Ruling two kingdoms at once was difficult, but Rafe and Kaylee made it work. Their kingdoms didn’t technically touch one another, but the land that lay between them was mostly uninhabited, and anyone who did live there was friendly enough to the carriages that went back and forth as the royal couple spent their time between both castles.
Once the twins were born, however, the trips became a little more difficult as they tended to get fussy after a bit of time in the carriage. Queen Kaylee often chose to stay behind in Arteria while King Rafe went to Norterly to take care of business for a few weeks before returning to his family. Since his mother had passed away, Angelica was able to handle the day-to-day activities in the castle, and Rafe managed what Angelica chose not to do. It was a pity when Queen Isbell accidentally fell from an eighth-story window. Angelica said she had no idea how it had happened as their mother had been in the room alone when she’d tumbled through the glass to the ground far below. Rafe had mentioned to Kaylee that he wasn’t sure about that, but he didn’t care to investigate. The first Princess Sophia had finally been vindicated.
“Sophia,” Kaylee said to her daughter as they waited for the approaching carriage outside of Castle Caine in Arteria, “stay next to your brother, please, and don’t chase that butterfly.” Just like her mother, the four-year-old was always running off, trying to find her freedom. Former Queen Katherine always said it was only fair that she have one just like her. Kaylee generally praised her daughter’s spirit but understood now why her parents were always so concerned for her safety when she was growing up. After her escapade that eventually led her to meeting Rafe and saving Jenna, Kaylee was more content to stay within the castle walls when she wasn’t traveling back and forth to Norterly or to visit family.
“Cale is much more subdued than his younger sister,” Rafe whispered in Kaylee’s ear, admiring how well-behaved their son was.
“He’s only four minutes older,” she reminded him. But as she looked at her little boy standing next to his father, looking regal and royal, she had to admit he was a fine-looking little boy and very well-behaved.
The carriage they were all waiting for slowed as it approached. Rafe kept a hand on Sophia’s shoulder, just in case. Next to Kaylee, Former Queen Katherine clapped her hands in joy. Kaylee’s parents were much more relaxes since they’d stepped aside to let their daughter and her husband reign. Kaylee gazed at her parents fondly. She was so thankful she’d been raised by such understanding and loving parents.
When the carriage stopped, Princess Jenna was helped out by a footman, followed by her husband–Duke Gregory. After Gregory had been so daring in his attempt to rescue her, the princess realized she had feelings for him, and they’d married about a year after Kaylee and Rafe’s wedding. King James and Queen Helena were still ruling over Gradenia, but they were not at all put-off by Jenna choosing a non-royal for her husband. After all, Helena had been a servant girl when she’d caught James’s eye.
Marcus had yet to wed. He was happily ruling Zurconia while his parents vacationed in distant lands. Every once in a while, he would come for a visit, and he and Kaylee were still close despite his irritation at her decision to chase Jenna down. It had all worked out for the best in the end.
“Queen Kaylee!” Jenna exclaimed as she saw her cousin. Kaylee moved forward to hug her. “I’ve missed you so! And the children have grown.”
“They have,” Kaylee said, hugging her back. “It’s so lovely to see you.”
Jenna moved on to greet the others, leaving Kaylee to face Gregory, the boy who’d fallen in love with her so long ago, the one she’d run from. Like everything else, it ended up being for the best, but it was still his heart that she had first broken.
Gregory smiled at her as if to say there were no hard feelings, and then Kaylee hugged him, so glad that he’d found Jenna. They truly were perfect together. And Kaylee knew for certain she was meant to be with Rafe. He’d given her his heart that first night they’d spent in his castle, and neither of them had ever wavered in their love for one another.
As the rest of the family greeted each other, Kaylee turned to see Sophia chasing after that butterfly. Now that the carriage was parked and no longer barreling toward them, she was safe, but Kaylee couldn’t help but think that her mother was right. Sophia was a wild child. Her sweet little girl threw herself into everything that she did, whether it was chasing a butterfly or learning to read. She was a passionate child, determined to do whatever it was she had her mind set to, no matter how difficult it seemed. Sometimes, Kaylee thought she’d teach herself to fly if it was possible. She wanted to go and see and do, never tiring or slowing down.
She was Kaylee’s little princess of passion.
With their children playing in the yard, Rafe came over and put his arm around his wife, kissing her temple. “They are beautiful children, aren’t they?”
“Yes, they are,” she agreed. She turned and smiled at him. “Thank you for giving them to me.”
He tipped his head and found her lips before saying. “Thank you for finding me and bringing me out of the forest, both literally and physically. We are together because of you, Kaylee. Because of your determination–and your love.”
Kaylee didn’t know how to respond to his kind words, so she only wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder, feeling his heart beating in his chest, her own heart echoing the same rhythm. As much as Rafe thought that Kaylee had saved him, she knew he’d saved her, too. He’d taken her in, loved her, and given her heart a place of safe harbor. In his love, she’d found contentment, her restless spirit and wild heart finally finding their home.