Honorable Mentions: 2011

Daniel Abraham, “Balfour and Meriwether in The Vampire of Kabul,Subterranean, Fall.

Brian W. Aldiss, “Benkoelen,” Welcome to the Greenhouse.

Michael Alexander, “Someone Like You,” F&SF, July/August.

Nina Allan, “The Silver Wind,” Interzone 233.

Charlie Jane Anders, “Six Months, Three Days,” Tor.com.

_____, “Source Decay,” Strange Horizons, 1/3.

Eleanor Arnason, “My Husband Steinn,” Asimov’s, October/November.

Kage Baker, “Attlee and the Long Walk,” Life on Mars.

Peter M. Ball, “Memories of Chalice,” Electric Velocipede 21/22.

John Barnes, “The Birds and the Bees and the Gasoline Trees,” Engineering Infinity.

Neal Barrett, Jr., “D.O.C.S.” Asimov’s, September.

_____, “Where,” Asimov’s, March.

Christopher Barzak, “Smoke City,” Asimov’s, April/May

Stephen Baxter, “Gravity Dreams,” PS Publishing.

_____, “On Chryse Plain,” Life on Mars.

_____, “Rock Day,” Solaris Rising.

_____, “Transients,” Fables from the Fountain.

Peter S. Beagle, “Music, When Soft Voices Die,” Ghosts by Gaslight.

_____, “Underbridge,” Naked City.

Elizabeth Bear, “Gods of the Forge,” TRSF.

_____, “King Pole, Gallows Pole, Bottle Tree,” Naked City.

_____, “The Leavings of the Wolf,” Apex Magazine, November.

_____, “Needle,” Blood and Other Cravings.

Chris Beckett, “Day 29,” Asimov’s, July.

_____, “Two Thieves,” Asimov’s, January.

Steve Bein, “The Most Important Thing in the World,” Asimov’s, March.

Gregory Benford, “Eagle,” Welcome to the Greenhouse.

_____, “Mercies,” Engineering Infinity.

Holly Black, “Noble Rot,” Naked City.

Richard Bowes, “Sir Morgravain Speaks of Night Dragons and Other Things,” F&SF, July/August.

Marie Brennan, “Dancing the Warrior,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, 4/7, 4/21.

_____, “Love, Cayce,” OSCIMS, 4/11.

Philip Brewer, “Watch Bees,” Asimov’s, August.

Patricia Briggs, “In Red, with Pearls,” Down These Strange Streets.

Damien Broderick, “Time Considered as a Series of Thermite Burns in No Particular Order,” Tor.com.

_____& Barbara Lamarr, “Walls of Flesh, Bars of Bone,” Engineering Infinity.

Keith Brooke, “Imago,” Postscripts 24/25.

_____& Eric Brown, “Eternity’s Children,” Solaris Rising.

Eric Brown, “Starship Winter,” PS Publishing.

Tobias S. Buckell, “The Fall of Alacan,” Subterranean, Spring.

_____, “Mirror, Mirror,” Subterranean, Summer.

Emma Bull, “Nine Muses,” Eclipse Four.

Karl Bunker, “Bodyguard,” F&SF, March/April.

_____, “Overtaken,” F&SF, September/October.

_____, “Worm Days,” Electric Velocipede 21/22.

Sue Burke, “Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise,” Interzone 232.

Jim Butcher, “Curses,” Naked City.

Pat Cadigan, “Picking Up the Pieces,” Naked City.

Richard Calder, “Whisper,” Postscripts 24/25.

James L. Cambias, “Object Three,” F&SF, November/December.

Tracy Canfield, “One-Eyed Jacks,” Strange Horizons, July.

Jeff Carlson, “Planet of the Sealies,” Asimov’s, February.

Siobhan Carroll, “In the Gardens of the Night,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, July.

Adam-Troy Castro, “Hiding Place,” Analog, April.

Jason Chapman, “The Architect of Heaven,” Clarkesworld, May.

_____, “This Petty Pace,” Asimov’s, October/November.

Rob Chilson, “Less Stately Mansions,” F&SF, July/August.

Gwendolyn Clare, “Ashes on the Water,” Asimov’s, January.

Glen Cook, “Shadow Thieves,” Down These Strange Streets.

