
Recently I talked to Vernon Bartlett, a British MP, and veteran of the League. He told me he had visited Geneva and lunched in the Brasserie Bavaria, whose walls are decorated with some hundred and fifty of our caricatures. Directly above his head was a drawing of Briand.

Some young American tourists were there, a boy and a girl of that generation for which we can afford every gift except the gift of the tranquillity Briand wished them to have. The boy came to study the drawing.

‘Bryand,’ he called to his companion, ‘Bryand? Who is Bryand?’

And Bartlett said, ‘I could have cried.’

Peace in Their Time (1964)

Emery Kelen is dead. Kelen, with his collaborator, Derso, was an internationally renowned caricaturist in the days of the League of Nations.

Aristide Briand as Foreign Minister of France received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1926, together with the then German Minister for Foreign Affairs, Gustav Stresemann. Briand died in 1932 and Stresemann in 1930.

Vernon Bartlett is dead. He worked with the League of Nations before becoming a British MP.

The Brasserie Bavaria no longer exists. There is a restaurant on its site called Le Relais de l’Entrecôte.

The caricatures are gone.