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Article Index
Return to Contents
Absolute Truth. See Truth, Nature of
Absolutes, Moral. See Morality, Absolute Nature of
Accommodation Theory
Acts, Historicity of
Adam, Historicity of
Age of the Earth. See Genealogies, Open or Closed; Science and the Bible
Albright, William F.
Altizer, Thomas J. J.
Analogy, Principle of
Anthropic Principle
Anthropology and Evolution. See Evolution, Biological; Missing Links, Evolutionary Antinomy
Apollonius of Tyana
Apologetics, Classical. See Classical Apologetics Apologetics, Experiential. See Experiential Apologetics Apologetics, Historical. See Historical Apologetics Apologetics, Need for
Apologetics, Objections to. See Apologetics, Need for Apologetics, Overall Argument of
Apologetics, Presuppositional. See Clark, Gordon H.; Presuppositional Apologetics; Van Til, Cornelius
Apologetics, Types of
Aquinas, Thomas. See Thomas Aquinas
Archaeology, New Testament
Archaeology, Old Testament
Atheism, New
Atonement, Substitutionary. See Christ, Death of; Christ's Death, Substitution Legend; Resurrection, Evidence for; Resurrection, Physical Nature of Augustine Averroes Avicenna Ayer, A. J.
Barnabas, Gospel of
Barth, Karl
Bayle, Pierre
Berkeley, George
Bible, Alleged Errors in
Bible, Evidence for
Bible, Jesus's View of
Bible and Science. See Science and the Bible
Bible Criticism
Big Bang Theory
Bonaventure. See Cosmological Argument; Kalam Cosmological Argument Bruce, F. F.
Buddhism See Pantheism; Zen Buddhism Bultmann, Rudolph. See Miracles, Myth and Butler, Joseph
Calvin, John Camus, Albert Canaanites, Slaughter of the Camell, Edward John Causality, Principle of Cels us
Chesterton, Gilbert K.
Christ, Death of Christ, Deity of
Christ, Humanity of. See Christ, Deity of; Docetism Christ, Uniqueness of
Christ, Virgin Birth of. See Virgin Birth of Christ Christ of Faith vs. Jesus of History Christ’s Death, Substitution Legend
Chronology Problems in the Bible. See Genealogies, Open or Closed Clark, Gordon H.
Clarke, Samuel Classical Apologetics Clement of Alexandria
Coherence as Test of Truth. See Clark, Gordon H.; Truth, Nature of Coherentism. See Truth, Nature of Common Ground Comte, Auguste
Contradiction. See First Principles Conventionalism Cosmological Argument
Creation, Evidence for. See Anthropic Principle; Cosmological Argument; Darwin, Charles; Evolution, Biological; Evolution, Chemical;
Evolution, Cosmic; God, Evidence for; Kalam Cosmological Argument; Missing Links, Evolutionary Creation, Views of
Crucifixion of Christ. See Christ, Death of
Darrow, Clarence Darwin, Charles
Days of Genesis. See Genesis, Days of Dead Sea Scrolls
Deconstructionism See Derrida, Jacques Deism
Derrida, Jacques Descartes, Rene Dewey, John Divine Birth Stories
Divine-Human Legends. See Apotheosis Docetism
Dooyeweerd, Herman Double-Truth Theory. See Averroes
Doubt. See Certainty/Certitude; Faith and Reason; First Principles; Holy Spirit, Role in Apologetics; Inductive Method Dualism
Duns Scotus. See Cosmological Argument
Ebla Tablets Eden, Garden of Edwards, Jonathan Einstein, Albert Emergent Church Enlightenment Epistemology
Eschatological Verification. See Verification Kinds of
Essenes and Jesus
Essentialism, Divine
Evil, Problem of
Evolution, Biological Evolution, Chemical Evolution, Cosmic
