Adam Markel is a transformational teacher who inspires, empowers, and guides people to live authentically, purposefully, and powerfully from their hearts. Adam is the CEO of New Peaks LLC (formerly Peak Potentials). An international training firm, New Peaks has delivered world-class educational programs to more than one million people in over 104 countries.
Prior to his position as CEO, Adam was a senior trainer with Peak Potentials and has personally trained more than one hundred thousand people in the United States, Southeast Asia, Canada, Europe, and Australia. In addition, Adam is a keynote speaker for groups and conferences around the world, including:
American Gem Society
California Chiropractic Association
National Achievers Congress
Get Motivated
A recognized expert in the integration of business and personal transformation, Adam has been interviewed by:
Fox News
New York Post
Wall Street Journal
Prior to his work with New Peaks, Adam spent eighteen years as an attorney representing clients in state and federal court in New York and New Jersey. Adam holds a law degree from St. John’s University and an undergraduate degree in English from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he graduated magna cum laude. Adam is a former local chapter president of Business Network International in New Jersey.
He lives in Carlsbad, California, where one of his greatest joys has been raising four amazing children with Randi, his wife of more than twenty-five years.