
Friday, June 6, 2003


“NO, Kevin.” Tara Whitman’s voice tightened. “I was up-front with you about this when you first asked me out. You said you felt the same way.” I really don’t need this right now. Please, Lord, just end it before things get any uglier.

“We’ve been seeing each other for six months.” Her date’s dark eyes flashed as he furiously paced the length of her living and dining rooms.

She wished he would stand still. He was making her dizzy.

“That doesn’t change how I feel. Six months. A year. Two years. Time won’t change things.” She couldn’t believe they were even having this discussion.

And, yet, she’d sensed it coming for the last couple of weeks. Just what she needed. Two unproductive dealings with men in one month. First, her best friend, Jack Carlton, over his latest breakup, which proved irrelevant since he had another blonde on his arm days later. Now, Kevin picking a fight over something she’d thought had been settled long ago. This just isn’t my year… and it’s only June.

Tara crossed her arms over her chest and put the dining room table between them. “Did you lie to me? Were you just paying lip service to your principles, figuring you could change my mind?”

“I didn’t lie to you!” His gaze narrowed. Pacing to the far end of the table, he grabbed the back of a chair with both hands, his knuckles white. “I’ve just come to realize that you lied to me.”

“What’re you talking about?” Her voice raised an octave. “I’ve never been anything but honest with you.”

“What about Jack?”

She stilled.

A smirk of satisfaction crossed Kevin’s face.

“What about him? We’re friends, have been for years. You knew that before you and I went out.” Hands braced on the back of a chair to steady herself against a headache and rising dizziness, Tara met his angry brown gaze, puzzled. “What does Jack have to do with this?”

“Everything.” He raised his hands in clear frustration. “You told me you wanted to wait until you’re married to have sex, and I admired your desire to stand on God’s Word like that. But marriage isn’t what you’re waiting for. If you were honest, you’d just admit it.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She frowned, trying unsuccessfully to connect one subject to the other. Pain throbbed in her right temple. She resisted the urge to rub it. It wouldn’t help anyway. Why must she have difficult men in her life? If it wasn’t Jack, it was her brother Greg. Now, Kevin had to act up.

“Well, then, let me spell it out for you.” His tone turned patronizing. “You’re not waiting for marriage. You’re waiting for Jack.”

“That’s the most ridiculous….”

His look turned smug. “Go ahead. Deny it. Deny that you’re in love with the man. Deny that you want him.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Tara tried one more time, but the fight left her. “We’re just friends.” She hoped, somehow, that repeating the words would solidify the concept for both of them.

“I know, Tara.” Some of the bite left Kevin’s words. He sighed, hostility going out of him in a single breath. “It isn’t what you are to each other that’s the problem. It’s what you want to be that I can’t deal with. I’m not going to be anyone’s backup plan. I deserve better.”

“So, what do we do now?” She resigned herself to what she sensed coming.

He was a long time responding. “It’s me or Jack, Tara.” His voice was calm and soft, almost defeated, as though he already knew the answer. “You choose.”

She closed her eyes and sighed. There was no choice.

“I’m sorry, Kevin.” Tara shook her head, tears welling.

“So am I.” Kevin lifted his jacket from the hook inside the front door and left, softly closing the door behind him.




Saturday, June 7, 2003


Tara dragged out of bed the next morning, having slept very little thanks to the pain in her head, and worse pain in her heart. She wanted to feel indignant and betrayed at the position Kevin had put her in. She wanted to be angry with him for being so unfair as to make her choose between her boyfriend and her best friend, maybe hurt over being dumped. Remorse overruled them all.

Kevin had been right. Her feelings for Jack weren’t exactly platonic, and she hated herself for it. The fact she’d hurt Kevin only compounded the guilt. A decent, God-fearing man like him deserved better. Sure, he wasn’t perfect, but who was? Certainly not her. She’d never intended to hurt him, had thought their relationship was a good, solid friendship. Maybe not as secure as her friendship with Jack, but still a good one.

She hadn’t realized he’d crossed the line from friend to more until it was too late. But then, what would she have said to keep him from getting his heart involved? How could she have warned him?

Tara showered and dressed in a worn gray and white baseball uniform. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and slipped her cap into place. The reflection in the mirror pulled her up short.

Kevin may have been right about something else he’d been saying for weeks. Perhaps she was too old to play with boys. What grown woman spent Saturdays playing baseball with a bunch of guys? Well, besides her obviously. It was kind of childish.

But she couldn’t bring herself to change clothes and ditch the game. Before she talked herself into doing just that, Tara grabbed her keys and left the apartment.

