I owe my first thanks to my grandmother, Jennie Hlavac (born Zdenka Pavliek) for always keeping me aware of my Bohemian heritage. I am also grateful to our relatives Mila Kostova and Viktor, Jana, David, and Petra Valouch.
Many friends read drafts of The Cabinet of Wonders, offered me a beautiful place in which to write it, discussed ideas with me, or gave encouragement: Manuel Amador, Eric Bennett, Esther Duflo, Dave Elfving, Caroline Ellison, Francesco Franco (whose Genovese is acclaimed in several countries), Erik Gray, Dominic Leggett, Jonathan Murphy, Becky Rosenthal, and Holger Syme. My greatest debt is to two amazing friends: Neel Mukherjee and Bret Anthony Johnston. This book would not exist without you.
I’m grateful to Charlotte Sheedy, Meredith Kaffel, Violaine Huisman, and Marcy Posner for their faith in Cabinet. Finally, many thanks to Janine O’Malley, who helped make this book the best it could be. I’m lucky to have such a wise and delightful editor.