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Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, see AIDS
Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man (Harvey)
Ade, George
Advice to a Young Tradesman, Written by an Old One (Franklin)
Advocate, The (magazine)
Against Love (Kipnis)
AIDS; and black community; and Centers for Disease Control; communities’ response to; education; Kaposi’s sarcoma as sign of; and Latino community; service organizations; and sexual discourse; women with; see also human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
America Online (AOL)
American Pie (film)
American Psycho (film)
American Revolution
American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Amsterdam News
Anderson, Chester
Angell, Robert Cooley
Angels, the
Aniston, Jennifer
Ansari, Aziz
Anticlimax (Jeffreys)
Apatow, Judd
Arthur (discotheque)
Ashley Madison
Ask for It (Babcock and Laschever)
Associated Press (AP)
Astaire, Fred
Atlantic, The
Atomic Age: anxieties of; see also Cold War
attraction; signals of
Austen, Jane
Autostraddle (blog)
baby boomers
Baby Project
Back to the Future (film)
Baltimore Afro-American
Bambara, Toni Cade
Bankhead, Tallulah
Barker, Colin
Barnard College
Beach Boys
Beauty a Duty (Cocroft)
Bedford Reformatory
Bee, Molly
Behr, Peter
Behrendt, Greg
Berea College
Berkeley Barb
Berkeley, University of California at
Berkowitz, Richard
Berlin, Irving
Berlin Wall
Beverly Hills
Beverly Wilshire Hotel
Biderman, Noel
Big Brother and the Holding Company
Biological Clock, The (McKaughan)
Birds of America (Moore)
birth control
Bischoff, Dan
Black and White Men Together (BWMT)
Black Bear Ranch
Black Cat Café
Black Panther Party
Black Power movement
Blake, Doris
Boesky, Ivan
Bogle, Kathleen
Bond, Pat
Boston Globe
Bourdieu, Pierre
Bow, Clara
Brag! (Klaus)
Brenner, Richard
Briggs, Charlie
Broadway Brevities (film shorts)
Brown, Helen Gurley; conventional attitude of
Brown, Louise
Bryn Mawr College
Buchanan, Patrick
Buckley, William F.
Bucknell University
Bureau of Investigation (BOI)
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, Nathan
Buster T. Brown’s (singles bar)
Callen, Michael
Calling Class
Calling Era
Campus, The (Angell)
Canby, Henry Seidel
Capote, Truman
Career Girls
Career Women
Carmichael, Stokely
Carnegie, Dale
Cavanah, Claire
Centers for Disease Control; AIDS crisis response of
Challenges (Girls Club of Santa Barbara)
Chaplin, Charlie
Charity Girls
Charmers, see Shopgirls
Cheetah (discotheque)
Chicago; sex education in
Chicago Eight
Chicago Record, The
Chicago Tribune
Chicago, University of
Chicago Zoo
child care
Childs (cafeteria)
Choices (Girls Club of Santa Barbara)
Chotzinoff, Samuel
Christopher Street (magazine)
civil rights movement
Civil War
Clap, Thomas
Clark, Dean
climate change
Clinton, Bill
Cocroft, Susanna
Cohen, Richard
Cold War
College Men
Columbia University; Health Education program
Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead)
Compton’s Cafeteria
Conceive (magazine)
conservatives; Christian; on in vitro fertilization
consumerism; eroticized; and sex products
contraception, see birth control
Cooper Do-nuts
Cory, Donald Webster (Edward Sagarin)
Cosmopolitan; Cosmo girls
Coyote, Peter
counterculture; sexual exploitation in
Covey, Stephen
Crotchet Castle (Peacock)
Cruise, Tom
culture wars
Cusack, John
Daily Mail
Daily Princetonian
Daly, Maureen
dancing; controversial; in the street
Danson, Ted
Dateline NBC (TV show)