At least she had something new and interesting to include in her next letter to Michelle. Somehow the thought didn’t cheer her up. At all. Was baseball all her life had really come to?




Jack was already at the ball field when Tara arrived. He waved cheerfully and jogged across the field to meet her. The red and white uniform marked him as a member of the opposing team. Their team loyalties were a frequent source of rivalry, but it was all in good fun.

Tension melted away, and she smiled for the first time that morning, happy to see his smiling, comforting, familiar face. She scanned the spectators. Where had Adrianna gotten off to? Surely the latest girlfriend hadn’t let Jack come to the game unsupervised.

He frowned as he drew closer, his gaze concerned. “You look tired.”

“I am.” She dropped to the ground to change shoes.

Jack squatted beside her. Concern rolled off of him like waves, salving wounded pride and easing some of the guilt.

“Kevin and I fought last night, and I ended up with a migraine just to rub salt in the wound.”

“How bad?”

He wasn’t asking about the migraine, but Tara considered pretending he was. She dismissed the notion immediately, however. He would see through the ruse and not leave the point alone.

“Bad enough. We won’t be seeing each other again.” She sighed and wiped a weary hand across her eyes.

“Want me to break his nose?” He offered a mischievous grin.

She couldn’t help responding with a smile of her own. He may have been one of the most aggravating men she’d ever known, but he was also the only one who could make her smile in the midst of a storm.

“You’re assuming it’s his fault.” She shot him a mock-censuring look.

“Naturally.” Unabashed, Jack rose to his feet. “It has to be his fault. You’re perfect.” His grin turned affectionate.

She thought she saw something else behind those golden eyes, but it was so fleeting…. Stop imagining things. “I wish.” Tara laughed. Only she recognized the double meaning of those words. She grabbed her tennis shoes in one hand and accepted his proffered hand with the other.

He pulled her easily to her feet, dropped an arm across her shoulders, and gave her a quick, brotherly squeeze. She leaned into him momentarily, appreciating his warmth and strength even more when her spirits flagged.

“He wasn’t right for you anyway.”

Before she could ask what he meant, their teammates summoned them. As their respective teammates engulfed them, Jack and Tara tolerated good-natured teasing about fraternizing with the enemy. She sent him a frustrated glance, silently threatening to corner him later and get to the bottom of that comment.

When next their paths crossed, Tara slid to a stop at second base. Jack, assigned to that position, laughed when she lost her footing by tripping over the base. She narrowly escaped ending up on her face in the dirt. She wrinkled her nose at him and focused her gaze on the next man at bat.

“Where’s Adrianna?” She kept her tone casual, though her feelings were anything but neutral.

“She bowed out in favor of a tennis match with her mother.” Not so much as a hint of sarcasm or disappointment, as though he couldn’t care less what Adrianna was doing. “She may drop by later.”

Oh, yippee, that’s sure to make my day so much brighter. She kept her gaze forward.

The crack of the bat spurred her to third. Vince Thorndale, a forty-something high school history teacher and coach, signaled her to keep moving. Her teammates backed him up, urging her on. She crossed home plate and slowed to a walk.

Jack grinned.

A little over halfway through the game, Adrianna showed up, looking as out of place at the baseball field as a tiger at a purebred dog show. No, not a tiger. That implied she was somehow frightening. The way she frowned disdainfully at the ground under her feet as she walked to the bleachers, picking her way over rocks and grass in spike heels, reminded Tara of the neighbor’s Persian cat when she got out of the apartment and the ground was wet. The sunny yellow full skirt and white shirt Tara was certain were pure silk fluttered in the breeze, elegant and chic. A wide belt cinched an unnaturally thin waist. Her blond hair was styled in an elegant twist with what Tara was sure was a diamond-encrusted clasp holding it in place.

Tara looked down at her own dirt-streaked, dusty clothes, tugged the ponytail sticking out of the hole in the back of her cap, and grimaced. No wonder Jack insisted on treating her like the pesky little tomboy she’d been as a child and teenager. She still acted and looked the part.

She gave herself a firm mental shake. You shouldn’t even entertain the notion of changing who you are for someone who wouldn’t appreciate it anyway. She could never compete with women like Adrianna.

Her mother’s loving words, spoken so often over the years to Tara and her sister Tammy, echoed through her mind. The right man will love you just as you are. She couldn’t help being envious of her parents’ relationship. Even after thirty-five years of marriage, they still made each other laugh, and Tara often caught those glances passing between them that said nothing yet said everything. Moments perfected by years of love and shared experiences.

The couple she now watched stood in sharp contrast.

