18 Swiftcurrent Nature Trail
Type of hike: Loop
Total distance: 2.5 miles (4 km)
Time required: 1 to 2 hours
Elevation change: Minimal
Finding the trailhead: Follow Many Glacier Road past the hotel access road to reach the picnic area at the northwest corner of Swiftcurrent Lake. The trail begins here.
The Hike
This self-guided nature walk makes a circuit around Swiftcurrent Lake. The scenery is spectacular, but hikers will walk past the Many Glacier Hotel and along several roadways, so this is not a wilderness hike. Pamphlets interpreting the landscape are available at the trailhead.
From the picnic area, hike southward as the trail crosses the braided channels of Swiftcurrent Creek. The stream is bordered by a low growth of willows, which thrive in saturated soils. The trail soon enters a lakeshore woodland of subalpine fir and lodgepole pine. Allen Mountain is the prominent peak to the south, with Wynn Mountain to the left of it. After passing the boat dock, the trail crosses the inlet stream and winds onto the south shore of the lake. The massive summit of Altyn Peak now rises to the north.
The forest soon thins, and the trail breaks out of it entirely as it reaches Many Glacier Hotel. Spectacular views now encompass Mount Gould to the west, Grinnell Point above the head of the lake, and Mount Wilbur to the northwest. As you follow the lakeshore promenade, scan the lower slopes of Altyn Peak for grizzly bears and bighorn sheep. The trail now runs beside the road, following the lakeshore as it bends westward to return to the picnic area.
Key Points
0.0 Start at picnic area at northwest corner of Swiftcurrent Lake. Hike south through the forest.
0.8 Upper boat dock.
1.5 Many Glacier Hotel. Follow promenade along lakeshore.
1.9 Junction with Ptarmigan Tunnel Trail. Stay left as loop trail follows lakeshore.
2.5 Arrive back at picnic area.