When I heard Steph was writing The Performance Paleo Cookbook, I knew she was the perfect person. She’s been blogging about nutrition and performance since 2011, and I first got really keyed into her philosophy when she guest-posted on my website. Turns out, Steph’s approach is one that’s super balanced and sane, and she really cares about helping people excel in sports.

I’ve been impressed with how Steph walks the talk. She doesn’t just write about performance from behind a screen; she’s been a lifelong athlete and has adapted a Paleo approach to fueling herself. She’s done everything from racing mountain bikes to participating in CrossFit Regionals to competing in Olympic weightlifting. I’ve watched as she’s continued to grow her blog and write a couple books while training several times a week and, most recently, qualifying for the American Open in weightlifting. When you read this book, you can tell Steph gets it.

A dietary foundation rich in animal protein, tons of veggies, some fruit, appropriately-timed dense carbs and a good dose of healthy fat is a solid platform on which to construct a performance-driven athlete. These foods provide the substrate for growth and recovery, are anti-inflammatory and supply a wealth of micronutrition—all critical for folks doing heavy training.

Steph has spelled everything out for you here. Whether you need help with a fueling strategy based on your training time, simple pre- and post-workout snacks, or options for putting together complete meals, she’s got you covered. The chapters on protein- and carb-dense recipes, for example, have everything from familiar standbys to novel ingredients that’ll get you excited to cook again.

You’ll even see some less-traditional options like white potatoes and whey protein pop up in some of the recipes because let’s face it, when you’re demanding super-human things of your body, you may need to go above and beyond a strict Paleo template to do it. The same way your training should be personalized, making smart additions to an incredibly nutrient-dense, inflammation-fighting Paleo foundation will help you achieve your performance goals.

If you want to do your best athletically, not only do you have to be conscious of food quality and quantity, but it is wise to consume adequate protein and carbohydrates and think about when to eat them. That’s what this book does really effectively—Steph’s recipes and plan for action will take your performance to the next level.

—Robb Wolf