_____, “Smelling Danger: A Black Company Story,” Subterreanean Dark Fantasy 2.

Matthew Cook, “Insha’allah,” Interzone 235.

S. C. E. Cooney, “The Last Sophia,” Strange Horizons, 3/11.

Albert E. Cowdrey, “The Black Mountain,” F&SF, May/June.

_____, “The Bogle,” F&SF, January/February.

_____, “How Peter Met Pan,” F&SF, November/December.

_____, “Scatter My Ashes,” F&SF, March/April.

_____, “Where Have All the Young Men Gone?” F&SF, September/October.

Ian Creasey, “I Was Nearly Your Mother,” Asimov’s, March.

_____, “The Odor of Sanctity,” Asimov’s, September.

John Crowley, “And Go Like This,” Naked City.

Leah Cypess, “Twelvers,” Asimov’s, July.

Don D’Ammassa, “The Buddy System,” Analog, November.

_____, “Martyrs,” Panverse Three.

Colin P. Davies, “Fighter,” Asimov’s, June.

Aliette de Bodard, “Exodus Tides,” OSCIMS, April.

_____, “Shipbirth,” Asimov’s, February.

Michael J. De Luca, “The Nine-Tailed Cat,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, June.

Bradley Denton, “The Adakian Eagle,” Down These Strange Streets.

Paul Di Filippo, “Farmearth,” Welcome to the Greenhouse.

_____, “A Pocketful of Faces,” F&SF, March/April.

_____, “Specter-Bombing the Beer Goggles,” TRSF.

_____, “Sweet Spots,” Solaris Rising.

Cory Doctorow, “The Brave Little Toaster,” TRSF.

_____, “Martian Chronicles,” Life on Mars.

Alexandra Duncan, “Rampion,” F&SF, May/June.

Andy Duncan, “Slow as a Bullet,” Eclipse Four.

Thoraiya Dyer, “Breaking the Ice,” Cosmos, March.

Carol Emshwiller, “The New and Perfect Man,” Postscripts 24/25.

David Farland, “Against Eternity,” Lightspeed, October.

K. M. Ferebee, “Seven Spells to Sever the Heart,” Fantasy, November.

Sheila Finch, “The Evening and the Morning,” F&SF, March/April.

Michael F. Flynn, “The Frog Prince,” Analog, January/February.

Jeffrey Ford, “The Double of My Double Is Not My Double,” Eclipse Four.

Eugie Foster, “Black Swan, White Swan,” End of an Aeon.

Karen Joy Fowler, “Younger Women,” Subterranean, Summer.

Esther M. Friesner, “The One That Got Away,” Asimov’s, April/May.

Gregory Frost, “The Dingus,” Supernatural Noir.

Nancy Fulda, “Movement,” Asimov’s, March.

Diana Gabaldon, “Lord John and the Plague of Zombies,” Down These Strange Streets.

Neil Gaiman, “And Weep Like Alexander,” Fables from the Fountain.

James Alan Gardner, “Three Damnations: A Fugue,” Fantasy, September.

Laura Anne Gilman, “Crossroads,” Fantasy, August.

Lisa Goldstein, “Little Vampires,” Realms of Fantasy, April.

_____, “Paradise Is a Walled Garden,” Asimov’s, August.

Kathleen Ann Goonan, “Angel and You Dogs,” PS Publishing.

_____, “Creatures with Wings,” Engineering Infinity.

Theodora Goss, “Pug,” Asimov’s, July.

Gavin J. Grant, “Windows in the World,” Strange Horizons, February.

Joseph Green, “Turtle Love,” Welcome to the Greenhouse.

Simon R. Green, “Hungry Heart,” Down These Strange Streets.

Daryl Gregory, “Persistence,” Unpossible.

John Gribben, “The Alice Encounter,” PS Publishing.

Eileen Gunn, “Thought Experiment,” Eclipse Four.

Joe Haldeman, “Complete Sentence,” TRSF.

Peter F. Hamilton, “Return of the Mutant Worms,” Solaris Rising.

M. L. N. Hanover, “The Difference Between a Puzzle and a Mystery,” Down These Strange Streets.

Charlaine Harris, “Death by Dahlia,” Down These Strange Streets.

Howard V. Hendrix, “A New Bridge Across the Lethe,” Abyss & Apex, 1st Quarter.

