“Whether you are reclaiming your optimal health, reinventing yourself, or rediscovering your passions and joy, Pivot is the perfect book to catapult you into the next stratosphere of your life and new possibility. Markel has done a brilliant job of converging all of his wisdom and genius into a magnificent body of work that we all can benefit from. Simply a MUST-read.”
—Lisa Nichols, author of the New York Times bestseller No Matter What!, and CEO of Motivating the Masses, Inc.
“In Pivot, Markel has created a road map for honoring the ordinary life by finding one’s extraordinary gifts. I was inspired to more courageously embrace my own reinvention story and trust that I’m on the right track—even when it doesn’t feel that way.”
—Karen Leland, author of The Brand Mapping Strategy
“With the extraordinary information and practical focus of Pivot, this is a must-read for anyone who is reinventing their life—or even thinking about it! Adam has made the reinvention process simple!”
—Jill Lublin, three-time bestselling author, international speaker, and radical influence expert
“Pivot in your life, pivot in your body and your business. This book will show you how. It all starts with the first step.”
—Bob Proctor, author of You Were Born Rich
“Pivot over to the bookstore and let Markel show you how just a tiny change in your thinking will create a massive transformation in your career and life.”
—Phil Town, financial adviser and author of the number one New York Times bestseller Rule #1