Numbers refer to pages in the print edition
Aaron, Chester, 21, 47, 78–79, 133
acids, 136, 143
A Controversial Cure, 19
Acrolepiopsis assectella (leek moth), 78
Ail Rose de Lautrec. see pink garlic
Alice’s Restaurant Cookbook (Brock), 25
aligot, 123–24
allicin, 18, 131–32, 134–35, 140, 148
alliinase, 131
Allium ampeloprasum (elephant garlic), 140
Allium canadense (meadow garlic or wild shallot), 57
Allium longicuspis (wild garlic), 9–10
Allium sativum (cultivated garlic). see also garlic: about, 3–4; growing, 66–70; harvesting, 79–81; origins, 9–11; pests, 74–79; planting, 54–66; procreation, 11
Allium sphaerocephalon (drumstick allium), 60
Allium tricoccum (ramp), 57
Allium tuncelianum (wild garlic), 10
Allium vineale (crow garlic), 57
American garlic industry, 98
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 6
Anglo-Saxon heritage, 33–34
Anna (cleaner and cook), 42–46
Anna’s Sauce, 44–45
antibacterial properties, 18–20, 24
antifungal properties, 20, 21, 24
Antifungal Toenail Remedy, 21
antioxidants, 154
antiparasitic properties, 20–21, 24
antiviral properties, 22
aphrodisiac, 7
architecture, depictions of garlic, 4–5
Argentina, 103, 142
art, depictions of garlic, 4–5
Artichoke softneck, 179–80
Asian cuisine, 35
Asiatic hardneck, 172, 177
A Study in Tubercle Virus, Polymorphism, and the Treatment of Tuberculosis and Lupus with Oleum Allii (Minchin), 19
A Young Woman Crushing Garlic (painting), 4
babies, and garlic, 68
Babylonian Collection, Yale University, 6
Baer, Arthur, 87
Bangkok, 101
Barbecue Tips from the Twelfth Century, 39
Barthe, Jacqueline, 117–19, 166–67
Beauchamp, Gary, 68
Beaver Pond Estates, 14
Beeton, Isabella, 34
Beeton’s Book of Household Management (Beeton), 34
Belize Love Potion, 7
Berlin Wall, 14
Berry, Margee, 106, 108, 156–57
Bingen, Hildegard von, 8
black garlic, fermented, 153–54
Blank, Les, 15, 93, 94, 165
Block, Eric, 20, 21, 22, 24, 68, 145
blood-thinning properties, 23–24
Bolognese sauce, 33–34
bolting hardnecks, 172
Bottéro, Jean, 6
botulism (Clostridium botulinum), 143
Bower Manuscript, 8, 63, 77
breast-feeding, 68
breath, garlic, 4, 7, 20, 35, 38, 133, 150
Britannia, 35–37
Brock, Alice May, 25
Brotherhood of Pink Garlic (Confrérie de l’Ail Rose), 112, 113, 114–17, 126
brotherhood of stonecutters, 114
bug killer, garlic as, 75
bulbils, 65–66, 68, 152
Calcutta Telegraph, 102
‘California Early,’ 92, 124
‘California Late,’ 92–93
Canada, 95, 98–99, 103–4, 127
Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 78
Canadian garlic festivals, 127
cancer studies, 22–23
cantina (kitchen), 49–50
cardiovascular disease, 23–24
Casa Batlló, 4
cats, 49
Cavallito, Chester, 18–19
celibacy, 7–8
Celtic cuisine, 35–36
Cervantes, Miguel de, 4, 10
Charlie Trotter’s, 153
chemical compounds, 131–32
China, 88, 95, 97, 103–5, 145
China Daily (newspaper), 105
Chinese garlic, 95–101, 104
chopping garlic, 136–38
“Chopping Garlic” (poem), 129
Chris (author’s partner), 86, 111–27, 157–58
Chrissy (author’s daughter-in-law), 141
Christianity, 8
Christmas Hill Park, 88
Christopher, Bill, 106
Christopher, Don, 94–97, 104
Christopher Ranch, 92, 95, 100, 142
Clostridium botulinum (botulism), 143
Collegiate Church of Saint Rémy, 112
Comfort Me with Apples (Reichl), 31
commodity, garlic as a, 105, 149
