shapeshifter poems


the legend is whispered

in the women’s tent

how the moon when she rises


follows some men into themselves

and changes them there

the season is short

but dreadful shapeshifters

they wear strange hands

they walk through the houses

at night their daughters

do not know them


who is there to protect her

from the hands of the father

not the windows which see and

say nothing not the moon

that awful eye not the woman

she will become with her

scarred tongue who who who the owl

laments into the evening who

will protect her this prettylittlegirl


if the little girl lies

still enough

shut enough

hard enough

shapeshifter may not

walk tonight

the full moon may not

find him here

the hair on him





the poem at the end of the world

is the poem the little girl breathes

into her pillow the one

she cannot tell the one

there is no one to hear this poem

is a political poem is a war poem is a

universal poem but is not about

these things this poem

is about one human heart this poem

is the poem at the end of the world