Numbers refer to pages in the print edition
almonds: Sopa de Ajo Blanco, 157–58
anchovy fillets: Salsa Verde, 163–64
Anna’s Sauce, 44–45
avocado: Les Blank’s Lunch, 165
bacon: Lentil, Bacon, and Tomato Stew with Forty Cloves of Garlic, 160–61
basil: Anna’s Sauce, 44–45
blueberries: Roasted Garlic, Blueberry, and Pear Cobbler with Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 167–69
bread: Cold-Coming-On Soup, 158–59; Les Blank’s Lunch, 165; Sopa de Ajo Blanco, 157–58
bread crumbs: Salsa Verde, 163–64
buttermilk: Roasted Garlic, Blueberry, and Pear Cobbler with Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 167–69
capers: Salsa Verde, 163–64
cheese: Anna’s Sauce, 44–45; Cold-Coming-On Soup, 158–59; Jacqueline Barthe’s Creamy Garlic Pie, 166–67; Whole-Hog Potatoes, 165–66
chicken stock: Cold-Coming-On Soup, 158–59; Lentil, Bacon, and Tomato Stew with Forty Cloves of Garlic, 160–61; Sopa de Ajo Blanco, 157–58
cilantro: Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
cinnamon: Four Thieves Vinegar, 164–65
cloves: Four Thieves Vinegar, 164–65
corn syrup: Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 168–69
crabmeat: Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
cream: Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 168–69; Jacqueline Barthe’s Creamy Garlic Pie, 166–67; Whole-Hog Potatoes, 165–66
cremini mushrooms: Perplexed Portobello Steak with Mushroom Purée and Mushroom Crudo, 161–63
dips: Salsa Verde, 163–64
egg: Jacqueline Barthe’s Creamy Garlic Pie, 166–67; Potage de l’Ail Rose, 159–60
fish: Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
Four Thieves Vinegar, 164–65
Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 168–69
ginger: Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
Jacqueline Barthe’s Creamy Garlic Pie, 166–67
lavender: Four Thieves Vinegar, 164–65
lemongrass: Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
lemon juice: Salsa Verde, 163–64
Lentil, Bacon, and Tomato Stew with Forty Cloves of Garlic, 160–61
lentils: Lentil, Bacon, and Tomato Stew with Forty Cloves of Garlic, 160–61
Les Blank’s Lunch, 165
mint: Four Thieves Vinegar, 164–65; Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
mushrooms: Perplexed Portobello Steak with Mushroom Purée and Mushroom Crudo, 161–63
mustard: Potage de l’Ail Rose, 159–60
nutmeg: Four Thieves Vinegar, 164–65
nuts: Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 168–69; Jacqueline Barthe’s Creamy Garlic Pie, 166–67
onions: Anna’s Sauce, 44–45; Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
orange juice: Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
parsley: Salsa Verde, 163–64
pears: Roasted Garlic, Blueberry, and Pear Cobbler with Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 167–69
pecans: Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 168–69
Perplexed Portobello Steak with Mushroom Purée and Mushroom Crudo, 161–63
pie: Jacqueline Barthe’s Creamy Garlic Pie, 166–67
pine nuts: Jacqueline Barthe’s Creamy Garlic Pie, 166–67
portobello mushrooms: Perplexed Portobello Steak with Mushroom Purée and Mushroom Crudo, 161–63
Potage de l’Ail Rose, 159–60
potatoes: Whole-Hog Potatoes, 165–66
pumpkin-pie spice: Roasted Garlic, Blueberry, and Pear Cobbler with Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 167–69
radish: Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
Roasted Garlic, Blueberry, and Pear Cobbler with Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 167–69
rosemary: Four Thieves Vinegar, 164–65
sage: Four Thieves Vinegar, 164–65
salsa: Salsa Verde, 163–64
Salsa Verde, 163–64
seafood: Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
shallots: Perplexed Portobello Steak with Mushroom Purée and Mushroom Crudo, 161–63; Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
shiitake mushrooms: Perplexed Portobello Steak with Mushroom Purée and Mushroom Crudo, 161–63
Sopa de Ajo Blanco, 157–58
soup: Cold-Coming-On Soup, 158–59; Lentil, Bacon, and Tomato Stew with Forty Cloves of Garlic, 160–61; Potage de l’Ail Rose, 159–60; Sopa de Ajo Blanco, 157–58; Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
Thai chili: Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
thyme: Lentil, Bacon, and Tomato Stew with Forty Cloves of Garlic, 160–61; Perplexed Portobello Steak with Mushroom Purée and Mushroom Crudo, 161–63
tomatoes: Anna’s Sauce, 44–45; Lentil, Bacon, and Tomato Stew with Forty Cloves of Garlic, 160–61; Les Blank’s Lunch, 165
vanilla: Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 168–69; Roasted Garlic, Blueberry, and Pear Cobbler with Garlic-Pecan Brickle Cream, 167–69
vegetable stock: Perplexed Portobello Steak with Mushroom Purée and Mushroom Crudo, 161–63
vermicelli: Potage de l’Ail Rose, 159–60
vinegar: Four Thieves Vinegar, 164–65; Lentil, Bacon, and Tomato Stew with Forty Cloves of Garlic, 160–61; Perplexed Portobello Steak with Mushroom Purée and Mushroom Crudo, 161–63; Sopa de Ajo Blanco, 157–58; Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
watermelon: Warm-Weather Watermelon Crabmeat-Kissed South Seas Soup, 156–57
Whole-Hog Potatoes, 165–66