Thanks to our contributors
As this guide accompanies you on your explorations of the city, different authors will offer their perspectives for you to consider at each stop along the way. We owe these contributors our sincere and enthusiastic thanks – for the entries they’ve written and the steps they’ve taken to make the City of Toronto a better and more interesting place to live.
The editors
Kathryn Anderson, Preservation Officer, Culture Division, City of Toronto
Tamara Anson-Cartwright, Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation
Bob Barnett, Architect, R.E. Barnett Architect
J. Blumenson, Heritage Preservation Services, City of Toronto
Bill Bosworth, Manager, Policy and Planning, Toronto Housing Co. Inc.
Wins Bridgman, Principal, DAPR Architecture (Office for Design + Architecture+Preservataion + Research)
Jon Caulfield, Associate Professor; Coordinator, Urban Studies Program, Division of Social Science, York University
Ian Chodikoff, Intern Architect, Brisbon Brook Beynon Architects
Pleasance Kaufman Crawford, Landscape Design Historian
Joan E. Crosbie, Curator, Casa Loma
Kelly Crossman, Associate Professor, Carleton University
Cathy Crowe, Street Nurse, Queen West Community Health Centre
David Dennis, Director of Urban Design, Davies Smith Development Inc.
Leo deSorcy, Urban Design Coordinator, North District, City of Toronto
Klaus Dunker, Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, University of Toronto
Kathy Farrell, Secretary, Cabbagetown Preservation Association
Sean C. Fraser, Preservation Officer, Architecture, City of Toronto
Sally Gibson, Archivist, City of Toronto Archives
Robert Glover, Director, Urban Design, City of Toronto
Brad Golden and Lynne Eichenberg
William N. Greer, Architect/Heritage Consultant
Mark Guslits, Special Advisor, Housing Development
Alison Guyton, Executive Director, Habitat Services
Siamak Hariri, Partner, Taylor Hariri Pontarini Architects
Kenneth L. Hayes, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, University of Toronto
Denis Heroux, Ontario Heritage Foundation
Robert G. Hill, Architect
Marsha Kelmans, ERA Architects Inc
Leslie M. Klein, Principal, Quadrangle Architects Limited
Bronwyn Krog, Whittington Properties Limited, Senior Director, Planning and Development
Mark Laird, Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, University of Toronto
Jim Lemon, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Toronto
Janna Levitt, Levitt Goodman Architects Ltd.
Frank Lewinberg, Partner, Urban Strategies Inc.
Jerome Markson, Architect/Principal, Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects Ltd
Judy Matthews, University of Toronto, Open Space-Planning and Development
Richard Milgrom, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University Catherine Nasmith, Architect
Paul Northgrave, Principal, Northgrave Architect Inc.
Sylvia Novac, Research Consultant, Sylvia Novac and Associates
David Oleson, Principal, Oleson Worland Architects
John Ota
Stephen A. Otto, Consulting Historian
Ian Panabaker, Principal, ERA Architects Inc.
Marco Polo, Editor, Canadian Architect
Lewis Poplak, Urban Designer, Urban Strategies Inc.
Paul Reuber Architect, President, Paul Reuber Incorporated
Larry Wayne Richards, Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, University of Toronto
Jennifer Rieger, Curatorial Assistant, Art Gallery of Ontario
Hélène St. Jacques, Queen East Business Associates
Joey Schwartz, former Board Member, Campus Co-op
John Sewell
Michael Shapcott, Manager of Government Relations and Communications, Ontario Region, Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada
Brigitte Shim, Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, University of Toronto
Adam Sobolak, SSAC Member and University of Toronto Fine Arts Graduate
Jeff Stinson, Jeffery Stinson Architect
Jim Ward
Cynthia Wilkey, Lawyer, Green & Chercover
Leslie E. Woo, Principal, Urban Environments
Douglas Young, Douglas Young Architect
Yvonne Sze-Man Yuen, Coordinator, Safe Neighbourhood Design Workshop