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She feels so fucking good and I feel so damn bad for doing this. I should be completely honest and yet, deep down I am, but I really would have wanted to do this differently. Namely without the implying ulterior motives that can make it seem I made this move for a whole different reason. Still, in the end, the result is the same but the reasons and the way it all went down is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
Luckily, she only knows what’s important; the fact she’s mine. My old lady and I intend to keep her safe and do exactly what she said I should do. My life, my future, and I’m damn well going to live like I own it all.
My phone rings and I fish it out of my jeans. I see it’s Chance calling and even if I’m seconds away from handling something that can’t wait, I decide to take his call. “Chance, I’m about to head into a meeting, can I call you back in an hour or so?”
“You could, or we could have a drink later today if the offer still stands and you have room for us,” Chance says.
I glance down at Gracy, because if anyone knows if there’s room at the estate, it’s her. “Hang on, Chance, let me check.” I hold the phone slightly away from my mouth and ask, “Do you know if we have a bungalow available for the weekend?”
Her eyebrows scrunch up for a moment before she nods. “Yes, I think there are two available. Shall I call Travis and have him book one? What name?”
I give her a smile and handle the phone call first. “Chance, everything is set. Feel free to bring Pixy along with you. What time will you be at the estate? Good. I’ll swing by later tonight.”
I disconnect the line and tell Gracy, “Chance Bateman and his girl, Aubrey Bloom. Can you give Travis a heads-up?”
Gracy grabs her phone and within a few seconds everything is set and it leaves me to focus on what’s in front of me. I’m both nervous and thrilled to be walking into the clubhouse.
Yates and I have been planning this and when Gracy mentioned the possibility of Rush trying to set me up again, I made sure to have something up my sleeve. That little something was just confirmed by Gracy when she mentioned Clemente was going to pull through for me.
“Are you ready, Prez?” Yates quips as he smacks my back.
I slide my arm around Gracy’s waist and tuck her against me. I take a deep breath and gain strength from the woman who sneaks her arm around me to slide her fingers casually into the back pocket of my jeans as if we’ve been together for years.
Hardening my tone, I tell Yates, “You know as well as I that I was born to lead this MC.”
“So very fucking true, brother,” Yates replies, his voice laced with respect.
Yates opens the door and steps through to hold it open for us. There are a lot of bikers in the main room of the clubhouse and they’re making a lot of noise until all eyes land on us. Well, mainly on me because clearly none of them were expecting me to step inside this clubhouse.
Girly sounds of excitement unleash from my right. This club always had women visit for a good time, making it easy for the brothers to have some entertainment when they’re in the mood. I need to end it before it starts, but obviously I’m too late when Nikki, Rush’s sister, tries to wrap her arms around my neck and with it pushes Gracy away from me. Motherfucker.
I rip her arms away from me and give a hard shove. She stumbles back and lands on her ass. A hint of satisfaction slides through me when I see her shocked face but it quickly turns to disgust. I might have let her distract me a time or two but never again. Not to mention she’s Rush’s sister and I know for a fact she helped him to set me up.
“Don’t fucking disrespect me,” I spit my words at her and reach for Gracy, who is observing all of it in silence. I’m thankful she lets me pull her against me. “I would say it’s good to be back but I guess all of you need to work at giving me a warm welcome, eh?”
Snickers flow through the room as Nikki pushes herself up and stalks through the room to stand next to her brother. Rush is spitting fire at me. The fucker obviously wasn’t expecting me to walk in here. I shoot him a vicious grin and let my eyes trail to the clock on the wall. Just a few more minutes if all goes well...in other words; if Clemente pulls through like he said he would.
“I’ve heard you’re not doing a good job leading my MC, asshole. Good thing I’m out early to take back my place and push you and every rotten seed out of my MC, before you drag this club down with you.” There are only a handful of bikers swinging their gaze from me to Rush after I spilled this little detail.
Yates told over half our brothers what was going down today. Well, only the fact I was returning and he only told those he trusted and knew they were against Rush, and sick of his dictatorship. That left only a handful of bikers in the middle and those are now confused.
The three guys standing next to Rush who are also spitting fire at me? I don’t recognize any of those guys, but Yates told me about them. They are on Rush’s side; he considers them his trusted men.
“A lot of things changed while you were on the inside, brother,” Rush rumbles. “Times have changed and I’ve led this club into a profitable direction. I’d say you need to earn the right to come back, to see if you still have what it takes.”
“Have what it fucking takes?” I snap, anger flowing freely through my veins. “My father founded this club. I’ve walked in his footsteps and I damn well bled for this club and helped it succeed. Hell, the building your filthy ass is standing in is in my fucking name, I practically am Unruly Defenders MC.” I snicker and shake my head. “Have what it takes. Motherfucker. How do you even find the nerve to question my abilities while it was you who jammed a knife in my back and left me to rot in a jail cell so you could steal what belonged to me and my family? And look what you fucking did with it. Dragging the club’s name into the dirt and tainting it with your need for drugs and money, only to want more and more. Unless you wanted all of us to rot in a fucking jail cell, then you’re doing a damn fine job with the heat you’re bringing upon everyone in here. Because that’s the only place your leadership takes you and everyone else.”
