It wasn’t all beer and skittles being a Beatles fan. My mate and I were in a record shop in Otorohanga, no doubt buying Beatle records, when a local farmer accosted us in a way that seemed harmless at first, but then turned a bit nasty. I had always had a Beatle haircut. It just grew that way. Suddenly people were saying I looked like Paul McCartney, although I countered by saying McCartney looked a bit like me. In some situations I was able to cash in on the lookalike factor, but on other occasions, like in the Otorohanga record shop, it worked against me.
‘Which one are you then?’ a very serious, short-haired farmer asked. ‘Are you John, Ringo or Dick?’
The mood was tense. Obviously not everyone had jumped on the Beatle bandwagon. I remember seeing a placard in the crowd at Christchurch that said ‘We like Elvis, Cliff, Castro, Mao Tse-tung, but not the Beatles’.
A couple of years later I remember seeing that serious, short-haired farmer, and his hair had been allowed to grow so that it was now covering his sunburnt ears and threatening his collar. The Beatle thing did get in. A message got through. It just took some conservative elements in New Zealand a bit longer.
Even the Beatles noticed our quietness and conservatism. Paul, my lookalike, suggested it might be because of our descent from solid English families. Stiff upper lips down under and all that.
The Beatles left New Zealand, but their influence would be felt for many years. More than that, they changed the world, and that included New Zealand – even if we didn’t know it at the time.

While the Beatle party seemed from some perspectives to be firing on all fronts, there were obviously pockets of resistance, reaction and indifference. Academics picked up on aspects of Beatlemania that to them were quite sobering. Down in Dunedin, the Beatles’ impact was regarded as being slightly evangelical. Everyone enjoyed the comment of the security guard who, when warned of the impending chaos about to descend on the city, made the immortal remark: ‘Don’t worry, we’ve had Vera Lynn through here twice’, but there were undertones of panic in the actions of Beatles fans. While Vera Lynn had raised hopes during World War II, in a very controlled, ‘orders is orders’ sort of way, the explosion that greeted the Beatles seemed to reflect a sense of relief among youngsters. And deflection.

With the nuclear threat hovering, so the men of letters hypothesised, young people anticipated the end of the world. See if Vera Lynn can sing you out of that one – global destruction! But as long as the Beatles, as evangelists, could take young minds off that apparent inevitability, the world might be OK. Cause and effect.

Young New Zealanders had been freaked out by the film On the Beach, the adaptation of Neville Shute’s novel that depicted the world ending with a whimper in Australia (which meant New Zealand too), as mankind choked on radiation clouds. Back then, kids didn’t articulate their chaos the way they do now. They were expected to shut up and pay attention. Boys were the progenitors of the ‘strong, silent type’, and young women in interpersonal situations often resorted to sulking and ‘no-talkies’ as tactical ploys.

So Beatlemania, to a clutch of Dunedin academics, was little more than an emotional release. Far from being a celebration, it was a knee-jerk reaction. To other New Zealanders the Beatles were little more than, variously, loud, spotty, disruptive and disrespectful. In pockets of back country New Zealand, they were seen to be fair game, like some kind of mutant marsupials who threatened New Zealand manhood (and womanhood if you let them anywhere near the sheilas).

I remember going to a party with a couple of mates in Awakino, which was pretty much near the end of the line. The back of beyond in some ways. I was still at school at the time – 1964, the year of the Beatles’ tour. It was the first gathering I had attended where alcohol was the guest of honour. The party was populated by shearers, stock agents, farmers and the odd fisherman/duck shooter. This was rootin’ tootin’ territory. Please Please Me, the album, was booming out of the radiogram as the boys and men gathered in one corner to drink as much beer as they could, in the shortest space of time, and the girls and women – all six of them – clustered in the alcove near a bay window. The issue of the Beatles came up as a talking-point, in between the long silences and rugby monologues, although the jolly sounds of Please Please Me didn’t cause the deteriorating mood of the party. In fact the music didn’t impact at all. To most of the party-goers the radiogram was just playing ‘something off the hit parade’. It was more the length of Kevin’s hair, one of my mates, that caused the meltdown in relationships. Drunken shearers, or sober ones for that matter, had been known to shear the hair of any male who wasn’t short-back-and-sides. The mood became tense as shearers’ bloodshot eyes fell on my hirsute mate. Not that his hair was that long.

Another alienating determinant was the fact that Kevin had struck up a conversation with one of the young women in the alcove. He had crossed the line. And the young woman was apparently a shearer’s girlfriend. The flat DB was making inroads. Normally Kevin was as shy as a backwater trout.

Kevin told the young woman that he had tickets for the Beatles’ concert in Auckland (he didn’t), but that was enough to render her animated and friendly. The woman knew just about as much as he did about the Beatles, which was considerable. That was George Harrison singing ‘Do you want to know a secret?’, Kevin slurred as the DB did funny things to his knees. Paul’s mother was dead, and so was John’s, she replied perkily, as the shearers leered. Lennon-McCartney didn’t write ‘Twist and shout’, Kevin announced, oblivious to the mores of backcountry beer parties. Ringo’s only 5’8”, she trilled, while sipping Montana Pearl, her forehead glistening.

A duck shooter created an unwitting diversion by vomiting in the fireplace. By the time the throng returned its collective leer to Kevin and the young woman, they had disappeared.

‘I’m not too sure what happened next,’ Kevin recalled years later. ‘We ended up mucking about behind the macrocarpas where the frost had long since settled. After all, this was Taranaki in early June. Below us the lights – or light – of Awakino swam, treaded water and then sank altogether. I remember hearing the sounds of “Twist and shout” and the muffled thumps of someone beating the crap out of someone else. That was also when I realised that some bastard had shaved my hair off. I guess that’s what revived me, the fact that my head had become totally open to the elements.’

We now realised, at the age of 17, that pockets of New Zealand harboured reactionary anti-Beatle types, who would eventually be tagged ‘rednecks’. And there were more articulate and intelligent Beatle watchers who remained aloof, preferring to carve their identity through an affinity with other rock life forms. There was also the problem of the Beatles not swearing fealty to that sacred tenet of rock music – anti-establishmentism.

Rock ’n’ roll per se was not every Kiwi’s icon, and the Beatles were very much a rock band at the outset. Coincidentally, folk music had entered the mainstream on the wings of acts like Peter, Paul and Mary. Many New Zealanders had already been ‘converted’ not only to the melodic, literate folk and acoustic music, but were now coloured by the anti-commercial and anti-hype politics associated with ‘pure’ folk music.

Meanwhile back in New Zealand, despite the actions and reactions of some academics, rednecks and others, there was a noisy majority who genuinely did not want to spoil the Beatles’ party.

And it wasn’t just the new music that added to the excitement. The whole ‘Beatles package’, which now included hair, clothes and attitude, impinged on youthful social gatherings.

And play and sing. The proliferation of bands – invariably four-man (or woman), the gender configuration didn’t seem to matter – was as direct a homage to the Beatles as you could get. Professional bands, semi-professional, unprofessional. Good amateur bands, not-bad bands, bad bands. Tone-deaf dreamers, hamfisted, would-be bird pullers. Some just wanted to be like the Beatles, while others had been genuinely inspired by Beatle music.