What is self?
And what should I find
Do I seek a universal oneness or the mirror kind?
Alone unto itself with utter devotion
Or many, afraid, full of fragmented emotions
I live with a myriad of selves
They take space in my mind
Some easy to see, some hard to define
There is much of myself, some I keep, some I lose
But more important to me is the self I can use
There’s the self that is selfish—that one I deny
I don’t always win, but I always do try
To be self-fulfilled seems an honorable goal
Though I must achieve without selling my soul
To give thought, word, and deed is self-sacrifice
So that others may have I will pay the price
My heart guides my mind to the self I perceive
For the worse self of all is to be self-deceived
To live, love and laugh is a blessing on earth
To experience true joy you must have self worth
More precious than gold or material wealth
Is a prosperous soul with a true sense of self