Evolution, Human. See Darrow, Clarence; Darwin, Charles; Dewey, John; Evolution, Biological; Missing Links, Evolutionary
Evolution, Theistic
Exodus, Date of. See Archaeology, Old Testament; Pharaoh of the Exodus Experiential Apologetics
Faith and Reason
Falsification, Principle of. See Flew, Antony; Verification, Kinds of Feuerbach, Ludwig Fideism Finite Godism
Firmament. See Science and the Bible
First Principles
Flavius Josephus
Flew, Antony
Flood, Noah’s
Frazer, James
Free Will
Freud, Sigmund
Genealogies, Open or Closed Genesis, Days of
Gnostic Gospels. See Gnosticism; Gospel of Thomas; Nag Hammadi Gospels Gnosticism
God, Alleged Disproofs of
God, Coherence of. See God, Objections to Proofs for; Panentheism God, Evidence for
God, Moral Argument for. See Moral Argument for God God, Nature of
God, Need for. See God, Evidence for God, Objections to Proofs for God-Talk. See Analogy, Principle of
Gospel of Barnabas. See Barnabas, Gospel of Gospel of Q. See Q Document Gospel of Thomas
Gospels, Historicity of. See New Testament, Historicity of Greenleaf, Simon
Hadith, Alleged Miracles in. See Muhammad, Alleged Miracles of
‘Heathen,” Salvation of Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Heisenberg’s Principle of Uncertainty. See Indeterminacy, Principle of Hell
Hellenic Saviors. See Apotheosis; Divine Birth Stories; Mithraism; Resurrection Claims in Non-Christian Religions
Hick, John
Higher Criticism. See Bible Criticism; Redaction Criticism, Old Testament; Spinoza, Benedict; Wellhausen, Julius Hinduism, Vedanta Historical Apologetics
Historical Jesus. See Christ of Faith vs. Jesus of History; Jesus Seminar; New Testament, Historicity of
History, Objectivity of
Hittites, Problem of
Holy Spirit, Role in Apologetics
Humanism, Secular
Humanist Manifestos. See Humanism, Secular
Hume, Criteria for Credible Witnesses. See Witnesses, Hume’s Criteria for Hume, David Huxley, Julian
Illusion, Religious. See Freud, Sigmund
Inclusivism See Pluralism, Religious Indeterminacy, Principle of Indeterminism Inductive Method Infinite Series
Information Theory. See Anthropic Principle; Evolution, Chemical Ingersoll, Robert G.
Isaiah, Virgin Birth in. See Virgin Birth of Christ Islam
James, William Jefferson, Thomas
J-E-P-D Theory. See Pentateuch, Mosaic Authorship of Jesus, Non-Christian Sources for Jesus, Quest for the Historical
Jesus, Uniqueness of. See Christ, Deity of; Christ, Uniqueness of; World Religions and Christianity
Jesus of History. See Christ of Faith vs. Jesus of History; Jesus, Quest for the Historical; Jesus Seminar; New Testament, Historicity of Jesus Seminar John, Gospel of
Josephus. See Flavius Josephus
Joshua’s Long Day. See Science and the Bible
Judaism. See Bible, Evidence for; Christ, Deity of; Prophecy, as Proof of the Bible; Trinity Justin Martyr
Kabir (Kabirpanthis)
Kahler, Martin
Kalam Cosmological Argument Kant, Immanuel Kierkegaard, Soren
Krishna. See Hinduism, Vedanta; Resurrection Claims in Non-Christian Religions; World Religions and Christianity Kushner, Harold
Language, Religious. See Analogy, Principle of; Logical Positivism; Wittgenstein, Ludwig Lapide, Pinchas
Leibniz, Gottfried
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Lessing’s “Ditch.” See Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Lewis, C. S.