dating: advice literature on; AIDS impact on; as allegedly dead; anonymity in; and automobiles; and breaking up; as cause of moral harm; changing sexual mores of; in cities; cohabiting while; in college; competing definitions of; early practices of; economic underpinnings of; as exclusionary; film portrayals of; as foundation of community; “going steady” while; in high school; interracial; leading to marriage; as liberating; likened to prostitution; and looking for The One; metaphorical language of; middle-class; origins of; as recreation; as romantic; selection patterns in; services; as “shopping around”; sitcom portrayals of; sources of advice on; speed; “sugar”; taste as driver of; as theater; time pressures of; as transaction; video; as work; working-class; in the workplace; see also calling; going steady; hooking up; monogamy; online dating; polyamory
Davis, Angela
Davis, Bette
DeBartolo, Joseph
Definitions fitness studios
DeLillo, Don
Delta Airlines
desire; communicating; female; fetish; as liability; see also wanting
desirability; as driver of work ethic
Dewey, John
Deyo, Rabbi Yaacov
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-III
Didion, Joan
disco music
Dix, Dorothy
Dodson, Betty
Donnelly, Antoinette, see Blake, Doris
Donovan, Frances
Douglas, Michael
Drag, The (West)
Earl, Harley
Easton, Dossie
Edwards, Richard
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Elders, Jocelyn
Ellis, Bret Easton
Ellis, Havelock
emotional labor
End of Men, The (Rosin)
England, Paula
Eros and Civilization (Marcuse)
Erotic Revolution, The (Lipton)
Essence (magazine)
Ethical Slut, The (Easton and Hardy)
Etiquette (Post)
Exercise for Men Only (magazine)
Extra (TV show)
Fairfax Cryobank
family planning; see also pregnancy; reproduction; teenagers
Faris, Anna
Fatal Attraction (film)
Father Knows Best (TV show)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Fein, Ellen
Feldstein, Howard
Female Brain, The (Brizendine)
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan)
feminism; as past; Fun Fearless; hooking up and
feminists; black; working-class
Feminist Theory (hooks)
Fenway Health Community Center
Ferber, Edna
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
fertility: commodified; egg freezing; female; male; sterilization; see also pregnancy; reproduction
Find a Husband After 35 (Greenwald)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
500 Days of Summer (film)
flirting; among lesbians; online; uncertainties of
Food and Drug Administration
Fonda, Jane
Ford, Harrison
Ford Motor Company
Forget-Me-Not (magazine)
Four Tops
Frankenstein (1931 film)
Franklin, Benjamin
free love; inequality of; as rejection of parents’ world
Free-Thinker, The (periodical)
French Revolution
Freud, Sigmund
Friedan, Betty
Friedman, Milton
Friends (TV show)
Gallup polls
Game, The (Strauss)
Garden State (film)
Gay Men’s Health Collective at Fenway
Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC)
Gay-Related Immuno Deficiency (GRID), see AIDS
gay rights; coming out
General Motors
Genius Bank, see Repository for Germinal Choice
Georgetown Connection
Gere, Richard
GI Bill
Gilmore, Elizabeth Meriwether, see Dix, Dorothy
Gilmore Girls
Ginsberg, Allen
Girls Club of Santa Barbara
Girls Gone Wild
Girl’s Guide to Dating and Going Steady, A (McGinnis)
Giuliani, Rudolph
Glimpse (app)
Glyn, Elinor
going steady; consumerism shapes; controversy over; leading to marriage; as reputation protection
Going Steady (film)
Goldberg, Whoopi
Goldman, Emma
Gottlieb, Lori
Grant, Cary
Grateful Dead
Gray, John
Great Depression
Great Expectations
Great Recession
Greene, Bob
Greenwald, Rachel
Griffith, Melanie
Grindr (app)
Griscom, Rufus
Gwinnell, Esther
Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic
Halberstam, David
Hall, G. Stanley
Hamilton Lodge (Odd Fellows)
Hardy, Janet W.
Harlem River Casino
Harvard Business School
Harvard University
Harvey Milk Foundation
Harvey, Steve
health care
Hefner, Hugh
Heigl, Katherine
Hendrickson, Joan
Henry, O.
Herbal Essences hair products
Heldman, Caroline
Herman, Robert
He’s Just Not That Into You (Behrendt)
High Fidelity (film)
Hill, Napoleon
Hinge (app.)