Complete Book of Garlic, The (Meredith), 79
Confrérie de l’Ail Rose, 112, 113, 114–17, 126
Confrérie de la Poule au Pot et Fromage de Barousse, 114–15
Confrérie de la Poule Farcie, 114–15
Confrérie de l’Omelette Géante, 114–15
confréries, 114–15, 126
cooking garlic: chopping, 136–38; prepping, 136–38; purée, 144; roasting, 141; sautéing, 135, 144; scallions, 152
Cook-Off Stage, 93–94
The Cook’s Decameron: A Study in Taste (Waters), 122
Coppola, Francis Ford, 7
Corbeil, Fernande, 121
Cordon Bleu, 138
Creole hardneck, 82, 125, 134, 172, 178–79
crop rotation, 74
crow garlic (Allium vineale), 57
currency, garlic as, 5
Danigo, Pauline, 113–19, 166–67
‘Dan’s Russian,’ 66
dehydrators, 145–46, 148–49
De Materia Medica (Dioscorides), 17
de Maupassant, Guy, 4
desire and garlic, 7–8
d’Este, Beatrice, 56
de Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, 113
Dioscorides, 16–17
disease prevention, human, 6, 105
diseases, garlic, 73, 74–75
dogs, 49
Don, George, 9
Don Quixote de la Mancha, 10
Dracula (Stoker), 6
drumstick allium (Allium sphaerocephalon), 60
drying garlic, 145–46, 148
Dumas, Alexandre, 83
Egypt, 88, 103
elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum), 140
escargot (Helix pomatia), 36
European Anti-Fraud Office, 102
European Union, 102
“Eyetalian” spaghetti sauce, 40–42
fabounade, 125–26
fermented black garlic, 153–54
fertilizer, 73–74
Fête de l’Ail Rose festival, 86, 112–27
Filice, Val, 94
‘Fish Lake #3,’ 54, 64, 66
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 103
France, 38, 86, 111–27
freezing, 143–44, 148
fungi, 75–77
gadgets, kitchen, 138–39
garlic. see also Allium sativum (cultivated garlic): greens, 152–53; keepers, 141; powder, 33, 40–42, 45, 147–48; presses, 131, 138–39; products, 147–49; sculpture, 122–23; twisters, 140; vinegar, 147
Garlic and Other Alliums (Block), 20, 21, 22, 68
Garlic Growers Association of Ontario, 98, 99
Garlic Is as Good as Ten Mothers (film), 93, 94, 165
Garlic Is Life (Aaron), 21, 78
Garlic Kisses (Aaron), 21, 78
Garlic News, 14, 78, 139
Garlic Showdown, 110
Garlic’s Wild Cousins, 57
Gaudí, Antoni, 4
‘German Red,’ 134
Gilroy, California, 85–95, 127
Gilroy Foods, 88, 93
Gilroy Garlic Festival, 86–95, 127
Gilroy High School, 89
Glazed Purple Stripe hardneck, 174–75
Globe and Mail, 153
Goodwin, Michael, 93
gophers, 78
Gourmet Alley, 89, 90–91
Grad, Laurie Burrows, 59
grande manouille, 126
Grandma (author’s grandmother), 31–32, 34–35, 91
grasshoppers, 78
graters, 139–40
Great Garlic Book, The (Aaron), 21, 47, 78
Great Garlic Cook-Off, 106–10
Great Pyramid of Cheops, 5
green garlic, 96, 145, 151–52
growing garlic: crop rotation, 74; diseases, 74–76; fertilizer, 73–74; fungi, 75–77; insect infestations, 77–78; mold, 75; pests, 74–79; site selection, 68–69; soil preparation, 69–70; viruses, 74–75; watering, 72–74; weather, 67, 68–69; white rot, 77
H1N1 virus, 105
Ham, Warren, 99–100, 103
Hangzhou, China, 105
hardiness, 11, 172
hardneck (Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon). see also specific subgroups: about, 172; bolting, 172; cooking, 137; growing, 67; hardiness, 11; harvesting, 79–80; origins, 8–10; procreation, 11; scapes, 63, 79, 82, 149–51, 172; storing, 82
harvesting, 79–81
healing properties, 15–19, 24
