Jenna bolted out the door, her long hair flying behind her, hiking up her gown as she took the steps two at a time. “I think Carolyn heard me!” she shouted. “She may have alerted the guard!”

“But… you’re wearing a gown….” Kaylee tried to make sense of the situation as Marcus was off his horse again, taking Jenna by the waist and tossing her up on top of the gray mare he’d brought for her. “Why didn’t you just say you were looking for your parents?”

“We have no time!” Marcus reminded her, back on his horse, his eyes checking that Jenna was all right, even though the saddle he’d used wasn’t meant for a woman because he’d also expected her in trousers, as they’d discussed the night before.

She had her skirts spread out around the horn but was still straddling the beast, reins in hand. Her expression let her cousin know her fear had morphed into mortification at the idea of sitting this way in front of two men, but they were used to seeing Kaylee ride that way, and her flowing pink skirt protected her modesty, even if it wasn’t what they’d talked about.

Marcus led them toward the secret exit in the wall at a full gallop. Kaylee fought to catch up with him with only a glimpse over her shoulder now and again to see if they were being pursued. As they reached the tree line, she didn’t see anyone, but she didn’t slow either. If they had to plow their way through the guards, she was getting out of Castle Caine today. The trouble she’d be in when she returned was a vague thought in the back of her head that did nothing to influence her decision.

As the wall came into view, Marcus slowed, caution at alarming any nearby guards helping him to clear his head. Kaylee spurred Storm on around him. She heard his frustrated groan, but he didn’t dare to shout her name for fear that would bring soldiers. Seeing no one dressed in Arterian colors or otherwise, Kaylee threaded Storm between the foliage that shielded this part of the wall from public view.

It wasn’t until she reached the door carved into the stone that she had to pull up on the reins and leap down to open it. Normally, one of the men did this, but she was certain she was agitated enough to handle it. Kaylee felt for the crevice in the stone that signaled she was in the right place and then slipped her fingers into a small opening, giving it a jerk. A portion of what appeared to be solid rock swung open wide enough to let Storm through. By then, the rest of the party had almost caught up to her, so Kaylee left it open, slapped her horse’s bottom to get him to go through, and then caught up with him on the other side.

She was already climbing back in the saddle when Marcus reached the door, his mouth drawn in a tight line. Kaylee knew she’d have to hear about her infractions later, but at the moment, she didn’t care. In front of her, a thousand trees spread their branches like open arms, their green leaves offering shelter from anyone who might be in pursuit of the rebel party, but more importantly, the fresh air and freedom Kaylee had been longing for beckoned. Marcus and the others could stew all they wanted to; she would ride on.

Storm knew the path well from the many times Kaylee had used this route to escape. She gave the horse his head and let him weave between the low branches, following the emerald green path deeper into the woods, further away from Castle Caine and being discovered.

Until recently, she’d been allowed to ride out the front gate on most occasions, when her royal parents weren’t being a royal pain in the bottom, trying to protect her from ridiculous threats. Even then, sometimes she’d come this way, particularly if her mother thought she was in her room studying, working on her embroidery or some other meaningless task meant to keep women occupied while their husbands did the important work. None of that was for her. She knew the foreign languages she was meant to know, understood the history of her kingdom and those that neighbored hers, could play enough songs on the lute well enough to get by if she were ever forced to play at a ball, and had a firm understanding of military strategies. But she knew that whoever she married would do all of the real work, and she would be the beautiful woman on his arm. The thought made her stomach tighten. Her parents had promised her long ago she would never be forced to marry anyone, as her mother had been initially before a war prevented that from happening, and she fell in love with Kaylee’s father. While Kaylee believed that was true, she also knew the chances of her ever finding a man her parents found suitable that also stirred her emotions wasn’t likely.

She rode on until she reached a small clearing where the trees still provided shelter, their canopy blocking most of the sun’s early rays, and pulled Storm to a stop, letting him rest a moment while she waited for the others.

Marcus came through first with a scowl on his handsome face, which may have made Kaylee laugh under different circumstances, but this morning, her dander was up as well. He moved aside so the other three could ride through before he turned to his cousin and said, “What the hell were you thinking, Kaylee? I’m fairly sure the guards saw us! They’ve probably alerted the kings, and we’ll all have our asses handed to us when we get back.”

With her chin held high, Kaylee retorted, “Well, that’s a problem for later, then, isn’t it? Besides, by then, we would’ve already been in trouble. They would’ve told our fathers what we were doing anyway. May as well have some fun first.”

It was then that she realized Jenna was crying. “I shouldn’t have done this,” she said, tears streaking her pretty face. “My parents will be so disappointed in me. I should turn back.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Jenna.” Kaylee rolled her eyes at the girl’s tears. “It’s about time you learned to live a little. They won’t do anything to punish us. Now, come on. Let’s ride.”

“Perhaps I should take the princess who is dressed appropriately back to the castle?” Annetta offered. It was evident she was doing her best not to scold her mistress in front of the others. Her face was red and her breathing was stuttered.

“No!” Kaylee insisted. “We haven’t even had any fun yet. Let’s keep going.”

“But... “ Jenna stammered, Marcus drawing his horse closer so that he could put his hand on her arm, “I’d rather go back to the castle.”

Shaking her head, Kaylee said, “You wanted an adventure, cousin. Sometimes you have to be bold if you’re to enjoy life. Come along a bit further, and if you don’t like it, I’m sure Marcus will take you home.” She caught her male cousin’s eyes and saw a glimmer there, one that made her a little ill. They weren’t related to each other, but they were still both her cousins….

“Kaylee, this isn’t a good idea,” Gregory said. He was behind the others, nearest the break in the trees. “If the princess is upset….”

“Fine--you four bores do as you like. But Storm and I are riding off now.” Her eyes narrowed as she glared at all of them, and then, with a shake of her reins, she turned around and galloped back into the trees, not caring whether they followed or not.