Rosamund Hodge, “Apotheosis,” Black Gate, Spring.

Nalo Hopkinson, “Old Habits,” Eclipse Four.

Kat Howard, “Choose Your Own Adventure,” Fantasy, 4/11.

_____, “The Speaking Bone,” Apex Magazine.

Matthew Hughes, “So Loved,” Postscripts 24/25.

_____, “Yellow Cabochen,” PS Publishing.

Thea Hutcheson, “The Good Husband,” Realms of Fantasy, June.

Conn Iggulden, “The Lady Is a Screamer,” Down These Strange Streets.

Jon Ingold, “Sleepers,” Interzone 234.

Alexander Jablokov, “The Day the Wires Came Down,” Asimov’s, April/May.

C. W. Johnson, “Fermi’s Plague,” Abyss & Apex, 2nd Quarter.

Kij Johnson, “Story Kit,” Eclipse Four.

Gwyneth Jones, “The Flame Is Roses, the Smoke Is Briars,” TRSF.

_____, “The Ki-anna,” Engineering Infinity.

Vylar Kaftan, “The Sighted Watchmaker,” Lightspeed, December.

James Patrick Kelly, “Crazy Me,” Tor.com.

_____, “Happy Ending,” F&SF, March/April.

_____, “Tourists,” Eclipse Four.

John Kessel, “Clean,” Asimov’s, March.

Caitlin R. Kiernan, “Hydraguros,” Subterranean Dark Fantasy 2.

_____, “The Maltese Unicorn,” Supernatural Noir.

_____, “Tidal Forces,” Eclipse Four.

Laurie R. King, “Hellbender,” Down These Strange Streets.

Ellen Klages, “Goodnight Moons,” Life on Mars.

Stephen Kotowych, “Under the Shield,” OSCIMS, August.

Mary Robinette Kowal, “Kiss Me Twice,” Asimov’s, June.

_____, “Water to Wine,” Subterranean, Spring.

Nancy Kress, “A Hundred Hundred Daisies,” Asimov’s, October/November.

_____, “Eliot Wrote,” Lightspeed, May.

_____, “First Principle,” Life on Mars.

Naomi Kritzer, “What Happened at Blessing Creek,” OSCIMS, August.

Ellen Kushner, “The Duke of Riverside,” Naked City.

Marc Laidlaw, “The Boy Who Followed Lovecraft,” Subterranean, Winter.

Jay Lake, “‘Hello,’ Said the Gun,” Daily SF, February 22.

_____, “Her Fingers Like Whips, Her Eyes Like Razors,” Postscripts 24/25.

_____& Shannon Page, “The Passion of Mother Vajpai,” Subterranean Dark Fantasy 2.

Margo Lanagan, “Mulberry Boys,” Blood and Other Cravings.

Geoffrey A. Landis, “Private Space,” TRSF.

Joel Lane & Mat Joiner, “Ashes in the Water,” Postscripts 24/25.

Sarah Langan, “The Man Inside Black Betty,” F&SF, September/October.

David Langford, “The Pocklington Poltergeist,” Fables from the Fountain.

Joe R. Lansdale, “The Bleeding Shadow,” Down These Strange Streets.

_____, “The Crawling Sky,” Subterranean, Spring.

Chris Lawson, “Sundown,” Welcome to the Greenhouse.

Tanith Lee, “Black Fire,” Lightspeed, January.

Tim Lees, “Crosstown Traffic,” Interzone 233.

David D. Levine, “Citizen-Astronaut,” Analog, June.

_____, “The Tides of the Heart,” Realms of Fantasy, June.

Marissa Lingen, “Some of Them Closer,” Analog, January/February.

Kelly Link, “Valley of the Girls,” Subterranean, Summer.

Ken Liu, “Altogether Elsewhere, Vast Herds of Reindeer,” F&SF, May/June.

_____, “The Countable,” Asimov’s, December.

_____, “The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary,” Panverse Three.

_____, “The Paper Menagerie,” F&SF, March/April.

_____, “Real Artists,” TRSF.

_____, “Simulacrum,” Lightspeed, February.

_____, “Staying Behind,” Clarkesworld, October.

_____, “Tying Knots,” Clarkesworld, January.

Richard A. Lovett, “Jak and the Beanstalk,” Analog, July/August.