health benefits of garlic: antioxidants, 154; aphrodisiac, 7; cardiovascular disease, 23–24; disease-fighting properties, 18–21, 24; disease prevention, 6, 105; guidelines for, 133; medicinal properties, 4, 15, 19–20, 24, 85, 105; Roman soldiers use, 5; strength, physical, 4, 13, 37; tuberculosis, 19; as wonder drug, 16
Helicobacter pylori, 20
herbs, 36
Historia Naturalis (Pliny the Elder), 16
Holland Marsh region, Ontario, 106
Huang, John, 104–5
Imperial Botanical Garden, 9
imported garlic, 97–101, 104
India, 88, 102, 103
Indication Géographique Protégée (IGP), 116, 118
insect infestations, 77–78
intrinsic value of garlic, 5
Iron Chef America, 153
Isalis tinctoria (woad), 113
Italian immigrants, 31–32
Italian restaurant story, 27–31, 32
Japan, 35, 98
Jinan Yipin Corp. Ltd., 97
Joe (author’s former husband), 27–31, 38–39
Judith (author’s friend), 53–63, 66
Kim, Scott, 153–54
King Su-Su’en, 13
Kipling, Rudyard, 4–5
kitchen tools and gadgets, 138–39
Korea, 101
Label Rouge, 116, 118
Laos, 101
Lautrec, France, 111–27
leaf blade, 61
leaf sheath, 61, 62
leek moth (Acrolepiopsis assectella), 78
leeks, 6, 9, 36, 77
Lee Valley Tools, 139
Le Nôtre, André, 112
Levy, Faye, 142
Linnaeus, Carolus, 9
literature about garlic, 4–5
Loblaw Companies Limited, 104
Maczka, Ted, 54, 71–72, 133
Malcolm, Penny, 107–8, 167–69
“Mandalay” (poem), 4–5
manouilles, 111, 122, 124, 125, 126
Marbled Purple Stripe hardneck, 175
Marco Polo, 12–13
marriage and garlic, 7
meadow garlic (Allium canadense), 57
meat, Roman, 36
medicinal properties, 4, 15, 19–20, 24, 85, 105
Melone, John, 165
Melone, Rudy, 94–95, 165
Menghui, Cao, 97
Mennella, Julie, 68
Meredith, Ted, 79
Merges, Matthias, 153
Mesopotamians, 5, 8, 13
Mexico, 99, 142
Microplane grater, 140
microwaving, 146–47
Middle Ages, 37–38, 114
Minchin, William C., 19
Miss Gilroy Garlic Festival, 90
molds, 75
Mom (author’s mother), 34–35
Monell Chemical Senses Center, 68
monks, 37–38
Monterey County, 95
Morgan Stanley, 105
moths, 78
‘Mount Currie,’ 66
mouthwash, 20
‘Music,’ 104
Myanmar, 103
Nation’s Restaurant News, 153
Neolithic period, 4, 12–13
Nepal, 102
No Garlic for Fido, 49
North America, 34, 57, 66, 97, 172
Nouveau Moulin à Ail, 140
odor, body, 133, 150
odor, garlic, 18, 28–30, 42, 45, 136, 148, 154
oil, garlic, 143–44
Ontario, 98–99, 103, 106, 127
‘Ontario Giant,’ 104
Ordre de la Dive Bouteille de Gaillac, 115
oven drying, 146
Pakistan, 99
Parmesan, 47, 48
Pasteur, Louis, 17
peeled garlic, 148–49
‘Persian Star,’ 66
pesticide, garlic as, 75
pests, 74–75
pets, 49
Philippines, 99
pink garlic (Ail Rose de Lautrec), 85–86, 92, 111–12, 115, 116, 120, 124
Place Centrale, 119
planting, 54–66, 69–72
Plants for Good and Evil, 12
Pliny the Elder, 7, 16, 51
poetry, about garlic, 4–5
poisoning, 143
Poland, 102
Pomponius, 81
Porcelain hardneck, 104, 134, 175–76
Porphyromonas gingivalis, 20
Pospisil, Paul, 14–15, 78, 139
potatoes, 101
potions and remedies, 7, 21
prepping garlic, 136–38
preserving garlic, 142–45
Pretty Garlic, 104
price fluctuations, 100–101, 104–5
producers, worldwide, 103
Protected Geographical Indication, 118
purée, 144
Purple Stripe hardneck, 67, 82, 142, 174
Pyro Chefs, 89–90
ramp (Allium tricoccum), 57
rasps, 139–40
raw garlic, 132, 135
Raxaul, India, 102