Jack jogged over to greet Adrianna, but she kept him at a distance, eyeing the dirt on his clothes with scorn. Tara snorted. The woman must be stupid to reject his embrace. He kissed Adrianna lightly on the cheek and listened as she spoke. He nodded, then his gaze moved to Tara. He frowned, giving Adrianna his full attention once again. She scowled and looked ready to argue over something he’d said. What he added seemed to appease her, at least partially. She shot Tara a dirty look and turned away, picking her way back to the car with great care.

If only the woman would fall on her face or something equally ungraceful.

Tara grimaced at the spiteful thought. Sorry, Lord.




Jack shook his head when Adrianna first stepped from her car. When would she learn to dress appropriately for games? Probably never. He jogged to meet her. She wouldn’t step foot out of the house unless she could draw attention to herself. Regardless, he was pleased to see her. He smiled and reached for her as he neared.

“Hold it right there, buster.” An arched brow accompanied a disgusted frown. “You’re filthy, and this is silk.”

“It’s only dirt. It washes out.”

She held out a perfectly manicured hand to ward him off.

He relented with a sigh and kissed her proffered cheek while maintaining a safe distance for the benefit of her clothes.

“Mother asked me to invite you to the club for a late lunch at two o’clock.”

“Sure.” Jack nodded then thought better of it. His gaze found Tara standing alone in centerfield, watching Adrianna. He could see her repulsion even from that distance. “On second thought, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it. Not today.”

“Why not?” She scowled, surprised by his rejection.

“Tara and Kevin broke up last night.” His gaze flicked to centerfield. “I don’t want to abandon her today. She needs me.”

“I need you, too.” Her voice took on that spoiled whine she’d perfected through years of getting her own way. A sound Jack hated more than he could possibly express.

“Listen, Adrianna. This is important to me.” He tried to keep the patronizing, parental tone out of his voice but wasn’t sure he’d succeeded. He’d caught himself slipping into it more than he liked when she was around. He hated that, too. “I hope you understand. I need to be with her today.”

“Fine,” she snapped.

“I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” He gave her a parting kiss on a tense cheek and backed away. “Thanks for understanding.”

“I didn’t say I understood.” She cast Tara a venomous look then turned on her heel to leave. She didn’t wave as she sped out of the parking lot, kicking up gravel.

Jack returned to the game. Why couldn’t Adrianna at least try to be more understanding about what was important to him? She rarely asked what he wanted. Having met her family, he understood why. She was accustomed to having her way without argument. She didn’t care about the needs of other people. He shook his head. Was having someone to take to social events really worth the hassle? Sometimes she was a sweet, likable person. That was the woman he enjoyed spending time with. Other times….

Why can’t she be more like Tara?




Tara’s team lost by one run. She retrieved her tennis shoes from the dugout and dropped onto the grass under the shade of a tree to change out of her cleats. She took her time putting on the running shoes. The cleats discarded to one side, she laid back in the grass and let her body cool down. Summer had most definitely arrived in Arizona. If it got any hotter, she’d melt.

Just when she’d have dozed off, the tip of a shoe against her calf nudged her awake. She knew who it was without opening her eyes. “Go away, Jack.”

“Aren’t you going for pizza?”

“No. I gave Vince my share of the money.”

She opened her eyes, shielded them from sunlight piercing the tree branches, and looked up at him. The warm smile on his face nearly stopped her heart. She willed it to keep beating and not overreact to a perfectly innocent look. Sitting up, Tara drew her knees to her chest and looped her arms loosely around them. Jack knelt beside her, his gaze on her profile.

“So where did Adrianna go?”

“Lunch with her mother, I assume.” He shrugged, acting far too casual to her way of thinking.

“You weren’t invited?”

“Yes, but I told her I planned to spend the day with you.”

“No wonder she looked so unhappy. With me,” she added as an afterthought.

“She’ll get over it.”

“And if she doesn’t?”

He shrugged again. Tara had a feeling it was strictly for her benefit. What would he do to get back in Adrianna’s good graces? If she has any. The nasty thought slipped through before she could catch it. Displeased with the direction her thoughts had turned, she hopped up, grabbed her cleats and glove, and headed for the car.

“I’ll pick you up at your place in thirty minutes,” Jack called as he jogged in the other direction.

She turned on her heel. “That really isn’t necessary, you know. I’m a big girl.”

He merely pointed at his watch, climbed into his vehicle, and left.

She rolled her eyes and smiled. She’d have Jack all to herself for the day. A sunny day had just gotten so much brighter. She headed home, singing happily along with a song blaring on the radio.