Will Ludwigsen, “We Were Wonder Scouts,” Asimov’s, August.

Richard Lupoff, “12:02 P.M.,” F&SF, January/February.

Jeffrey Lyman, “The Hanged Poet,” OSCIMS, June.

Pat MacEwan, “Home Sweet Bi’ome,” F&SF, January/February.

Ken MacLeod, “The Best Science Fiction of the Year Three,” Solaris Rising.

_____, “The Surface of Last Scattering,” TRSF.

Ian R. MacLeod, “The Crane Method,” Subterranean, Spring.

Emily Mah, “The River People,” Black Gate, Spring.

Geoffrey Maloney, “Mr. Morrow Becomes Acquainted with the Delicate Art of Squid Keeping,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, March.

Daniel Marcus, “Bright Moment,” F&SF, September/October.

Bruce McAllister, “The Messenger,” Asimov’s, July.

Tim McDaniel, “Brother Sleep,” Asimov’s, February.

Ian McDonald, “A Smart Well-Mannered Uprising of the Dead,” Solaris Rising.

Ian McHugh, “Boumee and the Apes,” Analog, May.

_____, “The Godbreaker of Seggau-Li,” Andromeda Spaceways 50.

_____, “Interloper,” Asimov’s, January.

Maureen McHugh, “The Effects of Centrifugal Forces,” After the Apocalypse.

Sean McMullen, “Enigma,” Analog, January/February.

Greg Mellor, “Day Break,” Cosmos, April/May.

Erick Melton, “Shadow Angel,” Asimov’s, September.

China Mieville, “Covehithe,” The Guardian, April 22.

Eugene Mirabelli, “The Pastry Chef, the Nanotechnologist, the Aerobics Instructor, and the Plumber,” Asimov’s, October/November.

Judith Moffett, “The Middle of Somewhere,” Welcome to the Greenhouse.

Sarah Monette, “The Devil in Gaylord’s Creek,” Fantasy, May.

R. Neube, “Grandma Said,” Asimov’s, September.

Alec Nevala-Lee, “Kawataro,” Analog, June.

Larry Niven, “The Artists,” Subterranean, Winter.

Garth Nix, “The Curious Case of the Mondawn Daffodils Murder as Experienced by Sir Magnus Holmes and Almost-Doctor Susan Shirke,” Ghosts by Gaslight.

Rick Norwood, “Long Time,” F&SF, January/February.

Naomi Novik, “Priced to Sell,” Naked City.

Nnedi Okorafor, “The Book of Phoenix (Excerpted from The Great Book),” Clarkesworld, March.

An Owomoyele, “All That Touches the Air,” Lightspeed, April.

_____, “Frozen Voice,” Clarkesworld, July

_____, “God in the Sky,” Asimov’s, March.

Stephen Palmer, “Eluna,” Solaris Rising.

Suzanne Palmer, “The Ceiling Is Sky,” Interzone 234.

Paul Park, “Mysteries of the Old Quarter,” Ghosts by Gaslight.

K. J. Parker, “A Room with a View,” Subterranean Dark Fantasy 2.

_____, “A Small Price to Pay for Birdsong,” Subterranean, Winter.

Richard Parks, “The Ghost of Shinoda Forest,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, February.

_____, “The Swan Troika,” Realms of Fantasy, February.

_____, “The Tiger’s Turn,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, October.

Norman Partridge, “Vampire Lake,” Subterreanean Dark Fantasy 2.

Lawrence Person, “The Dog Parade,” Postscripts 24/25.

Tony Pi, “We Who Steal Faces,” OSCIMS, April.

Steven Popkes, “Agent of Change,” F&SF, May/June.

Tim Pratt, “Antiquities and Tangibles,” Subterranean, Fall.

_____, “The Secret Beach,” Fantasy, October.

William Preston, “Clockworks,” Asimov’s, April/May.

Hannu Rajaniemi, “The Server and the Dragon,” Engineering Infinity.

Cat Rambo, “Bots D’Amor,” Abyss & Apex, 2nd Quarter.

_____, “The Immortality Game,” Fantasy, June.

_____, “Karaluvian Fale,” GigaNotoSaurus, February.

_____, “Long Enough and Just So Long,” Lightspeed, February.

_____, “Whose Face This Is I Don’t Know,” Clarkesworld, May.

Kit Reed, “The Outside Event,” Asimov’s, October/November.