Hirschfeld, Magnus
Hochschild, Arlie
Hoffman, Abbie
Holleran, Andrew
Homeland (TV show)
Homosexual in America, The (Cory)
Homosexuals; and AIDS; in gay clubs; Lavender Scare; hookup culture among; in military; “pansy parades”; public space for
Hook, Theodore Edward
hooking up; apps for; demographics of; investigated by social scientists; media interest in; as preparation for navigating the new economy
Hooking Up (Wolfe)
hooks, bell
Hotel Koenig (bar)
Hot Shoppe
House of Cards (American TV show)
House of Cards (British TV show)
How about we … (dating website)
How to Win Friends & Influence People (Carnegie)
Howard Brown Health Center
How to Have Sex in an Epidemic (Callen and Berkowitz)
Hudson, Rock
Hughes, John
Hughes, Langston
Human Be-In
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); see also AIDS
Hϋsker Dϋ
Ignore the Guy, Get the Guy (Braswell)
Illinois, University of
income; declining wages; inequality
Indiana, University of
Industrial Revolution
inequality, : gender; racial; sexual; see also income
in loco parentis
Instagram (app)
International Species Information System
in vitro fertilization (IVF), see fertility; pregnancy; reproduction
Is Sex Necessary? (Thurber and White)
It Girl
It’s Not Him, It’s You (Hartman)
Jeffreys, Sheila
Jimmy Kelly’s (speakeasy)
Jobs, Steve
Joe Boxer
Jones, Billy
Jones, Stephen, see Lust, Nurse Wanda
Journal of Marketing
Joy of Cybersex, The (Levine)
Kant, Immanuel
Kaplan, Helen Singer
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Kardashian, Kim
Keese, Susan
Kellogg Company
Kelly, Gene
Kelly Longitudinal Study
Kerouac, Jack
Kinsey, Alfred
Kipnis, Laura
Kirchheimer, Anne
Knocked Up (film)
Kominers, Scott
Koop, C. Everett
Kramer, Larry
Kupferberg, Tuli
labor, see work
Ladies’ Home Journal (magazine)
Lean In (Sandberg)
Leary, Timothy
LeClair, Linda
LeMasters, E. E.
Levan, Larry
Levine, Deborah
Lewinsky, Monica
Licata, Sal
Life (magazine)
Lifton, Robert Jay
Limp Bizkit
Lindsey, Benjamin
Lipton, Lawrence
Loft, the (discotheque)
Lord & Taylor
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Sentinel
Los Angeles Times
Louis XIV, King of France
love; American attitudes toward; as chance event; as emotional labor; greed for; labor of; as “Love™”; marketplace of; as a process; right to; true; see also free love
Lust, Nurse Wanda
Mackay, Ellin
Made in America (film)
Mad Men
Maidenform bras
Male Brain, The (Brizendine)
Management Review (journal)
Mancuso, David
Manley, Audrey F.
