As I mentioned in the last post, the Witness Protection Program began officially in 1971. It had been running for a few years before that, unofficially, in bits and pieces. Operating on a shoestring budget to get the job done. Which was: hiding criminals who’d agreed to testify. Sometimes illegally hiding them.
That’s how this program began, and even though laws were passed later to make it legit, it’s always sort of been on the edges of what’s legal, and straddling that line between what’s wrong and what’s right. That messy gray area where the end supposedly justifies the means.
Take a criminal and give him a new life? Give him a chance to start over fresh, to wipe the slate clean? WitSec members even get to erase their credit history. Like declaring bankruptcy without the messy after effects.
I wish I could do that.
The purpose of this blog is to explore and expose some truths about WitSec. I’m not some high-ranking government whistleblower from the inside. I’m just a regular guy who’s trying to let people know about this shadowy program. Bring it into the light.
And why is it shadowy? There’s very little information about it on the internet. The US Marshals who oversee it would tell you that it’s to protect the program, because if the info got out, it would put those people at risk.
But the people who would be at risk are people who it’s hard to objectively say are “good” people. Often cold blooded killers. Why should they get a second chance at life? Why should the rest of us living around them have to remain in fear over what these criminals might do again, given the chance?
Over the next few days, I’m going to release a series of blog posts that detail how WitSec is just another example of government corruption. I’m going to name names, and I’m going to bring out the truth. You’ll learn about real people, who they were, who they are now. What they did, and what they’re still doing.
Please subscribe to this blog by entering your email address in the sidebar, and get the posts delivered right to your inbox. Or, be sure to visit back every couple of days for new posts. It’s going to be a wild ride, but you need to see this.