Photographic Insert
Lyndon at eighteen months.
Ready for school.
Family gathering, circa 1912. Lyndon (four years old) is standing in front of the automobile. Sam Ealy is the third adult from the left, Rebekah Baines is in front of him, and Eliza Bunton Johnson is seated in the wheelchair.
Johnson City boyhood home, circa 1915. Lyndon is standing by the family car.
Sam Ealy Johnson Jr., circa 1930.
Rebekah Baines Johnson as she saw herself, 1917.
The siblings, 1921: Lucia Huffman, Josefa Hermine, Rebekah Luruth, Lyndon Baines, and Sam Houston.
Class of 1924, Johnson City High School. Lyndon is in the top row, fifth from the left.
Lyndon, 1924.
Lyndon in California with Olga Martin, wife of Tom Martin.
College chums Alfred T. “Boody” Johnson and LBJ.
The faculty at Welhausen School in Cotulla: Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, Mrs. Jack Kerr, LBJ, and Mrs. Mary Wildenthal.
Welhausen Athletic Club, Cotulla, 1928.
Lyndon and Lady Bird on their honeymoon in Mexico City, 1934.
The president and the protégé: FDR and LBJ in Galveston, May 11, 1937.
Lt. Commander Lyndon B. Johnson, 1941.
Hunting in comfort: LBJ, unidentified man, Tommy Corcoran, Herman Brown, and another unidentified man.
Wilbert Lee “Pappy” O’Daniel, 1941.
Governor Coke Stevenson, 1942.
Lady Bird, 1941.
On the hustings: U.S. Senate campaign, 1941.
Momentary euphoria: LBJ and staff celebrating early returns in the 1941 Senate race.
The “Johnson City Windmill,” 1948 Senate race.
Coke Stevenson and his supporters waiting for a verdict on the 1948 senatorial primary.
Jim Wells and voting containers, 1948 senatorial primary.
Rising star in the Senate.
Friends and adversaries: LBJ and Richard B. Russell.
Texans in power: Lyndon Baines Johnson and Sam Rayburn, 1954.
Eleanor Roosevelt and Rebekah Johnson, 1958.
Nightclubbing in Acapulco: George Reedy, Mary Margaret Wiley, Lyndon, Lady Bird, Marjorie Jenkins, and Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey.
Who’s having more fun? Above: John F. Kennedy and Lady Bird
Jacqueline Kennedy and Lyndon at a Democratic fundraiser, Washington, D.C., 1960.
Campaigning in Dixie, 1964.
The Democratic ticket, 1960.
Men at war: Robert F. Kennedy and LBJ, 1964.
LBJ and Martin Luther King Jr. at the White House, 1965.
George Wallace and LBJ at the White House, 1965.
LBJ appeals to civil rights leaders to restrain protesters and help curb urban rioting, 1966.
Relaxing at the ranch, 1966.
Recovering from abdominal surgery, 1966.
The president visits Fort Campbell, Kentucky, 1966.
LBJ visits with wounded soldier, Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, 1968.
Foreign policy meeting at the ranch, 1967: Robert McNamara, LBJ, Dean Rusk, and Arthur Goldberg.
Encounter at the Ranch, 1968: Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon, Lady Bird, and LBJ.
Togetherness: Luci Johnson Nugent, James Jones, Tom Johnson, Lynda Robb, Lyndon, and Lady Bird, 1968.
Gerri Whittington and President Johnson, 1968.
After the storm: LBJ in retirement.