The Fairies’ Godmother

S.L. Menear

Author’s Note: For twenty-five years, off and on, my mother worked on a book about tooth fairies. I wrote a few chapters to help her finish it, but the book was born from her wonderful imagination. The following poem is about her and her beloved fairy novel, Journey into the Land of the Wingless Giants.

She views the world with childlike wonder

In everything beauty she does see

The fairies all adore her

And she loves them equally

She honors their lives in the telling

Of their stories both mighty and small

And all God’s children everywhere

Take delight in reading them all

The power of her visions

Keeps her forever young

With each new chapter in her life

A new adventure is begun

She’s a very special person

Who is loved by one and all

And especially

She is loved by me

My friend, my mentor, my mom