recipes: ancient, 5–6; Anna’s Sauce, 44–45; Barbecue Tips from the Twelfth Century, 39; Cold-Coming-On Soup, 158–59; “Eyetalian” spaghetti sauce, 40–42; Four Thieves Vinegar, 164–65; Jacqueline Barthe’s Creamy Garlic Pie, 166–67; Lentil, Bacon, and Tomato Stew with Forty Cloves of Garlic, 160–61; Les Blank’s Lunch, 165; Perplexed Portobello Steak with Mushroom Purée and Mushroom Crudo, 161–63; Potage de l’Ail Rose, 159–60; Roasted Garlic, Blueberry, and Pear Cobbler with Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 167–69; Salsa Verde, 163–64; Sopa de Ajo Blanco, 157–58; Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57; Whole-Hog Potatoes, 165–66
Regel, Eduard, 9
Reichl, Ruth, 31
remedies, 7, 21
Renaissance period, 17, 35, 38
research, 19–23
Retail Council of Canada, 104
roasting, 141
Rocambole hardneck, 67, 82, 104, 134, 137, 173–74, 178
Romans, 6, 35–37, 46, 91
roots, 61, 62
‘Rose de Lautrec,’ 125
‘Rosewood,’ 66
“rounds,” 64
Russia, 88, 103, 172
Ryan Scott 2 Go catering, 110–11, 161–63
Safer, Morley, 38
safety, garlic used for, 6–7
Sailland, Maurice Edmond, 125
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 90
S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide, 131, 154
San Joaquin Valley, 95
sautéing, 135, 144
scallions, 151–52
scapes, 8, 11, 61, 63–64, 79–80, 149–51, 172
Schweitzer, Albert, 17, 20–21
Scott, Ryan, 110, 161–63, 98
Shabbat, 7
Shakespeare, William, 4, 6
Shatner, William, 25
Shearer, Leslie, 108
Silk Road of Central Asia, 12–13
Silverskin softneck, 82, 135, 180–81
Simon, Philipp, 10
Site Remarquable du Goût, 118
site selection, growing, 68–69
skinning garlic, 137
small growers, 103, 151
smell. see odor, garlic
Smith, Michael, 144, 160–61
smugglers, 101–2
soaking, 137
softneck garlic (A. sativum var. sativum). see also specific subgroups: about, 172; cooking, 137; growing, 67; harvesting, 79–80; origins, 8–9; scape, 63; storing, 82
soil preparation, 69–70
soldiers, Roman, 6, 35–37, 91
South Korea, 88, 103, 154
spaghetti, “Eyetalian” sauce, 40–42
spaghetti Bolognese, 33–34
Spain, 103, 125
stamina, 13
stem plate, 61, 62, 75, 77
Still Life with Bloaters and Garlic (painting), 4
Stoker, Bram, 6
storing garlic, 58, 80–82, 141, 143–44, 145
strength, physical, 4, 13, 37
sulfides, 150
sulfur compound, 18, 131
Sundaravej, Samak, 101
‘Susan Delafield,’ 134
Suzy (author’s daughter), 86–93, 109–11
Syndicat de Défense du Label Ail Rose de Lautrec, 116
Syndicat de Défense du Label Rouge et de l’IGP Ail Rose de Lautrec, 116
Talmud, 7
tariffs, 97–98, 99, 101
Thailand, 100–101
tools, kitchen, 138–39
Top Chef, 110, 153
trade war, 100–102, 105–6
trend, garlic as a, 13, 24, 149–54
tuberculosis, 19
Turban hardneck, 172, 177–78
Ukraine, 103
ulu, 140–41
umami, 14
umbel, 11, 61
United States, 98, 103
United States Department of Agriculture, 172
University of Wisconsin, 10
Van Gogh, Vincent, 4
vegetables, Roman, 36
Velásquez, Diego, 4
vernalization, 11
Vietnam, 98
vinegar, 136, 143, 147
viruses, plant, 74–75
Viviani, Fabio, 110
Wales, Mark, 98–99
Washington Post, 153
watering, 72–74
Waters, W.G., 122
Waverman, Lucy, 134, 138, 139, 141, 142, 147, 163
weather, 11, 67, 68–69
Weston, Galen, 104
white rot, 77
wild shallot (Allium canadense), 57
Williams, Ted, 65
woad (Isalis tinctoria), 113
World Health Organization, 133
World War l, 17–18
World War ll, 18
Yale University, 6
Young, David, 1
Zyliss Susi (garlic press), 139