Marcuse, Herbert
Mario Kart (video game)
marketing; market segmentation
Marks, Percy
marriage; ambivalence about; common-law; declining rates of; and economic considerations; gay; postponing; pregnancy leading to; as privilege of middle class; as “settling”; as sexual slavery; teen
Marry Him (Gottlieb)
Marry Smart (Patton)
Marx, Karl
matchmaking services
maternity leave
Max, Tucker
Maxwell’s Plum
Mazel Dating
McCarthy, Sen. Joseph
McGinnis, Tom
McKaughan, Molly
McSorely’s Old Ale House
Mead, Margaret
Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus (Gray)
Meridian (sex network)
Merrill, James
Michigan, University of
Mills, C. Wright
Miracle of Life, The (film)
Miss Lonelyhearts (West)
Modern Courtship and Marriage (LeMasters)
monogamy; serial; as response to AIDS; as social control tool
Monroe, Marilyn
Moore, Doris Langley
Moranis, Rick
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly (CDC report)
Moss, Kate
Motherhood, Rescheduled (Richards)
Motown Records
Mount Holyoke College
Munro, Alice
music: see disco music; jazz; popular music
Mutual Arrangements
Nation, The
National Bureau of Economic Research
National Institutes of Health
National Marriage Project
National Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
National Survey of Family Growth
New Haven
New Left
New Orleans
New Republic, The (magazine)
New York (magazine)
New York City; AIDS crisis in; Bowery; Coney Island; East Village; gay experience in; Greenwich Village; Harlem; Human Resources Administration, of; sex education in; singles bars in; Staten Island; Times Square; Upper East Side
New Yorker (magazine)
New York Native (newspaper)
New York Review of Books (periodical)
New York Times
New York University
New York World Sunday Magazine
Norris, Bob
Northwestern University
Occidental College
Office, The (TV show)
Old School (film)
OkCupid; niche signaling on
online dating; debates over; economic underpinnings of; niche signaling on; polarization on; pooling equilibrium effect on; predators; skewing effect on
Online Seductions (Gwinnell)
On the Road (Kerouac)
Open Hearts Project
Operation Match
Oxford English Dictionary
Ozzie and Harriet (TV show)
Packard, Esther
Paradise Garage (discotheque)
parenting; helicopter; sex education through; supervision of courtship in
parietal rules
Parker, Dorothy
Patton, Susan
Peacock, Thomas Love
Peale, Norman Vincent
peer pressure
Penn State University
Pennsylvania, University of
Penny, Laurie
People Network
Perrier sparkling water
Perverted Justice
Peterson, Martha
petting; parties
Philosophy of Love, The (Glyn)
Pickup Artists (PUA)
Planned Parenthood
Plastic Age, The (Marks)
Playboy (magazine)
Plaza Hotel
Poland, Jefferson
Police, the (rock band)
Popular Daughters
puoular music
pornography; online
Post, Emily
Power of Positive Thinking (Peale)
POZ (magazine)
pregnancy; and biological clock; discouraged among poor; film portrayals of; and in vitro fertilization (IVF); and sperm banks; teen; see also fertility; reproduction
President’s Commission on Population Growth and the American Future
Pretty Woman (film)
Prodigy, Inc.
Project TACT
prostitution; portrayed on film; see also sex workers
Puerto Rico
Puma shoes
Putnam’s Handbook of Etiquette
Pygmalion myth
racial discrimination
Reagan, Ronald; AIDS policy of
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, The (TV show)
Real Sex (TV show)
Redbook (magazine)
Reed, J. D.
Reiss, Ira
rent parties
Repository for Germinal Choice
reproduction; economic factors in; technological assistance in; see also fertility; pregnancy
Republican Party
Research Institute of America
Revenge of the Nerds (film)
Revolt of Modern Youth, The (Lindsey)
Reyburn, Samuel
Richards, Sarah Elizabeth
Richman, Phyllis
Risky Business (film)
Roberts, Julia
Robinson, Smokey
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.
Rockwell, Norman
Rogan, Seth
Rogers, Ginger
Rosary College
Rosett, Jane
Rosin, Hanna
Ross, Diana
Rubin, Jerry
Rules Girls
Rules, The (Fein and Schneider)
Saleslady, The (Donovan)
Salt-N-Pepa (hip-hop trio)
Sandberg, Sheryl
Sanders, Ed
San Francisco; AIDS crisis in; the Castro; Mission District; Tenderloin; Haight-Ashbury; homosexual experience in
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
San Francisco Mime Troupe
Sanger, Margaret
Sarria, José
Savage, Dan
Savage Love (newspaper column)
Sawyer, Diane
Say Yes to the Dress (TV show)
Schneider, Sherrie
Schrader, Julie Ann
Seale, Bobby
Seinfeld (TV show)
Seinfeld, Jerry
self-help industry
7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey)
Seventeenth Summer (Daly)
sex; abstinence from; advice about; in age of AIDS; at college; group; and inhibited sexual desire (ISD); as leisure; as liberating force; premarital; pre-premarital; safe
Sex and the City (TV show)
Sex and the Office (Brown)
Sex and the Single Girl (Brown)
sex education; abstinence only; online
Sex for One (Dodson)
Sex in the Nineties (TV show)
sex therapy
Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man (Anderson and Berman)
Sexual Dictionary (1916)
Sexual Freedom League
sexual health
sexual revolution
sexual violence
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs); see also AIDS; human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
sex workers
Shins, the (rock band)
Shopgirls; as Charmers
Silver, Cookie
Single Girl; desirability of; financial independence of
singles bars
singles chat rooms
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Skinny Girl Margaritas
slavery; “white slavery”
Sleeping Beauty (film)
Sloan, Alfred P.
