now was one of fear.

He eased his body over hers again, and they groaned in unison at the contact of skin on skin. He kissed her, intending to relax her, but he got lost in the taste of her. Sweet innocence. That’s what she should’ve named her beauty line.

He was ready to detonate but he needed to make sure she was with him. He broke away from her lips to taste her strawberry pink nipples again. She twisted against him, so responsive. He ran his hand down her body and tested her. She was more than ready to take him, but this was about her pleasure. He licked a path down her belly on his way to Heaven. When his mouth touched her, she arched off the bed with a strangled cry. He anchored her hips in place and feasted. Her hands gripped his head as she twisted and gasped and after he inserted one finger and then two inside her, she came apart, crying out his name. He let her ride out the waves, gentling his touch. He eased his fingers out trying to be gentle, but it was a tight fit. He couldn’t wait to feel her grip him.

He reached into the drawer beside the bed and grabbed a condom, quickly rolling it on. Melody’s eyes were closed, a smile gracing her lips.

When he lowered his body to hers, she wound her fingers in his hair again and opened her thighs to cradle him. He took that as an invitation. Still, he paused to meet her gaze.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded without a bit of hesitation.

He thrust inside—and froze. She was so tight. Too tight. His eyes snapped to hers, only to find them pinched in pain. “Melody? Look at me.”

Her lids blinked open.

“Is this your first time?”

She bit her lip and nodded.

Grant closed his eyes and cursed.

“Am I doing it wrong?”

His eyes flew open. “Oh, babe, no. Not at all. You’re doing everything right. But I would’ve been gentler if I’d known.” Hell, if he’d had any idea, he wouldn’t have touched her at all. She was too sweet and good for him. She’d saved herself this long, her first should’ve been with a man she loved. Still, he couldn’t deny the primal thrill that rushed through him knowing that no other man had ever been inside her. “Breathe and the pain will go away soon. I won’t move.” Though it just might kill him. She was a silky glove, squeezing him with exquisite pressure. He had to grit his teeth to keep from thrusting.

“It already has, and I don’t want gentle, Grant. I want you. All of you.”


Melody didn’t know why she hadn’t admitted to Grant that she was a virgin. She didn’t want him to think less of her. She hadn’t intentionally planned on saving herself, it just worked out that way. She’d dated plenty in the past, but mostly fellow geeky science guys who needed detailed instruction on the mechanics of sex. Hold hands, check. Chaste kiss on the lips, check. She quickly lost interest.

Grant didn’t need any such manual. In fact, there was a good chance he’d written it himself.

At her admission of wanting all of him, something in him broke open and he let loose his inner beast. He latched his lips to hers and took her with exquisite perfection. All she could do was hold on for the ride and try not to pass out from the intense pleasure. It was hard and it was fast and she shattered two more times before he finally groaned and found his release. It was a good thing he did because if she came again, it just might kill her.

Their bodies were fused together and when he kissed her and slowly withdrew from her body, she whimpered in protest. She wanted him to stay inside her like this forever.

With one last kiss he rose from the bed and disappeared inside the bathroom.

She closed her eyes in exhausted pleasure. If sex was this life-changing, she was sorry she waited to experience it. But she had a sinking suspicion it was the man who made it incredible, not the act itself. He knew her body better than she did. He touched and teased her until she couldn’t breathe and then when he pounded into her, he didn’t treat her like she would break, and she loved it.

He was huge and she’d be sore tomorrow, but she didn’t care. She’d experienced a moment of panic when he first thrust inside her. The pain was sharp and intense, and she was afraid she’d have to tell him to stop. But her body adjusted quickly and then it was nothing but overwhelming pleasure.

Her eyes popped open when she felt something wet pressing against her. Grant had dampened a cloth with warm water and was cleaning her up. Emotion clogged her throat. She caught a glimpse of the bandage on his back and a twinge of regret hit her hard. He was injured, yet he was taking care of her.

He tossed the cloth aside and then climbed in beside her before easing down to his uninjured side and pulling her against him. “You’re safe now, Mel. Go to sleep.”

Her eyes drifted closed and she plummeted into a deep slumber.