The bed in Josephine’s guest room was unbelievably comfortable. Kaylee snuggled down into the mattress and pulled the blankets up over her shoulder. The room was cozy warm from the fire in the hearth in the other room, but pulling the blanket up made her feel more secure somehow.

Knowing that Rafe was sleeping in the barn did make her feel safer, though she was sorry that he was sleeping out there with the horses. His assurance that he would be plenty comfortable didn’t make her feel any better about taking the only empty bed in the house.

At least it wasn’t raining. Rafe should be warm and dry for the night.

Then, tomorrow, he’d take her to the castle where he grew up, introduce her to the queen and princess, and have her sent back to Arteria.

Kaylee rolled toward the wall and closed her eyes. The bed was plenty big enough. The idea that Rafe could join her entered her mind, but she had to push it aside. He’d made his position clear; even if he had feelings for her, he wasn’t going to act on them.

Kaylee wished it was just that simple for her, that she could just decide she didn’t want to be with him and have that be that, but as she started to fall asleep, her thoughts went directly to him, and she drifted off wishing his arms were around her again, as they had been the night before, even if that meant she had to sleep outside in the rain again.

The smell of meat frying woke Kaylee what seemed like just a few hours later. She blinked a few times and opened her eyes to see it was bright outside. She had slept all night without even moving around the bed.

Sitting up, she stretched, looking down at the nightdress she was wearing. Josephine had loaned her one of hers. It was too big and certainly not the sort of thing she’d normally wear, but it was more comfortable than sleeping in her trousers.

The aroma from the fire tugged her out of bed. She threw the blankets off and dangled her legs over, hoping she could use the chamber pot without anyone walking in. There wasn’t a door on the room, just an opening with a curtain hanging down to cover it. Quickly, she moved to relieve herself and was quite happy when she was able to complete the task without anyone coming in. Once she was done, she looked around for her clothes, but they were not where she had left them on a chair on the other side of the room. Puzzled, Kaylee continued to spin around, looking for them, but seeing nothing except for a dressing gown.

Who would take her clothes?

Frustrated, Kaylee put the dressing gown on over the borrowed nightdress and headed out to the kitchen.

“Oh, good! You’re awake!” Josephine said with a bright smile. “Thought maybe you was gonna sleep all day, Princess.”

Looking out the window, Kaylee saw that the sun was barely over the horizon, but she didn’t comment. “Ms. Josephine, do you happen to know where my clothes are?”

Her eyes went to the table where Rafe was sitting. Kaylee hadn’t even noticed him, she’d been so distracted by Josephine’s odd comment and the smell of breakfast cooking.

“Good morning, Princess,” Rafe said, putting a book down that he must’ve been reading. “I had Josephine take your clothes. We have something more suitable for you to wear to the castle.”

“We do?” she asked, wondering if ‘we’ was the two of them, or if she was also involved in this we.

Josephine’s husband, Henry, whom she’d met the night before, sat quietly drinking something warm from a mug next to Rafe, not acknowledging the conversation whatsoever, as if he didn’t want to have anything to do with any of it.

“Yes, we do,” Rafe said, pushing his chair back away from the table. He stood and gestured for Kaylee to follow him into the adjacent living area.

The princess took a deep breath, not sure she wanted to see whatever it was Rafe was about to show her. If she had to borrow another garment from Josephine, she might just run off on her own again, regardless of the fact that she would likely die if she did. Going to meet the queen and princess of another kingdom dressed in the frock of an older farmer’s wife would be more embarrassing than wearing her men’s clothing.

She followed Rafe into the other room and gasped at what she saw.

It was a gown. Not just any gown, but a gorgeous gown. Long and flowing, in a beautiful shade of light pink that would look lovely with her hair and complexion. It was covered in fine jewels and pearls, and the cut was one of the most fashionable, one that had just become popular among the royals. The collar was low-cut, with sleeves that were wide on top and tight at the bottom, and several layers of full skirts.

Kaylee wasn’t sure what to say. Her mouth fell open, but no words came out for several moments.

“Do you like it?” Rafe asked.

“Y-yes,” Kaylee assured him. “I love it. It’s beautiful. But where in the world…?”

Rafe’s smile widened. “I have my ways. I do hope it fits you. Of course, the corset can always be tightened, I suppose. At any rate, I will leave Josephine to help you dress, and then, when you are ready, we will be on our way. Is that agreeable with you, Princess?”

Kaylee nodded. “Yes, of course.” She wasn’t crazy about Josephine helping her dress, but she didn’t have a lot of choice in the matter. The only alternatives were Rafe… or Henry. She certainly wasn’t asking the old man, and if she asked the king to help her, that would be scandalous.

“Let’s eat first,” Kaylee suggested. “I’m famished, and I don’t want to get anything on that gown.”