Smith, Dr. David
Smith, Lamar
Smiths, the (rock band)
Smith, Wendell
Smylie, Catherine
Sneak Previews, Inc.
Social Register
Sonnabend, Dr. Joseph
Sonnichsen, Natalie
Sopranos, The (TV show)
Soul Date a Mate
Soul Mates Unlimited
Soviet Union
Spears, Britney
Sperm Bank of California
sperm banks; see also fertility; pregnancy; reproduction; individual names of sperm banks
SRI International
Standard Oil
Stanford University
Stanton Street Settlement
Steady Era
Stein, Gertrude
Stewart, Martha
Stillman, Alan
Stone, Oliver
Stonewall riots (1969)
Stover at Yale (Johnson)
Strand Hotel (New York)
Stranger, The (newspaper)
Strauss, Neil
StrawClub (app)
Stritch, Samuel Alphonsus Cardinal
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Studio 54 (nightclub)
Sugar Babies
Sugar Daddies
Sulzberger, Iphigene Ochs
Summer of Love (1967)
Summers, David
Supremes, the
Syracuse University
Taylor, Kate
Technique of the Love Affair, The (Moore)
teenagers; black; gay; hookups among; Latina; life planning of; marriage among; pregnancy among; runaways; sex among; spending of; see also sex education
Teen Mom
television; sex education from; sitcoms on
Temptations, the
T.G.I. Friday’s
Think and Grow Rich (Hill)
Third World AIDS Advisory Task Force (TWAATF)
This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald)
Thorne, Richard
Thurber, James
Thurman, Wallace
Till, Emmett
Time (magazine)
Tinder (app); hooking up on
Today For Singles, Inc.
Town and Gown (story collection, 1922)
Toys in Babeland
transgendered; public spaces for
Transvestites (Hirschfeld)
Tri Ess
Trojan condoms
True Love Waits
Twenge, Jean
Ullman, Estelle
Ullman, Jeff
Understanding AIDS (Koop)
Vacio, Natividad
Valdez, Scott
Van Wilder (film)
Veness, T. W.
Venning, Rachel
vice squads; target homosexuals
Vietnam War
Virginia Slims cigarettes
Virginia, University of
Virtual Dating Assistants
Von Teese, Dita
Wade, Brandon
Wade, Lisa
Wallace, David Foster
Waller, Willard
Wall Street (film)
Wall Street Journal
wanting; to be wanted
Washington, D.C.
Washington Post
Watkins, Gloria, see hooks, bell
Weaver, Sigourney
Weird Science (film)
Wellesley College
Werther, Ralph
West, Kanye
West, Mae
West, Nathanael
What’s Your Number? (film)
What to Eat and When (Cocroft)
When Harry Met Sally (film)
White Collar (Mills)
White, E. B.
White Noise (DeLillo)
Whitman, Walt
Wicker, Randy
Williamson, Terry
Winfrey, Oprah
Wisconsin, University of
Wizard of Oz (film)
Wolfe, Tom
Women’s Army Corps (WAC)
women’s liberation
Working Girl (film)
Working Woman (magazine)
Woodhull, Victoria
work; being overworked; effect on dating of; effects on reproduction of; emotional; freelance; precariousness of; women’s
Work and Education Survey (Gallup, 2014)
World War I
World War II; effect on dating
Wright, Frances
Yale University
Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)
Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA)
Youth International Party, see yippies
Yuppie Handbook, The (Piesman and Hartley)
yuppies; consumer practices of; dating practices of; film portrayals of; work lives of
Zuckerberg, Mark