Many people’s memories and opinions have helped to shape this story, so I am greatly indebted to all those with whom I have discussed Malcolm Allison during my research: Mark Allison, Colin Bell, John Bond, Tony Book, Alistair Brownlee, John Cartwright, Terry Cochrane, Joe Corrigan, Paul Crockford, Steve Daley, Derek Dougan, Don Howe, Gordon Jago, Stewart Jump, James Lawton, Francis Lee, Stuart Lee, Eddie Lewis, Graham Little, Terry McDonald, Bob McNab, Peter McParland, Gary Megson, Ian Mellor, John Newman, Bob Nichols, Ian Niven, Frank O’Farrell, Jeff Powell, Norman Piper, John Radford, Nicky Reid, Don Rogers, Lynn Salten, Dave Sexton, Nigel Sims, Roger Spry, Mike Summerbee, Peter Taylor, Andy Tillson, Mike Trebilcock, Derek Ufton, Ron Walker and Alan Whittle.
I am particularly grateful for the support and assistance that was forthcoming from James Lawton and from Malcolm’s long-time partner, Lynn.
Tony McDonald, publisher of the retro West Ham magazine Ex, allowed me to make use of interviews appearing in his publication. If only every club could boast such an admirable journal. Richard Whitehead was his usual source of contacts and sound advice, while Phil Tanner went beyond the call of duty to provide information about Malcolm’s time at Bath City and Ian Whittell opened up many important doors in the Manchester area. Others who have assisted me in many and varied ways are: Phil Alexander, Derek Armstrong, Mike Blackstone, Mal Butler, Tony Ellis, Colin Ewenson, Peter Hall, Steve Harris, Shaun Keogh, John Ley, John Little, Paul Mace, Barry Mead, Ken Nicholl, Jim Platt, Neil Rioch, Haydn Parry, John Richards, Derek Robinson, Jonathan Sides, Brian Spurrell, Alan Stewart, Fred Street and Dave Thomas.
Thanks to Bill Campbell, Iain MacGregor, Graeme Blaikie and all the staff at Mainstream for their professionalism and support and to Andy Cowie at Colorsport and the staff at Getty Images and Rex Features for their assistance in sourcing photography for this book. I am grateful, as always, to all those writers and authors whose material has formed an important part of my research. I have endeavoured to acknowledge them in the bibliography.
Final thanks once more to my family, especially Sara, Amy, Sarah and Laura, for all their love and encouragement.
A percentage of royalties from this book has been donated to the Alzheimer’s Society (Registered Charity: 296645), which continues to research into all forms of dementia, offering care to sufferers and their families. Further information can be found online at