Rush stomps forward at the same time sirens faintly start to blare. I shove Gracy behind me because I knew this confrontation was coming. Yates has my back. We talked this through since I needed to make sure no harm would come to her.
I don’t think twice and in two steps I’m close enough to whip my arm back and take a swing at Rush. A right hook connects with his jaw and right after I jab my other fist underneath his chin. He stumbles back and shakes his head in an effort to clear it enough to fight back.
Useless, because the entire time I was in prison all I did was make sure I kept pushing my body into shape. Easy enough to do when your focus is on getting out and having your revenge. But I’ve always been training and fighting, even before I ended up behind steel bars. This club has a ring on the back of the property where we have fights every Saturday night for entertainment and to blow off some steam when needed.
A harmless bet between brothers or to fight out your differences. The ring is used for a lot of reasons and it also keeps us on our toes and in shape. But it seems Rush didn’t keep the tradition going because his effort to swing his fist in the direction of my head is useless. It gives me the opportunity to jab him in the gut, making him double over.
The sirens are becoming louder and it’s clear they’re coming from right outside the clubhouse. Satisfaction flows freely through me and I can’t help the big grin sliding over my face. Payback, motherfucker.
My father and I have worked with Clemente’s uncle a lot of times in the past. When you need something done or have issues or anything, you don’t go to the authorities, you go to the head of the family that runs the underworld. They have all the connections—and the information—along with the possibilities to get shit done.
In the previous meeting I had with Clemente, I asked him to get me all the information and background about Rush. But I was surprised to hear Rush already had drawn the unwanted attention of the underworld as well as the law.
This was also the reason Clemente advised me not to interfere, because the DEA recently linked Rush with a shipment of drugs and was waiting for him to meet with the dealer and the one who financed it, so they could roll up the complete network.
Now, I’m not one to be patient, and with Rush dragging the club down with it, I felt I had no other choice but to interfere. Gracy being Clemente’s half-sister and the way he stood up for her in my presence made me aware he would do anything for her. I know damn well how unfair it is to twist faith a bit to speed things up.
In my talk with Yates he suggested we use Gracy’s connection and make Clemente help us so he could get the DEA to act now and arrest Rush. Needless to say, with the screaming sirens, our plan worked. Though, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to use Gracy this way.
Me and her would have happened along the way anyhow because the talk she gave me this morning made me see things clearly. I should take everything I want, and damn well live my life to the fullest or I wouldn’t be alive at all. That’s why I set things in motion with getting my club and my girl.
But the bottom line stays the same, I fought dirty but I needed to get things done and to keep Gracy safe along with it. I can justify it in every direction but if someone should hint or say something... Gracy would think I used her to get what I want and it won’t matter that my feelings for her are legit. Even if I just met her, she’s the one woman who ignites feelings inside me I never knew I had or wanted. Let’s just hope everything goes smooth and we can move forward.
“They’re comin’ for you, asshole,” Rush grunts. “What did you do? Break out of jail? Was it worth it? Because you’re going back and I’m here to fucking stay and do with this club as I please. This club is mine. My father assured me everything would be mine one day but he never had the guts to stand up and take it. I have. I’m the new generation setting a new course.”
“You’re insane, Rush. Your father was my father’s VP, his friend, a founding member. This club was built for brotherhood. Family. Loyalty. Your father like mine had great plans in mind and the both of them had their eye set on the future. None of it involved drugs or a dictatorship. You’re the one fucking up, wanting the money in your hand and the coke up your nose. Everything you do taints your already twisted brain. Our fathers are turning in their graves knowing the shit you did.”
“You’ve always had your head in the sand, Eddie. My father was using the club to make quick cash exactly the way I’ve been doing. When he died, I took over that side of the family business so to say. And with the whole two birds, one stone...getting your father finally out of the way along with it, I had the chance to step up and expand. That’s what I’ve been doing, expanding business. Evolve. It’s how shit’s done, but my father didn’t understand either. Now, get out of my fucking clubhouse and crawl back to your jail cell where you belong. And don’t think the little cunt beside you will be any help. I know she’s the daughter of Spencer Lightners but let me tell you...that fucker is in bed with me. I’m the one with the right connections. Seeing the cunt’s time is ticking away as we speak, dear old Spencer will finally have it all, and she won’t be an issue anymore either. With Spencer being my partner in crime so to say, that right there gives me privilege over you. I guess that gives me all the right to be the one boning his daughter, don’t you think? Better hand her over too then, pretty boy.”
