[1] Powers, M. R., and Shubik, M., 1998, “On the Tradeoff Between the Law of Large Numbers and Oligopoly in Insurance,” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 23, 2, 141–156.
[2] Porat, M. M., and Powers, M. R., 1999, “What Is Insurance? Lessons from the Captive Insurance Tax Controversy,” Risk Management and Insurance Review, 2, 2, 72–80.
[3] Lascher, E. L., Jr., and Powers, M. R., 2001, “Choice No-Fault Insurance: Efficiency and Equity,” in The Economics and Politics of Choice No-Fault Insurance (Edward L. Lascher, Jr., and Michael R. Powers, eds.), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 17–28.
[4] Powers, M. R., 2003, “‘Leapfrogging’ the Variance: The Financial Management of Extreme-Event Risk,” Journal of Risk Finance, 4, 4, 26–39.
[5] Lascher, E. L., Jr., and Powers, M. R., 2004, “September 11 Victims, Random Events, and the Ethics of Compensation,” American Behavioral Scientist, 48, 3, 281–294.
[6] Powers, M. R., 2005, “Mortality: The Alpha and the Omega of Risk,” Journal of Risk Finance, 6, 3, 189–191.
[7] Powers, M. R., 2005, “The Terror of the ‘Black Box,’” Journal of Risk Finance, 6, 4, 289–291.
[8] Powers, M. R., Schizer, D. M., and Shubik, M., 2005, “How Taxes Affect Market Price: The ‘Longs and Shorts’ of Discounting and Information,” Journal of Derivatives Accounting, 2, 2, 155–164.
[9] Powers, M. R., 2006, “An Insurance Paradox,” Journal of Risk Finance, 7, 2, 113–116.
[10] Powers, M. R., 2006, “Catastrophe Forecasting: Seeing ‘Gray’ among the ‘Black Boxes,’” Journal of Risk Finance, 7, 5, 458–462.
[11] Drennan, R. B., Jr., and Powers, M. R., 2007, “What Is Insurance? Toward a Theory of ‘Aloof’ and ‘Quasi-Aloof’ Financial Risks,” Journal of Insurance and Risk Management, 5, 10, 1–11.
[12] Powers, M. R., 2007, “Using Aumann-Shapley Values to Allocate Insurance Risk: The Case of Inhomogeneous Losses,” North American Actuarial Journal, 11, 3, 113–127.
[13] Powers, M. R., 2007, “Human Mortality: Written in the Stars?” Journal of Risk Finance, 8, 1, 5–10.
[14] Powers, M. R., 2007, “Sharing Responsibility: What They Didn’t Teach You in Kindergarten,” Journal of Risk Finance, 8, 2, 93–96.
[15] Powers, M. R., 2007, “Thoughts on the ‘Scientific Method’: Part 1—Ignorance through Inconsistency,” Journal of Risk Finance, 8, 3, 209–213.
[16] Powers, M. R., 2007, “Thoughts on the ‘Scientific Method’: Part 2—Frequentist Fecklessness,” Journal of Risk Finance, 8, 4, 325–329.
[17] Powers, M. R., 2007, “Intuition and Surprise,” Journal of Risk Finance, 8, 5, 429–433.
[18] Powers, M. R., and Khovidhunkit, P., 2007, “Insurance,” in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Volume 10 (John G. Webster, ed.), New York: John Wiley and Sons.
[19] Powers, M. R., 2008, “The Nature of Randomness: Part 1—Knowable or Unknowable?” Journal of Risk Finance, 9, 1, 5–8.
[20] Powers, M. R., 2008, “The Nature of Randomness: Part 2—Cognitive Constraints,” Journal of Risk Finance, 9, 2, 101–105.
[21] Powers, M. R., 2008, “Combining Information About … Combining Information,” Journal of Risk Finance, 9, 5, 417–421.
[22] Powers, M. R., and Shen, Z., 2008, “Social Stability and Catastrophe Risk: Lessons from the Stag Hunt,” Journal of Theoretical Politics, 20, 4, 477–497.
[23] Powers, M. R., 2009, “Constant-Sum Sampling: An Apology for Statistics’ ‘Original Sin,’” Journal of Risk Finance, 10, 4, 317–320.
[24] Powers, M. R., 2009, “How Money Got Its Tail (Not Too Heavy; Not Too Light; but ‘Just So’),” Journal of Risk Finance, 10, 5, 425–429.
[25] Powers, M. R., and Powers, T. Y., 2009, “Risk and Return Measures for a Non-Gaussian World,” Journal of Financial Transformation, 25, 51–54.
[26] Powers, M. R., and Shen, Z., 2009, “Colonel Blotto in the War on Terror: Implications for Event Frequency,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 6, 1, 18, 1–16.
[27] Powers, M. R., 2010, “Presbyter Takes Knight,” Journal of Risk Finance, 11, 1, 5–8.
[28] Powers, M. R., 2010, “Infinite-Mean Losses: Insurance’s ‘Dread Disease,’” Journal of Risk Finance, 11, 2, 125–128.
[29] Powers, M. R., 2010, “Where Ignorance Is Bliss: The ‘Dark Corner’ of Risk Classification,” Journal of Risk Finance, 11, 4, 353–357.
[30] Powers, M. R., 2010, “Diversification, Hedging, and ‘Pacification,’” Journal of Risk Finance, 11, 5, 441–445.
[31] Chapman, Z. A., and Powers, M. R., 2011, “On the Use of Controversial Risk Classifications in Personal Insurance,” Discussion Paper, Philadelphia: Temple University.
[32] Powers, M. R., and Powers, T. Y., 2011, “Risk Finance for Catastrophe Losses with Pareto-Calibrated Lévy-Stable Severities,” Discussion Paper, Philadelphia: Temple University.