A very special thanks to author Alan Janney (Alan Lee) who gave tremendous advice as I entered the world of mystery writing. His books and characters inspired me and got me excited to try out this genre.
Each book I write would be riddled with errors if not for the efforts of my outstanding beta team. The Type Pros gave me feedback, caught my typos and have been a source of encouragement along the path to publishing this novel. My special thanks to:
Eric Lizotte, Marilyn Bourdeau, Judy Eiler, Rick Bradley, Maarja Kruusmets, Mark Hale, Andrew Freeman, Gary Smart, Ginelle Blanch, Alissa Nesson, Felicia Rodriguez, Ken Robbins, Bethany Cousins, Claire Manger, Sarah Bush and Kay Clark.
Every book I write is better than I could ever make it because of you.