I see red and launch myself forward to kill this asshole with my bare hands but I’m being held back by Yates.
This doesn’t stop Rush from spilling some more words when he leans in and says, “Look at you, isn’t that the story of your life? Being held back by everything while others take what’s there for the taking. Be fucking glad I put you in a jail cell because my own damn sister wanted you to live because she has this stupid crush on you. I gave in because Nikki played out her part and I need her from time to time, but if it was up to me, I’d give you the same treatment I gave your father and mine.”
“Motherfucker,” I roar and fight my VP because Rush just openly admitted to killing my father as well as his own.
“Get a hold of yourself, Eddie,” Yates growls in my ear. “The cops just came inside. If you attack him you’re going to jail too. Calm. Down.”
Gracy plasters herself against me and I instantly wrap my arms around her.
“Better come here, sugar. Daddy will be more pleased if you’d ride my cock instead of this jailbait,” Rush rumbles.
Yates’ back is in front of me as he’s facing Rush and jabs his chest before I can so much as blink. “You’re the one with your head in the sand, asshole. Because Spencer Lightners isn’t connected with this woman by blood. But you know who is? Clemente Dimentello. Now that name rings a fucking bell so loud your ears bleed, don’t you think? Yeah, who’s fucked now, huh? You asshole, because Eddie here is the only one with the right connections thanks to the old lady he just claimed.”
Fuck. Why the hell did Yates have to say that last part? I feel Gracy tense up in my arms and when I glance down and stare into her eyes, they are filled with hurt and confusion. I know everything is about to shatter and I can’t do shit to stop it because the DEA is bursting through the door and starting to yell out demands.
It takes over an hour for the clubhouse to get back to normal when the DEA finally leaves. Rush is gone and I need to get back into the main clubhouse because all of us were taken apart one by one to get checked over and have our personal information taken and for sure they took their time checking me. When I stalk back into the main room, I glance over every head but don’t see Gracy.
Rhett steps closer and asks, “What do you need, Pres?”
“My old lady, did you see where she went?”
Rhett shakes his head and leans over the bar. “Hudson, did you see if Pres’ old lady left or know where she might be?”
Hudson stalks over to me. “I didn’t pay attention. Maybe she’s in the bathroom, you know how chicks are.”
I hear laughter and see it’s Maxton lifting his beer at me. “She left you. Walked right out the door after the DEA left. Bet the bitch served her purpose and is done with your sorry ass.”
“Out,” I growl. “Leave your cut and get the fuck out of here.”
Hudson rounds the bar and is standing in front of Maxton before I can say another word. Rhett is beside him and starts to pull at Maxton’s cut.
“You don’t deserve to wear this,” Rhett sneers. “Finally, I don’t have to look at your ugly face anymore or hear your stupid shit.”
Maxton rips away from Rhett’s grip and shrugs out of his cut, throwing it on the floor before Hudson’s feet.
“You’re all dead. Mark my fucking words. Rush will be out later today and we’ll end you fuckers once and for all,” Maxton spits and stomps out of the clubhouse.
Hudson glances over his shoulder at me. “I’m going to make sure that asshole leaves and then I’m going to reset the code for the gate. Anyone else we need to kick out? Den or Banjo? Those two fuckers are always...wait. Where did they go?”
“I saw them both leave right after the DEA left,” Rhett quips. “Good riddance. Those four were always setting the rules and took away any options for taking stuff to the table.”
Yates comes to stand next to me. “Like you mentioned, Hudson, reset the security code and make sure only the four of us know the code. The two of you can take turns keeping an eye on who goes in and out. Needless to say, none of those four fuckers are allowed back in.”
“You got it, VP,” Hudson states and rushes out the door.
“Rhett, get a prospect to manage the bar, and another one to round everyone up. I need every member in church within the next ten minutes. Time for a meeting so I can get all of you up to speed about things,” I grunt and Rhett jumps into action. I give my attention to Yates. “I need to know where Gracy is. And fuck, man...you shouldn’t have said that part about me having the right connections by claiming Gracy. You basically said I claimed her because of it.”
“Shit,” Yates grunts and slides his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t think. I just wanted that asshole to know he didn’t stand a chance against you. She has to be around here somewhere, right?”
“Maxton said Gracy walked out the door right after the DEA left. And so did Den and Banjo. Maxton just walked out that damn door too. What if they take her, or fuck...what if they already took her? Dammit.” I grab my phone and dial her number.
It rings four times before she picks up.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” she snaps.
“Where are you?” I growl in return.
“Home. Don’t bother coming over. You’re a real grade A asshole, Eddie. I don’t ever—”
The line goes dead and I pull the phone away from my ear to call her again but instead I see my phone’s dead. Dammit, what fucking timing. I don’t even have her damn number because it’s only saved in my phone.
“Fuck,” I roar in frustration. Though, at least I know she arrived home safely, even if she’s pissed at me.