Robert Reed, “Euphoria,” Postscripts 24/25.

_____, “Mantis,” Engineering Infinity.

_____, “Our Candidate,” Tor.com.

_____, “Pack,” Clarkesworld, September.

_____, “Purple,” Asimov’s, March.

_____, “Stalker,” Asimov’s, September.

_____, “Swingers,” Tor.com, August 24.

_____, “Woman Leaves Room,” Lightspeed, March.

Mike Resnick, “The Homecoming,” Asimov’s, April/May.

_____, “Shaka II,” Subterranean, Fall.

_____& Laurie Tom, “Mooncakes,” Solaris Rising.

Alastair Reynolds, “For the Ages,” Solaris Rising.

_____, “The Old Man and the Martian Sea,” Life on Mars.

M. Rickert, “The Corpse Painter’s Masterpiece,” F&SF, September/October.

Kate Riedel, “The Man Who Loved His Work,” On Spec, Winter.

Mecurio D. Rivera, “For Love’s Delirium Haunts the Fractured Mind,” Interzone 235.

_____, “Tethered,” Interzone 236.

Chris Roberson, “LARP on Mars,” Life on Mars.

Adam Roberts, “Shall I Tell You the Problem with Time Travel?” Solaris Rising.

_____, “Thrownness,” Postscripts 24/25.

John Maddox Roberts, “Beware the Snake,” Down These Strange Streets.

Rudy Rucker & Paul Di Filippo, “To See Infinity Bare,” Postscripts 24/25.

Kristine Kathryn Rusch, “Becalmed,” Asimov’s, April/May.

_____, “Dunyon,” Asimov’s, July.

_____, “The Impossibles,” Analogy, December.

_____, “Killer Advice,” Asimov’s, January.

_____, “Show Trial,” Subterranean, Spring.

_____, “Stealth,” Asimov’s, October/November.

_____, “Unnatural Disaster,” Fantasy, November.

_____, “Watching the Music Dance,” Engineering Infinity.

Alan Peter Ryan, “Time and Tide,” F&SF, September/October.

Gavin Salisbury, “Junction 5,” Panverse Three.

Jason Sanford, “Her Scientifiction, Far Future, Medieval Fantasy,” Interzone 234.

_____, “The Ever-Dreaming Verdict of Plagues,” Interzone 236.

Pamela Sargent, “Strawberry Birdies,” Asimov’s, December.

Steven Saylor, “Styx and Stones,” Down These Strange Streets.

_____, “The Witch of Corinth,” F&SF, July/August.

Ken Scholes, “Making My Entrance Again with My Usual Flair,” Tor.com.

Carter Scholz, “Signs of Life,” F&SF, May/June.

Gord Sellar, “Trois Morceaux En Forme de Mechanika,” Clarkesworld, July.

Priya Sharma, “Lebkuchen,” Fantasy, January.

Nisi Shawl, “Pataki,” Strange Horizons, April.

Lucius Shepard, “Rose Street Attractors,” Ghosts by Gaslight.

_____, “The Skinny Girl,” Naked City.

Lewis Shiner, “A Box of Thunder,” Strange Horizons, 9/19.

Felicity Shoulders, “Apocalypse Daily,” Asimov’s, June.

William Shunn, “Care and Feeding of Your Piano,” Electric Velocipede 21/22.

Robert Silverberg, “The End of the Line,” Asimov’s, August.

_____, “Smithers and the Ghosts of the Thar,” Ghosts by Gaslight.

_____, “The Tomb of the Pontifex Dvorn,” Subterranean, Winter.

Vandana Singh, “Indra’s Web,” TRSF.

Jack Skillingstead, “The Flow and the Dream,” Asimov’s, April/May.

_____, “Free Dog,” Asimov’s, October/November.

_____, “Steel Lake,” Solaris Rising.

Alan Smale, “Leap of Faith,” Realms of Fantasy, August.

Jeremy Adam Smith, “Frightened Angels,” Postscripts 24/25.

Matthew Sanborn Smith, “Beauty Belongs to the Flowers,” Tor.com.

Melinda M. Snodgrass, “No Mystery, No Miracle,” Down These Strange Streets.

William Browning Spencer, “The Dappled Thing,” Subterranean Dark Fantasy 2.