The king agreed, so the four of them sat down to a breakfast of eggs, bacon, and warm biscuits with butter. Kaylee savored every bite. Josephine certainly was a good cook. The conversation was lacking because everyone was so engrossed in their food.

When she was finished, Kaylee pushed her plate away. “Thank you so much, Josephine. That was delicious.”

“It’s my pleasure, Princess,” the older woman assured her, gathering the plates and carrying them to the washbasin.

“Let’s get you dressed.” Rafe carried the gown into the other room where Josephine was already laying out all of the undergarments Kaylee would need, as well as the jewelry and slippers. She still had no idea how Rafe had managed this, but she was amazed. She was going to meet his mother and sister dressed like a princess--a fine princess--the sort of princess that was worthy of marrying a king.

Rafe left the room, pulling the curtain behind him, and Josephine got busy putting the princess in her new dress. It took some time, but between the two of them, they managed to make the dress fit, even though it was a bit too big, particularly around the waist.

“You’re so slender,” Josephine remarked as she finished tightening up the back. “You should consider eating more, dear.”

Kaylee almost laughed. She'd been practically starving for the last few days, but she wasn’t about to point that out to the woman. “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”

Once she was dressed, Josephine styled her hair with a brush and a few clips she hadn’t seen that were lying on the dresser.

When she was finished, she couldn’t help but think she looked quite lovely. It was nice to see her reflection in the mirror and feel like herself for the first time in a long time.

“All right, dear,” Josephine said, happy with her work. “Let’s go present you to the king.”

Kaylee sucked in a deep breath and nodded. The king…. She hoped that he liked his creation.

Josephine opened the curtain that covered the doorway and made a flourish with her arm.

Rafe was standing by the window in the kitchen, looking outside. When he heard her approach, he turned. Kaylee twisted her hands in her skirts, nervously. She pulled them up a bit and curtsied. “Your Majesty.”

The king stared at her, mouth agape, not speaking. Kaylee was beginning to think she’d done something wrong or looked unacceptable in some way when he finally muttered, “Oh, my.”

His response took her aback. Kaylee wasn’t sure what to think of it. She glanced down at her gown and smoothed the skirt. “Is everything well, sir?”

“Yes….” Rafe blinked his eyes a few times, then shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. “Yes, Princess. Everything is… fine.”

She nodded, not quite sure what was the matter with him. Surely, he’d seen plenty of princesses in gowns over the years; he hadn’t been away from court for so long that he’d forgotten what one looked like, had he?

“Well then, if you’re ready to begin our journey again, then so am I,” she said, smiling at him in a way she hoped would help calm his nerves.

“Of course,” Rafe said, still looking a bit out of sorts.

Josephine began to giggle, covering her mouth with her hand. Confused, Kaylee looked from the old woman to the king and then back again. The laughter continued, and then, with another glance at the king, she noted his face was turning red.

She was certainly missing something, and whatever it was, Josephine had unraveled the mystery.

“Thank you for your hospitality, as usual,” Rafe said to Josephine, ignoring her laughter as he stooped to hug her.

“Of course! It is always our pleasure. I speak for Henry as well. You know how he is! Always avoiding folks.”

“Please give him my thanks. And what should I send you in return this time, dear?” Rafe asked, standing back up.

Josephine tapped a crooked finger against her chin in thought before she said, “How about an elephant made of glass?”

Rafe’s eyebrows shot up for a moment before he nodded and said, “I shall see what I can do.”

The state of the cottage began to make more sense now. Every time Josephine and Henry helped the king, he sent them whatever she requested. Judging by the number of beautiful items in the home, he’d asked for their help often.

Kaylee also hugged Josephine and offered her thanks. “Your hospitality has been much appreciated, and I am certain that my parents will want to repay your kindness as well, just as soon as I return to Arteria.”

“Think nothing of it, dear,” Josephine said. “It’s a pleasure to have you here. Feel free to stop over any time you are traveling in these parts.”

Kaylee couldn’t imagine any reason in the world why she would ever be traveling in these parts again, but she kept those thoughts to herself and simply nodded. Then, she followed Rafe out the door.

The horses were ready and tied to a tree just outside the door. She supposed Rafe had tended to them before he came in for the morning meal since he had slept in the barn.

Riding a regular saddle in the dress would be awkward, but Kaylee was determined to make it work. She relied on Rafe’s help to get her up on the saddle this time. The feel of his strong hands around her waist as he picked her up and set her atop the horse like she weighed no more than a feather brought back thoughts of him holding her in his arms. Thoughts she had to push away.

Once she was on the saddle, she spread her skirts out so that it wouldn’t be obvious she was straddling the beast and then waited for Rafe to mount his horse. When the king was ready, they both waved at Josephine, who was standing in the doorway, waving back, and then Kaylee followed Rafe down the road toward his castle.