Life, Origin of. See Evolution, Chemical
Limitation of Christ, Theory of
Locke, John
Logical Positivism
Logic and God
Logos Theory
Luther, Martin
Machen, J. Gresham
Magdalen Manuscript. See New Testament Manuscripts Maimonides
Manichaeism See Dualism
Martyr, Justin. See Justin Martyr
Marx, Karl
Mill, John Stuart
Miracles, Alleged Impossibility of. See Miracles, Arguments Against; Naturalism; Spinoza, Benedict
Miracles, Apologetic Value of
Miracles, Arguments Against
Miracles, False
Miracles, Magic and
Miracles, Myth and
Miracles in the Bible
Miracles of Jesus. See Miracles in the Bible
Missing Links, Evolutionary
Model Logic. See God; Objections to Proofs for Monism
Monotheism. See Islam; Monotheism, Primitive; Theism Monotheism, Primitive Moral Argument for God Morality, Absolute Nature of
Muhammad, Alleged Divine Call of Muhammad, Alleged Miracles of Muhammad, Character of
Muslim See Averroes; Avicenna; Christ’s Death, Substitution Legend; Islam; Muhammad, Alleged Divine Call of; Muhammad, Alleged Miracles of; Muhammad, Character of; Qur’an, Alleged Divine Origin of Mystery
Mystery Religions. See Gnosticism; Miracle, Myth and; Mithraism; Mythology and the New Testament; Resurrection Claims in Non-Christian Religions Mysticism
Myth, Mythology. See Apocrypha; Jesus Seminar; Miracles, Myth and; Mithraism; Nag Hammadi Gospels; Resurrection Claims in Non-Christian Religions Mythology and the New Testament
Nag Hammadi Gospels Naturalism
Natural Law. See Morality, Absolute Nature of; Revelation, General Natural Theology
Near-Death Experiences. See Immortality
New Age Religions. See Hinduism, Vedanta; Neopaganism; Panentheism; Pantheism; Polytheism; Zen Buddhism New Testament, Dating of New Testament, Historicity of
New Testament, Non-Christian Sources. See Jesus, Non-Christian Sources for New Testament Manuscripts Nietzsche, Friedrich Nihilism
Noah’s Ark. See Flood, Noah’s Noncontradiction, Principle of. See First Principles Nostradamus
Objectivism. See Rand, Ayn O’Callaghan, Jose
Ockham, William See William of Ockham
Ockham’s Razor
Old Testament Manuscripts
Ontological Argument
Open Theism. See Neotheism Origen
Origins, Science of Orr, James
Paine, Thomas Paley, William Panentheism Pantheism Pascal, Blaise
Pascal’s Wager. See Pascal, Blaise Passover Plot
Paul’s Religion, Alleged Contradictions with Jesus. See Bible, Alleged Errors in; Mithraism
Pentateuch, Mosaic Authorship of
Pharaoh, Hardening of
Pharaoh of the Exodus
Philo Judaeus
Platonic View of God. See Cosmological Argument; Plotinus Plotinus
Pluralism, Metaphysical Pluralism, Religious Polygamy Polytheism
Positivism. See Comte, Auguste; Logical Positivism Postmodernism. See Derrida, Jacques
Practical Presuppositionalism. See Presuppositional Apologetics; Schaeffer, Francis Pragmatism
Predestination. See Free Will.