Norman Spinrad, “The Music of the Sphere,” Asimov’s, July.

Allen M. Steele, “Angel of Europa,” Subterranean Press.

_____, “The Observation Post,” Asimov’s, September.

Ferrett Steinmetz, “‘Run,’ Bakri Says,” Asimov’s, December.

Bruce Sterling, “The Master of the Aviary,” Welcome to the Greenhouse.

_____, “The Parthenopean Scaple,” Subterranean Dark Fantasy 2.

James Stoddard, “The Ifs of Time,” F&SF, March/April.

_____, “Orion Rising,” Panverse Three.

Charles Stross, “A Bird in the Hand,” Fables from the Fountain.

_____, “Bit Rot,” Engineering Infinity.

Tim Sullivan, “Under Glass,” F&SF, November/December.

Michael Swanwick, “An Empty House with Many Doors,” Asimov’s, April/May.

_____, “The Man in Grey,” Eclipse Four.

Rachel Swirsky, “Fields of Gold,” Eclipse Four.

_____, “The Taste of Promises,” Life on Mars.

Melanie Tem, “Little Shit,” Supernatural Noir.

Steve Rasnic Tem, “At Play in the Fields,” Solaris Rising.

_____, “Ephemera,” Asimov’s, December.

_____, “Visitors,” Asimov’s, January.

Lavie Tidhar, “The Ambiguity Clock,” Daily SF, April 22.

_____, “The Hubbard Continuum,” Redstone SF, March.

_____, “In the Season of the Mango Rains,” Interzone 234.

_____, “Jesus and the Eightfold Path,” Immersion Press.

_____, “The Last Osama,” Interzone 237.

_____, “The Lives and Deaths of Che Guevara,” Solaris Rising.

_____, “Passage,” Daily SF, August 24.

_____, “The Projected Girl,” Naked City.

_____, “Red Dawn: A Chow Mein Western,” Fantasy, November.

_____, “The River Came,” End of an Aeon.

Jeremiah Tolbert, “You Have Been Turned into a Zombie by a Friend,” Fantasy, June.

Harry Turtledove, “Lee at the Alamo,” Tor.com, September 7.

_____, “Shtetl Days,” Tor.com, April 14.

Lisa Tuttle, “The Curious Affair of the Deodand,” Down These Strange Streets.

Catherynne M. Valente, “The Bread We Eat in Dreams,” Apex Magazine, November.

_____, “The Girl Who Ruled Fairyland—For a Little While,” Tor.com, July 27.

_____, “White Lines on a Green Field,” Subterranean, Fall.

Genevieve Valentine, “Carte Blanche,” Electric Velocipede 21/22.

_____, “Demons, Your Body, and You,” Subterranean, Summer.

_____, “Galatea,” Lightspeed, August.

_____, “The Sandal-Bride,” Fantasy, March.

_____, “Semiramis,” Clarkesworld, June.

_____, “Souvenir,” Strange Horizons, 8/15.

Carrie Vaughn, “It’s Still the Same Old Story,” Down These Strange Streets.

Juliette Wade, “At Cross Purposes,” Analog, January/February.

Alan Wall, “Burning Bibles,” Asimov’s, September.

Kali Wallace, “Botanical Exercises for Curious Girls,” F&SF, March/April.

Jo Walton, “The Panda Coin,” Eclipse Four.

Ian Watson, “How We Came Back from Mars,” Solaris Rising.

Peter Watts, “Malek (or, It’s Not Easy Being Green),” Engineering Infinity.

Don Webb, “Fine Green Dust,” F&SF, May/June.

Kate Wilhelm, “The Birdcage,” F&SF, January/February.

_____, “Music Makers,” F&SF, May/June.

Connie Willis, “All About Emily,” Asimov’s, December.

Chris Willrich, “The Lions of Karthagar,” Black Gate, Spring.

Gene Wolfe, “Why I Was Hanged,” Ghosts by Gaslight.

Nick Wolven, “Lost in the Memory Palace,” Asimov’s, March.

John C. Wright, “Judgement Eve,” Engineering Infinity.

Rio Youers, “The Ghost of Lillian Bliss,” Postscripts 24/25.

Jim Young, “The Whirlwind,” F&SF, January/February.

E. Lily Yu, “The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees,” Clarkesworld, April.