This novel was far more difficult to write than any I’ve attempted before. The elements of mental illness, of special needs, of anxiety disorders all required sensitivity and a delicate touch. While I have my own personal journey within these elements, agonies and blessings, I also must thank:
Mary Jane Lines, who is a heroine of motherhood. And to her son, whose intelligence, creativity, love, and devotion to his family far outweigh the stigma of autism and bring to light a beautiful picture of God working out a good thing in our lives. Thank you, MJ, for opening your soul to me. For allowing me to see your struggles, your pain, and your precious, precious love for your son. I pray I have adequately represented an individual with autism. Any misrepresentations are entirely my own fault, and I will continue to study, to learn, and to defend the value of those with autism. They are a vital part of our community and of our hearts.
Tracee Chu. I didn’t quite get a character named after you, but you’re threaded through this novel anyway. From the dark elements, the sarcasm, and even the glimpses into the world of autism. You are another heroic mother whose son I adore, and whose simple bravery and humble friendship I thank you for.
Debra Penzkover. For entrusting your son to me that day of sixth grade youth group. For allowing him to teach me how to enter his world and see all the vibrant creations within it. I fell in love with your boy, and he has taught me many, many things. I am so proud of the man he has become.
Natalie and Kiana. We walk this journey together, our hearts intertwined because of inexpressible understanding. It was no mistake we found each other. In the darkness, beauty is discovered.
My family—my parents, my pirate, my littles, and my sisters—thank you for never judging me, for loving me in spite of me.
To all of us who struggle with anxiety, depression, panic, mental illness, learning disorders, special needs, and so much more . . . we were created with a purpose! The world is broken, and yet the Creator has a beautiful redemptive way of taking those broken pieces and crafting something precious and beautiful. Never forget that you are beautifully and wonderfully made. That is your identity. Search no further.