Presuppositional Apologetics Princeton School of Apologetics
Principle of Parsimony (“Ockham’s Razor”). See William of Ockham Principle of Sufficient Reason. See Sufficient Reason, Principle of Probability. See Certainty/Certitude; Chance; Inductive Method; Logic and God Process Theology. See Panentheism; Whitehead, Alfred North Progressive Revelation
Prophecy, as Proof of the Bible
Punctuated Equilibria. See Evolution, Biological; Missing Links, Evolutionary
Q Document
Quantum Physics. See Indeterminacy, Principle of
Quest for Historical Jesus. See Jesus, Quest for the Historical
Qur’an, Alleged Divine Origin of
Ramm, Bernard Rand, Ayn
Rational Presuppositionalism. See Clark, Gordon H.; Presuppositional Apologetics
Redaction Criticism, NewTestament. See Bible Criticism Redaction Criticism, Old Testament
Reductio ad Absurdum Reid, Thomas
Reimarus, Hermann. See Jesus, Quest for the Historical Reincarnation
Relativism See Morality, Absolute Nature of; Truth, Nature of Relativity, Moral. See Morality, Absolute Nature of
Religious Argument for God. See Experiential Apologetics; God, Evidence for; Trueblood, Elton
Religious Experience. See Experiential Apologetics; God, Evidence for; Trueblood, Elton
Religious Language. See Analogy, Principle of
Resurrection, Alternate Theories of
Resurrection, Evidence for
Resurrection, Objections to
Resurrection, Physical Nature of
Resurrection Apologetics. See Apologetics, Types of; Historical Apologetics; Resurrection, Evidence for Resurrection Claims in Non-Christian Religions Resurrection of Christ Revelation, General
Revelation, Progressive. See Progressive Revelation Revelation, Special
Revelational Presuppositialism. See Presuppositional Apologetics; Van Til, Cornelius Russell, Bertrand
Sagan, Carl Sartre, Jean-Paul Schaeffer, Francis Schleiermacher, Friedrich Schopenhauer, Arthur Science and the Bible
Science of Origins. See Origins, Science of
Scientific Dating
Scotus, John Duns. See Cosmological Argument
Secular Humanism. See Humanism, Secular
Sevi, Sabbatai
Sherlock, Thomas
Shroud of Turin
Skepticism. See Agnosticism; Apologetics, Need for; Bible Criticism; Certainty/Certitude; Faith and Reason; God, Objections to Proofs for; Hume, David; Kant, Immanuel; Miracles, Apologetic Value of Smith, Wilbur M.
Son of Man, Jesus as
Soul, Immortality of. See Immortality
Spinoza, Benedict Strauss, David Friedrich Sufficient Reason, Principle of Swoon Theory
Systematic Presuppositionalism. See Apologetics, Overall Argument of; Camell, Edward John; Presuppositional Apologetics
Teleological Argument
Theistic Evolution. See Evolution, Theistic
Thermodynamics, Laws of
Thomas Aquinas
Tindal, Matthew
Transcendental Argument
Troeltsch, Ernst Trueblood, Elton
Truth, Absolute. See Truth, Nature of Truth, Nature of
Uncertainty, Principle of. See Indeterminacy, Principle of Universalism
Van Til, Cornelius
Vedanta. See Hinduism, Vedanta
Verifiability, Principle of. See Ayer, A. J.
Verification, Kinds of
Vestigial Organs. See Evolution, Biological
Virgin Birth in Isaiah 7:14. See Virgin Birth of Christ
Virgin Birth of Christ
Voltaire, Francois-Marie
Voluntarism. See Essentialism, Divine
Warfield, B. B.
Wellhausen. Julius Wells, G. A.
Wells, H. G.
Whately, Richard Whitehead, Alfred North William of Ockham Witnesses, Hume’s Criteria for Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wolfe, Christian. See Cosmological Argument World Religions and Christianity Worldview
Zen Buddhism
Index of Scripture and Apocrypha
Old Testament
1 182. 189. 263. 432
1-2 12. 191. 192. 354 1-3 155
1- 11 35
1:1 103. 108. 186. 196. 347. 361. 509. 528
1:1-46:28 400
1:2 186, 553
1:3 52, 108, 190, 525
1:5 189
1:11-13 189
1:12 190
1:14 189, 352
1:20-23 189
1:21 155, 344, 345, 509, 525 1:22 155 1:24 155, 525 1:24-25 190 1:26-27 525
1:27 25, 155, 224, 299, 344, 357, 361, 447, 485, 506, 507, 508, 509, 555
1:27-28 347
1:27-31 344
1:28 155, 508
1:29-30 454
1:31 347, 497, 507
2 432
2- 3 129, 432 2:2 525 2:2-3 190
2:4 12, 13, 37, 189, 190, 191, 361, 432 2:7 155, 190, 256, 344, 526 2:8 129, 130, 190 2:14 130
2:16-17 155, 361, 507
2:17 497
2:18 190
2:19 155, 190
2:19-20 155
2:20 190
2:22-25 190
2:23 190
2:24 52, 86, 447
3 143 3:1 61 3:3 155
3:5 345, 348
3:6 574 3:9-19 574 3:10 155
3:15 81. 84 456. 577. 581
3:19 526
3:20 579
3:24 130
4-5 12
4:19 447
4:23 447
361 ־84 4:26
577 .409 .361 .329 .188 .186 .13 .12 5
5:1 129, 191,361 5:lf 12 5:3 485 5:3-6186 5:29 579 6 138
6-9 130. 177. 178 6:5 597
6:9 12. 37. 191, 432
6:13 178
6:15 178
6:19 178
7:2 178
7:4 178. 179
7:12 179
7:17 179
7:20 178
7:24 179
8:3 179
8:4 179
8:13 179
8:14 179
9:3-4 454
9:6 67
9:26-27 84
10 361 10-11188
10:1 12. 37. 191,361.432 10:4 187 10:32 432
11 12. 13. 36. 186. 187. 188. 410. 577 11:10 12. 37. 361,432
11:12 191. 528 11:27 12. 361. 432
12 330. 463
12:1-3 81. 137, 456, 588 12:3 52. 84. 462 13:14-15 588
14 463 !4-16 400 14:1 37 14:14-20 67
15 463 15:5 84. 215 15:5-6 216
15:16 66 15:18-21 588 17 463 17:5 579 17:8 588 17:15 579 18:8 497 18:12 78 18:25 214,222 19:3 497
22 292 22:1 490 22:11 490 22:18 81. 456
23 241 23:10 35 24:16 578 24:43 578
25:12 12. 361. 432
25:19 12. 361. 432
25:25 579
26:3 588
27:36 579
31:6 353
32:2 361
32:28 579
35:18 260
36:1 361. 432
36:9 361
37:2 432
38:6-7 361
39:20-Deut 1:33 408
43:14 584
46:3-4 588
47:11 37.435
49:10 81. 84. 430, 456, 462
1:5 116 1:11 37, 435 2:8 578 2:24 588
3-4 480 3:1-6 325 3:2 490 3:6 256 3:10 352 3:12 352
3:14 78, 86, 136, 387, 553, 557
3:15 256
4 54, 324
4:1-5 328
4:1-7 352
4:1-9 26, 27
4:lff 335, 597
4:3 352 4:8-9 328
4:21 353. 433. 434 4:21-23 330 4:30 51 4:30-31 352 5:1 352 6:7 352
7- 12 436
7:3 352, 353, 434 7:7 188 7:13 433, 434 7:17 352 7:19ff 349 7:20 436
8- 12 345 8:6ff 349 8:15 434 8:18-19 345 8:19 349, 434 8:32 434
9:7 434 9:12 434 9:16 52, 353 9:23-24 436 9:25 436 9:29-30 352 9:34 434 9:35 434 10:1 434 10:1-2 352 10:15 436 10:20 434 10:22 436 10:27 434 11:7 352 11:9 352 11:9-10 353 12:29-30 436
434 ־12:40188 12:41188 434 13:15 433 14 436 14:9 507 15 353 15:6-7 330 16 436 17:8-16 67 19:5 432 20 553 ,78 20:1-4 597 20:2-3 408 20:2-17 552 20:3 345 20:3-4
20:5 78
20:6 Π5, 584
20:11 189, 190, 191,433
20:12 433
20:13 66,67
20:16 53 20:17 410 21:21 345 22:2 67
24:4 431. 433. 588 24:18 191 31:13 352 32:11 353
1:1 588 4:1 588 5:14 588 11 454 12:6-8 61